A Southern Sunrise (Open)

The Holy Citadel of Light

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TimeStamp: Glade 89, 123

As the sun rose over Dawnhold, there was a momentary glint in the light, strengthening a single beam. This little ray of light landed upon quite an unassuming patch of the white stones of Dawnhold's roads. The bead glowed, then grew, forming a circle of pure sunlight there above the alabaster. A white boot stepped through, followed by the rest of a woman in form fitting white cloths and light brown and grey leathers, a scarf wrapped around her neck, her cloak fluttering in the chilly, winter touched winds. Her hair, pure white was loose and messy, and her violet eyes were darting around, before settling upon the Citadel.

A curt nod, and she stepped forward, a hand raised to her mouth, a small gasp through her fingers, her breath held in her chest. Another boot came through the portal of light, and with it, a white robe fluttering in the winds, an older, green skinned Orkhan man. He stepped forward, a hand upon the woman's shoulder, a comforting squeeze, as he too looked to the citadel. He spoke some words to her, but to any onlookers they couldn't be heard. The woman gave a few short nods, her hair parting, revealing her elven ears. She composed herself, wiping away a few tears.

The older man looked back as a third person stepped through the light. As she did, the portal closed, the morning sun subdued and matte off her full suit of armor. It was not pristine and perfect like many armors that were more suited for ceremony. This armor bore many scars, was worn, carried many stories with it, and the woman moved as comfortably in it as one would their own skin, and her armor made not a single sound. A green skinned Orkhan like the man, her face heavily tattooed, she bore a severe countenance. She too looked up at the citadel, and her gaze darkened.

She stepped between her companions, as a young page or attendant of some sort approached. No weapons were in hand on any of them, nor even openly worn. As the young man arrived, he asked the woman in the armor for their names. Her voice carried, and in it, an unshakable authority.

"Si'uvi Tikor Neverfall, Knight-Marshal of Ailos. Rophalin Zinpeiros Torchthief, Knight-Commander of Ailos. Tukor Qida Runerender, Knight-Commander of Ailos."

The young man's eyes grew wide, for these were famous names in the circles of Dawnmartyrs and the world of Ecith, and even among Imperials. And in the Order, there were only five Knight-Marshals in total, two of which stationed here. With a nod, he turned on heel, to go fetch those that would welcome them properly. As the trio waited, Rophalin, the white haired woman, was pacing about, bouncing around on her toes and heels, humming some song, inspecting the buildings and people nearby. Tukor, the robed man, reached into a pocket hidden in his sleeve, pulling a bright pink fruit from it, biting into it as he began looking to the skies. And Knight-Marshal Neverfall stood at her position, her eyes cast forward, her arms crossed behind her back, and she waited.

 ! Message from: Aegis
This thread is open to any who might wish to approach these three, informally or as part of the welcome wagon.


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Veriel was running.

At the back of her mind, she knew she probably shouldn’t. That if the news had reached her, the commanding officers in Dawnhold would be hurrying, creating a proper and formal welcome for their guests in a rush. Perhaps as the wrath of Arcas, she should be a part of it.

She couldn’t even remember who had told her. Perhaps it was an aspirant or a knight. The world turned upside down when she heard the familiar names uttered. That they were here. In Dawnhold. The elf didn’t remember what was said after that. Her limbs already moving.

So, Veriel was running. Down the stairs. Down the streets.

Then she found them. Even from afar, there was no mistaking the silhouette that was the Knight-Marshal. She could see that people had started to gather, whispering in awe. They gave the three knights a wild berth though, unsure how to interact with them. Veriel certainly wasn’t the first to hear of their arrival.

But she was the first to break through the crowd and stand in front of them.

The first feeling that hit her was relief. That the news of Ailos rebuilding itself was true and not some cruel trick to lure them back. It meant more of her friends and comrades might have survived. Veriel looked between the three knights, but her eyes quickly settled on the female orc. She was a warforged, after all, and for years she had served under the command of Knight-Marshal Si’uvi Tikor Neverfall - until the day Ailos fell.

