Lest the Darkness Breach [Talon]

In which Hilana seeks the counsel of the Justicar.

The Luxium represents the upper half and primary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Situated between the foot of the volcanic Mount Sorokyn and the wide River Vasta, this above-ground metropolis boasts five thriving districts beneath the shadow of the glorious Palatium Furiarum (The Blazing Palace) from which the Solar Court rules in splendour. This bustling metropolis is by far the most populous region in the realm and, along with its shadowy sister-city the Umbrium, houses upwards of eighty percent of the Solunarian population at any given time. During the reign of a Solar Court, every major government agency in the kingdom is headquartered in the Luxium, with the notable exception of The Silver Sentinels, the covert intelligence agency run by the House of Phaedryn-Sol’Aværys.

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Cithæra claimed a seat across from the others, once they'd situated themselves.

"Actually, no..." Cithæra arched an eyebrow as she replied to Hilana's understandable assumption. "The Sceptre of Aværys hangs over the open Atraxian Expanse, not directly over the Luxium. As the desert is under joint jurisdiction between the two Crowns, I can see to it that you are provided with a writ of permission to assess the state of the Sceptre." She looked to Talon, for Talon he was in speaking of his Kalzasern efforts and obligations, and nodded.

"Ironically, the Umbrium, which is Vastian for 'City of Shadows' has seen no significant incursions from the creatures. We are not sure whether this is due to the perpetual, artificial light that blankets the city at all hours or the proximity of the dragons... Perhaps something else entirely. Whatever the case, the phenomenon has bolstered the numbers of Solunarian citizens taking up residency in the Undercity..." Which, she did not trouble herself to state, translated to more subjects for the Umbrian Crown.

Her golden eyes shifted to Aoren as he spoke up, and she did not both to mask the interest piqued by his remark. If he was volunteering his services, it might suit the interests of the Draconic Crown and Cithæra herself in myriad ways. Better it be a foreign dragon with no known Atraxian ties, rather than one of the Zalkyrians or, Founders forfend, She of the Scourge Herself. As Talon voiced perfectly valid concerns, Cithæra had to smiled to herself.

"Allow me to disabuse Your Highness of the notion that His Exalted Majesty would ever permit the orb to falter to the point of crippling our sacred kingdom. We are political, but not petty. As I said, there are complicated politics in play here and both Crowns have motives for... Shall we say, outsourcing the solution to this particular concern. For you to attend to the matter represents a blow to the Sanguinist status quo that House Sol'Zalkyrion would see dashed in favour of evolution..." She canted her head and glanced to the Vastiana,

"I sense you harbour thirst. I shall call for refreshment." She glanced askance to the wall behind the guests as her Symphony crept into that of a servant waiting outside, urging them to action. Her attentions returned to Talon moments later.

"Surely you are aware that to bear your Emblem or that of any god but our Founders is tantamount to apostasy in Solunarium and, under present law, punishable by death to any Solunarian citizen. If you would spread that sort of influence into our realms, you will need to come to terms with Them and They would need to make it known to their devoted directly. Until then, we will need to pass upon that sort of assistance... Unless you would sentence these servants to death for the trouble of aiding our common cause." She shrugged, as if not considering that to be an incomprehensible sacrifice.

"What I propose is this: Your Highness may go forth to inspect the Sceptre. I will see that you are given a writ of permission to do so, and you may act to restore it to full strength if that be your will.

"Your Grace,"
Her attention turned to Aoren, "If you would collaborate with His Exalted Highness Arvælyn Princeps toward the greater goal of ending this fell eclipse once and for all, you would be welcome. Such a collaboration might serve the relations between our respective realms and begin to build bridges of trust between the Zalkyrians and he who slew their progenitor."

"And Hilana..." Her golden gaze fell soft upon the Vastiana, "As plenipotentiary of the Zalkyrian Throne, I grant you leave to suspend your search for the sacred artefact until such time as the darkness is lifted. The dangers are too great to persist in that pursuit, and the purpose of the reacquisition is moot for as long as these fell shadows subsist. In the meanwhile, you may choose to address the darkness however you see fit- Be it by mending the Sceptre or ending the greater blight."
Per the princess' preternatural command, a servus entered with a tray upon which a pitcher and simple pewter cups were arrayed. It was placed on the obsidian table, and the servant began to pour.
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When she felt Daemon looking at her at the mention of Finn, the girl tried to shrink herself further in her seat, and she certainly did not meet his eyes either as she focused very intently on the table and tried to find a speck to focus on instead and trade places and size with. It was very clear that Hilana knew exactly what was being insinuated by the mention of ‘misadventures’ and her subsequent reactions suggested she probably had a hand in it or had been there herself to witness it. If she’d wanted the floor to swallow her and deposit her in lava earlier, may her bones never be found amidst the depths of the spillways.

