[Quest] Into the Deeps (4/4)

a caravan descends into the otherwilds

The sprawling underdark of Karnor.

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Into the Deeps
25 Searing 123rd Year, A.o.S.

The Yawning Chasm awaited them. Assembled before the maw that led down into the Deeps of the Warrens was a large expedition of soldiers, laborers, farmers, and suppliers ready to be guided down into the Second Deep. The Otherwilds awaited them. It was an unconventional gambit but it was a necessary one being implemented due to unprecedented circumstances.

I should be going with you.” Aoren pressed their brows together. The two of them shared a moment of quiet intimacy, hands grasping each others forearms. Talon simply breathed. His ears attuned to the beating heart of his beloved dragon.

I do not go willingly without you but one of us must safeguard the city.” Recent reports of shambling undead had been growing more concerning. Deathly corpses that arose from the frozen snow that was still blanketing the Northlands had been sighted in growing numbers. Many suspected that these were corpses of the dead from Zaichaer or poor souls who had been swallowed by the cold. With the winter still going strong, and no end in sight, people had been growing more restless. The Great Houses had been pooling their resources in order to face the Long Winter. Kalzasi was no stranger to the cold but this was requiring that they examine more inventive methods of combatting the growing crisis.

House Zatrian had commissioned the Guilded Expanse to build a central Steamworks for the city. The various engineers and artisans were working steadily to now build a more extensive plumbing system for the city in order to deliver steam and heat to homes. Working in coordination with House Briathos, the Steamworks plant would incorporate not just the natural mountain hotsprings but also a carefully designed dragonshard apparatus. From what Talon understood, the Steamworks would also incorporate a more robust water purification system intended to expand Kalzasi’s sewer and aqueduct capabilities.

House Briathos had been employing its Summoners to conjure more elemental spirits in order to combat the imbalance in the natural order of things caused by the Long Winter. There had been some success in revitalizing soil, creating sanctuaries of seasonal progression artificially urged forward by Elementalists, Summoners and Alchemists. Such provisions were helping to ward off some of the effects of an unnatural winter.

House Veyl had, after much persuasion and negotiating among the Assembly of Lords, instituted a price cap for many of the necessary goods that the people of Kalzasi would need to survive. Tizan Veyl had not been pleased but between the other Houses, fair compensation had been arranged to make it viable…at least in the short-term. Combined with the humanitarian efforts of House Ahtivin, the two families were doing a great deal to allay public fears through the services they offered.

Of course, the perils brought by both the Eclipse and the Long Winter had made the work of both House Dahshida and House Novalys more strenuous. Trouble was more present. The people were restless and that had caused an uptick in crime. With the Eclipse having ended, many thought the Long Winter would end with it. When it did not, that had caused some to fall into despair and turn to less constructive outlets. The task of keeping the peace however, was bolstered by the surge in recruitment to both the Sky Guard and the Dawnmartyr Knights. Although, the division between the two organizations was becoming harder to distinguish. It had shocked him, to be honest, but the number of Sky Guard soldiers who had flocked to the Order of the Dawnmartyr had been considerable. His mother and his advisers had not seemed as surprised. He was, after all, the Daizoku of House Novalys and his family had always been the financiers, trainers, outfitters and supporters of Kalzasi’s militant factions. As a result, many of the peacekeepers in the city and surrounding countryside now donned the armor and colors of a Dawnmartyr and Talon was already contemplating simply unifying the two factions.

And that left House Senue.

My Prince?” He looked to the armored knight calling for his attention. Talon had ultimately chosen to step aside and cede the throne to Karam Senue, who now ruled as Shokaze in a historical move that had shocked many. To nobody’s surprise however, Karam had named Talon his heir, returning him to the status of Crown Prince as Shinsei. The move had helped to unify some of the more disgruntled political factions in the Assembly of Lords and among the Peerage of Kalzasi.

Time to go.” Talon leaned forward and brushed a kiss upon Aoren’s brow. His dragon would stay behind to safeguard Kalzasi in the wake of some curious disturbances. Talon would be leading the group venturing down into the Second Deep of the Warrens, answering the call of House Senue to mount an expedition into the Otherwilds and reestablish one of the old farming outposts located there. This was not the first time that Kalzasi had turned to the lush fields and bounty of the Otherwilds for survival. Even so, the newly crowned Shokaze wanted the highest chance of success possible in order to contend with the growing shortage of food caused by both the Long Winter and the refugee crisis in the wake of Zaichaer’s decimation. Between that and the displacement caused by the weather, the country’s reserves were being depleted much more rapidly than anticipated.

