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The Jewel of the Northlands

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123 18th of Glade

The library was like a secret hideout for Ivar, a cool place crammed full of books, scrolls, and old papers where he could just chill and forget about the noise of the city and all the crazy stuff going on. This was his quiet spot away from the whispers, rumors, and the exciting, but kinda scary, parts of his scrivening job.

Today, Ivar was sitting at this super old desk that had seen better days, under the light of this lonely oil lamp. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, except for the sounds of pages flipping and the odd whisper from someone far off.

His practice tools were all laid out in front of him: a shiny, black inkwell, some wicked sharp quills, and a bunch of really nice paper. Ivar liked to keep things tidy when he worked.

He picked up one of the quills and studied it real close in the light before dipping it into the ink. You could tell he was really focused, and the lamp made his eyes look sorta mystical. He moved his lips like he was saying some secret spell or something.

With his other hand, he kept the paper steady and then he started to write. His hand moved smoothly and confidently, like a pro, leaving behind a bunch of symbols that looked really intricate and pretty.

Each symbol was super important and had its own power. Ivar had to make sure each one was perfect because even the smallest mistake could totally mess everything up.

To Ivar, this wasn't just homework, it was like a way to connect with the art of scrivening, to feel the magic flowing through him. He would get so lost in his work, totally focused on the paper in front of him and the symbols he was creating.

When he was working like this, Ivar felt a kind of peace that was really different from the buzz he got from his nighttime jobs. This was his safe space, where he was not just a scrivener, but a part of this really old tradition that had been passed down through time.
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Luna Freya
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Luna walked into the library, her mind still very confused about world magic. She’d just had her first class on Necromancy this morning. It seemed like the soul totem was an important part that was used throughout lots of necromancy, and so they were taught some of the first steps. Luna’s assignment was to practice pictographs and... it was overwhelming to say the least. She was on the hunt for a quiet corner where she could sort through her notes, but the sight of a familiar face distracted her. She spotted Ivar, hunched over an old desk, a scene that looked familiar to Luna even though she’d only been here for a few weeks. The sight made her chuckle softly, and she found herself walking over to him. A sense of camaraderie linked them, both new students trying to grapple with their newfound studies.

"Hey,” she said quietly, not wanting to shatter the silence of the library. She unceremoniously plunked her bag onto the desk and slid onto the chair next to him, trying not to disturb his concentration. Her eyes scanned his workspace, neat as a pin, the shiny inkwell, the quills and the parchment. She caught a glimpse of the symbols he was working on, their intricate beauty was mesmerizing.

"It looks like you're working on pictography too," Luna started, pulling out her own set of necromancy notes and the piece of wood she'd been given to pretend it was a dragonshard. She hoped he wouldn't notice her wavering hand as she held it, the weight of its importance not lost on her. Her notes, unlike Ivar's neat rows of symbols, were a mess of scribbles, sketches, and hastily jotted definitions, a true reflection of her flustered mind. "This stuff is...intense, isn't it?" Luna asked, offering him a small, knowing smile. "Got any tips on how to get these symbols just right?"

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"Hey there."

Ivar greeted her when she spoke, taking a moment to cap his inkwell and set his quill down. He was about to start on a new symbol when Luna joined him. He did not mind company. New people could be useful because passing on knowledge was a good way to learn. He was also drawn to how she looked. She was young. Ivar liked his women around 20 years old.

His eyes flicked over to Luna's notes as she pulled them out. They were a bit messy, full of scribbles and sketches, but he remembered his own notes looking like that when he first started. Pictography was hard, and everyone struggled at first.

"Yeah, it’s pretty intense. All those little symbols, they're like, super important and stuff. If you get one little line wrong, the whole thing could go wrong. I’m doing scrivening… what kind of pictography does your magic use? It doesn’t look all that familiar to me so it’s hard to be sure."

He leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment, trying to figure out how to explain it.

"I guess, for me, it helps to take it slow. Like, really slow. And I try to think about what each symbol means, not just what it looks like. That way, when I draw it, it's like I'm telling a story with my pen."

He shrugged a little, hoping that made sense.

"And practice, lots and lots of practice. You gotta mess up a bunch of times before you get it right. But don't worry, you'll get it. We all do eventually. My name is Ivar by the way, what's yours?"

Ivar offered Luna a comforting smile, hoping to reassure her. It was tough being a new student, especially with something as complex as magic. But they were all in the same boat, just trying to figure it out as they went along.
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Luna looked up from her scribbles and sketches as Ivar spoke, her gaze thoughtful. His explanation of scrivening resonated with her, reminding her of the difficulties she faced while learning necromancy. She smiled at having found someone to relate to as her fingers absentmindedly traced one of the symbols on her notes. "All these symbols and the details... it's like learning a new language, only more complicated."

She turned her notes toward him, showing off the unfamiliar, curvy lines and the dark symbols of necromancy. "This is for necromancy," she explained, a hint of embarrassment in her voice due to the messiness of her notes. "It's... well, I wish I could explain it more. I’m sure you know more than I do just from being a student here. I know it’s got to do with death and control, but that’s about it."

