Angel of Mercy [Stefan]

Wherein Kala brings humanitarian aid to the survivors of Zaichaer.

High City of the Northlands

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Kala Leukos
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14th of Frost, Year 122 of Steel
Zaichaeri Airspace, Karnor

"Come along, boys," Kaus said jovially. "We will be just belowdecks in case anything happens, but she can take care of herself."

Ceran and Indric nodded glumly. They had gone from orphans to being all but adopted by House Leukos, and gotten a personal lady and savior into the bargain. They weren't about to allow anyone to take that away from them. But Kaus was her twin, his bond to her even stronger than theirs were. They were flying under a white flag, providing humanitarian aid. It was unlikely that such generosity would be met with betrayal, but then a betrayal of trust had left them without their Shokaze, their Shinsei, and the husband of their Shinsei. Certainly, there would be Zaichaeri survivors who blamed Kalzasi for what had happened.

Asallon waved to them. The Siltori was bundled up, even his sharp ears tucked under a knit cap. None of his runes nor the tattoos scrivened into his skin were visible. He hadn't any wings, so he seemed a safe enough addition to the abovedeck contingent. And Kala had her wings obscured by the cloak Master Kilvin had made for her. The Queen-Regent hadn't banned her from traveling, but this was a risky move on her part and she was doing what she could to reduce the risk.

A bell rang. The flying islands of Zaichaer appeared on the horizon.

"My Lady." The captain of Blue Star saluted her. This amount of formality was preferable to outright worship, at least from Kala's perspective. She nodded. "A ship approaches." The captain handed her a spyglass so she could verify for herself as she gave her report. Afterward, Kala handed her the glass and nodded once more.

"Thank you, Captain. I will leave the ceremony to you. Once the ships are safely moored, I will speak to whomever is sent along to accept it."

"Very good, my Lady." She saluted once more and left her and Asallon at the prow, wind whipping Kala's hair. The cold didn't bother her anymore.

The ship hove into view and both ships turned as one, slowing, until they idled one next to the other. The captain of Blue Star parlayed with the Zaichaeri captain, and then the various crews began to throw mooring lines to and fro, bringing their ships flush so goods could be more easily passed over. When this was underway, the captain fetched her to make whatever diplomatic gestures could be made even as the sections of the deck began to move, revealing the cargo bay. When the way was clear, hydraulics, clockwork, and magic made a hefty cache of crates and barrels rise to the top.

Kala had addressed her letters to Stefan Dornkirk; she could only hope that he was there to speak to her.
word count: 489
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Stefan Dornkirk
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When he had first received the missive that there would be relief in the form of badly needed goods coming from Kalzasi, of all places, Stefan Dornkirk had immediately suspected a trap. When he saw who had sent the message, he had reconsidered. Discussions with his family, and then with the council that governed the sanctuary Islands, both groups had come to the same initial conclusion. It took some convincing before it was agreed that the relief ship would be escorted to a location of no importance where it would meet one of the new cargo ships they had managed to put together from melting and reusing bits of destroyed ships, and three of their remaining military escorts. Stefan himself going to on one of these to speak to Lady Leukos had been an even harder sell, but, eventually, it was proven that he could still be more stubborn than anyone else.

Well, it had been more that everyone had gotten used to trusting him in situations when lives were on the line. If it was a trap, there was no better air navy in the world, and, if worse came to worst and they were all lost, the council and the extended Dornkirks were fully capable of carrying on. Delia and had insisted on Stefan taking along a contingent of soldiers and Eitan had insisted on several members of the Order who could scan ahead with their magic to ensure all was well before the ship got close. Additionally, the Captain-Seeker had warded Stefan so intently he had wondered if he'd have room left to breathe once it was done (before being informed that 'it didn't work that way').

Now the day had arrived, colder and clearer than it was on the ground, which meant freezing and very bright, atop the deck of the Noble Gambit. While the cargo ship came along one side of the Kalzasern ship, the Gambit came along the other, essentially sandwiching the Blue Star between them. When the goods being offered were on their way to being delivered from one ship to the other (a process that Stefan had tried his best not to be fascinated by as the new ship proved to have all sorts of mechanical secrets) an invitation to come aboard and engage in diplomacy was extended to the Lady whose goodwill was, Stefan hoped, a sign that hostilities between the two nations would not be renewed.