Don’t worry, Aoren! I’ll make sure he stays safe!” Mathias winked at Aoren who rolled his eyes. Talon chuckled. He then turned to the caravan.

There were five wagons in total. Each wagon was outfitted with an illumite dragonshard that would serve as a small deterrent to some of the creatures in the Warrens. Talon stepped up to each wagon and bestowed upon it an anchor centered on the dragonshards embedded in the wagon floors. Expanding outward from each dragonshard anchor, he wove an intangible field of protection. It was less of a physical barrier and more of an aura that would further dissuade attacks upon the wagons and their occupants which consisted mostly of the farmers and laborers who would be working at the outpost. Into the Negation aura he wove elements of Masquerade, creating a blur that would make the wagons difficult to assault from a distance. He then created a layer over the wagons infused with aspects of Kinetics, implanting a trigger that if the perimeter of the Negation aura field was breached, a field of Decelerative magic would be projected to buy the wagon defenders time to intercept any such attackers.

His warding of the wagons finished, Talon went to the head of the caravan. He flapped his wings and hovered into the air so that all could see him and hear him.

We go into the Deeps and with us, hope for a way to face the challenges that seek to threaten Kalzasi. Do not lose yourself to fear of the Warrens, for I am with you. Be brave. Be vigilant. For the Light! For Kalzasi!” A chorus of salutes rang out from the soldiers and knights accompanying the caravan. Talon returned the salute then turned, lowering himself to the ground.

Move out!” With one last look to Aoren, and with Mathias by his side, Talon began leading the caravan into the Deeps.

"Hope light's the way."
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News of the expedition reached Ivar’s ears quickly. Having a finger on the pulse of local happenings was an advantage of being an information broker. For Ivar, this was more than mere gossip, it represented an opportunity.

He’d heard stories of the perilous Otherwilds that lay beneath were both terrifying and exhilarating. Just a season ago he would have been completely uninterested in such a dangerous trip, but Glade 123 had been a turning point in his life. He’d actually gone on to do dangerous things such as explore the Midden, travel to Terra Nimbus for dragonshards, even help fight zombies. One thing he’d learned was that high risk meant high reward.

So, Ivar found himself increasingly drawn to the expedition. Increasingly so because he had a recent obsession with a woman named Flora. She was tough nut to crack and had not opened up to him much. He hoped that she could see how hard he was working to support her and that might impress her.


Ivar found himself situated on one of the five wagons, second from the front to be specific. He watched in silent awe as the enchantments took effect. The layers of magical protection were woven so intricately that he struggled to keep track. It was one of the rare times in his life that he wished he was a sembler so he could truly appreciate the effort that was going into protecting them.

It was hard to focus on anything except Talon as he stepped up to Ivar’s wagon. Ivar had never seen him up close before. It was hard to imagine anything going wrong with someone this strong on their side. Ivar wasn’t one to fear being attacked since he assumed that he could always flee back home with his tail between his legs. He was too naïve to realize that some threats came out of nowhere.

The young scrivener found himself drawn in by Talon's speech. He enjoyed the sense of camaraderie and shared purpose echoed in the salutes that rang out. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he cheered in unison. He hadn’t been so excited for a trip in his whole life!

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Moon Jae-Seong
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In Ash of 122, Jae-Seong had wandered back home to Kalzasi city proper. He felt he'd been negligent to his house, his people; absent for too long, he'd missed much, and didn't want to miss more- especially since in that season, the decision regarding to whom would be granted the title of Shokaze had still not been decided.

Still, Jae-Seong was a loner, and had kept mostly to himself. He'd had short encounters with many, some new, some old. Vaguely, he held interest in the first winged woman, Kala, but before there was anything to be done there, she'd left. And not unlike that, most of his other ventures hadn't led to anything of interest, either.

As always happened when he lingered long within the city, that unshakable restlessness was beginning to grate at him. During Glade, he'd attempt to shirk this by helping however he could when it came to dealing with the residual effects of the Eclipse's fade and the endless winter. Nevertheless, such efforts did not provide any resolution to that nagging restlessness, that wanderlust he'd always had. So when he heard of the expedition to the deeps, it was an easy decision to make for him to add his name the roster.

Walking alongside the wagons, he'd listen in silence as Talon spoke before they'd set off. Jae-Seong was a quiet man, not very outwardly expressive. But inside, he was alight with anticipation, and further, he felt genuinely happy to be accompanying Talon, long as it had been since the two of them had any meaningful interaction.

