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Full Name: Zorela / Zora for short (Previously Kira Caelum)
Race: Mixed Blood - 50% Fae (Dominant) + 50% Human
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 125 pounds

Birthdate: Searing 1, 104
Birthplace: Kalzasi

Profession: Mercenary
Housing: A condo in a skyscraper in Gelerian Imperium
Partners: None

Titles: None
Factions: None

Fluencies: Common, Kathalan
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Kira stands at a height of 5'4", with a weight of 125 pounds that hints at an active lifestyle. Her skin has a porcelain tone and is free of any obvious scarring. Her eyes are deep brown, almost black. Her hair is black and falls just below her shoulders.

Her fashion sense is almost entirely based on what's popular in the Imperium. Kira typically wears clothes fitted to accentuate her lean figure. She also usually has a gun or two on her person, sometimes visible sometimes not. She likes the colors black and white.

Despite Kira's Fae dominant genetics she still appears to be completely human. The only hints that she is Fae might be Kira's slim body and the sharpness of her eyes when she's angry. She rarely takes advantage of her ability to alter her anatomy or physiology. She used it a handful of times while growing up to make herself look more appealing. The only major change she'd made is when she fled the Imperium in Ash 123 and needed to change her identity, ultimately changing her hair color as well as her facial structure.


Kira is, above everything else, a determined woman. While her outward demeanor may at times seem innocent, there is a profound depth beneath her seemingly naive facade. She possesses a complex mind, housing serious thoughts that often contrast her innocent exterior.

She is an adrenaline junkie who loves being faced with danger. Not because she has a death wish, but rather, a deep-seated desire to test her limits and emerge victorious. In the midst of action is when she feels the most alive.

Kira enjoys talking to people even if the conversation seems dull or mundane. As far as romance goes, she is more concerned with lust than love. She has a very on-the-go lifestyle which makes it hard for her to commit.


Kira's story began in Kalzasi. Her father, a seasoned member of the Circle of Spells, was already advanced into his forties when she was born. Kira was the fruit of his third marriage which was a love marriage to a woman from the Imperium. It was an unconventional relationship, given the conflict between their two homelands, but their love was strong and they made it work.

Kira's father had the unwavering expectations that all his children were to learn how to use a katana and also become mages. However, this ambition bore a cruel cost. Many of his children died during their 18-year-old initiations, including Kira's two full-blooded siblings. Some of his children refused the initiation and cut ties with him leaving him somewhat bitter.

Kira was willing to take on initiation because she wanted to be a good daughter and also because she wanted to be extraordinary. She was initiated into kinetics at the Circle of Wandering. Despite her lack of enthusiasm for this branch of magic, Kira quickly learned that she actually liked it.

Coupled with her training with the katana, she started taking on simple mercenary jobs. Once she started getting into more difficult work, she asked her father for a second rune to help her stay safe. So, he imparted upon her his only other magic, negation.

Their story took a new turn shortly after her first initiation, with her parents' decision to relocate to the Imperium marking a fresh chapter in their lives. This decision was primarily driven by a longing to return to Kira's mother's roots, to be closer to her family. Her father had felt alienated from his friends ever since he married a woman from the Imperium and he had little remaining affection for Kalzasi at that point.

Kira joined them in their journey, although she only intended to stay for a short while. However, it didn't take long for her to fall in love with life in the imperium. She fell in love at her first sight of a motorcycle and she knew she was home when she fired her first pistol.

