Addendum Request Thread

Submit your requests for an Addenum to the Staff.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author, Associate Author, Junior Author, Peer Reviewer

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At any time, players may elect to submit to their local moderator team a request to assign an Addendum to their given thread. This can be a prompt that has already been generated on the registry calendars or it can be something the playerbase devises themselves. With that being said, the assigning of an Addendum to a thread requires that the local moderator grant permission for it to be done. Players may select any of the Addendums listed and so long as their local moderator signs off on the proposed thread, they may proceed with it.

Requesting an Addendum be assigned to a thread will require that the players involved submit a synopsis of proposed events to the local moderation team for review. This should be a summary of players involved, a brief outline of proposed events, any relevant NPC’s and potential points of interest to consider. If in the process a player sees a need to create a new location, NPC, faction etc. in order to meet the needs of the proposed Addendum, approval will be granted as part of the Addendum process. However, the relevant location, NPC(s) etc. should be written up in full.

Please use the below form when submitting an Addendum request to your local moderator for review. Players may only select a single Addendum to be added to a thread. Moderators have it within their discretion to offer more if they deem it appropriate.

The Ransera Moderation Team

Paragon - Chief Author of Ransera. Regional Author of Karnor, Principal Author of Kalzasi.
Aegis - Principal Author of Ecithian Commonwealth. Oversees the Ecithian Commonwealth.
Chronicle - General Principal Author. Assists where needed. Kingdom of Atinaw pending release.
Mirage - Principal Author of the Imperium. Oversees the Gelerian Imperium.
Pharaoh - Principal Author of Solunarium. Oversees the Kingdom of Solunarium.
Rune - Principal Author of Zaichaer. Oversees the City-State of Zaichaer.
Hekatos - Associate Author of Sol'Valen (In-Development). Assists as needed.
Talisman - Associate Author of Solunarium. Assists as needed.

Code: Select all

[b]Addendum[/b]: [Which addendum are you requesting?]
[b]Moderator[/b]: [Who is the moderator overseeing the approval?]
[b]Location[/b]: [Where is the thread going to take place? Include all locations. Be specific.]
[b]Players Involved[/b]: [Who is participating in the thread?]
[b]Synopsis[/b]: [Provide a brief summary of proposed events. Include relevant NPC’s.]


The story involves, in some way, the pursuit of an item, person, or place that enjoys Legendary status across the collective lore of Ransera or something that could reasonably be considered to possess Legendary status. This can include artifacts, resources, locations of interest or even figures of legend or their works. Legendary Threads must be completed in a saga, meaning that any thread assigned Legendary status must have accompanying threads to follow it before the requested reward will be granted. The total sum of words across all threads must be greater than or equal to but not less than 50,000 words. All Legendary threads will only be reviewed by a member of Staff. The Peer Review team is not authorized to grant rewards for Legendary thread arcs. The threads may be completed at the leisure of the involved parties. The awarding of XP, Lore, and any associated rewards will be granted in bulk review by a member of Staff only AFTER the final thread has been completed. Rewards are multiplied by 3 for each thread.

Gold Rush (10K)

The player and the involved parties are seeking a very large payout of money or items that can be exchanged for a significant amount of money. For a payout of 10k gold pieces or the equivalent in items, players must complete a total of 10k words across the thread. This comes out to 500 words per post in a 20 post thread. The total reward will be divided among the participants. Players will be authorized an additional 1k gold or equivalent in items for every 1k words above the 10k minimum. The word count is calculated for the total written across the entirety of the thread.

Snapshot (24HR)

The thread must be completed in its entirety within 24 hours of the initial post. Reward(s) are tripled for 24 HR snapshot threads.A Snapshot thread must contain a minimum of 20 posts and will be required to meet the 300 word recommendation at a minimum for every post in the thread. Failure to meet this condition means the resulting rewards will default to the minimum authorized for a thread as normal, provided it has no other Addendums assigned. At their discretion, moderators can award the Snapshot Addendum for threads that meet the requirement even if participants did not request it. Rewards are doubled for a 24 HR snapshot thread.

Snapshot (48 HR)

The thread must be completed in its entirety within 48 hours of the initial post. Reward(s) are doubled for 48 HR snapshot events. A Snapshot thread must contain a minimum of 20 posts and will be required to meet the 300 word recommendation at a minimum for every post in the thread. Failure to meet this condition means the resulting rewards will default to the minimum authorized for a thread as normal, provided it has no other Addendums assigned. At their discretion, moderators can award the Snapshot Addendum for threads that meet the requirement even if participants did not request it. Rewards are doubled for a 48 HR snapshot thread.

