Gunpowder & Smoke

Yeva observes Lyra & Brenner Dornkirk

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The Dornkirk manor was covered in stardust, corroded and in precarious state. Painted tiles on the floor were cracked and broken, holes opened like mouths in the ceiling, displaying a row of splintered wooden teeth in the room above. Wallpaper was yellowed and peeling, windows shattered, cracked. Every forgotten piece of furniture remained rotted or eaten away by time and unknown creatures, and Yeva was left to prowl through the shadows of the home, ever searching for Galetira's favor.

Where are you?

Room after room proved empty, and an eerie feeling of eyes upon her made her stop and turn, the beads of her ankle bracelets rustling as stopped to stare into the abyss of a darkened hallway. She touched the pouch at her hip, where Vhexur's die had been tucked away, and waited. She was a doe, listening for the rustle of carpet, the cracking twig of old floorboards. The sensation of paranoia did not pass, but yet it did not amplify either. After a long pause, she exhaled and hurried further on, peeking in doorways and closets.

At last, she reached a door with a broken handle, half hanging on its hinges. With a push of her shoulder, it shifted, and Yeva stood in a crumbling room. Poised in the center, near a lounger, was a rusted rolling cart. Upon which, sat a crystal flute of perfect condition, a startling contrast of finery, its contents still bubbling.

Memories were often tied to senses, food and drink especially, and this was no different. They were common invitations to a moment in time, tied to certain smells in particular, and without further ado, Yeva glided forward and grabbed the stem, "Cheers," she whispered in resounding loneliness, raising her glass to no one known, and with one last look towards the door, Yeva was thrown into a world of color, the dull taste of citrus still on her tongue.
Last edited by Yeva on Wed May 24, 2023 11:15 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 342
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A beautiful woman with dark hair and golden eyes lounged lazily in a plush armchair, and judging from the level of light pouring in the window, Yeva guessed it was either early morning, or perhaps evening. She waited for what would come next. The mystic stood awkwardly, still holding the now empty glass. The brunette never looked up from the leather tome in her hands, or spoke, and Yeva knew that this was not like her visit to the expedition. She was once again unseen and unheard.

Resigning herself, Yeva slipped forward and lowered herself to floor beside the woman's chair, leaning forward to peek at the title, before exhaling softly and leaning her head against the armrest, not far from the stranger, and settled in to read. The first few pages, Yeva did not manage to finish before the page was turned, struggling to maintain attention on the topic. It was a history of Zaichaer, simple and dry, but not completely incomprehensible after the first chapter. How long they sat there, quietly reading, the Seer-to-be did not know, but it was enjoyable after some time, and Yeva found herself occasionally looking up to observe the woman beside her, curious as to what would come next.

A sharp knock sounded at the door and Yeva lifted her head. She had not been tired, for she did not feel such restrictions anymore, but her eyelids had grown heavy and she had allowed herself to relax. That changed quickly as an enthusiastic man made and entrance, a servant pushing the same cart from earlier behind him, "Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year," the reader responded, sitting up and setting aside the novel.

Yeva observed intently, no longer worried about being shameless. Who was there to see her, after all?

"I promise you, I am working to sort out this issue, it is only that we returned at rather an unusual moment for the State of Zaichaer, and so a lot of the administrative offices are, shall we say, preoccupied at the moment. Pour." He held an air of importance, but not quite so much as the dark-haired reader. He clearly came from money, but it was Lyra who kept drawing Yeva's eye. Something about her felt... commanding. A slumbering authority. It reminded her of the haughty disposition and grace of her aunts, there was a timeless, almost Elven way in how she carried herself and moved without rush.

The bottle's cork popped merrily, and Brenner announced its name, "Sparkling Grüner Veltliner," then, back to business, "I know you must be growing tired of the accommodations, but soon we'll have you out and about, I promise.

He promised a lot. Yeva watched the servant pour the glasses, reminded of the taste, and wondered the relation between these individuals. More was revealed, quickly.

