To Fix What Was Meant To Be Broken

Talon gains insight on the state of the Solar Sovereign

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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"Fie! 'Twas no singular choice that led me hither. We do not expect thou to understand our ways, but we are merely one link in a very long chain of sustainers. We knew not that we were destined to be the last..." She trailed off, golden eyes searching the features of this facsimile of a face for greater insight as to what Arcas knew and why he'd come in this fashion. His words would soon answer anything his visage failed to impart.

"We are not thy devotee, thou Echo of Arcas." Thalya spat back, "Our concerns lie with our own Gods. The exploit upon which we embark will mend the rift that sunders us from Them. You are correct that this requireth Sacrifice, but our Faith doth not demand we suffer or humble ourselves to render up our tithes and tributes. Næ, we would warrant quite the contrary. Wherefore should we mar our majesty with compromises, when we might yet claim all that hath henceforth been abjured from us." She rose, smiling. If Arcas deigned to come before her with entreaties... if she was, indeed, 'meddling in the affairs of the gods' in a manner which demanded his intervention, then the fibres of her prospective eventualities were strong... her paths to betterment and aggrandisement numbered more than she'd dared to dream. She could feel them now, bursting with promise in profusion.

"You are not wrong to shame us, though you do not understand our ways enough to ken where our true failings lie. Know thou this: We are contrite. We repent us our trespasses. But to repent, we must revise..." There was a lean and hungry look about her as she leaned forward- fixing her gaze to meet his, rather than shirking away from it.

"And for a lifetime of stagnancy, we must render up a mighty, meteoric moment to erase our former aimlesness in favour of the brazen, blazing horizon." Her eyes shifted, to look beyond Arcas' astral projection. She stood, extending a quivering hand to point to the window as she stalked through and past Arcas to regard the world outside.

"You may dismiss us as a simple mortal, if it serveth thine ego to do so, but our blood is twofold blessed with the Founders' untainted divinity and our Craft is yet robust. We can see things denied thine eyes and oh, what splendour lieth ahead for all the realms of Ransera. If..." She turned sharply to face him once more,

"...if you stand not athwart us. Thou art the cataclysm. When thou dost act, chaos aboundeth. When thou standeth still, the world doth improve." Her voice was a thousand voices, all of them urging Arcas... seeming to weave into his astral projection, following the path he took through the light of Auris all the way back to where he sat in Solunarium. The impulse was simple. She knew better than to search the Symphony of a demigod, but she would hazard to sow a simple seed into his salient Symphony whilst he was vulnerable in his meditation. It was not so much an incursion as a matter of course: Doubt thyself, it demanded. Know thy failings, it compelled. Lose thyself in the abyss of thine own inadequacy, it insisted.
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You cannot change the past, Thalya. No matter how desperate you might be to unmake it. Many have tried. All have failed.” His memory of the journey that Arthel had shared with him was strong. It showed him the folly of attempting to unmake the past and the disasters that such endeavors led to. This was but another venture by a desperate mage of exceptional power believing that they yet had the power to change that which had proven to be insurmountable by the likes of even Kaitos Diraegon. The catastrophic fallout that would ensue would be terrible.

It is not your Craf that I doubt. It is the clarity of your thoughts. You are exceptional. It is that exceptional power that makes this madness a credible threat.” He shook his head. He heard the words that Thalya spat in his direction. There was a measure of truth in what she said and he would not deny it. Many were the events that would not have come to pass if he had been moved to stillness. That much was true, even a passing glance at his symphony would reveal to Thalya that he agreed, at least in part, that there were times when it was best that he stay his hand.

Her Mesmeric weaving was met with a curious phenomenon that sprung up from the Core of the Bond that he shared with his husband. The essence of the Bond wrapped around the heart of Talon’s thoughts, a feature of the very nature of Avialae created to combat the mind-shattering presence of the Hellmaw, and bloomed outward. The seed planted by Thalya remained only a wisp that latched on to the whispers at the edges of Talon’s mind, the roots of its influence would find difficult purchase without more forceful intrusion. For within him was not merely the presence of his own mind but the burning presence of an ancient dragon that shared and defended the sanctity of his thoughts. That fiery presence did not take notice of Thalya’s masterful weaving…yet. Its influence remained, and a cursory glance would reveal that it was vigilant and attentive to the shifts in Talon’s mood.

Chaos forms part of the bedrock of our world. Such is the will of Mother Naori, who demands change, often gently, sometimes violently and She is greater than all of us.” He followed Thalya’s gaze into the world beyond. Studying what was outside the window for a moment. He was indeed blind to what the Solunarian Queen saw but he did not need to in order to know that this was insanity.

One way or another, this road you now walk will end, Thalya.” Whether by influence of Thalya’s weaving or recognizing that speaking with her was a lost cause, Talon shook his head. He allowed the magic sustaining his projection in this place to dwindle.

