Windows Into Moonlight

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Saej Mirilla
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The syntactical nature of reality,
the real secret of magic,
is that the world is made of words.
And if you know the words that the world is made of,
you can make of it whatever you wish.
― Terence McKenna
35th of Searing 120th Year of the Age of Steel
Sun’s Zenith¤

Shasco and Saej stood at a fork in the road. Moments prior they had gotten out of the wagon to inspect a dilapidated road sign that had fallen who-knows-when, it was covered in lichen and moss. It was dark now and they had a lantern lit and hanging from the wagon as well as Shasco’s torch for light. It had to be at least 11 o’clock at night. For the duration of the trip she and Shasco had been speaking Kyriac, their second language.
“I swear we should have been there in daylight. We must have made a wrong turn.”
Came Shasco.
"No, no. I wouldn’t get us lost. Anyway, didn’t you just travel from here?”
Saej said in a stressed tone. Poppy was at her heels, ears perked and alert to the sounds of the wild only a dog could hear.
“Well, Saej, if you would have taken that first turn farther back we would have been there by now. Hard headed woman.”

Saej grumbled and kicked the sign with the heel of her boot. It caved in with a sharp crack.
“Dammit can you NOT. You’re lucky there’s no locals on this road-- and don’t you know how dangerous the Atinaw wild’s are? Seriously you need to understand-- wait what was that? Did you hear that?”
Both of them fell deathly quiet, nothing could be heard except the sounds of Poppy chuffing and sniffing something in the brush. Saej called her over quietly and listened, but nothing else could be heard after that.
"What did you hear Shasco?”
Saej asked now moving closer towards the horse and mule. They both seemed oblivious to whatever Shasco was observing.
“I’m not sure… Wait shhh there it was again! Just listen!”

Surely enough Saej could hear the sounds of rustling coming from a nearby tree. In fact she could see the branches moving. She grabbed for Poppy instinctively, who began to growl.
"Didn’t my mom teach you her magic? Use it! Try to see what it is.”
Shasco hissed, all traces of his usual playfulness erased. With good reason, Saej realised. All they had was a slingshot, two chakrams, and Poppy.
“What do you think it is?”
Saej asked, becoming pale. The tree branches swayed deeply again, Shasco pulled out his slingshot, aimed now with a bullet towards the tree, and motioned for her with eyes like saucers to get started.

Calming herself as much as she could she waved her arms in a circular motion up and down, up and down while breathing. She felt the aether in her body begin to pull slightly as she focused on creating the node in the tree limbs above them. As she waved her arms more now, eyes closed, she focused deeper trying to immerse herself further on creating the node in front of her while connecting the two, and using herself as an anchor. Saej’s thoughts threatened to drift towards anxiety, it had been ages since she had done this, without Shasco’s mother to mentor her it was a great fear to hers of losing her mind again like the initiation.

Instead though, she slowed her breathing down deeper, then felt the connection be made between them finally after some time of more breathing and gestures when she was finally fully calm. In front of them was a ovular window the size of her hand, its edges glowed a deep green. At first they could only see dark foliage and mottled moonlight and both scrutinized it, leaning in. At the last second when she could feel the window collapsing the image of something large and brown filled the window all a flurry. Simultaneously a loud call could be heard ringing through the night. Then the window disappeared as Saej fell back from fright, screaming.

Out of the tree another mournful cry could be heard again as an owl made its flight away from the disturbance.
“It was a fucking screech owl. Oh good gods."
Saej put her hand to her head in wonder and bemusement as she felt the heat rise to her face at her own words.
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The flame was lit at the core of his hand. The fire burned fiercely, but he couldn't feel its warmth. Not well, at least; it was like the radiance of the sun's stare, warming, but not in an impeding way.

He could see into that place -- to the Dead Realm. It was like peeling back a curtain that hung over the living world, draped meticulously to conceal the darker aspects of their reality. And within... well -- there was a great deal within. Voices; he could hear them. Already chattering. Already whispering. And always. There were dead everywhere in their world, and they wandered quickly, zipping across the forests in their eternal craze. They cast a large shadow, one that they chased after across the breadth of their realm.

