The Secrets of The Vampyre

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


AKA The Scarlet Beast

Given Name: Dante{Dawn - Tey} Vanhelsing{Van - Hell - Sing}| Formerly Dreyfus Monteliyet
Race: Vampyre {Formerly Human}
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 200lbs

Birthdate: 25th of Frost, Year 92, Age of Steel
Birthplace: The West End of Zaichaer

Profession: ??? {Formerly Heir of the House, Mage Hunter/Investigator/Criminal Regulator}

  • Formerly Lord Montileyet, The Wolf of Shadows, Scarlet Beast

Factions: Formerly Order of Reconciliation

Enemies: Anti-magic sympathizers

Partners: None {Formerly Thysbae {work related}}
Sexuality: Bisexual Polyamory

Languages: Fluent: Common, Silandris



Dreyfus has been blessed with a mesomorphic body thanks to his father's genetics, allowing him to pack on muscle and size rather easily. Dreyfus has a rather imposing figure, and is rather built and is said to be admired for the masculine curves from his pronounced chest to his round glutes that can be seen through his clothing.

He has smooth sun-kissed skin, given having very few blemishes. He has long tresses of golden blonde hair that reach the small of his back, styled differently given the day, as it compliments his facial structure, though he is known to trim it when it gets too long. He has full, even eyebrows that sit above crystal blue eyes that catch the stare of many that look upon him. He has a smooth straight nose that fits into his symmetrical face topped off with a strong jawline.

His physique is built to perfection for someone of his body frame. He has broad shoulders that accentuate his large well-built chest. His legs and butt are well built as well which also accentuates his small waist, but has been strengthened during his years of training and hunting mages, giving a well-defined eight-pack & obliques. He has made an effort to keep his body in excellent condition and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

  • Update: After becoming a Vampyre
    Still retaining his mesomorphic body type, thanks to his vampyre biological makeup, it still allows him to pack on muscle and size rather easily. Dante now has a rather imposing figure. He is rather built and is said to embody what masculinity is supposed to look like.

    His skin is smooth, given very few blemishes, and his complexion is flawless porcelain since becoming a vampyre. As if blood has flooded every hair follicle on his head, his hair now sports an auburn reddish naturally curly look, which is his signature hairstyle, as it compliments his new facial structure. He has full, even eyebrows that sit above crystal greyish blue eyes that can steal the breath of many that look upon him. He has a smooth straight nose that fits into his symmetrical face topped off with a strong jawline.

    His physique is built to perfection. He has broad shoulders that accentuate his large well-built chest. His legs and butt are well built as well which also accentuates his small waist, but has been strengthened, giving a well-defined eight-pack & obliques. He has made an effort to keep his body in excellent condition and aesthetically pleasing body.

    A fine specimen of masculine beauty, this is often the phrase used to describe Ambrose by those fortunate enough to be graced with seeing him in the form-fitting attire he is now accustomed to wearing. Dante maintains a sort of sensuality with his figure as it has helped him garner information from those enthralled by him without having to use his "unique" talents.

Rune Magics

Rune of Vitalis
  • The Rune of Vitalis sits on his chest, just above his Kinetic Rune. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting blood red, charcoal grey, and lavender.

Rune of Kinetics
  • The Rune of Kinetics sits on his chest, just below his Vitalis Rune. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting silver & blood red

Rune of Negation
  • The Rune of Negation sits on his abdominals. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting grey & crimson red

Rune of Animus
  • The Rune of Animus sits on his back. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting purple & blood red

Rune of Summoning
  • The Rune of Summoning sits on Dreyfus' Navel. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting from smoky scarlet & black


  • Things I Like:
    Deadly Creatures| Magic| Training| Meeting new people| Indulging in Life's pleasures| Adventuring| Testing his limits
  • What Pisses Me Off:
    Vampyre Hunters| Narrow-minded people| Threats to his ambitions| Braggarts/Pompous Individuals| Anti-magic sentiments
  • My Merits:
    Loyal| Charismatic| Open-Minded| Perceptive
  • My Flaws:
    Carefree| Manipulative| Vindictive, Obsessive

I'm A Complex Individual
Dreyfus is a placid and calculating man who is always thinking one step ahead. He often states that every turn in battle is a part of his effortless planning. He speaks with a polite and proper manner at all times, albeit terrifyingly so when he is reprimanding others or berating those who warrant such ire from him.