Kira is currently focused on broadening her horizons and finding mercenary work in the city she now called home.
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SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Acrobatics 50/100 Journeyman
Bodybuilding 50/100 Journeyman
Detection 50/100 Journeyman
Driving (Motorcycle) 50/100 Journeyman
Fishing 25/100 Apprentice
Flying 50/100 Journeyman
Gambling 50/100 Journeyman
Katana (1H) 50/100 Journeyman
Kinetics 77/100 Expert
Navigation 50/100 Journeyman
Necromancy 72/100Journeyman
Negation 59/100 Journeyman
Pistols 50/100 Journeyman
Resistance 50/100 Journeyman
Rifle (Sniper) 50/100 Journeyman
Sculpting 25/100 Apprentice
Seduction 75/100 Expert
Semblance 75/100 Expert
Survival 25/100 Apprentice
Tactics 50/100 Journeyman
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Day in the life pt 1+5 Kinetics+3-5 Kinetics - 3 Pistols 0
City Living+5 Kinetics +3-5 Kinetics-3Pistols 0
Moving+5 Kinetics+3-5 Kinetics-3Pistols 0
Monster bashing fun+8 Kinetics-8 Kinetics0
Bookworm+8 Negation-8 Negation0
Fixing a mess+5 Kinetics+3-5 Kinetics -3Pistols0
Day in the life, pt 2+3 Negation+5-3 Negation-5Pistols0
Day at the range+8 Negation-8 Negation0
Just as it seems+8 Kinetics-8 Kinetics0
A bad day+8-8 Pistols0
Curious metal blob+8-8 Driving(motorcycle)0
Party time+8-8 Driving(motorcycle)0
Pew Pew+8-8 Driving(motorcycle)0
Curiosity+3 +5N-3 Driving(motorcycle) -5 Necromancy0
Busywork+8-3 Driving(motorcycle) -5 Detection0
Trash+8-8 Rifle(sniper)0
Any Semblance of Progress+8-8 Semblance0
First step to legality+8-2 kinetics -6 rifle (sniper)0
Week and a half of licensure+8-4negation -4 kinetics0
Morning workout+8-4negation -4 rifle (sniper)0
A bit o' warding+8-8negation0
Hunting+10-5 negation -5 detection0
Kaboom+8-8 kinetics0
Chess+8-8 tactics0
First job 1/2+8-8 sniper rifle0
First job 2/2+8-8 kinetics0
Nano 2023+2500250
Detection0-30 Detection220
Acrobatics0-50 Acrobatics170
Bodybuilding0-50 Bodybuilding120
Resistance0-50 Resistance70
Semblance0-50 Semblance20
Necromancy0-20 Necromancy0
Nano 2023 Soloist Runner-up+20020
Necromancy0-20 Necromancy0
Target Practice+8-8 Rifle0
Target Practice pt 2+808
Target Practice pt 3+8016
Party Time pt 2+8024
Learning the blade+8032
Battle with a dummy+8040
Asleep at the wheel+8048
Awkward feelings+8056
Young Swordsman+8064
Asleep at the wheel pt 2+8072
Get it done+8080
Mountain Trip+8088
In the mountains+8096
Fae roots+80104
New Powers+80120
The illegal mark pt 1+8-0128
The illegal mark pt 2+8-0136
Blocking the mark+4 negation +4-4 negation140
Lesson in the snow+8-0148
Bowl of bone+5 Necromancy, +3-5 Necromancy151
Bowl of bone 2+8 Necromancy-8 Necromancy151
Ichor+5 necromancy +3-5 necromancy154
Ichor 2+5 necromancy +3-5 necromancy157
Strange People+8-0173
Not Good Enough+8-0181
Bloody Hands+8-0189
Dangerous Magic+8-0197
Budding Sniper+8-0205
Developing Sniper+8-0213
Pesky Criminals+8-0221
Crappy Artifact+4 necromancy +4-4 necromancy233
Evening's Close+8-0241
Harvested Slime+8-0249
Rumors of Undead+8-0257
Snowy Undead+1 kinetics +7-1 kinetics264
The long trek+8-0272
An evening to enjoy+8-0280
Playing the hero+8-0288
Staying focused+8-0296
Taking off+8-011
Trashy Auras+8 semblance-8 semblance19
Auras in an eternal winter+5 semblance +3-8 semblance22
Out in the country+3 semblance +5-3 semblance27
Seduction0-25 Seduction2
Zombie Fun+8-026
Gambling0-25 Gambling1
Barroom Brawl+7 +1 Kinetics-1 Kinetics8
Tactical Thinking+4 +4 Semblance-4 Semblance12
Magic Trees+6 +2 Kinetics-2 Kinetics18
Sculpting0-15 Sculpting3
Scrape scrape+8-011
Bloodied hands+8-019
Sculpting0-10 Sculpting9
Dagger of bone+8-017
Dino Soul+8-025
Gambling0-25 Gambling0
Necessary Preparations+8-08

Last edited by Zora on Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:48 am, edited 71 times in total. word count: 645
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General Starting Package
  • 1 Set of Clothing (Cloak and footwear included)
    1 Waterskin
    1 Backpack which contains:
    1 Set of Toiletries
    10 days of rations
    1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
    Flint & Steel