I only hope that you will choose reason over madness.” Talon relinquished his channeling of his various disciplines in conjunction with the weaving of his divine influence. It was a moment before he blinked, opening his eyes to observe the more present surroundings of the citadel, Aoren and Vraedyn.

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"If we be exceptional, then doubt us not! Worldwide calamity is only one category of countless eventualities." Her lips quivered as they curled into the ecstatic grin of a zealot in hallowed bliss.

"If thou couldst see their beauty arrayed before thee as we do, thou wouldst gape in slack-jawed awe at the grandiose beauty of the Manifold..." As Arcas cross-examined Thalya's assertions, she whispered again into that kernel of doubt she'd planted. She pressed her power no further than it was, instead weaving new, dissonances to complicate the motif of misgiving she'd already conducted. Her fervent smile faded to a frown.

"Your brand of chaos yields more of misery than of modulation." She intoned through clenched teeth, "Look to thine own capacity for destruction ere thou standest in judgement over ours. If thou wouldst play the role of saviour, thou shouldst look inward and vie against the threats thou posest thyself. Look at what thou hast already wrought 'pon this world for I have seen how much worse thou might rend Ransera if you walk the path you now fain forge!" And then he bade her, once more, against her current course and was gone. Wide-eyed, she stormed forward through the spot on the floor from which Arcas' image had just faded. Out into the corridor she rushed, crying:

"Inventi sumus! Statim fugere debemus! Colligite res meas et para ad traversum!"

* * * * *

Vrædyn sensed Talon's consciousness returning to his physical form and arched one of his prominent eyebrows as he lifted his head from the research tome over which he'd been poring. He could tell at a glance:

"You located Her Divine Radiance..." He sighed, wordlessly compelling a nearby slave to pour and deliver a cup of wine to each of them. "I trust it went poorly, but tell us the full extent of the misadventure, won't you?"
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Coming back to his senses, Talon took a moment to rub at his temples. As he did so, Aoren stepped forward to rest his hands upon his shoulders. The dragon leaned down, pressing his lips to Talon’s brow, pushing at the weariness at the edges of Talon’s thoughts. The two of them took a moment to simply be.

That did not go well. The fire of Aoren’s mind-voice rolled over him, easing some of the tension in his shoulders.

I did not expect it to. Talon sighed internally. Always there was a new disaster on the horizon. This was one that he found he could not ignore simply because it affected not just some far flung kingdom but because it involved him. Whatever her actions, Thalya’s madness would have a direct impact on an event that he had been part of. The consequences of meddling with it were unknown to him but that was not something he was willing to risk. He turned his attention to Vraedyn with a nod.

She is determined to attempt to unmake the past. A foolish pursuit that will end in her ruination, if not her demise. She believes that she is skilled and powerful enough to reweave the threads of destiny on a scale that is impossible for a mortal to comprehend. It is madness and I am certain that it is madness that drives her.” He tried to wrap his head around the sheer scale of everything that would need to be rewoven, unmade, moved and affected in order to produce a desirable outcome. He did not know what that outcome looked like for Thalya, one where she retained sole rulership of Solunarium no doubt but also one where she did not attempt to betray Avaerys and Varvara.

I tried to convince her to submit herself to Avaerys and Varvara. She deflected mostly. Cast blame and insults.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Most of which aimed at painting me as the demon your people know me as.

He leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other and resting his arms on the arm rests. He let out a sigh that felt heavier than normal but he supposed that was because he had been pushing himself for several weeks with very little rest in order to tackle the various projects in front of him. The dilemma with Thalya was likely just a more taxing issue because of how overworked he had been feeling lately. That was all.

She will need power. Power far beyond what she alone can produce. That, I know for certain. There are a choice few places in this world that can offer the kind of power she will need. Not without performing ritual sacrifice on a colossal scale.” In his studies as a Runesmith he had learned the potency of a mortal soul when put toward arcane practices but to accomplish what Thalya was intent on, he shuddered to think the amount of souls that would be needed to achieve it.

We should consult your grandfather.” Talon heard the words of his husband. He pressed his lips together, bringing a hand to his chin as he considered seeking out the assistance of Briathor IV. He felt Aoren squeeze his shoulder. Talon looked to Vraedyn and the book he was pouring over.

What are you reading?

