a meeting of princes

in which the prince of dragons meets with a dragon prince

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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The Palatium Umbrarum possessed a grandeur that reminded him of the halls of the Palace of Spires. The projection of power that was etched into every surface of the structure was something he had come to expect in Solunarium. They were a state that worked to awe and humble the masses in order to maintain the tight grip on power that its upper echelons enjoyed. The Synnekar ruled in Kalzasi born from a sense that it was their right because they worked to defend the masses from the horrors of the Warrens. This had created a warrior-caste society wherein the strongest and most capable were seen as those deserving of the most privileges. There were pitfalls of living in such a society. It often alienated those who were infirm and simply lacking in either the desire or ability to perform the same feats that the Avialae could. It was one of the reasons he was deeply glad for Houses such as Ahtivin and Zatrian that advocated sharply for pursuits other than the physical.

Solunarium was a realm where power, and the projection of that power, was what kept the masses in line. The legitimacy of its ruling class was in relation to the purity of how closely it was linked to the Divine Founders. Coupled with the state emphasis on the glorification of magical displays versus Kalzasi’s situation, where its mages were forced to apply their magic in sharply defensive and pragmatic ways because of the New Athiest aggressors and the Order of Reconciliation, it created a unique divide that he was interested in studying at some point.

Everyone is staring.” Mathias whispered. The young man was a far cry from the thin waifish urchin that he had encountered in Gel’Grandal. He had filled out, no longer being rail thin due to being underfed. While he was still far leaner compared to either himself or Aoren, his months of training with them and the monks of the Temple of Fallen Skies had turned him into a competent Dawnmartyr Aspirant. The confidence gained from such training was evident in his steadier stance. He wore the armor of a Dawnmartyr Pathfinder, in decorative leathers accented with protective metal plating.

You get used to it.” Aoren stood opposite of Mathias, a vision of black, red and gold. His fiery red hair was swept back. His black raven wings were now tipped with scarlet, a nod to the red hue of some of his scales when in his true dragon form. The witchfires that burned in his eyes as a result of his arcane kinship to Fire had a much deeper heat to them, the second hint as to his true nature. He was dressed in the ceremonial garb of a Kalzasern Royal Guard with a few embellishments to accentuate the fact that he was Talon’s consort.

Talon himself was wearing the silver and white that he had taken to wearing. There were a few added sashes that were a very light shade of gold to match the golden pigmentation that had begun to shine within some of the feathers of his wings. Matched with the warm light that was currently shining softly from the Divine Nimbus he had allowed to gently manifest, he knew exactly why the courtiers and visitors to the audience chamber were staring and whispering. As their group approached the attendants, he saw the briefest widening of eyes before the mask of professionalism fell into place.

“State your business.” Mathias responded for him.

His Divine Highness comes at the request to the Umbrian Crown as Emissary of the Dragon King. He is Arcas Lightbringer, the Prince of Dragons.” He could almost feel Mathias satisfaction with himself. Across their shared Bond, he could feel Aoren’s amusement.

Following their introduction to the Court, Talon inclined his head at the request of whether or not he would like to speak with Arvaelyn Princeps sooner rather than later. With that done, he and his two companions simply walked forward that they might be seen by the dragonborn royal. When they stood before Arvaelyn, Mathias bowed. Aoren bowed in turn. Talon inclined his head in a slight nod.

Your Exalted Highness.

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While the Palatium Umbrarum was decidedly ornate by Northern standards, it was markedly less decorated than its topside twin: The Palatium Furiarum. While the golden lustre of that sunlit citadel was appointed to overwhelm after the fashion of Aværys, this one was subtle and silver within. Lining the entry hall wee great, titanic statues of kneeling humanoid figures with silver chains binding their hands together connected to silver collars at their necks. Deeper into the palace, more signs of draconic influence could be seen in the décor. Though the pieces were far from new, many had been moved here recently to display the trappings of the new regime.