Hilana was quiet as Daemon offered a suggestion regarding his own Emblem. While that was gracious of him, and she had seen the dawnfire in action when they had first met... She knew well that Varvaerynism forbade such an offer as things were at the moment. Until or unless the Founders Themselves decreed it so… her thumbs touched the sides of her fingers in her lap, preferring to let Princess Cithaera explain that in more eloquent ways than she herself could. It was his offer made to the Umbrian crown, and that was the Princess’s domain. She did glance at him, though. His Emblem may have been off-limits... but perhaps he would allow her to visit the Elemental Plane of Light to attune to it.

She was still a novice to Semblance, but the silent, internal argument between Daemon and his husband drew her attention back from Cithaera as she tried not to stare. She couldn’t decipher it, not completely but she understood overtures and that it was happening. Her gaze returned to the table, and she wondered how much rest they had actually gotten when they had left Solunarium in Frost. To be fair, a great deal had happened and kept happening, and it often seemed that there was no break in it. No rest for the wicked.

When the Princess had seemed to suggest that it might be either-or, the girl hadn’t known which way the Avialae might go, but she was relieved that he was still resolute in seeing about the Sceptre fixed and that his thoughts mirrored her own. For that, she was grateful. She’d have to bake him a cake, and get him to try her attempts at the Rose Milk Tea that he had mentioned before. She’d pestered Vasilei to pick his memory, and then discussed with her fellow tea connoisseurs about how and what one would utilize to go about replicating it here in Solunarium so that when he came, she had it for him. Still, she was apparently mistaken, and she was glad of it. While she knew her nomadic kin were of little concern to anyone behind the walls, that they were so summarily dismissed might have stung considerably more.

It might have been helpful to the Umbrium, and if anything to that Crown, that the shadowy creatures did not go there, but the monsters were going to need to be dealt with anyway. She was glad that at least some good came from the disastrous Ecithian foray, but hated the fact it came at the cost of the blood spilled by her close friends. “Gratias, Domina,” Hilana bowed her head to her. She hoped His Divine Radiance was in agreement to holding off on continuing her search for the time, but she remembered his reaction that she had seen through the portal. He might understand. She wasn’t someone who could do this on her own with what she possessed, and the Eclipse needed to be finished before more of her friends and fellow citizens were harmed, and that wasn’t to talk of the world beyond their own. Daemon and Aoren worked with a larger world view, as did Cithaera... and it would be wise of her to meditate on that. “I would assist both ventures, however I can, to assist our Kingdom.”

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The revelation that the Sceptre was in a place that could be accessed with Cithaera’s permission certainly made things less complicated. As for why the City of Shadows had not suffered an influx of voidspawn hordes yet? He did not know exactly.

“I suspect the presence of the dragons may have something to do with the Umbrium’s safety. However, that is merely a guess.” Dragons affected the world in wondrous and inexplicable ways when they gathered in larger numbers. In a place where they had elected to make a den for themselves as their home? Such places became even more subject to the whims of the dragons who lived there. If a group of elder dragons did not want their chosen home to be invaded by lesser creatures, it was certainly within their power to will it to be so.

When Cithaera made her declaration regarding the gifting of his Emblem, he blinked. He had not known that. He had studied in close proximity with whom he understood to be the equivalent of Solunarium’s High Priest but their studies had been focused on prophecy and portends of destruction.

“Literature pertaining to the details of Solunarium’s cultural studies is decidedly lacking abroad. I did not know that would be the case. Given historical context however, it should have been obvious.” He waved his hand dismissively. “I will not consign your people to death in such a way. Imperator Avaerys and Imperatrix Varvara and I may have settled our past dispute but I will not press them to make such a dramatic shift so soon after we have reached our understanding.”

Aoren inclined his head as Cithaera addressed him, he could already feel his husband’s mind considering the methods in which the Eclipse could ultimately be tackled.

“Gladly, Your Serene Highness.” Aoren ran a hand through his hair before resting both hands upon the surface of the table. Daemon considered the options before him.

“I will need to consult with the Court of Sol’Avaerys as well. Specifically, the Princeps Pontifex.” He was aware of the fact that both Arvaelyn and Finn had been marked by Avaerys and Varvara respectively. While Finn’s marking annoyed him slightly, it did present a unique opportunity to further mend the bridge that needed mending. He recalled that Prince Vraedyn had been uniquely possessed by his divine ancestors. He was a man who may yet prove to be able to offer unique insight into linking the magic of the Sceptre to the protection of Solunarium through means that were more deeply tied to concepts such as blood and soul.

