Saviour's Seed

In which Raithen waxes angelic in service to his Lord

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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The final stretch leading up to the highest tier of the island was a steeply inclining bridge of wooden plank and thick-hewn rope, which swayed against the winds that swept off the ocean. Àkriel leaned his weight forward and gripped the guide ropes as he trudged upward. He was obviously familiar with the bridge, but that didn't make him incautious. The locals lacked Raithen's wings to save them if they slipped and the descent would have been brutal.

Once they were across, Àkriel would turn back to Raithen with an amused smirk.

"My people did not choose me, but I suppose they do abide me." The Archigós noted, "Please. This way." He gestured to the towering structure that was, perhaps, the most prominent piece of architecture on the isle and led the way to the broad double doors leading inside.

They would enter a large, open hall that might have served many purposes and very likely did. For the moment, tables were being set up and fruit was being sliced off to once side, though it did not appear that some lavish feast was being prepared- Merely modest refreshment of fruits, vegetables and their respective juices all surpassingly fresh. One of the locals was humming a lilting melody as they used their webbed hands to toss a salad of kelp with a bright, orange dressing of some kind.

Chairs were still being set up at the round table to which the Archigós gestured for them to sit.

"What wisdom we have we gladly share, but ours are simple ways. No mighty mages reside here, nor harbour we any ancient artefacts... Nothing of import to your world, at least. Only heirlooms of our own tribe." Once they were seated, a wide-eyed child with stringy braids of aquamarine hair rushed up to them with a tray of sliced melon as if they were on a mission of paramount import with life-or-death stakes. They offered the tray up toward Raithen, gaping with some blend of abject terror and ardent hope.

"Ευχαριστώ. Μπορείτε να αφήσετε την πιατέλα." Àkriel sang tenderly. The child nodded and handed the entire tray to Raithen, before darting off to the preparation tables.

"Now, pardon me if you find my impatience impertinent, but if you are a messenger... what is the message?" A spark of his prior nervousness revealed itself in the glint of the chieftain's eye.
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Raithen didn't hold to the ropes, letting his balance be augmented by his wings as thoughtlessly as others centered themselves with their shoulders. While the ocean was a foreign land, hostile by its nature, the winds were his home and he adjusted to their flow with almost as much ease.

Àkriel's smirk made him smile as he stepped off the bridge to join the aquatic man, even as the answer made him only more curious. As he continued to follow he also continued to question,

"If they did not chose you, is the leadership yours by right? Is it passed through a bloodline?" That would be the way the Avialae would most easily understand but his education had not neglected to teach him of other forms of government.

However modest the feast, Raithen hadn't eaten in almost a whole day and had spent all of that time in flight. Even with winds strong enough to allow him to glide for a good deal of the time he would be sore the next day, and just then, he was starving. Trying not to seem to eager he settled himself in the place offered and did not try to snatch the first tray from the child who offered it. When it was thrust into his arms he laughed, set it on the table and looked to his host for confirmation before beginning to eat. Decorum was important, but if these people had complex meal time rituals the only way he would learn them was by breaking them and being instructed, so he ate. The flavor's burst in his mouth, unfamiliar but exceptional in their freshness and tang. It was enough to make his mouth literally flood and he had to swallow to keep himself from unceremoniously leaking when he spoke.

"There is no sin in the desire to hear the words of His Divine Radiance. His message is that He is coming. I am herald as much as messenger today. I know not the exact day, but soon, He will be among you."

Continuing to eat he let his eyes wander the room, picking up details of who did what labors and how people reacted to each other, looking for signs of ranking and expectation among them. Every culture had expectations of different members and learning those would make this expedition significantly easier.
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At the question of Ákriel’s right to lead, he nodded.

“This is the way amongst the Vrónti, but different tribes keep different ways. I am the oldest child of the previous Archigós. When she no longer wished to lead, she devoted her focus to her reef gardens. Some of the forthcoming spread includes her harvest.”