  • 1 Small Motorcycle
(Assumed lost when fleeing Imperium)





  • 2x Katana
    2x Pistol
    Sniper Rifle
    Pistol Round x190 -10
    Rifle Round x100
    Bone dagger (sculpted at apprentice level)

Housing & Structures


  • A condo in a skyscraper (Assumed lost when fleeing Imperium)
    • 3 Bedrooms
      2 bathrooms
      1 simple living space
      1 simple kitchen

    A magic lab (up to master-level necromancy



  • x1 Greater Aetheryte

Starting Gold, +500 gp. 500 gp Total
Starting purchases: - 130.9 GP. 369.1 GP Total
  • Small Motorcycle 60 GP
    Simple Magic Lab 8 GP
    2x Pistol 1.9GP
    Rifle 5GP
    Sniper Rifle? 5GP?
    Pistol Round x200 2GP
    Rifle Round x100 5GP
    2x Katana 30GP
    3 Bedrooms 6GP
    2 bathrooms 4GP
    1 simple living space 2GP
    1 simple kitchen 2GP

Shooting range - 20CP. 369.098 GP Total
Upgrade magic lab to master level - 56 GP. 313.098 GP Total
1 metal slime -5gp 308.098 GP Total
Nano 2023 +50 GP. 358.098 GP Total
Nano 2023 Soloist Runner Up +5 GP. 363.098 GP Total
Purchases -11 GP 352.098 GP Total
Greater aetheryte -250 GP 100.098 GP Total
Workshop fees-9SP = 100.08GP
Workshop fees, misc purchases -1.115GP = 98.965GP
Workshop fees - 14SP = 98.825GP
[url=viewtopic.php?t=5340]Workshop fees[/ur] - 9SP = 98.735

Last edited by Zora on Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:47 am, edited 25 times in total. word count: 1514
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Name: Jesse Handler
Race: Human
DoB: Glade 9 89
PoB: Imperium
Title: None
Seduction: 25
Runeforging: 50 + 50 (Nano) -> 100
Traversion: 50 + 50 (Nano) -> 100
Medicine: 25 + 75 (Nano) -> 100
Necromancy: 50
Bodybuilding: 25 + 75 (Nano) -> 100
Resistance: 25

Additional Info:

Jesse was born in a quiet, well-to-do neighborhood not too far away from the capital of the Imperium. He grew up in a household that valued hard work, education, and above all, respect for the law. However, even at a young age, Jesse felt a distinct disconnection from his family’s values. He was drawn to the dark corners of the world, the untamed and uncontrolled.

From a young age, Jesse showed an interest in magic and he joined the academy as soon as he was able to. He became a traverser, a runeforger, and a necromancer over the span of five years. Once he got tired of academia, he started working for SMILE.

Jesse lived a fairly good and normal life for a few years and then he saw the investment opportunity of a lifetime. He went all in on a gamble and he actually made a massive profit. Enough for him to retire off of, easily. Unfortunately, he lost over half of his profits on bad investments and he ended up having to start working again.

He was addicted to the thrill of winning big which got him to start selling his services to the criminal underworld of the imperium. He is first and foremost a supplier of ammunition, some of which differs from the imperium’s standard. He also sells soul gems on the black market. His family, blissfully unaware of his dealings, saw him as an ambitious entrepreneur, albeit a little eccentric with his fascination for magic.

Jesse met Kira through one of her family members. He won her interest with a demonstration of what one of his ‘premium’ caster shells could do. They were never romantic, as he always saw her as a little sister, but Kira always had a crush on him.

It didn’t take long for her to figure out that he was involved with criminals but she never minded. If anything, it made her more interested in what he did for a living. She often goes to him to get her ammunition and to bug him to teach her a thing or two about magic. Kira does sometimes do jobs for criminals and Jesse usually tags along with her on these jobs to make sure she’s safe.

Approval Link: viewtopic.php?t=4726

Last edited by Zora on Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:25 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 432
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M A G I C & M I S C

  • The increased bloodflow grants eagle vision. This includes a variety of effects such as farsight, clarity at distance, increased ability to perceive motion, and minor telescopic ability. It is an incredibly desirable trait to have for aiming ranged weaponry and picking up on details from a distance.