- - -

"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
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Title: The Iceborne
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龍 25th of Searing, Year123, A.o.S 龍

It had been some time since Hikami had last stepped foot in the warrens. Even now, venturing into the hellscape was nostalgic for him, as it was a place he came to sharpen his skills for quite some time. He had met some interesting people and he knew that nothing here was ordinary. This would be the second time he ventured here with Talon, so he was excited to see a god in action.

He stood to the side, watching the many figures prepare and ready themselves for the coming expedition. He was finding that this city was home to some interesting people, his eyes falling onto a man with a unique look to him. The Iceborne watched the many factions that had come to the aid of this expedition gather and speak amongst themselves, but not being known to them he simply sat back and waited for things to begin.

Soon things seemed to get moving, as everyone's attention went to Talon as he gave a rousing speech. It was morale boosting as he truly looked like a god floating there in the sky. When the caravans and escort began to move, Hikami took to the air, prismatic wings of ice & crystal lifted him into the air. He soared overhead, volunteering himself as a forward scout for dangers that may lurk. He figured there were enough soldiers and mages on the ground that they could handle the protection of the caravans. Besides something was different now, he was different in many ways.

The spirit of ice dwelling within his soul stirred as he hovered overhead, and the sensation it was giving off was that of caution.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[S E T T I N GxxT H E M E]
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The young mage from the college had been thrust into the conflict, perhaps to appease her dear sister or to further the Briathos family name. Blythe found herself elected and far from the college she viewed as a home to follow an absolute magic prodigy. There was a thrill to be counted amongst one of those within his fold, a sense of pride and honor as even just the privilege to be there elevated herself amongst her peers. Peers that if she remembered flocked like vultures to feed upon Talons carcass before he'd even been declared dead.

House Briathos remained loyal

On her middle finger she wore her Signet Ring the signature of an heir the magnum opus to those of nobility which established her rank and title. This ring made a very bold statement as it radiated wealth, privilege and status of its possessor. There was a circle surrounding an inverted triangle at the center of which rests an unblinking eye inlaid in all silver that makes the design pop and beam with shimmer. This was carved and inlaid into a piece of lapis lazuli and encircled in gleaming draw dropping sapphires that danced and dazzled like sunlight cascading down over an open ocean.

Blythe had long wild and free hair that erupted into carefree curls and locks. The strands were almost platinum that shimmered with a dazzling sheen as free fingers whisped pesky strands behind a long elven ear. Her eyes had an ethereal glow like infernal gemstones of a dimly hued milky blue that cast themselves like pale moonlight. She wore a dark navy blue cloak of luxurious velvet draped over her shoulders and beneath that two revolvers she had acquired within the Imperium were slung in a leather set up befitting a gunslinger she liked the heft of iron on her hip and that flash of chrome concealed beneath the fabric of her garb.

She was ready today to prove her worth and establish herself further within the family hierarchy constantly in Fioras shadow and Ryom was little help in the matter either. In the Warren's she'd carve a name for herself and garner Talons recognition that was the prize for the up and coming sorceress.
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Talon's defenses of the caravan were well-crafted, and their path was well-worn. The dark of the caverns was thick and heavy, crushing against the wards and light. It threatened to snuff them out, and it was nearly impossible to see beyond a few feet of the boundaries of the wards and magic that Talon wove. The shadows clung to them, seeking out the brightness of Talon like a moth to the flame. The occasional tendril of shadow slipped through the cracks, only to be immediately eradicated — but they were otherwise unbothered. No creature of the shadow or monster of the Warrens sought them out, deterred enough by them, though the angry sound of bats and the shuffling and skittering of the unknwon was audible beyond the darkness.

Anyone who stepped outside of the barriers would be immediately swallowed by darkness and pressing cold — but a few meters beyond, it was merely the normal darkness, with cracks of light breaking through the shadows that flocked to Talon. If they returned, they would find themselves on a much different section of the caravan than they had left, beyond the normal distance that would result from their slow pace.

After a many hours, somewhere between four and six of slow walking, the impenetrable darkness that surrounded must of the caravan was beginning to thin. The ground turned away from stone and dust and wet, growing into lush grass that grew taller and taller until it had become a barrier to the wagons. Knights and guards were forced to cut a path through — and were rewarded after half an hour with the brightness of a sun that did not now exist on the surface. With the light, too, came the realization that it was not simply grass they were cutting, but wheat.