If there was any custom being broken by Raithen’s indulgence, none of the locals made mention of it and no one seemed particularly perturbed. Some of those preparing the plates were unabashedly plucking pieces as they cut. Perhaps a tariff for their efforts, or perhaps they were simply following their whims.

Others who’d been behind them on the trip up were bringing baskets of fish and shellfish to deliver to the preparation tables. The lyrical exchanges of their native tongue, augmented as it was by gestures, and was a chaotic chorus with equally chaotic choreography.

Ákriel seemed taken aback at the answer to his question.

“Oh, I see…” He paused for a moment to process this news. He was more confused than anything. He wasn’t sure what they could possibly offer to satisfy a god. Their closed ecosystem was bountiful enough to date the locals, but the modest feast they offered this honoured guest was frugal by design. Excess would quickly put a strain on their limited resources, and gods were wont to be hungry creatures. Ákriel wasn’t even witting to the fact that the god in question counted Hunger amongst his domains. That would have only turned his nervousness to dread.

“How ought we to prepare for such a visit? I would know more of your Divine Master, that I might prepare my people to properly receive him.”
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Raithen gave some of his attention to the food being prepared when it was suggested that the one who had once lead this people had grown some of the fare herself. Hereditary leadership was a simplified version of what he was used to in his own society, perhaps, in this case, very simplified, but that made it easy for him to understand.

What constituted the 'oldest' child, whether it was literal or there were legalities involved in mating, he could ask about later.

"It must be nice," He said, turning his attention to new dishes as they were served, "Having your mentor around still to advise you." The stability it would add to a government and the legitimacy of the heir were advantages that were obvious to him. If he had been in a position to ever rule over his House, but had known that his mother would still be available to guide him, the idea might not have been so daunting.

While the Avialae did not particularly enjoy spending time in the ocean, he had no qualms about enjoying its bounty. Watching the people move, speaking in their sing-song language, and again as much with their bodies as their tongues, it made the whole seen look like a dance, as intentional as it was chaotic.

Turning back to his host, not noticing any hesitation or misgivings he might be feeling, he nodded to the gathering and said,

"This, I think, would please Him. When all who you wish to gather are here and settled I will tell you tales of His Divine Radiance, that you may know Him." He paused, cocking his head to watch a particularly intent exchange of hang gestures between two of those preparing the fish, then said,

"Is there someone who can teach me this?" He imitated several of the gestures he'd seen being used most often to show what he meant. "I feel like I'm missing half the conversation." He laughed, at himself, to show that he was not offended.
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Ákriel seemed amused by Raithen’s suppositions. Enough so that he stifled a chuckle, though he did seem a bit embarrassed and quickly cleared his throat and flattened out his smirk.

“When it comes to matters of leadership, I must be sly indeed to glean guidance from my Foréas.” He paused, seeming to recall belatedly that this was not a Vallenor word but a term unique to Nepthal. “This would be, to you, like a mother. She is very committed to her retirement, you see. She sets firm boundaries and, apart from the most extreme circumstances, is content to let me make my own mistakes. ‘Try again, fail again, fail better.’” Is her motto.

“I doubt you will meet her today unless you seek her out below. She does not fancy large social situations or spontaneity. She says she’s had enough of both for one lifetime.” At this Ákriel rolled his eyes, while reaching for a slice of melon with long, slender fingers. He took a relishing bite, rolling his eyes for an entirely different reason and sighed with satisfaction.

“You are interested in our language? You may be at the advantage for your fluency in Vallenor. The vocabulary and grammar are derived from the old tongue of Mother Sol’Valen. Our language, Nepthal, is more easily articulated underwater. When our ancestors took to the ocean’s embrace we needed to adjust, or so the lorekeepers tell us.” The last of the platters seemed to be en route to the tables now, and even some of the most avid curiosity-seekers were suddenly more interested in filling their bellies than Raithen, though the winged angel remained a close second.