As they drew close to the presence chamber, they would hear a nomenclator herald announcing:

"Esclepios ex Sentrium." In a booming voice that resonated throughout the cavernous throne room. A Vastian plebeian would step forth to kneel at the foot of a high dais at the top of which rested The Argent Throne, where Arvælyn was seated. Wings folded behind him and a platinum diadem at his brow, he wore lustrous robes of a deep purple inlaid with gems that twinkled with starlight. The petitioner began to address the prince in sonorous Vastian.

"Your Exalted Highness. I-..."

"Request granted." Arvælyn replied, his eyes fixed on a point behind the confused petitioner.

"But I didn't even say what I-..."

"You want the garrison reinforced at the border with the Commonwealth. Request granted." The Princeps Coronam replied as the official who spoke to Mathias stepped into view and approached the nomenclator.

"No need to announce them, herald." The prince called across the room, "I know who is come and I will receive them privately. Admit our guests and clear the presence chamber." He waved dismissively, and the courtiers began to clear the room. Only a few Sentinel sentries remained at their stations, looking more part of the décor than the staff for how still they were and how seamlessly they blended into the background. The courtiers who passed Arcas on their way out of the chamber eyed the tall, luminescent figure some with curiosity, others with annoyance, all with trepidation. The last to leave was the herald, who kept his eyes on the floor as he stepped by the foreign prince.

Arcas and Mathias were led into the mostly-empty hall, where they would find Arvælyn atop a dais about 20 feet above floor level, rising from a throne of polished silver from which protruded chains that were connected to pillars looming higher still. He would address Arcas in the Common tongue of the North.

"Your Divine Highness." He returned the salutation with a nod of the head. "I gather my request has been denied...?"
word count: 458
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
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He paid little attention to the petitioners who were filed out of the presence chamber. His attention and time in this matter were for the person and task at hand. Truth be told, he did not mind spending time with Arvaelyn. While he did not know him as well as he did Finn, he could appreciate the man’s ferocity, his ambition, and his tenacity. It spoke volumes that he had risen so far both on the winds of his own ability and the fortune of destiny. At Arvaelyn’s inquiry, he quirked his head slightly.

Yes and no.” Between the gathering of the gods and his conversation with Avatar, Talon had come to the conclusion that it fell to him to act as an intermediary between mortals and his divine father. Shaeoth had withdrawn to the Void in order to contemplate his role in the cosmos. With time, he was certain that he would be able to coerce his brother out of his shell. Especially given the work that was ahead of them with regard to the more cosmic scale of things. His divine father had made it clear that he could not, would not, intervene further unless he was forced to. He recalled the look of abject fear on Avatar’s face at the notion of such an intervention.

I am enough to him.” Avatar’s words, he was enough, he was owed much but that he had to, in so many ways, step forward and act accordingly, drifted through his thoughts. “As such, here I stand, ready to hear and consider your petition.

He did not know what Arvaelyn might ask but if it had something to do with discerning intentions regarding his family, he could speak quite well to that matter. He waited to hear what the draconic prince had to say.

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"Much has changed since Ash..." Arvælyn noted, punctuating the sentiment with a weary sigh as he slowly descended the many steps that led from the Argent Throne to the polished, grey marble tile of the floor that lay in the foreground.

"Still, it is good to see Your Highness." He stepped forward, opening his arms to the far larger winged figure, offering an embrace.

"Let's doff the formality, shall we?" He suggested, "When I hear Kalzasern-accented Common, my imposter syndrome flares up and I struggle to retain the role I'm meant to essay here. Seeing you, I just feel like an awed, aspiring actor hoping for half as much favour as you afforded Finn. Come." He gestured, and pivoted to stalk toward a set of curtains that lay along the back wall where it touched the edges of the dais. The attendant black-armoured guards used halberds to part the curtain, through which they would find a cozy, intimate sitting room. There was a longue off to one side and a table surrounded by four chairs centrally located. Arvælyn looked to a servus, who instinctively knew to pour Umbrian red for the prince and his guests. Whether it was through familiarity or arcane manipulation, it was certainly prompt.