Those at the very front of the caravan stumbled nearly off of a cliff, but the tallest and the Avialae could see that a winding path to the right of them wound down into the edge of a forest that stretched its boughs into the horizon. Fruiting trees hung invitingly near the boundaries of the woods, as did a fog that seemed to grow thicker through it.

At the bottom of the path was a sign, written in beautiful Synskrit script and a Common translation beneath, though it was old, damp, and splintering wood. Just beyond it lay fruiting trees and bushes — and further, a herd of healthy-looking deer, rather plump from the fair weather in this corner of the Otherwilds. A stag looked directly at the visitors, and with haste the whole herd ran deeper into the forest.

Fairlady's Bower
May the fog be lifted
when you find this place.
No Trespassing
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Talon remained at the forefront of the caravan, alternating between flight and walking depending on the terrain. His squire, Mathias, remained closer to the middle of the caravan. Opening up his senses to the flow of the aether, he wove together perception of the aura’s of what was around them as well as their impression within the kinetic aether flux. He gently tugged on the weave of the flux here and there, sending out pings of vibrations in order to more extensively grasp the scope of their surroundings. It was as he was using these senses that he noticed one of the guards knocking an arrow, taking aim at one of the creatures scurrying about in the darkness. Talon dropped back, reaching out to touch a hand to the archer’s forearm, bidding them to simply watch. When the creature got no closer, skirting the edges of the wards that he had created, Talon spoke.

Save your strength. Do not attack that which does not attack us. It will only distract us from greater dangers.” He watched the creatures for a moment longer before moving past them. As he walked back toward the head of the caravan, he fell into step with his cousin.

Jae-Seong.” He offered the man a smile. “It is good to have you along, cousin.

He knew that Moon Jae-Seong was an uncommon sight at the Palace of the First Wind due to his preference to travel. Still, seeing more of his family back in Kalzasi always brought him joy. There were too few of them and every face that stepped into the halls of the palace was a welcome one in his eyes. He spot Hikami and again, he felt relieved to have another trusted and capable individual among their ranks. Hikami was a warrior he knew and a fighter that he would have by his side any day.

Hikami.” He inclined his head to the frost-blessed warrior.

When they reached the fields of tall grass, it took a moment before Talon realized that what they were cutting through was wheat. As the caravan came to a stop, he moved toward the front, crouching down to pick up one of the stalks of wheat. He rubbed it through his fingers. He was not a farmer but there were those among them that could verify what it was. He raised a hand, sending for one of them. In short order, one of the laborers was stepping forward, immediately removing his hat as he approached. The man bowed low.

“Y-you asked to see me, Your Highness?” Talon extended the wheat stalk to the man.

Tell me what you see.” The man took the stalk and rolled it through his fingers. He inspected the grains then smiled.

“This is healthy wheat, Your Highness.” The man gestured to the rest of the wheat that was around them. “I…do not know how this has grown here but we’re surrounded by it.”

Talon narrowed his eyes. He opened up his senses to the flow of the aether around them. He searched for fluctuations in its pattern, scrutinizing the layers of what was in the air, the soil, and around them. He had been in the Warrens too often and seen too many things to be awed by the sudden appearance of a crop that was exactly what their people would need to get through the harsh winter. As he stood in silence, he could see that the more seasoned warriors familiar with the Warrens and its trickery were similarly on alert.

Thank you.” The man bowed again. Talon inclined his head by way of dismissal. The man was about to return to his wagon when he paused.

“Is something wrong, Your Highness?” Talon released the piece of wheat that was in his grasp, watching as it drifted through the Warren-made breeze.

I find it terribly convenient that a caravan that set out to find fertile soil in the Otherwilds in order to establish an outpost to feed the masses suddenly finds themselves surrounded by a sea of wheat.” Talon scanned the horizon and the distant ceiling of the cavernous Deeps. He could not see the ceiling, nobody could while within the Second Deep. Only the curious skies that had neither beginning nor end until one departed the Otherwilds.

Be alert.” He stepped forward, examining the sign post. He saw the warning. The entire Warrens were a mire of warnings. But it was either press on or see the whole of his city and people go hungry. That was not something he could allow. So trespass he would. For he would not abide by the alternative.

He signaled the caravan to press onward into Fairlady’s Bower.

"Hope light's the way."
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The strangeness of the deep stirred something in him filling him with a sense of adventure. He wasn’t scared since he was in the presence of a literal demigod. He was entertained for a time but minutes turned to hours and hours turned into boredom because there were guards to do the grunt work. Ivar fell asleep at some point only to wake up when someone nudged him.