Some of them liked stagnation, wandering in the same trek of land that they found familiar. Their village, their city, even their home. But there were spectral beings everywhere, and Taelian often found himself communing with them. He liked to. In some way, they were relatable. As a Famished, he had never gotten on perfectly well with the living, either. And a small part of him felt like he belonged there, in the Dead Realm; it was like his Beacon rekindled that aspect cocooned by the Black Sign. But only while he was here.

Unfortunately... he was surveying the Dead Realm for less jovial reasons. The last time he had peered through the curtain, in the compound at Grimholdt, he'd found Rhylor's wraith wandering the compound of the Ebon Knights. The man died vengefully -- sorrowfully. More importantly, he did so at the expense of feeling like a failure, and worrying for the fate of Taelian and Eleanor. The Siltori had thus followed him all the way here, chasing him over a period of days. It had been a journey, and a long one, but it was unfair to leave him wandering in fear. The reason he ran... his spirit must have known what Taelian's notice of it meant. Dying, again.

The dark green-colored wraith and its shifting outline stood quietly against the body of a pine. Rhylor looked to his fellow brother-at-arms wistfully, almost with a stroke of envy. Taelian was alive, passing sentence on him, while he had died. While he had failed.

He held out his fist, closed, with his knuckles pointing forward. Steadily, the Ebon Knight began to channel aether. He aimed for the wraith's head, the shape of its shifting skull. Then, he fired Glare from his fist, a rail-like beam of super-heated energy zipping forward rapidly in a line and dismantling the specter as it tore through its head. It left a smoldering mark where it landed, piercing through the hull of the tree until it met the extent Taelian had designated for it. Every fiber it touched was cindered and razed.

An owl took flight, then, afraid of the encroaching sound; and the bright light.

And then, a few things followed after. A Window, a yell, disturbances to Taelian's conjured serenity. He let the flame in his offhand flicker out, the veil peeled by Searing returning to drape over his view. With the world's color and ordinance returning to its normalcy, his eyes quickly zipped around as he searched for the origin of the portal. Then, instead, he used Spatial Perception - an ability of Transposition - to find the source.

Taelian crafted his own window, peering through it to spy on the unintended onlooker. A woman, fiery-haired and human in complexion, alongside someone that appeared to be part-Elf. Darker skinned, midnight-colored hair.

Taelian altered the properties of the Window through Piping, and flung a dagger through to startle the two, and make them aware of his presence. It landed directly between them, then rose from the ground and brandished towards each of them. Taelian pulled his hand back as a gesture, and the dagger was rescinded through the portal in response. It was clearly a momentary threat. "Come out," he commanded them. "You have ten seconds."
Last edited by Taelian on Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 693
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Saej Mirilla
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After falling to her bottom there was a sudden change that happened. A vortex ripped through the night air, then a dagger was thrown out at their feet. It was brandished, brought back through the vortex and then a command was ushered from somewhere they couldn’t see. Ten seconds? It seemed like time was ticking on as the crickets played their song and a slight breeze made the trees whisper. Trying to keep some anonymity Shasco said in Kyriac to Saej,
“HE said what? Come out where? We’re in the middle of the road.”
Saej was getting anxiety, she hadn’t seen a portal like that since Shasco’s own mother and it had been many moons since they last saw each other as well. The dagger and even just the tone of his voice meant that they had to act fast. Unfortunately the man was nowhere to be seen as she scanned the trees. She said back,
“What if it’s one of the locals pissed off that I broke their road sign?”
“Saej, that makes no sense, if anything it’s a highwayman and we’re dead no matter if we go tromping around the brush or stand here in the street. He’s a fucking mage Saej!”
There was a confused pause before Shasco continued on.
“Where is he?”
Wondered Shasco aloud.
“I really don’t know it’s dark and I’m not going in those woods. You ask him. Say it in common.”
“No Saej YOU ask because out of the both of us my life is worth more. Okay that was bad. Here I’ll ask sorry Saej gods that better not be my last words to you.”
In accented common he yelled loudly pressing his hands to the sides of his mouth.
“We can’t figure out where to come out, sir! We’re in the road, you can’t see us? Just give us one more moment and let us know where you are and we’ll, ya know, I dunno move over there so you can see us better. We don’t want any trouble, please!”