Though his intentions are oftentimes questioned, he is indeed loyal to Zaichaer as he admires its ingenuity & progress in putting its ambitions first. As an heir to his family name, he tends to have a passive-aggressive approach to most social and political scenarios. He is known to be the observer of a room, never standing out as he wishes to see and mental note all before him. He handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with controlled ease. In most cases, even genuine surprise and happiness, his reactions to such stimuli are subdued. His conduct tends to be very business-like, however, he isn't incapable of a bit of humor, good-natured and not. Despite appearing detached and cold, he cares deeply for the lives entrusted to him. He is very inquisitive, has been since he was a child, and has carried this trait with him into adulthood.

Dreyfus is an intelligent individual who is always calm, carrying an air of sophistication, and slightly arrogant due to his aristocratic military upbringing. Despite his aloof and stoic disposition, Dreyfus holds a level of charisma that makes others who meet him wish to learn more about him and the allure of what makes him tick. Another facet of the man is that he strives to be the epitome of "Actions speak louder than words" as he finds that the works and deeds of a man speak innumerable volumes to one's character, finding words to be meaningless.

Update: After becoming a Vampyre
  • Dante is uninhibited, carefree in his indulgences as well as in life in all its wonders glory. Dante mostly retains his calculating, cunning and shrewd nature as he did when he w. He is able to carefully look past his feelings and see the real situation at hand, which has been demonstrated on more than one occasion. He is extremely insightful, able to quickly recognize the patterns and mistakes that others seem to make, which gives him an edge.

    Still a calm and collected individual, Dante handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with controlled ease. In most cases, even with genuine surprise and happiness, his reactions to stimuli are subdued. He normally conducts himself in a very business-like manner, however, he isn't incapable of a bit of humor, good-natured and not. Despite appearing flippant and carefree, he cares deeply for the lives entrusted to him.


Once Upon A Time
Dreyfus came into the world knowing death firsthand. His mother, a Vigilant of the Order of Reconciliation and a powerful and talented mage of the state, had been traveling between Zaichaer and Kathiid. She was returning to Zaichaer after visiting her family's physician in Kathiid as she was 7 months with child, not knowing that danger loomed in the distance. Her carriage was assailed by mages, angry with the oppression Zaichaer had placed on them and their kind, and was looking to exact revenge on anyone connected to the High City.

The armed escort, a squad 30 deep, was no match for what awaited them. Among the assaulting mages was one that seemed to be on something, his movements and demeanor far more agitated than the rest. His mother's escort did what they could but her carriage was hit by a powerful blast of elemental energy, injuring her gravely.

Her personal guard took her away from the scene and fled, the escort buying them time to escape. Though they were able to flee, his mother was losing the battle with life minute by minute. Her life was fading quickly and knowing this she had only one request from him. "You must save my baby". she pleaded, seeing the protest in her subordinate's eyes. As she argued with him she could see a figure looming in the distance, and urged him to hurry, placing a word around them.

Under the assault of the mage, however, it proved too much for her to handle as her shield broke under the pressure. Her guard rose to protect his mistress, fighting valiantly in defense of her. Sadly, however, it was for naught as he like her escort detail was slaughtered. She watched as shadowy figures loomed over her. One figure held their hand to the pregnant woman's belly, searing pain shooting through them.

It was clear they were intent on torturing her and her unborn son before ending their lives. The mage inflicting the pain upon her was an afflictionist, but like the Elementalist, she too was not normal, seeming to be high on a sort of drug. Looking at them all, she noticed they all had glowing veins of the sort. The Afflictionist seemed delighted as she spoke unfamiliar words, Dreyfus' mother believing the woman to have cursed her child.