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Vrædyn's fair face sunk at Talon's words, and he turned away. His eyes found themselves fixed upon a depiction of Midnight's Mother that adorned the wall he now faced. It was a stylised depiction of the Founders' coronation, with Zalkyrion looming large in the background and the Blessed Twins facing each other as Their crowns hovered above Their heads. The scene came alive at his attention. The colours illuminated, and the crowns began to rotate. Zalkyrion's eyes burned with volcanic fire and Aværys seemed to smirk, as Varvara remained still. And his eyes remained on Her... stolid, stalwart and static. Thalya had often felt thusly to him and, despite his bearing the stoicism of a Solunarian royal, he could not help but feel the loss of something indescribable. He hadn't been at odds with his Solar Sovereign for long. Most of his life had been devoted to her service. When he'd been small and his father died, Thalya drew him closer... doted upon him, insofar as she was wont to indulge at all. Perhaps Talon and Aoren had interacted with enough Solunarian princes at this point to recognise that Vrædyn was among the most emotive, or at least the least inclined to conceal his feelings when he wasn't in public. He didn't even bother to sweep away the tear that fell, as he turned back to face the peregrini.

"Her Divine Radiance is not old by elven standards, but she was entrenched in a life that has been torn from under her. A century of security wrested from her grasp... She feels as though she has naught to lose," He looked down grimly, "And I don't know that I disagree with her assessment." His gaze fell to the tome he'd been reading during Talon's astral excursion. When asked about its contents, he glanced up to Talon and pursed his lips.

"Scripture." He answered, "This is... a lot for me to process and I find comfort in The Radiant Chronicle, when I am troubled."
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Faith was a comfort to many a mortal. The belief that there were answers to be found within the divine oversight of their gods helped many of them believe that the trials they faced would be worth it. In this, however, Talon had to wonder if these things were misplaced. His ability to peer into the Aetherium and glean answers regarding his own portfolio was near absolute but in this, even his formidable gifts could offer no immediate solutions. Thalya had committed no grave injustice, yet. There was a great deal she was likely attempting to conceal but his purview of the Light could only reveal so much. Certainly she was in need of Hope but she had found her hope in a manic solution that would undoubtedly lead to disaster for them all.

Scripture. Faith. That is the crux of all of this.” Talon leaned back in his chair. His wings lifted and expanded, the feathers rustling then settling as he did so.

She believes that she has lost something. She believed that she was to lose everything when I arrived, that her position would be stolen from her, when it was never hers to begin with. For if Avaerys is Emperor and He is Living, then the line of kings and queens that followed Him were never more than custodians of His throne. She is a faithless woman whose only certainty in life had been the security of her own power and position. Unlike you.” Silver eyes fixed upon Vraedyn.

You believe in the gods as living and present beings. Her actions tell me that she only ever believed in the mythology that assured her position.” He gestured vaguely with a hand. “And yet, Imperator Avaerys and Imperatrix Varvara have usurped no one. Who have they smote and cast down? Is she not still a queen? The only diminishment of her power that I have seen has been at the hands of mortals, not the divines that so terrified her. Perhaps if she had been focused on consolidating her power in preparation to receive her ancestors, then she might have possessed the wisdom needed to unify a fracturing base.

Talon shrugged his broad shoulders. He was merely speculating. He did not know whether Avaerys and Varvara intended to remain spectators in the governance of their kingdom. He knew that his own stance in governing Kalzasi was turning more toward leadership by proxy as opposed to direct sovereignty. His attention was growing more focused on the fostering of his Dawnmartyrs, the uplifting of his ideals overall, as the affairs of directly ruling, at least for the moment, did not retain his attention with everything transpiring in the world around them.

And while Thalya concerns herself with reclaiming a past that is now gone, others shall make plans for the future. A future, I suspect, that will not include her.” He unfolded his legs and rose to his feet.

I must consult with my grandfather. If there is any sorcerer that may yet have answers as to how to thwart Thalya’s madness, it will be him.

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Vrædyn hazarded a wan smile as Talon spoke of Faith.

“I remember me when first we met… and you took my curiosity for cross-examination. It strikes me no less strange now to discuss theology with a deity. Particularly one whom I was conditioned to hold in contempt since I was old enough to comprehend the simplest of tales… the most basic of concepts.” He shook his head, moving on from idle musings whilst such epic stakes were in play.

“She was a faithless woman, I would warrant. It seems she has realised the error of her ways, else why would she embark upon this fell exploit? It’s just that she’s found her Faith too late to right her sins in this life… and so she seeks another. I do not defend her, but in faith it is a surpassingly Solunarian response to the given circumstances: Severe and unyielding, as she was raised to be.”

He could respect the strides Thalya took upon His Golden Path, even if he disagreed with her methods. There would be many in Solunarium less capable of guarding their minds, who would give her even more leeway than that. Many who would happily die if it improved the lot of the Sovereign who, for so long, had sat alone at the summit of their social pyramid. It was only natural that she would shirk the notion of sharing that which had been her undisputed domain. But now, faced with higher tiers long ignored, she took drastic measures.

“Of course, Highness. I am at your disposal should you have need of my counsel or my Craft.” And with that, Vrædyn rose to offer a slight bow to the foreign royal. Not so deep as he’d have offered to Her Divine Radiance, even now, but it was a significant step given the social stigmas hitherto associated with Arcas.
word count: 316
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