The word please hung in the air with clear anxiety at the situation. Saej fiddled with her dress hem, twisting it in her hands and Shasco’s own hand relaxed on the slingshot.
“Whoever it is we need to show them we’re not a threat, until they threaten us mortally. You know where your chakrams are?”
Said in Kyriac again. Saej nodded with eyes as big as the moon, there was no walking away from this, she was afraid, and hated any sort of confrontation. Shasco did say the wilds were dangerous. It would appear he was more than right. In common Saej cried out with her usual diction,
“Yes, we can just get in the wagon and go right now! Please! We’re just trying to get to Alfsos.”
word count: 523
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What struck him immediately was the language they spoke in response to his own threats. It wasn't quite Silvain, but he could tell that it was an Elven tongue the moment they uttered their first few words, partially because he -- to some degree -- understood what they were saying. The sentence structure was mostly parallel, and some of the words were recognizable to him, too. He, come, where, we, middle, road. That made sense; he had been using Spatial Perception as his eyes, unwilling to look beyond the thick brush that blocked him. And... he couldn't feel much of a thicket beyond what was blocking him. So, they were on the road -- that was good. He wouldn't need to scale the forests in order to return to Grimholdt.

The rest was bickering. It wasn't threatening; again, he was familiar enough with Kyriac to make out some of their words. Half of them existed in Sil-Elaine, just with some close variant that wasn't quite exact. Instead of airseach it might have been airsean, but Taelian had learned those similarities while he was living in Daravin, and certainly in Loregard where proximity to Auris had some effect on commerce and language.

And so, he waited. The seconds ticked in his mind, and ten passed. But he continued to wait, as their panic reverberated through the air. And finally, one of them -- the human girl -- spoke Common to him, with an accent he immediately judged as familiar.

Kalzasern. He had just been living there for nearly a year -- he knew the accent well. And from everything he could piece together, they were not a threat.

"You don't need to," he replied, his tone of voice calm if not flat. As it often was. "You don't appear to be a threat, so I'm not one either." The mage opened a portal and stepped through, unable to blink, and unwilling to Reverb through the foliage. He appeared before them, clad in his black armor, with his silver daggers encircling him. They all then returned to their sheaths, rhythmically moving to sink into the ivory molds. "You're a Transposer, right?" he asked the woman. "If you don't mind the backlash from Crossing, I can bring both of you closer to Alfsos. I'm going back to Grimholdt in the evening, once my aether has recuperated some. There's a mountain pass east of the city that leads through Raellon, Loregard, and then Alfsos. It should be safer, too, as most of the northern part of the country - like where we are now - is wild."

He looked to her Elven companion. Taelian wondered if he was even a pure-blood; his ears did not seem very sharp, and he was certainly not a Siltori. Perhaps he was a half-Drat...? Though he didn't have green eyes. And he wasn't incredibly tall.

The mage pondered further. Taelian had minimal exposure to Dratori, so he did not really know. And he wouldn't have been able to ascertain whether a speaker was using Kyriac or Dhanaryn from a few sentences. He supposed it did not matter, though, practically speaking. They were two random passerby's, probably traveling peddlers or something of the like. Their identity was not of necessary importance.

"What were you two thinking when you decided to travel the roads of Karnor and North Ailizane together?" he asked. The magi began to lightly chuckle, to some degree ridiculing their absurdity. "Ridhain lives somewhere near here. His Archetypes wander the forests, and they are pervasive and deadly. Why do you think there are so few cities between Zaichaer and Alfsos?" Taelian questioned. "It's fine, though; just exercise more caution next time. I would advise using a ship from Kalzasi to Kamdin in most cases, then Kamdin to Grimholdt, then the pass towards Raellon until you can sail the river and lake to Alfsos. Faster and safer. I'm an oracle."
word count: 673
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Saej Mirilla
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The moments ticked by and it had been much longer than ten seconds. Saej felt her stomach churn like a vat of hot mud in the bottom of her stomach. That was when the man spoke in a calm tone that he wasn’t thinking of them a threat any longer. When he stepped through the portal her hairs stood on end, a spooky tingle running up her spine. Shasco, in fear, moved his torch up towards the elf's entrance to get a better look at him. With the sliding noise of the metal on the sheathes the daggers that encircled the man returned to their resting place. Saej gulped, taking in his form. He was a massive man to behold and although that was common in Ransera she wasn’t used to elves stepping out of portals surrounded by floating daggers, all the while clad in black armor like some kind of huge wizard assassin.