The pregnant woman endured hours of ruthless torture, the life of both her and her son looking bleaker by the second. Just when she was ready to give up hope, her husband came to her rescue, an entourage of Reconciliators at his back. In a matter of moments, the mages were vanquished, and the drugged-up ones who weren't killed fled the scene, leaving the dying woman behind. In her husband's arms, she knew her life was at an end, but there was still hope for the baby. Urging him, her dying wish was that he cut their baby from her stomach so that he didn't die along with her. With tearful eyes he obliged.

It is said that when Dreyfus was taken from his mother's lifeless body, a scar was seen on the infant's chest, one that glowed with an eerie light to it, one shown with a blood-red hue to it. Being the only child of the Monteliyet family, Dreyfus grew up wanting for nothing, spoiled and coddled on by a father who saw him as the best dying gift his dear wife could give him. His family was among the military echelon, a family specialized in information.

Having several networks of informants Dreyfus came to learn that the family was known as the "Wolves of Secrets". He soon grew to become an inquisitive and discerning mind, always seeing through to the tiny details. When he became old enough, he put that mind of his to great use, joining the Order of Reconciliation. He felt it was the least he could do to honor the memory of his mother. His father vehemently objected, but Dreyfus' mind could not be swayed.

Seeing that his son would not change his mind on the matter, Dreyfus' father initiated him into both Kinetics & Summoning acquiring the respective permits for them after his recovery of the threshold sickness. Upon joining the Order, he was given the rune Negation, one he was proud to wield in memory of his mother.

It was during this time he came to learn of the after-effect of his mother's death and his own birth. Whenever magic was around he found himself wracked with pain in the chest, the scar glowing bright, blood flowing from his eyes. He learned to use this unique affliction of his to hunt and track rogue mages.

When not doing work for the order or hunting mages, he was helping with the side business of the family. As the family moniker suggests, the Wolves of Secrets, they also the Fangs of the Underworld. Dreyfus quickly became accustomed to working in the shadows of the criminal world, regulating those of Naferious means of business. This is where Dreyfus shined, dining the persona of the Scarlet Beast, a figure he uses to strike fear into the hearts of criminals.

  • Update: After becoming a Vampyre
    A lot was revealed to him the last time he encountered his Aunt, Venetia Childs, the infamous "Red Witch, Demon Mage and scourge of Zaichaer." The implication is that the order had something to do with his mother's untimely end. It was also revealed that his curse, something he had dealt with his entire life, was in fact his aunt's attempt of saving him and his mother, by initiating them into Vitalis.

    With his last encounter with her, he was initiated into the lost and forbidden magic, and upon it being successful, was reborn anew as a Vampyre. With a new lease on life, he now has a fresh start to make his own way, and navigate his life now as a being beyond the realm of both life and death. His first stop is Kalzasi, to build his strength and bolster himself in the way of his new capabilities and powers under a more fitting name, Dante Vanhelsing.
word count: 2677

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


☬ D'uvaeh Ciavonai ☬

  • The D'uvaeh dont have a specific place that they consider home........ha no they think of all of the Ecith Wilds as their home, becoming very aggressive creatures and attacking any and everything in sight. Too heavy to climb very high into the trees, these vicious creatures hunt along the ground floor for food, often taking on the larger prey out there and using their constricting prowess, barbed tail, slicing/crushing mandibles, as well as fierce and fast-acting venom to quickly subdue prey. Unlike most creatures, this species hunts in pairs, mainly male and female pair.

    Mother D'uvaeh can be found nested in swampy woods or underground burrows, chewing channels into the pulpy wood or rock, where they lay their eggs. Both males & females become violently territorial during mating season and the period until the eggs hatch, attacking any intruders that threatened their developing offspring. Due to this most Ecithians see them as an invasive species and are often cleansed from the area when found.
Rarity: Common
Threat: moderate to high

  • To understand the Ecith wilds, look no further than the D'uvaeh Ciavonai Centipedes, or Death Crawl as they are aptly named. They, to many that encounter them, embody the harsh and vicious hospitality of the Ecith landscape. These giant insects are known to devastate small settlements along the Ecithian Savannah as well as show warriors just how inept they were. To face one is to face the brutality of the wilds good luck.
Biome Role: They don't truly play a role in the Ecithian biome other than population control, be it of small animals, or mortals.

