She listened to Laebirius as he expounded further on his nightmares and night terrors, and the wheels were clearly turning in her head as she ran through her mental encyclopedia for herbs and plants that could help with that. There were many options, from the rarer, harder-to-get plants on the far continent, to those that grew in her homeland with abundance. Either those that were wild and grew well in the arid desert environment, to those that needed to be coaxed along in greenhouses and babied... there were a number of options. “Well, I can think of a couple concoctions and teas to start with, and with nightmares, it can be a bit of trial and error,” she admitted. “We will see what helps and adjust accordingly. Some react very favourably to my standard solutions, some need a bit more creativity, but it can be done,” Hilana smiled at him. “But no one needs to suffer such things unduly. Come and visit Sweet Remedies in the Port Vasta district in the Luxium and I will prepare a few things for you.”
When he said it wasn’t easy, Hilana understood exactly what he meant. She had been raised outside of the cities, and so etiquette and ‘proper’ behaviour had had to be learned later on. She was always respectful and careful with the Elves, as was necessary for survival and keeping herself out of trouble; and beyond that the Vastii owed it to them as their lessers. The advice that Asher had given her for keeping herself out of trouble in the Sacred City didn’t hardly apply to one of Populus Ex’Reha, but there was bound to be some that he was picking up from his family. “You’ll get there, Dominus. It takes some time, but you will get there. I wish I could be more helpful in that regard, but the expectations of the Vastii are different from those with Re’hyaean blood.”
And truthfully, considering the times she opened her mouth and inserted her foot without any salt on it, Hilana needed to remember Asher’s advice.
When Varinios cut in, Hilana was pretty sure she smelled an evasion there. Especially with the way his hand went to his student’s shoulder. That was a gesture she recognized from her own childhood, a hand as a reminder to hush. However, far be it for her to question such things, and she simply nodded. “Well, I do wish you success on that venture. If you know where to look, there's lots to be found. But do be careful out there, one wouldn’t want to run into the antlions,” she was solemn.