Both of them could be said to have their jaws hanging a little slack at his entrance and Saej threw her eyes to Shasco who nodded in silence. What she was thinking was it could still be some kind of trap or ploy, especially at the offer of taking them through a portal to some unknown area. Saej folded her arms uncomfortably under his towering form but listening intently to what he had to say. If it wasn’t clear through the bushes that they were merchants it was clear now, she thought honesty in this situation may be the best policy, even if she omitted some things. In truth she was trying to deflect from the conversation so she could get a better read on the elf and hopefully the situation. Her attention was electrified by fear, everything standing out to her at once.
“We are merchants by trade, or rather-- heading to Alfsos to become merchants. My companion has traveled these roads many times. Somewhere along the way we, well, seemed to have gotten lost. Actually we were trying to look at that broken road sign when an owl startled us. You can create a portal big enough for my wagon, horse, mule, and all its contents? Truly? Sir, I haven’t seen transposing magic like this since-- well since I was a child.”

He began to scrutinize and make fun of their road habits but revealed much about the area in his short chiding. It would seem young Shasco didn’t know it all after all and while he knew about the danger it was much more dangerous than she could have imagined. She had no idea who Ridhain was nor what his archetypes could be but found herself nodding like a scolded child as he took a jest at them. His words reminded her of the church she had found last time she got lost in these woods and he was right, they had seen barely a soul on their journey. Looking him up and down again she thought to herself with eyebrows raised,
‘Hopefully it wouldn’t be the end of my journey altogether.’

Shasco interrupted her before she could speak again,
“We’ll keep that in mind for next time, truly. You say you can create that portal? Let’s just do this. I’m tired of being lost and this man is right, it’s clearly not safe for us to be out here at night. Who knows who’s out there.”
It was less of an insult and more of a, “well what’s the worst that could happen” idea that made Saej want to wretch. There was no going back now though with the words spoken. She asked, trying to sound less afraid than she was,
“You said I would experience backlash from the Crossing?”
Having barely used her transposition since being initiated and having never spoken to someone other than Shasco’s family and Shasco himself about the subject it was surreal to meet another Transposer. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. What was happening?

Last edited by Saej Mirilla on Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 706
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He stared at the two of them quietly as she spoke of their intended trade, how her friend had traversed through this area multiple times, and how they were... startled by an owl. It was very possible that it wasn't really the owl startling them, though. Taelian had been following a spectral trail through the Dead Realm, and the presence of a nearby wraith might have impacted them somehow. Perhaps it was superstitious on his own part, but the two of them acting so meek and frightful could have been directly affected by Rhylor's ghost being nearby. Now, though, he didn't know.

He didn't know their names, yet, but the Elf-blood was practical enough to accept Taelian's offer. The Siltori's eyes glinted with a sign of satisfaction, glad that one of them had the business sense to accept his proposal. The other one... she didn't seem to have a strong opinion either way, likely deferring to her friend. She was the Transposer, though -- that much was obvious. While her friend seemed not to understand even the significance of the word 'Crossing', she pinpointed and responded to those words.

Taelian, who mostly stayed quiet after his initial teasing, responded calmly as she seemed to ask for elaboration. "Yes," he replied. "Crossing penalties are more significant the longer the distance. But my portals are different. I construct something called the Lychgate -- only one portal set can be active at any given time, but the ones I do create expand much less aether and inflict much less backlash on me and the people who step through them. This singular focus allows me to exert more aether and focus into my individual constructs, achieving greater results for the same or even lesser consumption. Of course, my versatility is highly limited as a result, and I can't blink, but..."