Happenstance Emblem


  • Obtained here
    Emblem Link
    Acolyte level

    Sticky Fingers: As it sounds, this is the ability Oddsmakers have to make things stick together. It is done by funneling aether through their emblem, producing a glue like substance that they can coat on any surface. Anything that touches it instantly sticks, and is unable to break free until the aether runs out.

    Trick of Light: Oddsmakers are able to make extremely simple visual based illusions. These tend to be things such as changing the face of playing cards, changing the colors of objects and even masking their or other people's features. The illusions are extremely short lived, at most lasting a few hours, but while in place even Semblance users have difficulty identifying them as fake.

    Rock or Feather: An unusual ability which even Oddsmakers can make no explanation for, this aptly named ability can make things they touch weigh as heavy as a boulder, or as light as a feather. Once again their aether is funneled through the emblem and made to infuse the object in question. For a short duration its weight can be changed, but the affects last for only a few minutes at most.

    Lines of Probability: The way the lines appear is different for every Oddsmaker, but many describe the sight as being similar to Semblance. For some the lines appear as waving threads that link items, people and locations together. The thicker the line, the greater the chance that those things will interact. Others see a set of scales appear when they began to look at the probability of what they are interested in. Whichever side it tips more to the more likely that particular thing is to occur.

Kinetics Quirks
  • Projectile Queen: Kira’s kinetic powers are geared towards helping her use projectiles and also avoid getting hurt by them.

    Apprentice – Speed Detector: With how fast arrows and bullets can move, it’s essential for her survival to be able to recognize these threats as soon as possible. While kinetics mages can use aether sight/sense to detect movement around them, Kira has developed the ability to easily pick up on fast-moving things at a distance and innately know exactly how fast they are moving.

    Journeyman – Projectile Deference: Building off of Speed Detector, Kira’s aether automatically works to redirect fast-moving projectiles that come near her, much like an elementalist’s deference might. This only works on objects with incredibly high kinetic energy, such as bullets, arrows, etc, and not slower objects like punches or kicks.

    Expert – Sniper's Perch: Kira is able to maintain platforms created by Compression without concentrating on maintaining them. The amount of time they last is based on how much aether she feeds them when they're created.

    Master – Exploding Projectile: Kira can imbue a projectile with the effects of splintering/vibration by encasing it in her aether. The projectile would effectively punch a hole in the flux and create an explosion when it hits something, or at a predefined point in its flight path. The process of imbuing the projectile takes about a minute, after which it must be immediately fired.

    Master – Rapid Fire: Kira's acceleration is both inherent and automatic at this stage. So long as Kira has the mental and visual focus to maintain multiple, specific targets, she will find that when she throws a projectile or shoots at one target, multiple weapons will automatically and simultaneously be thrown or fired in unison with her action.

Negation Quirks Link
  • Theme: Kinetic Defense – these quirks revolve around mixing negation with kinetics to add some extra utility to the magic.

    Apprentice – Fluxed Guard: Kira has the ability to create a Guard that is inherently mingled with her Kinetics energy. This allows it to be tasked to move in a predetermined, fixed direction and distance so as to better redirect the energy of what it is blocking in order to last longer, use less aether, and break less easily.

    Journeyman – Mobile Negation: Kira can move wards and guards that she’s made. The difficulty of doing so is based on the size of the ward. Moving a small shield or cage would be fairly easy, while moving a ward that covered an entire house would be impossible.

    Expert – Mage Cuffs: Kira compresses her aether using Kinetics to create cuffs on a mage’s body. These cuffs function as wards which use Static to disrupt any attempts at using magic. This essentially makes a temporary set of Magebinding Cuffs that function so long as she has aether to fuel them

    Master – Fluxed Ward: Within the confines of a ward, Kira can cause the flux within it to move in a certain direction for the duration of the ward’s existence. She could, for instance, cause everything within a warded house to be pushed up ever so slightly, causing a low-gravity effect. Another use might be to drag things to/from the center of the ward.

    Master – Explosive Failure: An upgrade of sorts to the Fluxed Guard quirk. Kira can modify a Guard such that it explodes when struck, similar to the Vibration kinetics ability. Kira harnesses the kinetic energy of the incoming attack to help fuel the explosion, causing the Vibration to cost less aether than usual.

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