  • They eat any living mammal/mortal being, and normally eat 4 times a day, and what they dont eat is saved for later
Aging & Reproduction:
  • Females can lay from 20-40 eggs in a season{They mate during Searing & Frost}, but only 40% truly survive to birth. These creatures are so territorial that one could consider them to be constantly at war with each other, pairs going after other pairs and destroying their dens, and killing offspring. Life and death for these creatures is truly an everyday thing.
  • Height: 7-10ft
    Width: 4-6ft
    Length: 15ft
    Weight: 100lbs
Abilities and Features:
  • Venom: The venom of these creatures is both a Hemotxin & Neurotoxin mixed in one. When bitten one's nervous system is immediately under assault, causing all functions and motor skills to rapidly degrade, followed by a severe heart attack. Those bitten are typically dead within moments of the bite. An anti-venom or vaccine to become resistant to this venom can be made, but one would have to trap and extract one of the D'uvaeh in order to do so, but remember, were there is one, the other is close at hand.
  • Barbed Tail: Simple enough the creature has a barbed tail that can be used to impale or smash prey.
  • Constriction: The D'uvaeh Ciavonai is able to bind and imprison or otherwise stop targets moving normally and possibly completely immobilize them where they were. It can squeeze and/or constrict a target, either simply holding/immobilizing them, restricting their air or blood flow, or forcing the heart to stop, causing either unconsciousness or death
Cultural Significance (If applicable):
  • Culturally these centipedes are used as a rite of passage for some villages within ecith. It is believed that to kill a pair is a sign of warrior prowess, as to kill one, will mean that the spouse will come and hunt you down, and most often than not these insects are always found in pairs. Besides that their venom is highly sought after by alchemists and medicinal practitioners as when one refines it, it can be refined into an elixir that can boost cardiovascular or nervous system health.

Reasons to interact:
  • Most do their best to avoid these creatures, unless for things such as rites of passage. Otherwise, these creatures are sought out for their venom as well as the mandibles that can be used for tools or weapons.
Recommended Stats:
  • It is recommended that one is adequate in acrobatics, combative skills, and magic as these creatures are aggressive and fast, and work in pairs to overwhelm their prey. It is best to be journeyman or higher in acrobatics, tactics, arcane skills, & combative skills. It is also recommended to not face them alone as that is certain death.
word count: 750

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ Rotmähne Wolves ☬

  • Due to their home being in the northern reaches of Karnor mainly between Zaichaer & Haqs and the surrounding mountains and woodlands, the Rotmähne prefer colder regions, able to survive under their thick and luscious fur. The Rotmähne can live comfortably in warm, dry climates, and excel in cold temperatures because of its weather-resistant coat. However, a hot and humid climate is not suitable for the wolves if domesticated.
Rarity: Common

Threat: moderate to high

  • It’s impossible to discuss this breed of wolf without leaning on words like “aggressive,” “cunning,” massive,” and “substantial.” And yet, Rotmähne Wolves are quite light-footed and will meet a perceived threat with surprising agility. However, this breed of wolf was naturally conditioned to be a predator and hunter. Intelligent and reserved, the Rotmähne originated from northern, colder regions of Ailizane and is considered to be one of the older breeds of wolves in Ransera.