Word Count (25K)

Participants must write a total of 25,000 words each, in the thread in order to successfully complete it. Reward(s) are tripled for Word Count (25k) conditions. The 20 post limit recommendation is waived for these threads.

Word Count (10K)

Participants must write a total of 10,000 words each, in the thread in order to successfully complete it. Reward(s) are doubled for Word Count (10k) conditions. The 20 post limit recommendation is waived for these threads.

Hazard (DEADLY)

On top of the stated goal of the given thread, players must face a DEADLY hazard that poses a life threatening risk to their character(s). Success means that reward(s) are quadrupled. Failure will mean severe disability or even death. Regardless, no character involved in the thread should come out of it unscathed. It should push the characters to their absolute limits forcing them to use every resource at their availability. DO NOT APPLY FOR A DEADLY CONDITION IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO ACCEPT THE RISKS!!!!! Moderators must review a DEADLY condition thread. Peer Reviewers are not authorized to review these threads. Staff will discern whether the events of the thread adequately met the proposed condition appropriately. If it is found lacking, the Addendum will not be awarded.


On top of the stated goal of the given thread, players must face a CHALLENGING hazard that poses a risk great enough to imperil their lives or result in serious harm to their character. Success means that reward(s) are tripled. DO NOT APPLY FOR A CHALLENGING CONDITION IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO ACCEPT THE RISKS!!!!! Moderators must review a CHALLENGING condition thread. Peer Reviewers are not authorized to review these threads. Staff will discern whether the events of the thread adequately met the proposed condition appropriately. If it is found lacking, the Addendum will not be awarded.


On top of the stated goal of the given thread, players will face a MODERATE hazard that can result in a longer than average road to recovery if they fail to overcome it. While this will not maim or kill the character, it will require that they put concerted effort into recuperating. Success means that the reward(s) are doubled.

No Magic

For whatever reason, magic is either not usable or ill-advised during the course of this particular event. As a result, no magic can be involved in achieving the solution to the given objective. Players should face a situation that challenges their character’s critical thinking skills and forces them to apply themselves in a unique way. This can be to solve a puzzle, a problem in a community or any number of situations. Rewards for this thread will be increased by half.


For whatever reason, the solution to the problem the players face is one that can only be solved through the use of something magical. Additionally, all participants must use magic in every single post within the thread. The completion of this type of condition will increase the reward by half. For the purposes of this Addendum, the magic in question must either be a Personal or World Magic.

Divine Wrath (3+)

3 players or more within the thread each bear an Emblem and make extensive use of said Emblem within the course of the thread. "Extensive" will be defined as the use of the Emblem in every post that relevant players make within the thread. The completion of this type of condition will double the reward. The reward will triple if all participants possess and make use of the same Emblem.

Divine Wrath (2)

2 players within the thread each bear an Emblem and make extensive use of said Emblem within the course of the thread. "Extensive" will be defined as the use of the Emblem in at least every other post that relevant players make within the thread. The completion of this type of condition will double the resource reward.

Notoriety (Political)

The player or player(s) are seeking to gain greater influence among the politics within a given area, specifically in terms of an area’s government. This type of thread can be used to obtain a government position, acquire a noble title, be granted a political promotion through the awarding of higher titles etc. These threads should be submitted directly to the moderation team overseeing the relevant area. Players will be required to submit these threads in a sets of (2), meaning that (2) threads must be written before the requested notoriety will be given. It should be noted that players cannot use these types of threads to suddenly be awarded major positions that are not reasonably earned out of nowhere. A street urchin will not suddenly be granted a Dukedom but they could reasonably be granted a Knighthood. For higher ranked players with higher titles and positions in politics, this manner of thread can be used to gain a political advantage that, while not necessarily resulting in a promotion, can yield the acquisition of something to gain leverage over a political opponent.