The Captain's mess had been decked out with what finery was available for the occasion, and Stefan's trusty man servant was on hand to see that all went smoothly in the hospitality department. Stefan himself waited, dressed as well as he had been the first time he had met with Kala Leukos, standing at the ready to greet her when she arrived. Assuming she accepted his invitation. If she preferred he come to her, he would go, however great a tongue lashing it earned him upon returning home.
word count: 506
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Kala Leukos
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It was entirely possible that Kala would get a royal tongue-lashing when she returned, but the Blue Star belonged to House Leukos and its crew was loyal. Nobody had to tell the Queen-Regent that she had been aboard when relief was offered to their whilom enemies. The captain looked nigh mutinous as Asallon offered Kala his hand to step over from the safety of their ship to the peril of the Noble Gambit, but she kept her mouth shut. Asallon's magical skills complemented her own, and he was a Silver Wing, so she trusted him implicitly.

And she trusted Stefan Dornkirk. She had taken his measure, knew secrets about him that no other soul did. He was a good, honorable man, and if he offered her his protection, she knew he would keep his word.

Asallon followed her. There was something wild about her, perhaps the dark paint from temple to temple. It might seem mystical, but it was to reduce the glare of the eclipsed sun this high up. With her cloak, she looked much the same as she had at the salon at Cintamani Pavilion.

She smiled when she saw him, then bowed, her attendant following suit.

To the winged ghost that haunted him, she said, Hello, friend.

To the man himself, she merely said, "Good day, Minister Dornkirk. I'm pleased you accepted my offer and came yourself. Winter is coming, and people need resources to survive."

She wondered if, once she unlocked the secrets of Garel's grimoire, she ought to inform him that he was Avialae and offer to give him wings. Momentous, terrible things had occurred in Zaichaer, but times like those were times when great changes could be enacted. She could only hope the new Zaichaer that rose from the ashes of the old would be a better neighbor for Kalzasi. With Stefan Dornkirk at the helm, she had more hope than ever before that such might be the case.
word count: 330
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan had every intention of keeping his word, he was, if anything, an honorable man. Sometimes reality forced his personal inclinations to take a backseat but if ever there had been a moment to foster a renewal of peaceful relations with Kalzasi, this was it. Though the whole world seemed to to be enduring unreasonable hardships, Zaichaer had received the lion's share over the last year and the possibility of ensuring the ill-fated conflict between the two nations returned to at least a cold-war was paramount.

Straightening his cuffs for what was perhaps the dozenth time, he cleared his throat and glanced back at his manservant, who gave him a firm, reassuring nod. A moment later the door was held open by one of the airmen, wearing the crisp new uniform that had been designed after the catastrophe, and Stefan's guest entered. He made a the stiff bow that was the formal etiquette in Zaichaer, snapping his heels together in respect of her position.

When he rose he said,

"Lady Leukos, it is an honor to see you again." It was almost a pleasure too. The diminutive woman, somehow larger than her statue without being intimidating, had put him at his ease in their first and only meeting, a feat that few could boast.

Over his shoulder the pale, winged reflection of the man did not speak, but it gave a smile that showed the genuine pleasure it felt at being in Kala's presence again. If it looked any differently than it had, it was only to continue its identical mirroring of Stefan. The feeling from it was different, less unsure, more stable; less sad, more worried.

That the Lady got right to the point was a relief, even if it was also galling to the part of Stefan that had been taught always to project strength. Still, he would not scorn a much needed gift by pretending not to need it.

"Indeed. The help you bring will save lives. Please, will you take what refreshment we can offer?" The food would be different than what she was used to, and though the portions were intentionally small, he had tried new things under her hospitality, perhaps she would be interested in the same. Once food and drink had been offered by Deinerin, Stefan found himself feeling a similar comfort to what he had upon their first introduction and found himself saying,

"I must confess, your letter, your offer, was quite unexpected. If it isn't a breach of international secrets, why are you helping Zaichaer?"
word count: 437
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Kala Leukos
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"I will, thank you," she said with a smile. It took some doing to sit, arranging her wings, keeping everything under Torin's cloak. The glamours made it look appropriate, not a thing she should doff before sitting for a light repast.

