The Lion's Liquor

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

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Saej Mirilla
Posts: 98
Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:52 am
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

37th of Searing 120th Year of the Age of Steel
Sun’s Zenith¤

Having found room and board for both her horse and her mule* she was now searching for a place to stay herself. It had been a long time since she had been to Atinaw, years in fact, and while she found it was much the same there was still something decidedly… different. When she confided this in Shasco he said maybe it wasn’t the place that changed but she did. He ended it by saying in Kyriac,
“I was just here not days ago, seriously found you in Kalzasi and turned right back around. Everything looks the same to me!”

Still, while the locals weren’t necessarily unfriendly they were certainly curt. More than one snorted at her use of common, as Shasco explained, because to them it was a dishonor to their lands. This made Saej only roll her eyes, it was called common for a reason. Eventually one of the locals did explain that there was a friendly, cheap local tavern that usually had rooms to rent if she needed a respite. When the duo asked where “The Silver Lion Inn” was located the one who tipped them off only shrugged and refused to answer any more questions, speaking only in their native tongue.

Saej, Shasco, and Poppy were now strolling through the streets later in the evening looking for any clue for The Silver Lion Inn, naturally they had started in the “Low Quarters” first, where the poorer class resided, but to no avail-- it would seem the Silver Lion Inn was a decent establishment. Saej could be said to be grateful for that as the poor sods who lived in the Low City had it bad, she could stand a few days not sleeping in a hostel next to who knows who… ‘or what’ she found herself thinking as she kicked a chicken accidentally making her way through the crowded streets.

Finally they made their way to the Garwilt District, a fine area compared to the destitution of the Low Quarters. They could tell the difference immediately as they resumed their walk back into the city walls and the homes became not only spread out but physically smelling better. It wasn’t long before they were confronted with The Silver Lion Inn and stepped inside, greeted with an atmosphere that wasn’t necessarily bustling but lively with talking and tableware clinks, as well the sound of a musician could be heard nearby. It was nicely kept and reminded her of many taverns back in Kalzasi, a regular sort of lot if not made slightly “exotic” with the forigen language being spoken here and there.

They made their way from the lobby to the bar and inquired with the burly, gruff man there where they could find a room. He said that he was busy right now but pointed to the young woman playing the instrument in the corner that when she finished this song very soon, she would be able to help them. While he was rough spoken he was rather courteous, throwing an obvious glance to the dog but not saying anything. After his redirection he disappeared down the stairs and didn’t come back out until after Saej and Shasco had spoken with the woman, in his arms he would have a cask.

Of course, she finished up her song and Shasco clapped the loudest, giving her a huge grin and a wink. His lute could clearly be seen in his hand as the two waited for her to leave her spot and head towards the bar, where Saej and Shasco accosted her.
“Hail, we were told you know where we can get a room in this establishment.”
Came Shasco first in Kryiac accented common, his grin flashing largely.
She replied,
“Surely do. Ten dranari farthings for each night, we have a few rooms available. There should be a couple double beds still open should you two need a place to lay your heads together.”
Saej turned red and Shasco laughed. Saej replied quickly before Shasco could flirt, even sticking out her finger to silence him mid-breath,
“Oddly enough I am single. Meaning, we would like a room with two beds if that’s possible.”
The younger woman laughed, she was very beautiful and her laugh sounded like a song.
“Ah, I see. ‘Just friends’ then? I see you have a dog, he is housebroken, doesn’t chew on wood?”
“She, her name is Poppy and yes, she’s my guard dog. Trained well, she shouldn’t be a problem.”
Saej said, a bit worried now they would need to find other lodging.
“I understand, most people in this land don’t hugely trust outsiders but I can see she hasn’t moved from your side an inch this whole time. I will vouch for you but don’t betray this trust. I’m Rose, it’s nice to meet you. How long will you all be staying for?”

Saej told her ten days and Rose disappeared into another room, returning momentarily with a ledger. She instructed Saej and Shasco to write their names down, which they did, and paid the woman for their stay**. After paying they were given the room key and instructed on the in’s and outs of the layout, as well as how to return the key when they would leave. Saej then took Poppy up the stairs to the room, Room One, and left her there, returning to Shasco who looked tired. He and Saej talked for a bit in Kyriac about various small talk topics, what they would do on the morrow and other lively things, before Shasco headed for bed himself.

But Saej wasn’t tired, she was alive and wired. It was her first real trip in a long time and she was glad to have a bed to stay in.
‘Ahhh, nothing like a good, clean bed in an Inn.’
She thought to herself, imagining the sleep she would get somewhere not on a bedroll in a wagon. The large bartender came back into view and Saej asked him for a drink. She figured why not try something of native Atinaw’s brews, it would be a treat to herself. He asked in very heavily accented common,
“So what’s your poison?”
Saej licked her lips and said with her usual diction,
“Hm… something to make me warm and cozy when I sleep tonight.”
“Ahhh, a mug of brandy for you then?”

Saej considered before saying,
“No, how about something more like ‘when I hit the bed I don’t get back up until daylight’?”
He gave her a slight grin before saying,
“So you want the shitport special then?”
“Shitport-- well, yes!”
And he made her the drink***.

It was strong, so strong on the first sip she could feel goosebumps rising on her arms.
“Puts hair on your chest, that.”
The man grunted before returning to his work. She was hooked. It was bitter and went down with a kick every time. She drank it quickly, humming along to Rose playing a tune as she took sip after sip. It wasn’t long before she could feel the effects of the alcohol, and by the time she was halfway done had gotten up to drunkenly dance.

Sober Saej would be mortified by her actions that night, drinking, chatting, and carrying on like a social human being with total strangers. The bar patrons had gotten to know her as the “dancing outsider” and somehow she was proud of that name, explaining to a couple of them her dreams of owning her own merchant business. At the time it was quite the title. She was even on a first name basis with the bartender by the end of the night as she had order two more ales**** after she finished the shitport.
She confided in him and slurring,
“I needed this. Sometimes you know, hic, I am just way too uptight. I think everyone should-be-drunk. All-the-time. Then I think people would just get so much more done!”
Vincent was neither here nor there about her statement and just simply nodded sagely.
“And you know what else I think Vincent? I think-I think I’m going to go take a pee.”
With that she stumbled from the bar and headed up the stairs in a heap, crashing into Room One. Her arrival had woken Poppy, who was barking at her, then subsequently Shasco who helped the stumbling woman walk to the chamberpot and put her to bed, hushing Poppy who chuffed then went to sleep.

In the morning Saej was weak with aches and a headache as well as deeply ashamed of her actions. She had her memories from last night and didn’t come out of bed the whole day, leaving Shasco to take care of their affairs and cater to her some by bringing her water and rations. Finally when she left later that next evening to get some fresh air she wouldn’t meet the bartender’s eyes and ignored Rose other than a slight wave. The dancing outsider wouldn’t be making another appearance that night.

OOC; Ledger
*I used “Inn, Common” for the area for the horse and mule, it is for 10 days at 500df
**10 days in Room One at The Silver Lion Inn at 100df
***1 shitport special at 25 df
****2 ales at 12 df

word count: 1625
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Posts: 668
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:10 pm

Saej Mirilla

Atinaw: Distrusts outsiders
Atinaw: Dislike the use of Common Tongue

Loot: No lute added, just subtract the amounts listed from your ledger :)

Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: This was a cute thread! I really enjoy your writing style. It is kind of like those older novels you read by a fire in winter, though you lace in a good bit more humor than some of those dry novels do and I love it! Enjoy your points, and as always happy writing :)

Question your Reality,

word count: 89

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