He looked up and saw that there was tons of wheat around them. The thought of wheat made him think of food and food made him hungry. His mind found itself drifting back to the comfort of his home. He envisioned his pantry which wasn’t exactly well stocked but he knew he had something edible in there.

He sighed, knowing full well that daydreaming about food wouldn't fill his stomach. He raised his hand, intending to cut open a portal that would grant him access to his pantry back home. The gesture was familiar, almost second nature to him. Yet, when he attempted to create the portal, there was nothing. The magic remained dormant, unresponsive, refusing to comply. Ivar frowned, tried again. Still, nothing happened.

A groan of frustration escaped his lips. This had much bigger implications than having to go a little hungry. Opening a portal was his means of escape and ultimately his contingency plan in case things took a turn for the worse. Knowing that he couldn’t escape gave him anxiety and doubts. He was further troubled by the realization that he had no way of transporting loot to his home. He'd had great plans of harvesting lots of useful materials but now he realized that he would be limited - just like everyone else.

He said, “you woke me up for wheat?” he asked annoyedly to the man beside him.

“Well, there were deer. And there’s that sign.”

Ivar squinted his eyes to read the writing. No trespassing. Ivar chuckled, “does anyone actually own this place? That’s unsettling.” It was a nervous chuckle because he knew very well that they were going to keep going. His mind circled back to how he couldn’t escape so if there was any trouble it would be his trouble.

Ivar stretched and looked around with a newfound determined to pay attention in case something strange happened. He waved his hands around to experiment with making portals within his field of view and he found that he still could. At least he wouldn’t be totally helpless.

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When journeying into any layer of the Warrens, one’s expectations must be left open. Though each of the known levels to it had their share of known characteristics, the specifics thereof were largely unexplored– this even extending to the first deep, the one with which those that dwelled upon the surface had the most experience. And for Jae-Seong and those he accompanied, they were delving a bit deeper; they were going to the Otherwilds. Though the swordsman would not admit it, favoring outward stoicism as he often did, his heart and mind were alight with curiosity regarding what they would find in such strange places.

The journey to the Otherwilds was a thing in and of itself, but it was largely unremarkable. Their caravan was so heavily warded that the critters skittering in the first deep’s darkness left them almost entirely alone– aside from scaring a few of the more easily unnerved folk, that is. For most of that first leg of their travels, Jae-Seong kept to himself, notating their surroundings as they passed and the like.

But soon, they neared what would appear to be the mouth of the Otherwilds and before passing that threshold, Talon had bade to greet his reclusive cousin. “...and full glad am I to have caught wind of this venture before it set off, too.” he responded, and though his tone was notably cool, the sentiment was sincere.

He along with the caravan would keep pace, Talon moving forward to greet another, and soon they found themselves within a rather paradisiacal field– that is, well, if one were fond of wheat. That wheat, however, belonged to somebody, if the sign before them was to be believed. By no means a hasty man, Jae-Seong would wait for something to stir before he’d act in this scenario, senses open to his surroundings.
- - -

"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 414
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Title: The Iceborne
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龍 25th of Searing, Year123, A.o.S 龍

The light from the golden fields of wheat caught his attention, the reflection from his crystalline prismatic wings on them only made it even more beautiful. He had never been this far down into the Warrens before, so to see that grains could actually be found down here was astonishing to him. He continued to hover overhead as he watched the surroundings of the group and the caravan, keeping a level of alertness so that if something were to strike, he would strike it first.

The spirit of Ice within him stirred even more, pointing out that there could be fresh water nearby, but he wouldn't worry about that for the moment as he was more concerned with making sure they weren't ambushed. Given that the iceborne was normally fond of training here he was resisting the urge to find some shamblers to kill time with. Instead, however, he would descend, ahead of the group, Aoi Ryu materializing into his hands as its cold frigid aura permeated from the frozen weapon.

With every step forward, the caravan and Talon not too far behind him he would press forward, as in his eyes, he was the most capable and durable of them all. If he so chose he could liquify himself allowing attacks to phase through him, while still being able to attack himself. However, it was the warrens and nothing was truly certain, so caution was heavy in the air around him. As he moved he would open himself and his rune of elementalism to the elements present here, as he would begin synergizing with the wind, this evident by the subtle torrent forming around him.

He would once again take to the air as he surveyed closely to the others now.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[S E T T I N GxxT H E M E]
word count: 374
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