"It grieves me that my letter would be unexpected, though I am certain you have had more than enough on your mind to have forgotten your friends in Kalzasi. The woman, Kala, despised the conflict and wanted to help. Thankfully, the woman went from overseeing her family's trade zaibatsu to becoming Vice-Minister of Finance, focusing on trade within Karnor. To any who opposed the move, I argued that it was an opportunity to build new bridges with a neighbor in the hopes that in the future we might be better neighbors, that were our positions reversed, would we expect kindness rather than a killing blow?"

Kala thanked Dienerin politely for the tea, allowing it to cool a bit.

"We may never see the world the same, but there is power in diversity, Minister. Diversity in race, creed, and thought. I still don't understand exactly how such enmity grew between our city-states. We are far enough apart we needn't fight over land, and diplomacy ought to be enough for us to coexist without fighting over ideologies."

She took a sip of the tea then, and made a quiet noise of approval.

"And while I am not empowered to negotiate any sort of treaty with you as... I believe... titular head of state, I can tell you that it is my personal ambition to see unity in Karnor. Not the rule of one city-state over another, but a confederation where shared goals can be worked toward, where our various strengths and weaknesses might come to complement each other. That remains my hope. But for the time being, I was not raised to leave the hungry without food, nor the homeless without shelter. It is my intention to levy another shipment by Glade. If Kalzasi won't comply, then Starfall will. I fear that no matter how successful you are at recovery, Glade may not bring finer weather. This eclipse... Our astrologers say that celestial bodies are no longer moving as they should. We may be tidally locked until a solution is found. Glade may not truly come."
word count: 393
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Stefan Dornkirk
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The diminutive Kalzasern was as unique and pretty as she had been the first time he'd met her, but, while she still held the same air of self assurance, there was a weight to her, a gravity, that hadn't been present before.

Settling down opposite her across the narrow table so they could speak comfortably he amended,

"It was not that it came from you that was unexpected." Stefan had, in fact, never considered that he had friends in Kalzasi, but, if he'd been cast adrift in that foreign place and needed aid, he would have gone to House Leukos, entirely based on his one prior meeting with this Lady.

His eyebrows rose at the answer he got, despite her gravity, she still looked very young. Asking her age would be rude to the point that it didn't even cross Stefan's mind, but he did concede that some people only looked young.

"Your grace under the circumstances borders on the divine." He said it with seriousness, but there was the smallest hint of humor in it, laughing at himself, a known atheist, for finding divine grace in the representative of his enemy. "If you will forgive me, I do not think Zaichaer in its strength would have been so forgiving."

"It seems we both moved to higher offices since we first spoke. I am sure you are aware that I also became a Minister shortly after returning from Kalzasi, and I can say with certainty that we never intended war. The part that Zaichaer played in what happened to your prince was based on deception, we did not know what was intended."

Whether this was believed or not, by Lady Leukos or her government almost did not matter, it had to be said, stated plainly, so that it could be referenced in possible future talks.

A non-committal hum was his initial response to her talk to diversity. Stefan was a man changing, but even under the pressure of apocalypse, change came slow. That there could, and perhaps should, be places for most races, most types of people, did not mean that Zaichaer could not be the bastion of humanity. There were countless countries that worked for the good of one race above all others, why was it the one that fought for those considered least gifted that was attacked, in both reputation and reality?

It was not a line of questions that should be discussed at this table, nor did he believe Lady Kala had any of it to answer for. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Shaking his head a little he agreed with her later statement,

"Nor do I. I came as a diplomat hoping to foster a change in the direction that our two nations were headed in and was devastated to see the opposite happen." Even before the disasters that befell Zaichaer, Stefan had been breaking under the strain.

He tilted his head from one side to the other, just a little, with an apologetic smile,

"The state of our government is... complicated, at this time." She would know he meant 'in shambles, hardly functioning' and believed she would allow him his diplomatic term, maybe even be not unkindly amused by it. "And while I can not speak for all, I, personally, hope we can achieve a lasting peace. Perhaps, in time, your aid might be adjusted into a trade agreement. If not with Kalzasi, as you say, then with Starfall.

His expression turned from one of hopeful mutuality to one of concern, a small frown creasing his brow and mouth together.

"The afflictions of this Eclipse have already taken their toll in both lives and on our recovery efforts." He understood what 'tidally locked' meant from a scientific point of view and it made her words deeply concerning. His silence lasted for a longer moment than might have been acceptable as a diplomat as he considered the implications, not only for his own nation, but for the world. When his eyes cleared and came back to Kala he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat,

"Forgive me, Lady Leukos, but if what you say is true..." No specific words came to him to finish the sentence with, so he moved on from it. "We have been working with our Order and what of the Covens remain, and remain loyal, to grow food through Frost. Perhaps it would be worth investing in compiling our efforts into manuals that can be given out to other nations."