“Thank you, Your Serene Highness.” He nodded to Cithaera before turning to Hilana. “I will need to return to my laboratory and gather some of my material.”

Truthfully, he was excited to ply his hand at the act of creation. He was always happiest when he was at the forge. He always found that he was at the height of his arcane craft when he was able to examine, explore and forge things of wonder.

“If there is naught else to be discussed, we should begin immediately.”

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"I understand it may seem an alien notion to limit our pantheon so, but envy is not sinful to us. It is a natural emotion well known to even such lofty creatures as dragons and gods. Aværys, Brutal and Beautiful, brooks no compunction about wishing for His devout to focus their fealty and faith. We consider jealousy to be a natural byproduct of Ambition, which is righteous in His sight." She shrugged.

"That being said, it is probably for the best you do not winnow down the breadth of Their devout. That They have not yet made their presence known to the general public and that They have not acted on this matter Themselves speaks volumes." Cithæra acknowledged, though she knew that sacrifices rendered in earnest were rarely shirked by She of the Scourge. Speaking of the Faith...

"I will send word to Prince Vrædyn on the morrow. I would deem it unwise to meet with him in the Luxium, if you wish to escape the notice of Her Divine Radiance, but the pontifex and his grandmother are likely not on the best of terms after the revelation of Arkænyn. To make yourself known to him would not necessarily reach the queen straight away as it might have in the past..." She nodded, in firm acknowledgement of Dæmon's pragmatic focus on alacrity.

"Very well. I'll see to it that your writ of permission is drawn up and available tomorrow morning. I'll also have a missive sent to the Templum Solis Radiens to reach the Pontifex after his the morning mass." She nodded to Dæmon, Aoren and then Hilana.

"If you have not arranged for lodging in the city, speak to my staff on your way out and they will arrange for a domus in the Umbrium."
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She murmured a Gratias to the servus and accepted the cup, having a sip of it and tasting the contents. Oh, that was nice indeed. She hadn’t realized that she could use the drink until it was offered to her, and now that she had it, it quenched the thirst that was starting. Her fingers curled around the cup, feeling the embellishment and smoothness beneath her fingertips.

Hilana listened quietly as Daemon spoke, and wondered just what sorts of solutions were in his mind for the Sceptre. What he said about the dragons keeping the creatures out did not surprise her; perhaps that was why. It might not have been her first guess, but now it did make sense when she thought about it. And there was little need to extend it to the city above. The Luxium is as well-protected by the Golden Guard, but beyond those walls was where the danger lay. Especially if the creatures’ overall goal was to absorb as much aether as possible.

When he talked of visiting the Princeps Pontifex, Hilana swallowed a suddenly dry throat, and took another sip from her cup. That was dangerous indeed. She had only seen Prince Vraedyn at some Masses and at the Jubilee, and the girl otherwise preferred to stay well out of the Prince’s awareness. He who might have been the new King until Prince Arkaenyn was introduced… Admittedly, for the writ of permission they might have had to have done that, but since Princess Cithaera was able to provide it… she wasn’t quite sure what he would want to do with the Luxian Court. She supposed she would find out.

There was a wellspring of curiosity in the girl when he looked at her and mentioned going to his laboratory to get material, and that prospect was exciting indeed. Her eyes were enormous and hopeful, and if there was any similarity to a puppy’s, well… She was always interested in seeing what was going on in her paedagoga’s lab, and she had to wonder what was in Daemon’s. She would definitely need to see if he might allow her to tag along on it. If the answer was no, then that was okay too, but he was an excellent teacher and he might show her some more, too. While she had been practicing both Scrivening and Elementalism in his absence, she knew that she had such a long way to go, and while she might never reach the heights of others… Hilana would keep trying.

She hadn’t considered that they might stay in the city, what with their ability to portal around, but that made sense. She could have gone camping with them, or prepared her room for them, but just about anyone would have been hard-pressed to turn down the offer of lodging from Princess Cithaera. And that would give them more opportunity to catch up with Finn and Arvaelyn, too. Whatever was decided, the girl could go with the flow. “Gratias, Your Serene Highness,” Hilana bowed her head to her. She was glad that they had decided to come to her. There were others who certainly would not have been so helpful or accommodating. If Daemon and Aoren were ready, Hilana would get up and they could proceed. Time counted, and it was best to strike when the iron was hot.

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Name: Hilana
XP: +15 XP, can be used for magic.
Requested Lore: +12 Lores

Name: Talon
XP: +15 XP, can be used for magic.
Requested Lore: +12 Lores

Name: Pharaoh
XP: +12 XP
Requested Lore: N/A

Note(s): Lots of plans being set in motion! The work ahead will be fun to explore! Moderation rewards given per Moderation Rewards
word count: 67
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