A darker emotion settled in the pit of her stomach. Grief? Rage? Guilt? Honestly, Veriel did not know herself. But her silver eyes glowed bright as her feelings swirled into a storm.

She opened her mouth and closed it again. There were too many things that she could say, that she should say. Memories flooded her brain. Flashes of images that were a lifetime ago. Spars. Battles. Arguments. Discussions. Then there were days of the siege, where they huddled over maps, debating over plans with the surviving ranking officers - every day their numbers dwindled as more lost their lives. And of course: the last order the orkhan had given her. The one that tore her apart. The noble task that had cost her everything.

So, the siltori knelt down on one knee and met the woman’s hardened eyes. “It is done, Knight-Marshal. Novuril is with us.” And Ryo is not. But that last part… there was no need to say it out loud. They both know exactly how much had been lost.
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Knight-Marshal Neverfall looked over as she saw her former subordinate break through the ranks of the growing crowd. She watched sternly as Laveriel approached, as she knelt, gave confirmation that her own mission had been a success. And then she too, knelt down, leaning forward, touching her forehead to Laveriel's own, her eyes closed. A whispered, "I knew it the moment I gave you the order." Neverfall reached out, a hand on one of Laveriel's shoulders, a comforting squeeze, and then loud enough for the rest of the onlookers to be able to hear.

"You owe your bowed head to none, Captain Laveriel d’Revrinti of the Warforged. Rise."

With that, Knight-Marshal Neverfall rose, and urged Laveriel to do so as well. She reached into a pouch upon her belt, pulling out a crimson and purple drawstring fur lined sack, etched with glowing runes. She held it between the two of them upon outstretched hands, "We found this as we began to rebuild. It belonged to Knight-Commander Endrik Shiryo of the Spellforged. He would want you to have it." She bowed her head somberly, "His ashes are in the mausoleum with all those who fell in the name of the Order. I hope you'll return to visit one day."

The pouch was tightly wrapped around a book, a fine, leather bound tomb, with as many etchings and runes on the outside of it as the pouch itself. Inside the front cover, a single line in Silandris, 'To my beloved.' The Knight-Marshal offered it freely, respectfully. Once Laveriel had taken it, Neverfall would give her time to process the moment, the gift, everything that was attached to this. Any who even dared to try and speak or approach the Captain in this moment would find a ray of light burning into their eyes driving them back. This moment was for the Captain and her fallen love and no others.

The Knight-Marshal stood, waiting at attention, giving the Captain as long as she needed.

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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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龍 89th of Glade, Year123, A.o.S 龍

He had been reading through some of the tomes and books that the Dawnhold seemed to have, really getting in depth with them in order to try and understand the soul that resided within him. He found a nice place within the settlement to sit and analyze the pages of some of the books that held accounts about some of the heroes of the Order. He was content with the peace he was in and didnt really have plans to have it disturbed.

But like anything in his life, nothing goes as planned, as noise and the clammer of armor running soon came to his ears. The Iceborne went to investigate what could have been causing such a ruckus, thinking it was an attack. To his surprise, it was the complete opposite. It seemed that a few new guests had arrived, and it was clear to him that they held great importance to the order from how everyone was acting.

Hikami didn't know much about the order, but he knew from stories he would hear from the other dawnmartyrs that these three figures seemed to be quite important. He wasn't an official member of the order, but he would go to get a closer look at them, to learn more about them, and maybe they knew about Valkonyn and could tell him more about the ancient dawnmartyr, something that Hikami would greatly appreciate.

Seeing this as his chance, he made his way to the crowd of soldiers hoping to get as close as possible. As close as he was now he could see the woman he had come to know as Laveriel be acknowledged by one of the guests, and the woman being given something, a keepsake maybe. He would watch and wait to see if there would be a moment when could ask them about Valkonyn.