As he took his seat, Arvælyn would glance to Mathias, eying him up and down with a faint smirk, before his fiery eyes returned to Talon.

"Please help yourselves. Shall I call for food, as well?" Though the chairs were all identical, it did seem that the Solunarian prince had a favourite goblet which was a bit flashier than those offered to Mathias and Arcas.

"I am a bit embarrassed to say that I was... overbold in my whilom request. My father grants me a great deal of leave to act on his behalf in the Umbrium, but when it comes to matters that pertain to... loftier jurisdictions, he is a sight more particular. He was actually rather livid, but things have smoothed over now." He took a sip of wine. It felt like a balm against the memory of that terrible moment when he first faced the disappointment of his draconic dad. He paused, turning again to Mathias.

"I'm sorry. Have we met?"
word count: 379
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
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He agreed fully with that sentiment. Much had changed since Ash. He had been busy ever since. Nevertheless, he was glad to have many of these things occupying his time. He was caught by surprise for a moment when Arvaelyn offered a hug. He did not deny the other man the opportunity to share an embrace. He just found it was unexpected. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Arvaelyn and hugged him lightly.

It is good to see you, Arvaelyn.” He released the other man from the hug. “My invitation of respite in my realm was for more than just Finn. It is open to you, should you seek it.

Releasing Arvaelyn he followed the dragon prince into the sitting room. It was always impressive to see the attendant staff respond in such a militant way. As they walked, he spoke plainly as he reminisced on a memory from when he and Arvaelyn had first met.

When I first met you at my engagement party, I had a vision of dragons and an ancient battle. The battle between myself and Zalkyrion, I believe. Who you were then presented itself in a way.” He took his seat, accepting the cup that was offered to him. Aoren lounged beside him. Mathias accepted his cup with a bow of his head, still a bit unaccustomed to being waited on in any fashion. He sipped his wine immediately, perhaps to calm nerves. At Arvaelyn’s comment, Talon could not help but chuckle.

Food would be appreciated. Gratitude. It is hard to grasp the magnitude of that manner of request. In days of late, it seems as though we are steeped in gods, dragons and archmages but the Dragon King…” He brought his wine goblet closer to his lips. He shook his head. “…He is something altogether different.

He thought on their meeting in the assembly hall of Pantheon. That brief moment when it had just been himself and the Dragon King. His divine father’s face had said so much and so little all at once. That brief exchange of glances had translated thousands of years of thoughts, feelings, and regrets. Perhaps that had been why he had been so moved to tears when he had spoken with Avatar. Even then, he had felt his father present in the moment. It had been a distant presence but he had been there nevertheless. It had been as Avatar said, a compromise. He had not been and still was not entirely happy nor satisfied with the encounter but it was better than the silence that had spanned so many lifetimes.

Both of our fathers seem to concern themselves with far loftier things.” He took a sip of the wine, pleased with the taste. Beside him, Mathias stiffened slightly.

Mathias, Your…uh…Highness? Exalted Highness?” He glanced at Talon for some manner of affirmation that he had gotten the honorific correct. Talon nodded. Aoren snorted in amusement as he smirked at the young man over the rim of his goblet.

I’m Talon’s squire. I was here the last time we were in Solunarium but we did not meet.” He had met Phocion, Vraedyn and that other member of Arvaelyn's extended family. Whom he very much still wanted to punch in the face.

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"If it helps me find a means of combating this damnable eclipse, then I should gladly take you up on the offer." Arvælyn said in response to the invitation. "I'm not sure whether you've heard, but Finn was grievously wounded in an attack abroad of our Sceptre. He lost his arm. Fortunately he was able to mustre enough æther to get back to the Umbrium, where our medici were able to reattach it, but... Those things threatened my most precious treasure and I would see them obliterated." He snorted, and small wafts of smoke escaped his nostrils.