“Whenever you are ready, please speak. I shall quiet them down and translate.”
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Rai grinned at Ákriel's amusement, even if he didn't fully understand it until the explanation had been given.

"I see." He acknowledged, "I can understand her sentiments, I would not weather so well, leading an entire people for decades and decidedly want my peace afterward."

After another bite, he added, "My mother is also my guide and the leader of my House. I would not disturb your Foréas'," He tried out the unfamiliar word carefully, "retirement without great need, though if she desires anything from me I will attend her with respect."

The motto was a little odd for Raithen, considering failure was not tolerated in his social circles. Not that he himself had ever really been in a position to fail in a way that would matter. He supposed he could have just slacked off through all his training and failed to be accepted into the Imperial Guard but even that would have been a minor thing compared to any of his siblings' potential failures. Realizing the pressure that the other members of his family were under constantly was something he could only do conceptually, and tried not to whenever possible.

"I would love to try to learn, and perhaps with my background education it would not be as difficult for me." The notion that it might be easier still if he were willing to take lessons while underwater was also something he didn't intend to spend any time thinking about. If a polite decline of such an offer proved to dissuade his potential teachers he would simply have to communicate through interpreters. The idea of swimming was unpleasant in the best of circumstances, having his head underwater made him begin to grow physically uncomfortable even just thinking about it. Memories of thrashing, rushing water swirling around him as he flailed, filled his head and, for a moment, made his ears ring before he could pull himself back into the present.

Startled to realize it was time for him to speak, and also that he had not taken any time to order his mind for speaking he swallowed what had been in his mouth and tried to give a reassured nod of acceptance. In the few moments he had as everyone finished settling and serving themselves he tried to put all the tales of The Twins he had been taught as a child in order in his head. He might not get them all chronologically correct but, as often as he'd heard them, he could at least deliver a reasonable narrative.

Standing he looked down at his seated host and said,

"Would you prefer I waited until you were finished? Or is there another translator?"
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The chieftain would not realise that he'd misspoken. It was not that Nepthal was more easy to articulate underwater than it was on land. It was that it was more easy to articulate underwater than most languages spoken on the surface. Much nuance had been lost when his ancestors attempted to speak Vallenor beneath the waves, and adjustments had needed to be made. Thus did the language of Nepthal evolve.

"You are the guest." Ákriel protested, "When you are ready to speak, I am ready to serve." He lowered his head deferentially and gestured for Raithen to proceed at his own pace. With as much attention as Raithen was already drawing from the locals, even that vague sweep of the arm was enough to hush the surrounding onlookers. They were eager to know more of their unusual guest and at even this slight sign, that anticipation transitioned quickly to expectation and many eyes that had regarded him in their periphery turned to stare at him outright.

While Raithen, as an Avialæ in a largely homogenous culture, was not unaccustomed to stares, their gazes were peregrine. Not like those of people in his aforementioned largely homogenous culture. Their anticipation was almost innocent. Their context completely alien. Soon Raithen would be stricken with the sense that the locals were not the only ones watching. That the true test of his mettle, his devotion, his worthiness was truly at hand.

"Thou, Archangelus Meus, shall prepare My way." He of the Sceptre had bade and, though Raithen had not yet prayed for Him to come and receive the supplication of His new flock, there would be a sense that he was not inattentive to this progress. Perhaps what had been framed as Aværys' whim was a more meaningful edict, or perhaps He expected His whims to be treated with the same regard as His commandments. Whatever the case, His glow seemed to highlight the edges of Raithen's view as he looked out over his huddled audience.
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Clearing his throat, the second son of House Phædryn told the tale of his linage, not that of his own family, but that of how his family had come to be. The stories he had learned as tales on the knees of his mother and nurses blended together with the real histories he had learned in the school room and even with the experience he now personally had of his God. He was no bard, but he was not shy and these were subjects written into his heart as much as his head. Perhaps he did well, perhaps he did not, but he obeyed.