Notoriety (Organization)

The player or player(s) are seeking to gain greater influence among the ranks of a specific faction or organization. This type of thread can be used as justification for the awarding of a higher position within the stated faction or organization. These threads should be submitted directly to the moderation team overseeing the faction in question in the area the player is operating in. Players will be required to submit these threads in sets of (2), meaning that (2) threads must be written before the requested notoriety will be given. It should be noted that players cannot use these types of threads to suddenly be awarded major positions that are not reasonably earned out of nowhere. A new recruit to a faction will not suddenly be made Grandmaster of a Guild. For higher ranked players with higher ranks in a given faction, they may use this manner of thread to gain advantages over their rivals that may see them granted greater authority in the faction at large, priming them for consideration to even greater heights of leadership.
word count: 1931
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
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Addendum: Hazard: Moderate
Moderator: Aegis
Location: Southern Ecith
Players Involved: Imogen Ward & Anna Carina Caron
Synopsis: This short plot involves a new location approved by Aegis. This location consists of a small cavern with Shadow-aspected features ("Shadow Eagle Cavern") and a ruined lighthouse which is only accessible due to the sudden solar eclipse ("Blind Watchtower"). The player characters have previously entered the Shadow Eagle Cavern under non-eclipse conditions and will do so again, enter the newly-revealed Blind Watchtower, and devise a way through the ruin to the watchtower's top. Knowing how to access the Blind Watchtower may prove useful in later exploration of Southern Ecith; additionally, Carina will try to adopt one of the elementally-aspected animals which nest at the watchtower's top as a pet.

Note about addendum - The plan for the moderate hazard involves a combination of traps, natural hazards and potentially dangerous wildlife in the ruins- if you'd like us to roll for outcomes to make the hazard a little more hazardous, we can do that in the Discord room and record results. We are also planning to try to complete either the 10k or 48h tags as a fun challenge.

Thanks for your consideration!

 ! Message from: Paragon
Request approved.
word count: 209
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Addendum: Legendary
Moderator: Technically, Paragon but…um…yeah…
Location: Third Deep of the Warrens, the Haunted Reaches. Specifically, the Desert of Souls.
Players Involved: Talon. It will be a solo series completed across various placeholders I have but will have several NPC’s.
Synopsis: An undead dragon has taken up residence in the Warrens. This is not the first undead dragon that Talon has come face to face with, having dealt with one in Searing 121. It was the catalyst event for what propelled him to the second stage of demigodhood. He is particularly interested in pursuing this dragon because not only does it pose a threat to Kalzasi by its mere presence, dragon bones are a reagent that he is deeply interested in acquiring in order to complete the work for an artifact at his forge. He is interested in pursuing the dragon as well as whatever hoard it may have stashed in its lair within the Desert of Souls of the Haunted Reaches.

Anoch-Sun, the Lost Temple

Half-buried beneath the bone white sands of the Desert of Souls stands the temple of Anoch-Sun. To whom the temple was built? It is unknown. What is known is that the entrance to the temple periodically surfaces with the shifting of the sands only to be swallowed by them again with the coming of a dust storm. Archaeologists, explorers and treasure hunters all savor a chance to dive deep into the many chambers of the temple as they are filled with riches both mundane and magical. Whoever this temple was built for and whatever civilization it once belonged to may be unknown but it is clear that it had once been a place of both great knowledge and great wealth. Many suspect that the ruins of this civilization lay scattered beneath the dunes of the desert. There are certainly enough that have been found throughout the sands to lend validity to this claim.

The entrance that is accessible with the shifting of the sands is, in truth, one of the upper most floors of the temple. Beneath that floor there rest numerous others until one reaches what, at one time, was considered the ground floor. Only the most daring and well-prepared of explorers have ever made it to the ground floor of the temple with reports stating that there are underground floors as well. The temple has a vast interior that depicts humanoid figures of giant size, with many believing it to be a place that was constructed by the original giants whom the Moratallen are descended from. This, coupled with some of the murals throughout the temple depicting giant sized figures has led the scholarly community to agree solely based on the fact that there is no viable alternative.

There are many traps both mundane and magical throughout the temple, ensuring that the place remains challenging to explore for even mages. Even in some of the most well traversed areas of the temple, not every room has been opened or explored whether because they are locked by some ancient mechanism that has yet to be solved or because they are believed to house something particularly dangerous.

Ghenaya, the Bloody Word
Dragonflight: Bronze
Age: Ancient

Once a proud and noble member of the Bronze Dragonflight, Ghenaya was driven to madness through the corruption of a lich whom she sought to subdue for his corrupt teachings. The lich proved greater than her in his cunning and guile and through a series of profane rituals, corrupted her, twisted her mind, and ushered her into the realms of undeath. Now she is a servant of the lich, having taken up residence in the temple of Anoch-Sun.