"I remember it well..." He smiled faintly, "I had never experienced such a vision. I was drawn into it and you seemed... other than yourself. Or perhaps you were who you are now..." He noted, glancing to the nimbus and pursing his lips in thought.

"Whatever the case, I am certain you are correct. That was the Battle of the Rending, and it made me feel... animosity towards you that I didn't yet understand. I am sorry for that... Leave it to dragons to bear millennial grudges, but it is worth mentioning that my father and his kin have seen fit to forfeit that ancient enmity." It hadn't been a decision made blithely or without a forceful prompting, but that was not a tale this prince was authorised to relate.

Arvælyn looked to the attending servus and imparted unvoiced instructions that were answered with a bow as the young, pretty man stepped away to fulfill them. Turning his churning gaze back to Arcas, he nodded.

"I better understand that now than I did at the time. I thought I was being punchy and precocious. His Exalted Majesty has disabused me of that notion quite thoroughly." He noted with a chuckle as he sipped his dry red wine.

Arvælyn chuckled at Mathias' uncertainty.

"You were included when I suggested we doff formality, Mathias. When I was an actor dialect work was my speciality. Yours is... Gelerian?" He paused for a beat to let the young man reply. "Now..." He looked to Aoren, then to Talon. "Tell me what is being done to combat this fell, celestial event. I understand there are strides being taken, but I would commit Solunarian forces to filling the gaps in those endeavours. The petty politics of my family pale in significance beside so sweeping a threat to the whole of our world."
word count: 410
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
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The Eclipse will be solved by those with the wherewithal to solve it. I suspect when the edifices at the points of the compass are each visited, the solution will present itself.” He knew about the trees and the towers that lingered at the four cardinal directions of the compass. Part of him wanted to go to those places himself but he had his hands full enough. Between building on the project that would empower the Sceptre of Avaerys, bringing more stability to Kalzasi and helping with the crisis in Zaichaer, he would break himself on the rocks if he attempted to spread himself further. That was not even including the work of managing the politics of the gods. Dismantling and rebuilding the Veil would be a task far more monumental than any of the things currently on his plate.

I did not know about Finn. He is recovered?” Genuine concern flashed across Talon’s face and through his symphony. It was also tinged with a righteous anger. He considered Finn a friend and him being brought to harm via the eclipse only spurred him toward wanting to end it that much sooner. He calmed his nerves and nodded at the comments about dragons.

I know a thing or two about dragons and their moods.” He chuckled. Aoren pointedly ignored his comment despite the humorous glance that was tossed his way but rest a hand on Talon’s thigh. His husband squeezed lightly before rubbing a thumb along the inner length. “All the same, I am glad that it is something we can move forward on. War is…chaotic and there was a great deal of it happening back then.

Mathias looked a little relieved at being able to not stand so tightly on ceremony.

Oh! Thanks. I’m not very good at all the formal stuff.” Mathias gave a lopsided grin before nodding. “Aye. Talon found me half-starved and pulling my hair out. I thought I was a dead man the way he appeared out of nowhere. Was working the lower markets of the Grandal as a thief. I thought he was a Kathar come to cut me down. Imagine my surprise when he shared a meat bun with me and just…talked.

Talon remembered their first encounter vividly. Mathias had been nearly out of his mind with dread, sobbing and scrambling to get away from him before he realized he had not been there to kill him. He reached out and squeezed Mathias shoulder, which was far less boney than when they had first met. When the conversation turned to the task of defeating the Eclipse, Talon took a sip of wine before speaking.

I would hazard a guess that you are aware of the project I am working on involving the Sceptre?” He waited for affirmation before continuing. “I am making some headway with it but it requires very careful planning. I intend to invoke an act of divine archmagic in the endeavor which must be rigorously controlled to avoid catastrophe. I believe Solunarium has the resources to commit to such an act but I will not be rushing into it all the same.