As his voice rose and fell, the words coming intentionally slowly so the translation could be managed without breaking either his own rhythm or Ákriel's, he began to feel the Will that had pervaded him, off and on, for months now. A part of him stirred, reaching for the comfort of the ownership and guidance implied in the Holy attention.

The Rightfulness of Avaerys' rulership swelled in the Avialae and it sounded in his voice as he continued, any weaver or hesitation bled from him and it was in joy as well as assurance that he finished the tale of the Divine Twins; Their rise, Their fall, and Their return. It was not all encompassing, far from it, it was an outline, a story, but it was told with the passion of true belief.

When it was finished he waited, not taking his seat again, but letting what had been imparted settle onto the minds that had absorbed it. When the eyes that had wandered away in thought and consideration returned to his form, looking for what more he could provide he asked, simply,

"Will you open yourself to His Radiance? Will you accept His Lordship and become His People, as I have?"
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Ákriel rose and signalled for his people to gather in view of their guest. Many seated themselves upon the wood planks of the floor, others (mostly elders) occupied mismatched chairs or stools constructed of driftwood by various artisans over the span many years. As Raithen spoke, Ákriel would impart his message in the exotic, lilting melody of his voice as his lithe body contributed to the telling.

As Raithen felt the rapture of his true faith, he would see a growing awe in the eyes that peered his way. The eyes of the Avialæ took on an empyreal, golden glow and the very air around him seemed to warp in the light cast forth from his very flesh. Though Raithen was no Mesmer and was not in direct control of the affect he was emitting, there was something euphoric about the sensation of inspiring awe in these simple, island folk. Their attention nourished a part of him… their interest sated the hunger of some piece of his soul that had never been fed.

When he completed his oratory, Ákriel turned to him, eyes welling with the overwhelming feelings stirred, but his expression was one of confusion.

“I… do not understand what we have done to curry attention from such a one. We are not an ambitious people… What mild hungers we have are sated by the bounty of the sea… we wield little in the way of power. Even the tribes of our sister islands seem more suited to the purposes of your Lord.” He lowered his eyes,

“I would not shirk the honour of serving a god…” There was fear in his voice that suggested he was more disinclined to offend one than keen to submit. Whatever his reasons, he would surely oblige. This much was clear as a desert day

“I am glad you have come in advance of the mighty one. Will you help us prepare to receive him appropriately?”
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It was on him again, he could feel it, in his blood, in his mind. Divine Radiance filled him as no touch of food or drink or lover ever had, ever could. Raithen was Full.

He was no Mesmer, but he could see his words stirring through the Neptori. He was not Sembler, but he could feel their hearts and minds leaning in towards what was being offered. When he finished he felt sated, no longer in need of the meal offered, or any other thing, except, perhaps, to be at Avaerys' feet in worship. Except, perhaps this was worship too.

Turning to look down at where Ákriel sat he smiled, skin glowing, eyes rimmed in gold, and said,

"He chose you." Without knowing it he spoke their language, lilting accent blending with his own. The words filled the chamber, despite how they'd been spoken; in quiet intimacy. Reaching out his hand he placed it over the tribal leader's head, resting it there in benediction for them all.

It was right that they were afraid, in awe, overwhelmed, that was how a people should feel when a God came to claim them. They stayed thus for a long moment, Raithen's smile more benevolent than he would have recognized on himself, before he withdrew his hand and turned to address the room again.

"I am here to prepare the way for He Who Comes. I will not abandon you. His Will Be Done."

Soon he would pray to the God that was now theirs, calling Him to them, but they could have a little time to learn how to behave. It wouldn't due to have them panicking or irreverent. There were forms, and formulaic prayers that might please Him, and beyond that, teaching this wild and untethered people subservience might take time. Likely His Divine Radiance would want to do some of it himself, but if one of the islanders was smited on His first arrival it would be a blame on Raithen's head.

"Kneel," He commanded, "And we will pray."
word count: 352
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