NPC Party
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 ! Message from: Mirage
Approved with additional addendum: No Magic. See PM for details
word count: 1224
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Hilana Chenzira
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Addendum: "Hazard - Challenging" as well as "No Magic"
Moderator: Pharaoh
Location: Elsewhere/Land of Nod/Plane of Avaerys and Varvara/[Tertium?]
Players Involved: Hilana Chenzira
Synopsis: Hilana made the pilgrimage to Mount Kaladon with her pack... but must now face the fires of her Gods as a lone wolf.
 ! Message from: Pharaoh
Given the set-up, this will be considered a Legendary Hazard (Challenging) encounter. You may reply to this prompt with the understanding that, for good or ill, Hilana will not return from Kaladon unchanged. Addendum approved.
word count: 87
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Location: Kalzasi
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Addendum: Hazard (Deadly)
Moderator: Pharaoh
Location: Mount Kaladon, Auris and the Platinum Palace, Nod.
Players Involved: Finn & Arvælyn
Synopsis: Having trudged up Mount Kaladon and battled off apparent Orkish and Elven assailants seemingly conjured from the æther, Finn and Arvælyn now stand at an altar at the mouth of the volcano. Having made their sacrifices, they now face the last and most deadly trial of the Pilgrimage: Facing the Founders of Solunarium.
 ! Message from: Pharaoh
This was a long time coming! You may reply to this prompt with the understanding that, for good or ill, Finn & Arry will not return from Kaladon unchanged- If they come home at all... Addendum approved.
word count: 112
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Addendum: Hazard: Deadly
Moderator: Paragon is the overseer of Kalzasi so it would fall in his domain.
Location: Kalzasi overall: the emphasis of the location would be one of the Great Noble House's stomping grounds.
Players Involved: Open - Major City event
Starting on this from an OoC perspective, the idea is to hash out a 3 part solo series leading up to the main event. My mentality for this approach is to utilize the Eclipse event that unfolds in the middle of Ash, and explore a few concepts that have been a WIP since the joining of the site (such as the combat/ability system I've implemented for Rickter and my other PC's)

The main event itself is where players throughout the city can get involved, and rise to the challenge of 10k if they so desire, while the in-story situation gets resolved through player involvement/interaction. Below is the outline of how I've chartered out this event:
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Sidenote: I realize that the 10k Challenge might only apply to per thread when I put in the request, and I had thought about making the challenge stretch across the solos, but it can also just apply to the main event since that also is the hazard challenge.
 ! Message from: Paragon
You may only apply for (1) Addendum as a player. After discussing it with you, this event will be assigned the Hazard: DEADLY Addendum, per your request. This will be applied to both the Solo series and the Event. Additionally, based on the communicated timeline of events I am assigning the Addendum of Divine Wrath to it minus the condition of requiring 3+ players with Emblems. Rickter will have been awarded Demigod status by the time of this event. He will be forced to rely heavily upon that newfound divinity in the face of such an overwhelming challenge. To the point where that very strength may be what is exacerbating its difficulty. I strongly advise he be well prepared for the difficulty ahead. I will likely insert a mod-bomb here or there to escalate things to an appropriate level.

Please be advised, Hazard: DEADLY will thoroughly test your character, NPC's and any associated players that elect to participate in the event. I strongly encourage that both you and those going into the event be fully prepared for it.
word count: 962
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Addendum: Legendary
Moderator: Mirage
Location: Around Gel'Grandal, in Carina's office to begin with, and then the Palace of Spires.
Players Involved: Just Carina, with the possibility of Aurin and Hector in some parts, or other PCs if they become relevant.

Synopsis: Carina is going to steal from the Palace of Spires. Prep and other footwork will be done as part of the legendary questline, including finding out about the magical artifacts that are held in the Palace. Some of the steps and footwork will include getting into the palace and using semblance or potentially scrivened surveillance devices to record the aura of the Palace and the guards' patterns, finding the exact location of the artifacts, and finding the personal bedrooms of the Emperor. More specific details can be discussed! I am also applying for this now though Carina isn't completely ready for the actual break-in because I believe some of the beginning threads can be written beforehand, and other threads will bring her skills up to what I'd like.
 ! Message from: Mirage
We have discussed this in some detail, but I realize there is still some planning to do. Based on the overall end goal here I am adding an additional addendum: Notoriety (Political). Please submit your fleshed out plot outline in a PM with other PC's that will be involved to discuss next steps. This will be a thread series which will likely cover at least 2 seasons starting in Ash. Good luck!
word count: 250
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