    There are ancient cave drawings in the Astralar Mountains that prove that the wolves' ancestors have been around for at least 100 years. The Rotmähne's original purpose was to guard and protect and is still an exceptional natural protection against any intruders from the West. The breed is impressive in size and is described as a watchful but cunning guardian. When domesticated along with its intimidating expression, the wolf also makes a great companion to those to whom it feels loyalty to.
Biome Role:
  • Like most wolves, the Rotmähne play a key role in keeping their biome healthy. They help keep most of the herbivore populations in check, which can be beneficial to its many other plant and animal species. The carcasses of their prey also help to redistribute nutrients and provide food for other wildlife species, like grizzly bears and scavengers.
  • Carnivores to the bone, and will hunt wild game if present, and have been known to eat mortal beings as well. When domesticated, a diet of 95% meat and 5% greens/grains helps keep a healthy weight and coat for the Rotmähne.
Aging & Reproduction:
  • Rotmähne Wolves can live up to 15 to 35 years and are known to have litters once a year like most wolves. In each pack, the dominant male and female are usually the ones to breed and they often call in the beta male and female to aid in the production of pups. Thus, a pack generally produces only one to two litters each year, averaging 5-15 pups.
  • Height: 6 Feet in Height{on all fours} 12 feet when on hind legs
    Width: 4ft
    Length: 8ft
    Weight: 150lbs
Abilities and Features:
  • Naturally Ferocious: They have impeccable strength and speed, able to keep pace with a horse given their size and take down prey with relative ease as well as leap and climb easily due to living in the mountains. Along with this, they are more intelligent than most pack animals and house pets, and able to understand situations with a predator's cunning.
  • Searing Fangs & Claws: The Rotmähne has a unique ability to generate an exuberant amount of heat off their body due to the makeup of their coat. By slightly vibrating they can heat up certain parts of their body primarily their mouth using it to add a searing element to their bite or to their claws.
Cultural Significance (If applicable):
  • Not much can be said for their cultural significance, as most view them in two different lights, either as a ferocious predator stalking the wilds, or a loyal and fierce companion when domesticated.

Reasons to interact:
  • Surprisingly many in the region of Karnor do their best to hunt the Rotmähne for its pelts, as they are perfect for cold weather travel and industry that involves being in colder climates.
Recommended Stats:
  • It is recommended that one is adequate in acrobatics, combative skills, and magic as these creatures are aggressive and fast, and work in pairs to overwhelm their prey. It is best to be a journeyman or higher in acrobatics, tactics, arcane skills, & combative skills. It is also recommended to not face them alone as that is certain death.

    If one is to try and domesticate them, it is recommended to be between Journeyman to Expert in Animal Handling, Animal Husbandry, & Leadership.
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ Shallamras, Mistress of Brutality ☬
  • Sphere: Infernal
    Current Level: Lesser - Greater
    Length of Contract: Permanent - Aidolon

☬ Apprentice
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☬ Journeyman
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☬ Expert
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☬ Master
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☬ Revelation of Shallamras ☬
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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⚜ Heart of Xarakses ⚜

Among the scholars and philosophers who venerate the Mistlord of Blood, Conspiracy, & Conflict are a select few who have heard of or even seen records of the Heart of Xarakses. No one truly knows the origins of the artifact with many wild tales and speculations born of fanatics and scholars with no evidence. Some believe it to be just an enchanted amulet given grandeur. Some believe it is a powerful sanguinyte shard possessed by a spirit. But then there are those who believe that it is exactly what its name suggests; the heart of Xarakses themselves, holding the last vestiges of power and divinity of the dead Mistlord evident by the visual glow of life within the stone.

Those who hold this artifact in their possession have experienced effects varying in degree. Some fell to madness while others were driven to self-seclusion to study and unlock the secrets of the stone. It has passed hands over several centuries and those who keep their wits about them speak of harrowing visions and voices.

Legend has it that the Heart of Xarakses was in possession of the last living high priest of the Mistlord, one whose name has been lost to time. For several hundred years it was believed that the priest safeguarded the stone, trying to revive their fallen god after the devastation of the Sundering, but to no avail. It is said that he had an apprentice, who on the priest's death bed was tasked with ensuring that the heart of their departed god be protected until a "Chosen One" was revealed to undertake the task of resurrecting the Dead Mistlord and recover Xarakses's greatest achievement..........the Kyntori

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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⚜ Village of Dreycovia ⚜

⚜ Basic Information

Region: Zaichear

Land: Plains, Forest

Type: Developing

⚜ History
  • TBA

⚜ Inhabitants







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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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⚜ City-state of Drynostaad ⚜

⚜ Basic Information

Region: ???

Land: ???

Type: ???

⚜ History
  • TBA

⚜ Inhabitants







word count: 111

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