He paused, realizing he was blurting things off. But he knew they weren't a threat, so it didn't matter. It felt nice to talk about his magic, even if only one of them understood any of what he was saying, and she likely didn't really get most of it either.

"Anyway -- yes, I can broaden the portal enough to take your wagon, your horse, mule, all of that. It should take a toll on me if we go all the way to Grimholdt, but only for a few hours. The most complex thing I'd be moving is organic matter -- and it's only three people and a few animals. Doable."

Taelian held his hand back, and focused for a moment. He crafted a Node, and allowed the natural aether around it to help construct its form. Then, remembering the clearing he had fought the Joseph's in last season, he used the vivid imagery to construct the other half of the portal. Both of them formed and linked into a large gateway, shaped horizontally like an oval, both of them appearing to be constructed by a mixture of wind, grass and encircling leaves, apparently crafted by the nature surrounding them. In that way, Taelian's portals were far distinct from others. It was why they expended less aether; they drew from their natural surroundings.

"You want a safe journey? There you have it. A burnt down lodge in the middle of nowhere, but -- it's better than here. And it's closer, in a manner of speaking. I would take you to Alfsos directly, or near it at least, but I can't expend that much aether and I need to go back to Grimholdt. At least I'll be introducing you to the safer route," he said. "I'm Taelian, by the way. But don't make me keep this portal open too long. You can introduce yourself when we all cross." After saying as much, he stepped through, disappearing into the aethereal shape.
word count: 660
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Saej Mirilla
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Calmer now, though not exactly non-threatening, the tall elven man seemed to be observing them. All this talk of spooks and jinxes was making her teeth sit on edge. Perhaps he did have a right then to seem so paranoid, if what he said was true about these lands. Saej tried to relax, it hardly worked, and listened intently to what he was saying about the transposing magic. She had no idea what he was saying, although it was long ago that Shasco’s mother had taught her about the transposing. While the finer details were missing he at least gave her a vague understanding, that was until he created the portal itself.

To say she was impressed that he could create a portal that size was an understatement. She was astounded saying no words, just merely nodding and letting the moment sweep her away. Having never met another transposer than the one who initiated her she was under the impression that this was a very rare occurrence and it certainly was for her at least. As he created his foliaged blessed portal she stood in awe, grabbing Shasco by the arm and throwing him an excited look. A million questions raced through her mind as she watched him step through, then disappear on what would be the other side. Taelian was his name and somehow that suited him.

They wasted no time rallying back to the wagon and directing the horses to the portal. Ushering the horse and mule faster they came after him at a canter and in a flash were through the portal and out the other side. There was a moment when the mule stopped, obviously in a confused stupor. She kicked out her back legs and brayed, straining against the wagon’s attachments. The horse shook his head but thankfully didn’t rear and the wagon trembled slightly with their movements. Saej was able to take in the scene of the ruined lodge before her stomach gave a heave and she coughed out a dry retch over the side of the wagon. The aftereffects hit her all at once. Tears welled up in her eyes from the nausea as her stomach twisted and turned, having gone sour. Shasco seemed to feel about the same, rubbing his temples and giving her a concerned look.

Gathering herself, she gingerly got down from the wagon’s driver seat and came over to Taelian to speak.
“That was incredible. Thank you. I haven’t seen magic like that in many years. I feel like shit but it’s better than being exposed to that.. Thing you said lurked in those woods.”
Maybe it was too early to thank him as another wave of nausea threatened up into her throat. Her mind was also beginning to feel heavy, as if in a daze.
“My name is Saej, that’s my brother-- Shasco. We’re grateful for your help. I need to ask, how long have you been doing this magic?”
She was torn then between revealing the fact that she could barely perform a Window let alone a portal covered in beautiful leaves, but decided this may be her best chance at asking an experienced Transposer about the magic.
“I need to say, I was initiated some years ago but my mentor told me to keep this magic a secret. I have barely practiced with it, without my mentor to guide me I’m--”
She bit back another heave from the nausea.
“Well, I am terrified of the after effects. I’ve never met anyone like me before, will you maybe…”
It sounded so childish and she paused then, trying to summon her words as it was becoming more and more difficult to think.
“Maybe… Help?”
She put a hand to her head to steady herself, coughing.

