The Beetle Man Cometh (Open to First 3)

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Frost 84, 122

As Kalzasi began the transition into the upcoming spring season, much of the bitterness of the cold winds was losing its edge. It was still terribly cold by anyone of southern expectations, but even with the eclipse overhead still hanging in place, the air was getting slightly warmer by native’s standards.

On the morning of the 84th, many people would begin noticing early signs of spring coming. For some, the bread in their pantry suddenly had maggots that hadn’t appeared at all during winter. For others, their kids might come home with avian lice after playing outside. And for some, turning over a stone would reveal not just the usual worms and ants but also fat beetle grubs and centipedes.

And some would find this all terribly strange, as it seemed to be happening earlier than it should.


By midday, a clearly Fae man and his carriage were parked outside of Phoma’s. The carriage was ornately carved, deep red wood and appeared to still be alive if the branches that sprouted from the top of it still bearing green leaves were any indication. He was seated in a rocking chair beneath the shade of one of these branches, blowing purple and blue smoke rings from a pipe.

He waved at a pair of Avialae that were approaching, carrying a rather large fish between them, a deep water Udori Sturgeon. In a surprisingly high pitched voice, “Thank you, gents. Just put it in front of Gerdie. Stefan doesn’t share very well.” He thumbed to the front of the carriage where instead of horses or oxen were two terribly large horned beetles, deep cerulean in color and larger than either a horse or ox.

The two men looked at each other, then at the giant beetles, then slowly approached the beetle they hoped was Gerdie. They tossed the fish down before the giant creature, who promptly cut the fish in half with its horn, nudging one half over to Stefan. Then Gerdie snatched up her half and began chewing on the fish.

The smaller of the Avialae, with brightly colored wings reminiscent of a hummingbird, approached the man, who handed him a bag of coins. The young man flinched as a spider scurried up his arm from the bag, letting out a startled yelp. The Fae man cackled and spoke, “There’s some extra in there if you spread the word that Bertil’s cart is open for business. I’m selling and buying rare materials from foreign lands. Among other things.”

The larger Avialae with his grey pigeon wings peered past the old man into his cart. It was dark in the window but he could make out the movement of many vague and small things. He nodded as he paled in a sort of green way, “Sure…”

And the pair left as quickly as they could, as Bertil continued to smoke his pipe.
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“The chestnuts, please,” Reika asked as she pointed at the plump roasted chestnuts sold on the snack cart. Their comforting scent wafted into the air and she felt her mouth water. If she could eat chestnuts every day, she probably would.

As she waited for the old woman to fill up the paper bag, she rubbed on a small tea stain that had managed to find its way onto her dress earlier that day. She knew it would be fruitless, but the young woman couldn’t help trying. Reika was clothed in all white today - her dress, her cloak, her boots. Certainly not the most practical, but she thought it looked pretty.

The old woman threw a steamed sweet potato into the bag before handing it to her. “You need to eat more, dear.”

Reika laughed and gave the old woman her copper pieces. “I’ll try.”

With her hefty spoils, the Dahshida wandered aimlessly through the shops. Her sisters were probably still at the teahouse, but she didn’t want to return just yet. Reika liked her walks. Between the whirlwind of events in her life, it was nice to have a quiet moment to herself. As she walked, she took out a chestnut and began peeling it slowly.

Then she saw the peculiar carriage. Reika had been to the plaza a million times and she was sure she had never seen the cart in her life. She would remember seeing a cart pulled by two giant beetles. It stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd and the young woman found herself walking straight toward it. Who must be the cart owner was just as peculiar. The old man looked fae, with branches growing out of his skull.

“What is it that you sell, sir?” Reika asked curiously when she got close enough, trying to peer inside the carriage.
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Moon Jae-Seong
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Frost was beginning to wane, though a bit early this season. Jae-Seong was not the biggest fan of this. For as much as he did enjoy Glade, he almost favored the stillness of Frost. He also considered the fact that an early Glade might indicate an early Searing, something he absolutely would not like, as that was his least preferred time of year by a very large margin. Nonetheless, it wasn't as if there was anything he could do about it, so no sense fretting over it.

Frost had been a busy season for Kalzasi all things considered, and as such, the swordsman relished in the moments he could slip away from politics and anything else of any true import. He preferred to wander and come across curiosities by happenstance, and it would appear that today was quite lucky for him given his tastes. As he wandered through varying shops, between carts and other outside merchants, he spotted one that he had not seen in the past.

