Theory of Runic Application

Application #1: Ruin and Magnet

High City of the Northlands

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Theory of Runic Application
11th of Searing, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
The lab had been the only place within Lyra's tower that honestly, truly felt safe to work on anything magic related when it came to the wolf's personal projects. He had every intention to practice his scriptures with Scrivening down the line, but for the time being, he was focused on the immediate use of personal magic. More so the practicality of application between runes, to generate new and decidedly unusual spells that could turn the tide in the war ahead of them. Thus he had returned today to resume the practices he'd engaged with, after having his meeting with Florian and reunion with Hannah the day prior.

When he'd found himself thought to be locked away in that tower, again, the rogue had already slipped in via her traversion rune; just as the wolf finished the barrier he instilled within the inner frameworks of Lyra's lab. "Well you're getting overly cautious." She pointed out with a fold of her arms, while Rickter briefly glanced over his shoulder to her from where he'd knelt. At the center of the room where he'd imbued the anchor the aether within briefly shimmered out, the layer within giving the laid bricks of the tower a glossy appearance when he rose to a stand.

Unlike yesterday he felt a bit too warm to wear a shirt today, which was fine, because nothing and nobody besides Hannah could see the scars present on his body; and the runes that marked him as everything Zaichaer stood against no less. "Have to. Don't want any of the bastards around here sniffing us out." Figuratively speaking of course. Not that he worried they'd be caught any time soon, Zaichaer's soldiers and inquisitors both seemed utterly incompetent for the task. He'd been here for two months now, hiding in plain sight with just minor alterations from his Masquerade rune. Imagine the shock they would all soon face, when Rickter might actually unleash his justified fury on the military officials of the State.

"You' were a Kineticist before me..." The wolf noted as he rose onto his feet, with a brief wipe of his hands over the leggings of his beige trousers. "You many know what I'm inquiring about here." When he turned to face Hannah the rogue's expression narrowed curiously, a few clicks of her heels heard on the floor before she stood next to him. "Yesterday, before you found me conversing with Florian... I was remembering some of the things Talon could do with his Kinetics power."

"Well, we both know I ain't no Talon." The brunette tacitly remarked with a shift her shoulders, her posture more angled as she still kept her arms wrapped under her chest. Rickter chuffed in response to the comment, but didn't really have anything else to add to it.

"Despite his talents, I'm sure you can help me figure out at least one of the powers he used. Ever made a hole within the Flux before?" The question prompted a genuine raise of her eyebrows then, which suggested to Rickter that she might've actually known something. "I take it you have?"

"Yeah, it's a technique Kineticists use called Splintering. Why?"

"How's it work exactly?" The wolf tilted his head with a curious look toward her, and for a moment Hannah sighed through her nostrils before looking away.

She thought for a minute to herself, before her eyes shifted back to Rickter with a bit more confidence. "With Splintering you can technically make things go boom, it only depends on how you want to do it exactly." She shared with a more playful smirk near the end, the wolf's stoic expression unchanged as he waited for elaboration. "Basically you create a whole in the Flux, forcefully, before you create the desired effect of your choice. Fill that hole with your aether? You get a nice Kinetic explosion once the Flux restores that hole. Leave that hole empty though, then create a force the Flux draws in to fill it once more."

"So, in other words..." That was the concept he was missing when he tried to apply it to his anchors yesterday. And now that he understood better, he couldn't help but want to test his newly budding theories out now. An explosion of kinetic force from one method, and then an implosion of that same force if done the other. Two different ways to generate spells here, and suddenly Rickter couldn't wait to try them both. "Talon punched a hole in the Flux the first time I met him on the outskirts of Kalzasi's Lower City. Replicating that here would be far too dangerous of course."

"Of course." She chimed in agreeably, her head held up now as she listened to his rant.

"With the combination of magics such as Negation, I think I can create two types of spells from just this technique alone." Without wasting any time Rickter focused on his right hand already, aether particles shimmering toward the center of his palm as he generated an anchor node there. Florian had snuck up on him when he attempted this yesterday, but today the little antimagic guy wouldn't hinder the advances of this theory. Rickter could test it out without worry and was only limited by the amount of aether he could expel within his own ward. "The first is creating that hole you've described... and then filling it with my own aether reserves."

Within the center of the anchor the aether within swirled vibrantly, before a tiny 'pop' sounded off within the confines of his anchor. A dark hole was born within the center of it, before he fueled more aether into the anchor to fill that whole with its own surplus energy. The very fabric of his anchor started to hum and vibrate now, before the cerulean hues of his anchor paled into a snow-white once the hole became filled. The aether within the anchor acted stressed and compact, ready to surge out from the vessel that contained it as the anchor's surface rippled chaotically. The magic didn't threaten to go off however, instead, the now resonating orb above his palm waited to be cast; the full force of Kinetics packed into a single node of Negation. "And there it is."

Hannah took a closer look from where she stood, amazed yet also terrified of what such a power might be able to do. "What is it?"

"Non-elemental magic." He answered with a thoughtful look from the anchor to his partner. "All things in this world have weaknesses and resistances, elemental magic having a mixture of results depending on the creatures and the habitats they dwell in." He'd reflected on this from the sheer amount of creatures he'd faced in just the Astralar Mountains and even within the Midden, as those experiences alone had taught him well enough about natural affinities and immunities. "So what happens when our enemies have the same boon? Well, take away the elemental aspect, and you still have quite a powerful force on your side."

"And what do you call the name of this non-elemental magic?"

"Ruin." He remarked with focus on the anchor once more. "A spell that will definitely live up to its name if given the chance. But when I think of the other effect you had described... I can't help but wonder." With his other spare hand brought up the wolf looked at the palm before him, the center already thrumming with aether as he channeled more through his Negation rune. Within several seconds he formed another anchor node, and creating the hole within it proved easier to manage now that he'd done it a second time. Yet he let that gaping hole linger within the anchor, giving the node almost an eerie look of a glowing eye as the air around it hummed like the first anchor.

Yet within that hum was a faint whistling to the wolf's ears, almost as if the very air around the anchor were being sucked in. If he were thinking on this right, then he could technically charge the anchor with a task. Warding against the pulling currents did come to mind, but, that draw effect certainly felt magnetic toward whatever he wanted it to pull in. If he could charge it to perform such things, then perhaps he were better off just leaving it at that. While he wished to certainly apply their tasks with practice, he knew that here in Lyra's lab was not the place to try such mid-to-high level spells. He had ideally found their applications from theory, and based on the minor results already produced, that was certainly far more than enough for Rickter to remember them as note-worthy spells.

"Ruin... and Magnet." Hannah narrowed her eyes on him then, ever curious as to where the wolf came up with such names. "Two new spells, with very different approaches to destruction." Rickter focused on them with a minor flex of his fingertips, the aether within the anchors sizzling before particles gradually started to swirl out. The wolf restored as much reserves as he could before the spells he created died out, their nodes faded into tiny lights before he lowered his hands once more. "Thanks for that, Hannah."

"Just don't go blowing shit up without me, you got that?" She warned with a minor smirk at the corner of her lips, the remark earning a soft chuckle from the wolf.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1711
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

Name: Rickter

  • 8 XP
  • 6 Lores

Magic: These points could be used for magic, but all disciplines are either maxed out or now redacted.
Injuries: Nothing to report!
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!

Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!
word count: 101
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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