One who side of the world starving to death did not serve any purpose he proposed to desire, and the efforts, while still currently small, of his people were quite literally bearing fruit.
word count: 795
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Kala Leukos
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If she startled at his choice of words, it was only for the barest moment. Young she was, but she had also been trained since youth to guard the secrets of her family, her people, and her home. This was where she felt compelled to share the star shards of her remote home—they might guard agaisnt the eclipse-born dangers if not the mistborn dangers. Lady of Stars she might have become; the shards had belonged to the people of Starfall before she was a twinkle in her father's eye.

"Perhaps," she said, "someday, a Zaichaeri citizen will find a Kalzasern in need and remember this day. We can only do the best we can with what we are given." Suddenly, she smiled wryly. "I won't tell a soul that a New Atheist used divine as a compliment."

After a sip of tea, "I can't speak for most, but I would be happy for a Science Minister to become First Minister. Better in many ways than a general, though they have their roles to play as well. They do not tend to favor peace, however. 'Tis my hope that this humanitarian gesture leads to another, which leads to a trade agreement, which leads to a peace treaty. Whether virtue comes from adherence to a God or adherence to a higher principle, peace ought to be a common goal. I regret that I do speak the truth in this: we are tidally locked. The eclipse is some new celestial body. I know not from whence it comes, nor what it portends, but it gladdens me to know that you are collaborating with mages. Illumite and lunicite will help them control climates and grow crops when otherwise there might be none. I hope you will feed yours and those who don't have such advantages. We must all weather this storm.

"If you find Kalzasi recalcitrant, I beg you seek my mother, Lady Akshara, at Starfall. The Queen-Regent has not issued a ban against trade with Zaichaer. For the time being, that remains a fortuitous loophole, both to bring you food, medicine, and other things you might lack the resources to make for yourself, as well as sharing experiences with the dangers that threaten us all."

Should I tell him about you? she asked the ghost. It didn't seem like information that would help him in the moment, though it might help him when he had time and energy to confront the past.
word count: 417
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan nodded, considering how he would behave if a known Kalzasi citizen appeared on his doorstep, metaphorically, in need.

The stoic man did not laugh at the gentle jest, but he did smile his small, pleased smile. It came more easily of late than it had since before the disaster, perhaps more even than he had then. Thinking back on his life it was disconcerting to realize that he'd never had a time when one or another important, influential part of his family hadn't been displeased with him enough to stunt his humor. That his subconscious felt he had no right to laugh, or even smile, when someone who he felt he owed loyalty was displeased with him what a revelation that he was unprepared to investigate at the moment, so he took another sip of his tea.

Thankfully the conversation turned quite quickly. The automatic denial of any desire, or the ability, to take an office of such height as First Minister was in his mouth before he really thought about it. But he did think about it, and, under the current circumstances, and based on the ways he had been forced to grow and change in the last year, he might be a good fit. He did not, however, want the job. Did he?

The meeting was proving confusing and difficult, but not at all in the ways Stefan had been prepared for. His pause before answering was brief, however large it loomed in his thoughts.

"I appreciate your graciousness, but, at the moment, my only goal is to ensure the survival of my nation and it's people. In a similar sense, I imagine a Vice-Minister of Finance would make an excellent Shokaze."

They were both trained diplomats, and Stefan wasn't saying that Kala should be in charge of Kalzasi, of course, he wasn't commenting on the politics of Zaichaer's long term rival at all. No, he was only paying a compliment.

Based on his understanding of Kalzasi's political structure, the Leukos family wasn't anywhere near to claiming the throne, but, stranger things had happened in the similarly volatile systems.

"I entirely agree." Was his response to the suggestion that peace should be the goal. Even when he had harbored ambitions that Zaichaer might oust the ruling powers of Kalzasi, he had hoped to do it with little or no innocent bloodshed, had worked to accomplish such a goal. When the conversation turned to the weather, it was not amusing, nor was it trivial. Stefan's frown was back but he needed. The time and resources to study the unnatural Eclipse, or even consider it were not his. The best he could do was plan with the Order and the Covens to ensure food could still be grown in at least large enough quantities to stave off starvation until the problem either went away, or they did have resources to devote to it. They had already been setting up heat containment zones, and it had been suggested that Illumite could be used to allow growth when the sun did not shine, but the information, freely given, was useful.