"You and your family have been more than hospitable. If I were to pick my prison, such lavish rooms as these would be preferred," Yeva's brows rose in surprise. She would have never guessed prisoner, or detained. Was this woman a criminal like Veronica? She stood in interest, half sitting on the armrest of the chair, "I am well. It is a bit boring, but this time has been needed I think. I cannot remember when I last read a book for pleasure."

Yeva couldn't either. Not the most interesting read though.

"Is there any word when I will be officially released?"

Drinks were collected and Lyra watched him over her glass, her gaze piercing. Yeva clutched her own empty flute to her chest, quite invested. What she certainty did not expect, came next, "You promised to show me the best the city has to offer, and thus far I have only seen your bedchambers."
word count: 656
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Yeva gasped, mouth dropping.

She had not expected that. The woman had delivered the sentence so casually, confidently, that the mysic had nearly missed it. She puzzled the information. Lyra (although she was not aware of the woman's name yet) was being held in this man's home, given lavish comforts despite a certain level of detainment required, and had thus began a sort of relationship with him? To his bedchambers?

What would he say? This conversation was something of a game, a back and forth, and the blonde smiled, pouting in only a way the rich seemed to succeed at, "...Ought I be offended that my bedchambers don’t rate under such a designation?”

In front of the servant! Oh my gods.

He said something about House Dornkirk, a name that sounded familiar, but one she couldn't quite remember, and was shifting the conversation to boring talk of government and imports, but it was only a breath before Lyra sprinkled more flirtation, "The first tour was exhilarating. After the fourth or fifth a woman seeks for a change of pace."

She really shouldn't have been so scandalized. After spending so much time in Ecith, where sexual interest was openly expressed and nudity honored, Yeva had been exposed to many types of affection.... among others. In the Astral Sea, however, time had distorted, and those seasons were far away. In the current environment, Yeva was back in the stifling customs of Zaichaer and such talk made her flush with embarrassment. This woman was bold in a way she could only dream to be, and the comment about a leash, and its deliverance, did not go unnoticed by the otherwise naive and innocent Hytori.

Yeva screeched in girlish shock, covering her face, but peeking through her fingers. Her face was flaming. Did she suggest LEASHING HER?

What would he say? What would happen next?

Brenner looked so... composed, still lounging effortlessly to measure up his partner. It was perhaps a biproduct of his upbringing, and while he reeked of state influence and military involvement (ugh, gross), Yeva had to admit there was a level of attractiveness to him that was classically appealing. He was tall, lean, with blue eyes under a dark brow, and he had reached the proper age of maturity, where there was no mistaking that he was most certainly a man, "Ah, yes..." "His words indicated that the woman was from Kalsazi, or had lived there recently, and compared it to the stifling Zaichaer. Yeva, never having been to the former city, had nothing to compare it to. While delivered with more professionalism than she might have expected, there was clearly an understanding to whatever relationship they had. Whoever this woman was, she had skill in temptation. It was clear she could stir thoughts in even the most composed individuals,"...You'll get used to it. And please let me know if there are further diversions I might offer."

"Diversions? Like... Sex?" Yeva's eyes flashed and she jumped up, unsure if she should exit or not. She began to pace wildly, darting towards the door and back, ready at any more notice of increased intimacy. She had not been in a memory with two lovers involved. To be polite, once the servant was excused, Yeva followed swiftly behind him, fanning her face while she marched up and down the hallway and not returning until she was safe it was to do so.
word count: 600
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As Yeva left, the scene continued to play out as it had. However, a sultry and feminine chuckle filled the air, as Lyra now went through all the motions in her true Outsider form, souls bulging against her skin trying to escape, while Brenner fulfilled his own destiny as a charred and melted skeleton.

“Yes… she’ll do nicely.”

Lores: 6 skill lores

Loot: a wine glass
Injuries: none

Points: 8 Xp, may not be used for magic

Comments: Looking forward to when Yeva starts pulling on these threads she’s discovered.

word count: 133
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