Last edited by Saej Mirilla on Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 673
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Taelian blinked as the woman vomited over the side of her wagon. It wasn't uncommon or unusual, but, he supposed he hadn't been exposed to many "normal" mages lately. Most of the arcanists he had been dealing with were members of the Covenant, highly elite and used to dealing with Crossing and its more stark effects. Her reaction was very pedestrian, but that was to be expected. Shortly afterwards she stated how little she had practiced with Transposition, certainly not enough to manifest a perfect portal capable of transporting organic material. She also, moments prior, spoke of her impression of his magic and inquired on how long he had been using it.

Taelian began to ponder, seeming to count beneath his breath. "Ah... uh, five months. Something like that. I got good at it very quickly," he stated, collapsing the portal behind her, her wagon and all of those many belongings. Saej and her retinue of... things were through, as well as her brother who didn't look like he was one, and her horse and mule.

"I've been learning from the Umpire of the Covenant, Lady Eloise. She's a great Transposer -- better than me. She wants to become an Elder. Do you know what that is?" he asked her. If she did not answer or did not seem to know, he would follow-up with an explanation. "Some mages Ascend; they become perfect practitioners of a particular Rune and embed it into their soul. The Elder is the Ascendant of Transposition, and my teacher -- Lady de Lyonesse -- is close to becoming one. All magic requires, really, is luck and a good teacher. I'm sorry that you were deprived of any such chance."

He paused, as the woman appeared to be heavily struck by nausea and fatigue. It appeared the Crossing penalty had grated on her fairly severely, more than Taelian had experienced his first time jumping such a long distance. Then again, she had been traveling for a long time, and she was already stressed. He understood why her body might have reacted with more than indifference. The Elf looked to the woman with some level of empathy, though by his scowling expression it wasn't clear whether it was empathy or some distant form of pity. He wasn't the best at either.

"Like you?" he asked her. The Ebon Knight's brow rose. She seemed embarrassed by the comparison, but shortly afterwards made her aim clear: she wanted his help. If he understood correctly, she was seeking his mentorship.

Taelian bit his lower lip. Eloise had told him that taking on talented students had taught her much about the magic itself -- Taelian had helped her understand how blinking truly worked, for example, which she felt brought her closer to her aim of transcending her current boundaries.

But Taelian was fine with the confines of what was already known. He did not want to become an Elder, and he only wanted Transposition for its portals really. Which he already knew how to use fairly effectively; now it was only a matter of refining the basics he had already learned.

He looked around him for a moment, the form of the war-scarred clearing surrounding them. Burnt patches where grass used to be were scattered throughout the ground, replaced with darkly colored dirt. The cabin, directly behind Taelian, had been dismantled. Only certain parts of it were burned, though, like the central sector of the main floor and the roof. Mmany of its foundations were still standing tall and in good condition. It was strange things like this, inconsistent with reality, that helped inform one that a mage was at work.

That mage had been him. He thought of how he had learned and become so skilled at Transposition so quickly -- and it was the same for Sigilic Pyromancy, too. Taelian learned in many trials by fire. That was how he was.

A part of him wondered if it was time to slow down, reflect, and ensure that he understood the basics. Rather than learning in situations like this, one where he almost died. One where Eleanor certainly would have died if not for Wylen, and one where... his friend did die. This site was the place where one of Taelian's earliest companions had passed away.

He couldn't help but think that if he hadn't taken Saej and Shasco here just now, found them when he did, they likely would've died too. They had been lost, worried and afraid, in the most dangerous part of this nation. They didn't even appear to speak the local tongue.

The mage frowned. "Fine," he replied. "If you want me to, I will teach you Transposition. At least until you feel ready to learn by yourself. But I've... never really had a student before." He thought of Patrick, but -- it was brief. They hadn't explored the magic much yet. "I don't know if I'm a good teacher, and I learn by danger and fear. Sometimes just to protect myself from punishment or pain. That's the thing about mages -- we all learn differently. I learn because I want to live, and my enemies are strong. You seem to lack that same existential danger, but I guess that's alright."

He looked to Shasco, then back to Saej.