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Talon felt the stirring across the citadel. He felt the murmurings of excitement and astonishment filtered across the various Emblem marked followers who were moving across Dawnhold. The activity had him pausing in his examination of various maps and schematics concerning both progress within the citadel and plans he had been discussing with the leadership of the Dawnmartyr Order thus far.

What is it, beloved?

The warm rumble of Aoren’s voice brushed across his mind. Talon extended his senses across the citadel, following undercurrent of activity drawing others to the gates. When he focused, he saw what was waiting there. He saw the stoic warriors. He saw Laveriel on her knees, clutching something to herself. From the Emblems that marked his Wrath, he could feel the swell of emotions swirling inside of her. Reaching across the bridge formed by the link granted by his holy marks, Talon sent a thread of acknowledgement. He sent a bit of warmth and Hope to her. He did not know for what reason she needed it but it was clear that Laveriel was in some sort of emotional distress. He sent her what comfort he could.

Visitors at the gates. One of them looks… Talon searched his memories. On the outskirts of where his life as Talon and his life as Arcas blended, he thought he felt some dim sense of recognition. It was vague and felt like he was looking and hearing the memory from under the surface of water. More than that, he could not make anything out.

Shall we greet them? Talon received a vision of his dragon husband rising to his feet. Outside the Temple of Light, the great red dragon had been resting in a patch of warm sunlight. Aoren had been going through aerial drills with the gryphon riders all morning. Talon sent a thought of affirmation to him. He pulled himself away from the materials in front of him and made his way through the temple. He inclined his head to the three great celestial spirits that guarded over his temple, the Ara’s of Justice, Light and Hope. He nodded to the various magepriests going about their business in the temple as they worked on compiling records and putting together what would become his holy texts.

Descending the steps of the Temple of Light, Talon was greeted by the sight of the great dragon with red-obsidian scales. Volcanic eyes were staring at him with tenderness as one great clawed foreleg extended. Talon accepted the perch offered and climbed upon Aoren’s back. Once he was situated, Aoren spread his wings and took to the skies. Where they flew, sunlight followed. There within the grounds of Dawnhold, the Light was Talon’s constant companion. He found it comforting after having spent years and even more recently, months, in dark places. In short order, the flap of a great dragon’s wings could be heard by all who were assembled at the gates of Dawnhold as Aoren descended. People moved aside, clearing the way so that his husband could land. Aoren himself towered over the gates themselves, casting a long shadow but to any who called the Talon friend, his presence was far from menacing but rather, inspiring. Aoren lifted a foreleg and Talon once again accepted the perch that was offered. He kept one hand upon the scales of his partner, letting his fingers trail over Aoren’s neck and chest as his husband gently lowered him to the ground.

Talon folded his wings behind himself comfortably. He came to stand just behind Laveriel. He did not interrupt her quiet emotional moment but rather, stood quietly in steadfast support. He waited patiently for her to finish but his eyes roamed over the visitors.

"Hope light's the way."
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With shaky hands, the siltori took the gift and slipped it out of the pouch. A book fell out into her hands. She ran her fingers across the dark cover, softened by the years passed. It looked familiar enough, but Ryo constantly had his nose buried in various books so nothing special came to mind. She couldn’t tell what the runes meant, but its elegant curves and defined strokes were clearly his.

As if it might crumble into dust, Veriel opened it. Her eyes immediately settled on the dark ink. Just three words.

To my beloved.

Hurriedly, the elf snapped the book shut but it was too late. A tear dropped, leaving a round stain on the book. Then another and another. What would she give for the chance to hear him say that again?

Veriel didn’t know how long it took until she finally managed to gain a bit of composure. She looked around at the gathering crowd. Behind her, Talon’s comforting presence was unmistakable and she probably should have let their guests greet him, but there was still one question she needed answer to. She finally fixed her gaze on the marshal one more time, eyes bright and glassy.