At Ivar's advice, she nodded, the corners of her mouth twitching up in a small, appreciative smile. "That's good advice. Thinking about what each symbol means... I'll try that. And yes, practice. It's all about practice, isn't it?"

As he introduced himself, she returned his smile, feeling a little more at ease. "Nice to meet you, Ivar. I'm Luna." She extended her hand for a shake, her gaze steady on his. "I'm new here and it's a bit overwhelming, but I'm excited to learn. It's nice to meet someone else who understands." Then she paused, biting her lower lip thoughtfully. "So, what is it like, scrivening? Is it just about writing symbols, or is there more to it?" Despite her focus on necromancy, Luna was genuinely curious about other magic. After all, understanding was key in this world of magic and power. She could hardly keep up with all her different magical abilities at this point so she was not considering taking on something else at this time. She didn’t even know if they would teach more than one world magic to any given student.

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Ivar watched as Luna traced the round symbols of her necromancy notes. He kinda leaned in closer to see what she was doodling. Her symbols were so different from his. His were all straight and sharp, and hers were round and swirly.

"Hey, you're right, it's like learning a new language."

He liked how Luna talked about how tricky the symbols were. It reminded him about how hard it had been and how foreign it all still was. He had been in school for years and was still very much a learner. He chuckled when she said necromancy was all about death and control.

"I bet there's more to it. Just like my scrivening, it'll make more sense with time and practice."

When Luna offered her hand, he shook it and smiled.

"Hey luna, that’s a nice name. I wish I had a nice name… Ivar seems so… ick… Bleh.”

He grinned. He always wanted to change his name but never got around to it. He did not want to upset his parents. Luna asked about scrivening and Ivar thought about it for a second.

"Scrivening, well, yeah, it's about controlling how energy moves. You could store a spell in a scroll for instance or even redirect aether elsewhere."

He glanced at his own notes. They did not help him formulate an answer but he took the time to gather his thoughts. He thought back to his first lessons.

"But it's not just about drawing. You gotta understand each symbol and how they work together. It's like talking to the magic and getting it to do what you want."

It was much more complicated than that. He did not even know how to put into words how complicated it could get. He didn’t think that it was his place to be teaching anyone so he left things vague.
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Luna Freya
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Luna chuckled lightly at Ivar's self-deprecating comment about his name. "I think Ivar is a strong name," she remarked, a friendly glint in her eyes. "It's unique. It stands out." As Ivar described scrivening, Luna found herself captivated, her gaze unwavering. There was something fascinating about the way he talked about his craft, the depth of his understanding evident in his words. Despite her own path in necromancy, she couldn't deny the appeal of other magic, especially as Ivar explained it.

"I see," she mused, her expression thoughtful. "So it's about guidance, in a way. Guiding energy, shaping it, directing it... I can see how that's similar to necromancy. We're both working with forces that need... understanding." She paused, turning her attention back to her own notes and the wooden bowl resting beside them. Picking up the bowl, she looked at it, the rough texture of the wood beneath her fingers grounding her.

"And speaking of understanding," she continued, her voice quieter now, "I have some pictography to work on." She held up the wooden bowl, offering Ivar a rueful smile. "I'm supposed to be practicing drawing the symbols on this." She didn't wait for a response before she started, her fingers deftly tracing the symbols on the wood. The process was slow, her brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to recall each swirl, each line, each loop. It was easier for her to work on a bowl than a piece of paper. It didn’t feel so much like “work” when she did it like this. Each stroke was deliberate, each pause filled with contemplation. It was not about merely copying symbols from her notes, but about understanding them, about telling a story through them, as Ivar had suggested. It was challenging, no doubt, but Luna found herself getting lost in it, the quiet focus bringing a sense of peace she hadn't expected.

It was a while before she looked up again, her hand stilling on the bowl. She didn't speak immediately, simply holding Ivar's gaze, the hint of a smile tugging at her lips. She was new at this, she knew, and there was a long way to go, but for the first time since she'd started learning, she felt a flicker of true confidence. She was on the right path, and that was enough for now.
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As Luna laughed at his joking comment about his name, Ivar couldn’t help but feel a warmth spreading through him. It was a simple compliment, but coming from Luna, it meant more.

“Well, thank you, Luna. I appreciate that.”

Seeing Luna’s captivation as he discussed scrivening had Ivar feeling smug. It wasn’t often that he got to share the intricacies of his craft, and Luna’s interest was a welcomed surprise. Her comparisons between necromancy and scrivening further piqued his curiosity about her own magic.

When she moved on to her pictography practice, Ivar watched with keen interest. The sight of Luna diligently working on her symbols was strangely calming. He admired the careful attention she paid to every stroke, her concentration palpable. It was a stark contrast to the rapid flitting of his own teleportation magic, but equally engrossing in its own right.