"We'll need a day of rest. There's a tavern straight east of here -- these forests should be safe, so I think you'll be able to find it. Straight down that path," he directed, gesturing the woman toward a nearby dirt trail. "I won't be staying there, but we'll figure it out. I can come by in the morning if necessary. Don't expect an all-day thing though -- I'm a busy person."
word count: 984
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Saej Mirilla
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To say Saej blanched at the comment of only five months worth of training was an understatement, she was shocked.
“Well, you must have a very good teacher.”
Was all she could muster in response, to which he responded with a more detailed explanation. She shook her head no when he asked, feeling quite like a little girl. Burping back some vomit she listened to his words as best as she could, exhaustion was beginning to creep in now, another side effect she supposed from the trip through his “Lychgate”. Part of her wondered if the day could get any worse but looking at the most impressive mage she maybe had ever met, having not met many mages personally in general, Saej thought maybe she would be able to stand a little bit more of the night.
“I understand why now you’ve learned so quickly. My own teacher years ago could construct large enough portals but I was taught to only use it under dire circumstances. I suppose I’ve never had enough run-in’s to warrant using it.”
She yawned then, rubbing her eyes behind her glasses, then burping again. It tasted like sour bile.
‘It would have come in useful to get out of that hell hole in the Wilds though.’

It would seem he scrutinized her then and she tried meeting his gaze, looking into his eyes trying to keep a level of neutrality but it was clear she found him and the entire scenario fascinating. Not only was she now drowsy but felt ready to collapse, there was no chide at herself but still a certain amount of guilt at the fact that this man could learn more in five months than she had learned in over five years. She felt lazy, but then again with the after effects taking hold there wasn’t much she could do at this moment to correct that.

When he asked her “Like you?” All she could do was nod, she was getting light headed and sat down in the ruined grass with her legs folded over each other as her vision clouded with black. As time progressed she realized no, "standing" more of the night wasn't going to happen for her. The moment passed and she looked up at the towering man as he seemed to consider. Shasco had now come over, looking just as tired as she, and helped her up, throwing his arm around her shoulder to steady her. They both just looked tired and woozy. It was a wonder Poppy hadn’t come out to investigate and Saej hoped she wasn’t lying prone in the back of the wagon.

Eventually he agreed, telling her that she lacked “existential danger” and maybe he was right?
‘I can barely think straight right now, is this real? Or a dream?’
She was so tired she wasn’t sure if she was going to cry or pass out and clung to Shasco.
“We can take that road, thank you. I hope there’s a way we can make it up to you. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, I’m glad this was the right one.”
Shasco’s eyes were dark and blurred with the need to sleep, as he said this he burped and coughed out some spit.

Moving now they lumbered to the wagon slowly, helping Saej up first and then she helped up Shasco. Before heading out she checked on Poppy who seemed to be fast asleep herself. Rallying the beasts with a couple flicks of the reigns they trotted down the path eventually making it to the inn he had mentioned. They paid for their night* and promptly fell asleep after some turns vomiting in the chamber pot. Saej slept on the floor and Shasco in the bed. The night’s dreams were spent for Saej as swirling colors, vortexes, and lavender fields.

OOC; *Paying for: Inn, common
word count: 694
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3378#p3378

XP: 8

Magic Experience: Transposition, both of you.

Injuries/Ailments: Maybe next time.

Awarded Lores:
Sigilic Pyromancy: Glare
Sigilic Pyromancy: Executing a ghost
Transposition: Opening a wide portal
Transposition: Spatial Sickness
Transposition: Using portals via memory
Survival: Pursuing through a forest
Survival: Being aware of local fauna
Survival: Vetting potential threats

Etiquette; The grateful thank you
Negotiation; Receiving a favor
Negotiation; Finding the middle ground
Negotiation; Giving information
Negotiation; The leap of faith
Transposition; Creating the nodes between the portal and yourself
Transposition; Being in a state of calm
Transposition; Using gestures to center yourself

Loot: Nothing, this time.

Comments: Hahaha! I'm somehow not surprised to hear Taelian's been learning transposition for five months. Poor Saej and Shasco, at least you scored a mentor! Enjoy the rewards.

word count: 145

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