“His wings… Are they with him?” Even as the words left her mouth, Veriel already knew the answer deep inside. Her lips trembled as her mind returned to that day. The world-shattering pain as their core bond was ripped by death. As if that wasn’t enough, it was soon followed by a sight that, eighteen years later, still made her violently sick.

They were on patrol one day when the avialae had spoken about it - long before Ailos fell. Veriel had been the first to see the dead body, left out in the open to rot. Considering the state of the world, it shouldn’t have been surprising - if it weren’t for the mangled stumps where were wings supposed to be on his back. Back then her bond with Ryo hadn’t been as strong, but there was no mistaking the grief and disgust on his face. He said some people in the Imperium had a habit of taking trophies, a special punishment for those who turned their backs on the Emperor. That was who Ryo was to them. A Kathar who deserted and betrayed their ways with his freedom.

To think that he was suffering the same fate was another torture entirely. So, Veriel prayed that they would tell her she was wrong.
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As Laveriel asked the question, and the Knight-Marshal knelt down close to the Captain, across from her. A fury raged in her dark, black eyes, a maelstrom of passionate and torrential emotions, just barely held back by her disciplined. "The monster that slayed Knight-Commander Shiryo, the very same that slew Grand Marshal Ochu've who wielded the blade that you bear now, cut Shiryo's wings from his back and left with them." She spoke with a disgust and hatred that radiated through her Emblem, a pointed response to one of the many unforgivable atrocities experienced in the war.

She continued to hold the gaze of Laveriel, "This monster holds the name of Irdan in the Imperium, and his title is just as much of a secret as every other detail about him. What we've learned is that he holds no such taboo in regards to the wings of Kathar or Synnekar alike." The Knight-Marshal had to breath, to keep herself from vomiting, "We've heard from dependable resources that he forces other Kathar to walk through what he calls his 'Trophy Hall,' presumably to assert his power over them."

The Knight-Marshal began to stand, and she offered helping hands to Laveriel to join her. And she continued, "This trophy hall is filled with life-like statues this man builds of those he's killed, with their wings fitted into their backs. I assume that Knight-Commander Shiryo's wings are there as well, in the heart of Gel'Grandal, within Irdan's own compound."

Neverfall's fury and rage continued to build, but still, was held in check, "When we reach the heart of the Imperium to finally bring forth the justice for the atrocities they committed against Ailos, the Commonwealth, and the Order; you will be there with us, to take back everything this man and his world has taken from all of us."

Then the Knight-Marshal stepped forward, embracing Laveriel warmly, tightly, as only Ecithians are oft to do. A whisper in her ear, "He will know your Wrath."

She stepped back from Laveriel, now looking over at Talon. She gave him a deferential nod of the head, "Hello, Lord Arcas. I am Si'uvi Tikor Neverfall, Knight-Marshal of Ailos. This is Rophalin Zinpeiros Torchthief, Knight-Commander of Ailos and Tukor Qida Runerender, Knight-Commander of Ailos." Her companions both joined her in the greeting of their God. The Knight-Marshal continued, "We have come as emissaries of Ailos for the Coronation of the King. However, we had heard that Dawnhold had been built and wished to spend some time visiting it." There was a very loud, unspoken 'And you.'

Across the Emblems, there were incredibly complicated emotions that Arcas would be able to feel, none of which were being hidden away from him, for the Ecithian way is to wear one's emotions openly and plainly. There was awe and inspiration and hope at the site of their god, of Dawnhold. There was indignation and jealousy for all that was built here while Ailos was still barely more than ruins. There was rage and fury and impatience at justice still eluding the Imperium. And there was a small tinge of hopelessness, the tiniest of seeds dwelling within them, and many in Ailos in regards to Talon as Arcas, and this was tied to a single question on the tongue of nearly every Ailos Dawnmartyr.

'Has he forsaken us and our sacrifices?'