Nodding he replied,

"I thank you for this information, I am sure it will prove useful. My people have not had the resources to give much thought to the phenomenon outside how to combat its effects."


"I will send a formal greeting to House Leukos and request a trade compact be drawn up. I am not sure what all we can offer at this time but having something established would show others that we are open to peaceful relations. Again, I thank you. Your aid is useful in many more ways than simple supplies, though," He offered a chagrined little smile, "Those also are of great help."

From behind Dornkirk his aetheric shadow considered the question, looking down at Stefan for a long time before shaking it's head. The stresses currently sitting on the shoulders that ghostly hands rested on were more than enough.
word count: 682
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Kala Leukos
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Kala almost laughed, but only smiled at his compliment.

"I am afraid that the closest to Shokaze I might draw would be in a similar manner to our Queen-Regent," she attested. "Thankfully, my ambitions do not lie in ruling."

Kala wasn't sure about a lot of things with regard to her future. If she couldn't crack Garel's code, the only way forward for the Synnekar Avialae would be through her womb. Certainly, she could attempt to wed whichever winged man ascended the throne. But she wasn't certain she wanted to tie herself to any temporal power if she was going to persist beyond them. These were not things she could share with an Atheist man, however. Her wings were shrouded for a reason, and Sahfri was taking steps to keep them under wraps in general.

There was a little smile for the spirit standing sentinel over the Minister.

"Few of the wonders turned out by the Windworks make it even to Kalzasern markets, let alone Starfall. We don't require a fleet of airships, but smaller marvels would certainly be welcome. We have some illumite to trade, as well, which might help your people on the ground. It weakens the shadow creatures to the point where conventional weapons can harm them." It also instilled a sense of hope, which might help them survive the long, awful slog toward a rebuilt city. "If you find yourself in specific need, you will be able to make specific requests. The Blue Star is our only airship, though we have invested in a Gelerian shipping interest, so you might be able to make requests of the Imperium without calling undue attention from its leadership." Her lips pressed into a flat line. She had seen the Imperium firsthand, and could only imagine what plans it had for Zaichaer, which sat much closer to it than it did to Kalzasi.

With Zaichaer's xenophobia, she didn't imagine Dalquor would be keen on being a buffer state.
word count: 336
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan's own ambitions had never lain in the realms of ruling, though leading had been woven into him from before his birth. Yet, now that he had been forced into the role, he found that he did not hate it. That it had been his choice, on his terms, was a major factor in his current contentment.

It wasn't until that moment, sitting across from a representative of the cause of the event responsible for the greatest miseries of his life, and that of his entire nation, that he realized he was content. His head tilted a subtle fraction of a degree as this knowledge blossomed in his head. The instinct to feel guilty for the feeling came, fast on its heels, but he pressed it back. He could discuss it with his family later, decide it if should be celebrated or removed.

"I had not known that any of the goods produced by Zaichaer were in any kind of demand in Kalzasi, nor Starfall, but, as I said, I would be gratified to put together a trade agreement with your home."

He emphasized 'your' slightly, yet unread to forgive what had been done. Stefan might never be ready to forgive what had been done, but his gut was sure that Lady Kala, and House Leukos, had neither participated nor had prior knowledge of the atrocities those who ruled her land had committed. Allies among the enemy were worth their weight in gold, or in technology, as the case might be. What Starfall had to offer he had not the slightest idea, but the connection and what it might unintentionally provide him was worth even taking a loss to maintain it.

"I will have one of my assistants draw up a quick list of things that have been found useful by our other trade partners." A gesture to Deinerin was all it took for the man to step outside to have someone begin such a work. The capacity for manufacture of the Windworks, and indeed all of Zaichaer, was greatly diminished. In the Windworks this was due mostly to lack of raw materials.

Where Zaichaer stood with the Imperium could not be determined until there was a recognized government in Zaichaer, a problem that, Stefan suspected would cause a significant amount of turmoil before it was resolved. That the eventual resolution was now a certainty rather than a hope was cause enough for his confidence in beginning these negotiations.

"I should have a basic proposal, the shape of something to build on, for you to take back to Starfall, before you depart."
word count: 441
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