He had been meeting periodically with scholars and mages both from his own staff and from the Umbrian and Luxian circles provided.

Vraedyn has been quite helpful in lending his assistance. He has been rather diligent in keeping as tight a flow of information regarding progress and anything involving the project as possible. He and I both fear that if Thalya grew wind of it too early, she would move to undermine it.” He had been meaning to take a moment to observe or approach the queen in due time but his work, attention and efforts had not afforded him the chance. He left Vraedyn and Cithaera’s networks to their devices in that regard for he did not see it as his place to intervene unless Thalya presented herself as a direct threat to the endeavor.

I suspect I will be ready to enact the ritual at the turn of the season.” He watched as a few platters of food were brought out for the assembled to enjoy. Unsurprisingly, Mathias immediately dug into the food. His appetite had only been growing with the rigors of his training.

I have offered my assistance in the Umbrium’s efforts to combat the phenomenon. At present, most of my work has consisted largely of fighting against the strongest apparitions conjured from the Void.” Aoren spoke. He had been leading squadrons of knights and soldiers on patrols, going out of his way to find the most dangerous of the voidspawn hordes in order to allow the more ordinary footsoldiers to contend with the common rabble. Thus far, it had helped stem the tide a bit in the Northlands.

I hesitate to get directly involved in exploring the manifestations at the cardinal points of the compass.” Talon reclined a little. He tapped his chin, a frown forming on his face. “The Void reacts to my presence quite strongly.

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"I have already sent scouting parties to investigate these edifices of which you speak. They will assess where Solunarian aid may be useful, and we will move accordingly... As for Finn? He is on the path to recovery." Arvælyn amended with a slight grimace. Strangely, he felt an echo of his own reaction to the same news rippling in Talon's Symphony. It warmed him to think that the Lightbringer genuinely cared enough for Finn to respond in that fashion.

"Water over the dam, I suppose..." He said of his erstwhile animosity, glad to be rid of it.

He shifted his fiery eyes to Mathias, and contemplated the anecdote posed. Talon was like Finn in that regard, it seemed. Of their coupling, it was much more likely for Finn to take note of the downtrodden and lend a helping hand, whilst Arvælyn was wont to focus on the bigger picture. He could overlook people in need like Mathias who had potential, but not opportunity. His gaze lingered upon the Gelerian boy as he resolved to work at amending that propensity for negligence which could verge on cruelty.

"Vrædyn is clever and, praise be to the Founders, a Mesmeric match for Thalya and myself. Were he susceptible to her ministrations, the whole endeavour would likely be under fire already. We are increasingly worried about what she is planning in her seclusion. It speaks to paranoia, which could cause her to lash out. She's acting like she has nothing to lose, but she still has a great deal of power at her disposal and I shudder to think how she might deploy it." As Aoren spoke up, Arvælyn nodded.

"Gratitude. My mother has kept me abreast of your contributions. It is good of you to volunteer to aid us. And to that end..." Arvælyn looked to his princely counterpart,

"It would seem that The Umbrian Crown has an active and hopefully symbiotic relationship with Kalzasi's Shinsei. I have been a denizen of your fair city and would see our concourse deepen. I would propose an exchange of embassies is in order. We would provide a dedicated Umbrian diplomat to serve as our ambassador to Kalzasi, and would welcome a Kalzasern delegation to be housed here in the Undercity. Would Your Highness help to facilitate this with your government?"
word count: 393
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
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I am glad of that. I would visit him, if that is possible? I am no healer but it would soothe my own worries to be able to see his recovery with my own eyes.” Talon would make a point to visit Finn when the next opportunity arose. As the subject changed to Thalya, he thinned his lips as he contemplated on how long he should wait to discern what she was up to in her isolation.