But the Knight-Marshal was nothing but disciplined. She was, after all, the leader who gave the order for Novuril and Laveriel to head north, for the armies of Ailos to head south with the Commonwealth's army, to lure the Imperials away from Ailos, and she and her small contingent still managed to hold back the tides of Imperials for years within the crypts of the holy island. "It is our honor to meet you, Lord Arcas." And with that, the three Ecithians kneeled, raising their faces not to Arcas, but to the light that was coming down around him from the sun above. This was an ancient ritual of the Ailos Dawnmartyrs, to raise one's face to the light, not necessarily the man, as taught their predecessors by Arcas himself.

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Title: The Iceborne
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龍 89th of Glade, Year123, A.o.S 龍

There much he understood about what was going on in front of him, but from what he could gather if seemed these were Dawnmartyrs from a distance place. it didnt take much to see that. The head of the group, an Orkish woman, spoke of them coming for the Coronation of the new Shokaze, and that they wished to see Dawnhold, but more importantly they wanted to see Talon. He was the reincarnation of their god after all.

She introduced them as the other two joined her, all three bowing to Talon and looking to the light that surrounded him. However, there was a single word that caused a resonation in Hikami. Ailos....Ailos The name of the place from which they hailed echoed in his head, a ringing, a pain surging through his skull causing the Iceborne to drop the book he had been holding, and then for him to hit the floor. If those around him looked, they would be perplexed to see his eyes a phantom white, muttering things that only those who knew would recognize.


The echoes of battle raged on in the background when Hikami opened his eyes, sitting up frantically as his eyes adjusted to the scene around him. "Knight-Commander Targyrius, the rest of the chapter have found their way out of the stronghold." Hikami's eyes would turn to see a man, adorned in silver, blue, and ivory garbs standing at the mouth of the bridge that led to the stronghold gates, Imperial Force closing in on them.

There the Iceborne would see Valkonyn for the first time, looking at the man whose soul resided within his own. "Good, now retreat from here, live to fight another day." Valkonyn never turned to face his subordinate, the soldier knew that nothing would persuade the Dragonborn from withdrawing from his post. "And what of the Nox Infinitum? Is it safely tucked away in Ailos?" his head turned ever so slightly to see the young soldier.

"It is safe within the halls of the Citadel on Ailos." With a nod the soldier bowed and made his escape. All that was left was Valkonyn. "It's moments like this I regret being used to dying. Though I can die knowing that the book is safe and that when I return, it shall remain as such." he said as he drew his claymore from his back. Silver scales adorned his arms and parts of his chest that were exposed from the armor.

With a deep breath, he sighed and began to walk toward the approaching horde of imperial soldiers coming over the horizon towards the bridge. "I am the illumination of the Dawn. I am the light that banishes the shadow of ignorance and fear. Where there is terror, I shall bring peace. Where there are lies, I shall speak truth. Speak now your mysteries, for by my will, there will be an answer." he came to a complete stop as he finished reciting his creed, brandishing his weapon before the imperial soldiers.

"If you imperial dogs wish to reach the fortress then you'll have to get passed me, for I am Valkonyn Targyrius. I am the Aether Dragon of Arcas, and it is I who shall devour you all whole." Hikami watched, his vision of the man fading, only to watch Valkonyn look back as if he could see the Iceborne, mouthing something. Then it was nothing but darkness.

As the vision faded Hikami sat up abruptly, his head almost colliding with a soldier that was checking on him. "I am Valkonyn Targyrius. I am the Aether Dragon of Arcas, and it is I who shall devour you all whole." he spoke as he began to regain his consciousness. Frantic his eyes focused, till they fell on Talon. Tears of emotions too numerous to count fell from his eyes. "I saw him, i felt his regret. The sadness of a his disappointment. His regret of not being able to protect the Nox Infinitum."

Getting back onto his feet he moved away from the crowd finding a spot to sit for a moment to gather his thoughts, as he didn't want to distract from the reason everyone was gathered.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
word count: 794
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