[Memory] A Warrior's First Lesson I

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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A Warrior's First Lesson I
Ash 16th 97th Age of Steel

That morning began with two young boys and their father, as they left the Inn after sharing a hearty breakfast with their mother. Dominik and Patrick were going to spend time with their father a little, just beyond the walls of Alfsos where patriarch of their Kinship wanted to go. The two brothers had slight reservations because of all the stories they had heard, about how the world beyond the walls was ever so dangerous and life threatening. So naturally when their own father wanted to bring them out there, the chance to be exposed at such things alarmed the two of them.

Dominik of course had pointed out to Patrick, along the way, that their father had collectively brought both of his swords with him; which meant they were going to be safe out there. So long as Albert possessed those swords, then nothing was going to touch them. Of course when they finally arrived at just the outskirts, and Albert greeted a few knights in passing, they were bound for a small overgrown field just a meter or two away from the main gate. "Here we are," the grizzled man murmured as he shepherded the boys along, "this'll do nicely to start your lesson."

"Are we learnin' how t' fight monsters?" Patrick checked as they came to a gradual stop, his hazel eyes curiously fixated up to the man with two swords resting at his back. Albert couldn't hold back a hefty laugh at that, with a couple pats atop Patrick's head before answering.

"No! Fightin' the great beasts o' Atinaw is a job for true warriors o' the clans. Today I'll be teachin' you what it means to be a warrior, as well as how to properly use a sword also." It was right after that Albert raised his left hand up, drawing the blade out from it's scabbard; as he pulled it from over his shoulder out into the open space between them. "This here is the family sword, one day it'll be passed on to one o' you." He explained with an expectant look given to each of the two boys. "You'll need to learn how to wield it proper, which is why today you'll both be takin' turns practicing with it."

"We're gonna get to learn how to hold a sword?" Patrick looked up to their father with eyes wide, a little excited that he'd be even get a chance to hold; let alone learn how to use such a blade. It was such a large looking sword, the body especially given it's double edged appearance. However much metal was put into making this damn thing was beyond Patrick, but he certainly questioned his capacity to hold up such a hefty weapon.

"Yes Pat, you and your brother are both learnin' how to hold a sword." Albert assured him before looking to Dominik next, the hilt of the blade presented to the older sibling as he looked down reluctantly. "You're first Dom. As the oldest you're the more responsible one, therefore when you hold this blade at any time; I want you to do so bearin' one thing in mind."

"Y-yes Pa pa?" Dominik looked up to him nervously, unsure of what to expect out of their father.

"When you hold this weapon, you do so not to fight... but to defend what matters most. Your responsibility is to protect your brothers above all else, for nothin' is more important than the bonds between family."

"Connor too?" Patrick added in curiously.

"Connor too." Albert agreed warmly as he looked back to Dominik once more, who still looked apprehensive about accepting the blade. "Can you uphold this charge?" While he remained reluctant at first, Dominik slowly came to nod not long after. Taking the hilt of the blade in his hand, Albert proceeded to step behind him as Dominik did so; to more or less help the older sibling get a feel for the weapon as a whole. "Good, we'll begin with the basics. Watch closely Patrick, you'll be next in just a few; so I want you payin' attention to what Dominik here is about to learn."

Patrick nodded after hearing what he had been told, and backed away a bit to give the two some room for space. As he watched the lessons begin for Dominik, Albert first started on proper ways to holding the blade itself. Then on the footing that Dominik needed to better handle the weapon also, which at that point the second son had taken to sit down as he continued to watch.

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