May there be an amicable conclusion to that isolation. I never could translate fully the text I managed to transcribe from my scrying but I suspect greatly that she sought to sabotage the release of the Founders. Fortunately, Vraedyn is a man more committed to his faith than perhaps she anticipated.” If the shock and discomfort that Vraedyn had shown when it had been revealed that he was capable of observing such a thing, he suspected that Thalya knew all too well that unless she made amends to her godly sovereign, then her days were numbered. Mathias chimed in.

I remember that. My Vastian has improved significantly since then but translating any of that is a bit moot at this point.” He shrugged his shoulders. Mathias had been the one to write down what he had heard phonetically to the best of his ability as he had relayed what he observed. Aoren inclined his head at Arvaelyn’s expression of gratitude. He was a warrior at heart, even after the revelation of his true heritage, there was still the fighter and Kathar in him that he had known and become comfortable with over the many, many years. Whatever road lay ahead of him in his journey to rediscovering what it meant to live as a dragon, that would be something to explore in the years to come.

Consider it done. While I yet retain the authority, I will make it so.” He gave a soft smile. Aoren squeezed his thigh lightly. Mathias hung his head.

I have chosen to cede the throne of Kalzasi to Lord Karam Senue. His selection will be announced the first of Searing. Following that, I shall step back to concern myself with the matters of House Novalys and the Order of the Dawnmartyr.” It had been a long and hard decision accompanied by quite a few nights spent in conversation with Karam himself. He had even consulted with Kala whose counsel he considered sound enough and in line with what many headwinds had been pointing to.

A God-King sitting on the throne of Kalzasi would have been disastrous for the road ahead. Their allies were already nervous. Even the Assembly of Lords was nervous. Zaichaer was in shambles and would poorly receive any assistance from them knowing that at any given moment, Talon could wield the armies and full might of Kalzasi in a war of his choosing. It was already unsettling for many that he was now Daizoku of House Novalys, the patron, supplier, trainer and outfitter of Kalzasi’s armed forces. The existence of a buffer between his authority as Daizoku and a Senue Shokaze would help to soothe many fears that he was merely biding his time before he launched a crusade in the Northlands.

Besides, there is a higher role I must fill in the days ahead.” He sipped his wine.

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Arvælyn smiled faintly.

"Of course. He's perfectly mobile. I'll invite him to join us." With that the Solunarian prince shut his fiery eyes and extended the long tendrils of his most potent Craft to find the familiar Symphony of his amatus. With their magicks entwining, he posed the offer to Finn to come and meet with Talon and his crew in the sitting room just below the dais in the primary presence chamber of the Palatium. Knowing Finn, he might just blip beside them within moments, or he might take a more scenic route and use the chance to stretch his legs. Arry didn't impose enough to seek out what he'd been doing that he may have interrupted with the invitation, instead returning his attentions to the peregrini before him.

"Yes, I'm afraid Vrædyn confirmed your assumption with us when he jumped ship. Thalya represents a long line of stagnancy that has afflicted those of the so-called Unbroken Line. It would seem that a bit of variety keeps things fresh." He smirked at what his quip implied about himself, "In any event, we're keeping an eye on her to what extent we can, but she is putting a trove of resources into protecting herself so even my mother is hindered." Arvælyn smiled to himself as the talk turned to Kalzasern politics.

"I have to admit, I didn't really follow politics when I lived there. I was... Well, I felt beneath such matters. Such was the stuff of princes and I was but a pauper. After my own fashion, I suppose I was being a good Solunarian... 'Know thy place', and all that. Only, in the end, it wasn't my place at all..." He trailed off, seeming more stricken by this revelation than amused by it as he finished his thought. His eyes trailed to Mathias, who seemed to be enjoying the food profusely. Hilana would have a field day with that one, he thought, before his attentions returned to Talon.

"The Dawnmartyrs... I remember hearing tell of them in the North, though I cannot claim to understand the breadth of their significance to your devotees. The truth of it is, I wasn't terribly religious until I happened upon gods to whom I was related. I find Faith much more convenient when it is self-serving." He observed with an impish smirk.
word count: 404
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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