The strange cart appeared to be crafted of wood that still lived, that still grew and was being led by two very oversized beetles. How fascinating! The mixed-blood stood from a distance as he watched the odd encounter two Avialae had with the curious shopkeep, and as they walked away with disgust, a woman dressed in all white appeared to be lured in by the enigmatic presence of the thing.

In Zoan form and dressed in light pastels, he followed her lead, though he didn't yet say anything. She was in front of him in line, after all, and he wanted to see how the little Fæ man within would treat with her. What a fine day for something strange.
- - -

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The Beetle Man Cometh
Frost 84th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
Winter. Such a strange concept that hardly beheld any real meaning to the wolf before, though, that was also before the fact he had become the King of Frost a while ago. Somehow, even as the season progressed, it felt as though the cold of the North still clung to him, even with the early signs of Glade somehow cropping up throughout the city.

The cool bite of winter's chill was nothing to the wolf, as he'd walked about the open market of the Promenade, wearing only his leather trousers and fur-padded vest while his boots clicked against the cobblestone. He had come out today on a bit of an errand, focused on the food, however, now that the enriched smells of their aromas permeated the air.

"What do we think?" The voice of his companion pulled his attention, and the Atinoran garbed in his beige-sleeved tunic was seen near a vendor selling cheeses. One such cheese wheel was near the size of Rickter's forearm, which, Patrick inspected curiously as he pondered the scent of it. Rickter didn't really like it all that much, the pungent aroma enough to nearly curl the wolf's nose when he looked at the bartender. "Should go good with tonight's selection of beverages."

"The fact you and your brothers drink religiously sometimes concerns me." Rickter murmured as his gaze dully shifted from Patrick to another stall, the sweet smell of maple and smoked venison garnering his attention as the Atinoran chuckled from the remark.

"You're honestly worried about that?" What an excellent point. It was bad enough the bartender was promiscuous enough on his own, hell, he even made Hannah seem tame even when she had her fun. "Whoa!" The wolf's eyes widened briefly as Pat's sudden excitement drew his attention, the Atinoran quickly replacing the cheese wheel from where he inspected, as his gaze went further down the street toward a much different vendor compared to the usuals found lined here.

Two massive beetles... The likes that reeked of mossy soil, and a carriage that they seemed to cart around. Already a few people had started to line up toward it, and while the scents alone were intriguing to the wolf, Rickter could only wonder just who exactly had set up their shop here in Kalzasi. Merchants from all over weren't uncommon, but with the recent war times, less travel made them a lesser commodity even before the start of Frost. "So, hear me out." The wolf nearly rolled his eyes before his gaze shifted from the carriage to his companion. "Connor would never forgive me if I didn't at least check that out. He's always interested in unusual things, plus you never know, might find some interesting baubles or trinkets to take home!"

Honestly... the wolf would've rather spent the money on more important things, though, it was often better thought of to buy his loved one gifts... and not just armor upgrades. "...Fine." He admittedly sighed with no actual promise to buy anything, causing Patrick to briefly fist pump in his small victory, as the two men approached to see what the owner of the cart might have to display. They waited patiently behind a familiar face, Rickter having only seen the man at least a few times over the past couple of seasons.

If addressed by any looks or greetings, the pair would certainly wave in return, but remain quiet to allow the vendor to share his wonders with the lot.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 693
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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The man smiled brightly at Reika’s approach. “Oh hello miss. I must say, white truly suits you. And those boots look quite sturdy.” The corner of his mouth turned up slyly, “As for myself, I sell rare and unusual materials from foreign lands.” He blew a smoke ring, a light lavender, toward her. It floated and fluttered and draped itself over her head and rested gently on her shoulders, draping down her chest. Weightless but certainly laying there as though a true necklace.

“But that’s only what I do so I can buy fun meats for the twins.” His smile broadened revealing the small insect mandibles from inside his mouth, “I prefer to receive curiosities and give away challenges, with the occasional story and rumor thrown in.”

He was blowing smoke now that seemed to be shaped like ducks, swimming through the air, in varying shades of blue, “So, what curiosity can you give me?” There was a playful twinkle in his eye as he spoke. His gaze passed over the faces in the growing crowd winking at the man in pastels before moving onto the pair of men. A chuckle escaped his lips as Patrick, Rickter, and Moon would start feeling itching, starting at the pits and ground and would spread along their limbs if left unattended.

Looking back at Reika, “Surely a bold beauty like you can entice me with something curious about you…”
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Points: 3 Exp, may not be used for magic.


Moon Jae-Seong
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Points: 3 Exp, may not be used for magic.


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Points: 6 Exp, may not be used for magic.


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