Ivar thought she was beautiful and could tell that she was underage. If she looked older he would have hit on her. He told himself that he would give it a shot in the future, if she stuck around. Then he berated himself for even thinking a younger woman looked good. Luna was right on the edge of what was considered an adult so it was a difficult thing for him to think about.

When Luna finally looked up from her work, her silent gaze met his. There was a sense of tranquility in her eyes that had him feeling oddly at ease. It was clear that she had found a sense of peace in her work, a sign that she was indeed on the right path. Ivar took a deep breath, ready to plunge back into his own studies. But not before acknowledging Luna's progress.

“You're doing good."

He had no idea how good it was. The handwriting looked like it was done by a novice, then again it was not that much worse than his own. With a final encouraging smile, Ivar returned his attention to his scrivening, knowing that he had to get his assignment done on time.
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Luna's lips twitched upward into a slight smile at Ivar's compliment. There was a kindness in his eyes that she hadn't expected to find. Ivar, with his easy-going demeanor and genuine enthusiasm for magic, had an endearing charm that Luna found comforting, especially amidst the demanding rigors of their studies. "Thanks," Luna replied, the faint blush colouring her cheeks contrasting her usually composed facade. She held his gaze for a moment, before she turned her attention back to the wooden bowl and her notes. Ivar's comment about her work being 'good' left her feeling both pleased and relieved. While she knew there was still much to learn and improve, hearing these words from someone as experienced as Ivar gave her a newfound sense of confidence.

Luna was oblivious to Ivar's internal struggle about his feelings for her. She noticed the way his gaze lingered on her, the subtle softening of his features whenever he looked her way. She was young, yes, but she was here to learn not to find a boyfriend. However, for now, she chose to focus on their shared passion for magic rather than the potentially complicated emotions. Luna picked up her writing utensils, her fingers brushing over the wooden bowl as she resumed her work. She traced the symbols over and over again, wiping them clean with a piece of cloth each time. It was fun, even though she wasn’t the artsy type at all.

After about half an hour of this Luna turned to Ivar and said, “I’m getting tired. I think I’ll head back to my room soon. How long do you usually study for?” Academic work was incredibly mentally draining for the young mage, especially since she wasn’t used to it. All she wanted to do was go out to the proving grounds and have a nice spar, but it was far too late in the day for that.

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Ivar went for a bathroom break. When he came back he started taking slow steps. He wandered over to where Luna was sitting. As he got closer, he couldn't help but peek at what she was doing. Her fingers were moving in quick, confident strokes, making cool designs on that wooden bowl thingy. He thought it looked really neat, and kinda wished he could do that too.

He wasn't sure how to get her attention without interrupting her, so he just kinda hovered for a bit. But then he decided he should at least say bye, right? So, he raised his hand and gave a small, kinda awkward wave in her direction, then sat down. Not long after he sat, Luna talked to him.

“Oh you’re tired? Me too. I just need to finish my notes. Half an hour for that then I have other work to do. Sometimes I spend all day in the library and get really hungry. I will probably stay here for another few hours. If you’re tired you should get some rest.”

Being in the library was cool and all, but it wasn't always about hitting the books and learning stuff. Sure, he got some serious studying done, but it wasn't all work and no play, right? There were times when he'd just kinda space out, let his brain go on a mini-vacation while his eyes skimmed over the pages.

Most times when his brain checked out from the library, it checked into his other gig. Yeah, the one where he was an information broker, dealing in secrets and whispers instead of books and parchments. He'd imagine all sorts of stuff like chasing down leads. It was way cooler than some dusty old book, that's for sure. Then, when his brain was done goofing off he would get back to work.
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As the sun began to set, the library's charm began to fade. Luna could feel the weight of exhaustion pulling at her, the countless hours of study finally catching up. She stretched out her arms, stifling a yawn as she packed up her belongings. Turning to Ivar, Luna offered a sincere smile, grateful for the companionship he'd provided. “Ivar, I’m going to call it a day. I’ve reached my limits, and my bed is calling me," she said, stifling another yawn. "Thank you for your help today. It’s always more enjoyable studying with a friend." She wondered if it was right calling him a friend, but then again she was too tired to care about her slip up.

Luna then made her way out of the library. As she walked the quiet, winding path to her dorm, the cool evening air seemed to clear her head a bit. The campus was beautiful in the twilight, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The sight was enough to make her smile despite her fatigue. Once she reached her room, she changed into comfortable clothes and climbed into her bed. The day's studying wasn’t over yet for Luna, who had the intention of reading a little more before sleeping. With a heavy book in her hands, she made herself comfortable, promising herself she'd only read a few more pages.

As Luna leafed through the pages, her eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute. The words started to blur, and the lines began to meld together. Fighting the encroaching drowsiness, she managed to read a couple of pages before finally succumbing to sleep. The book slipped from her lax grip, coming to rest on her face as Luna drifted off. The soft, even rhythm of her breath whispered through the quiet room, the only sound in the otherwise silent dormitory. Despite her best intentions, Luna had fallen asleep with her book as her unlikely pillow.

word count: 347
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