Hope For A Better Future

Rickter finds something of value to Telion among their things, and decides to add something to her collection.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Hope For A Better Future
Glade 34th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

His days were ever busy even after everything he had done, Rickter spending every bit of time trying to help where he can in Kalzasi; now that those affiliated with his immediate pack were back home. It had been a wild and even arduous ride sometimes, but after things had finally started to settle down on the homefront, the wolf found himself a bit more able to focus on the rest of the immediate events surrounding him. Kalzasi still had that giant problem of the Eclipse in the sky, and not to mention his latest participation within Pantheon as it were.

The wolf had much to do, and a lot he needed to sort through, especially if he wanted to get a few things off his chest. So, naturally, while his beloved rested in the gardens in her wheelchair, trying to read as the boys were playing with toys on their blanket, Rickter had been asked to find a tool or utensil of some type for the healer. In order to keep the development of bones in her hand strong, she had been given a device for squeezing with the hand in question.

To Rickter it looked similar to a handheld nutcracker, though, he wasn't going to judge the odd tools used to help a recovery phase. Telion had come a very long way since her recovery had started, and with Kala's constant presence checking in nearly every day, the wolf felt confident she'd be back on her feet in no time; with a hand that'd be working condition too no less. "Where did we last leave it, love?" He checked with a murmur through a Slipspace window, briefly made to get her attention before the portal itself dissolved in water.

From the distance of the gardens through the corridors, he could still hear her from the office in the East Wing. "Check on the desk, dear, should be there somewhere." His canine hearing picked up audible amusement in her tone, leading him to grin when he looked from one of the shelving units over to the desks nearby. The office space was large after all, and had been the main room of operations for when Rickter chartered out their plans for rescue. It was certainly nice to think about how everything panned out okay, even if it took a lot more time and effort on everyone's part along the way.

The wolf moved to the first desk closest to him, checking the surface first as he sorted through the papers and clutter, curious as to what part of the desk she might've referred to. Then again, his beloved wasn't exactly specific either, not that it mattered, he'd find it sooner or later if he just picked up her scent on the object. Though, a stroke of his hand led to a bump against something else, a little wooden box which he knocked over into a tilt. "Oops, shit..." He mumbled to himself when the lid to the box popped open, and what looked like little blue marbles tumbled out across the desk.

Luckily he prevented most of them from rolling off with his other hand, gently shoveling them into his other palm so that he could tilt the box back upright. The container was chock full of them though, and when he looked at the sides of the box, scrivening marks seemed to glow indicating that a Traversion ward had been instilled on them. Was this... what he thought it was? The wolf looked down at and picked up one of the stones between his fingers, his gaze fixed on it as he stared into the orb with curious intent. These were lorestones. Mnemonosyte that Telion kept for her memories.

The wolf had forgotten she would record things with them every now and then. He wondered how many memories she did record in here, and how far back they went if she had so many stored in an extra-dimensional box she made. Rickter channeled a bit of aether into the one he held, and closed his eyes to focus, feeling vague sensations filling his mind as he started to process the moment recorded within the stone he held. The sensations grew stronger as he felt a whirlwind of exhaustion and grief overcome him, when fear and uncertainty filled his heart as the memory of the stone took root in his mind.

Rickter saw the Onishio flying in the air once more, the cloud of shadows swirling about as it plummeted down into the courtyard as before. He realized that he was watching himself as he Blinked further way from his comrades, and witnessed how the rest of the event started to play out as it did before. The wolf broke his focus before the rest of those who joined arrived, having no need to relive such a memory for himself at the current moment. He felt reminded of his mistakes that night, as he did any other time before, but now he looked down at the lorestone between his fingers; and gave a somber smile to it before placing it back in his other palm with the rest.

"Did you find it?" He heard her within the garden, a gentle laugh escaping his lips when he held the box next to his palm, and scooped the memory stones back within the container.

Opening another window in the pond outside with his Traversion, he placed the box down and responded with a casual tone. "Not yet." When the window dissipated once more from the break in focus, Rickter placed the box back where he found it; noticing the jar of darkened lorestones that sat next to it. Those had to be the empty ones she had yet to fill... If Rickter had to guess correctly. It was likely the woman purchased them frequently, if not at the start of every month just to record them.

It was a rather genius idea on her part, to make a magical catalogue of her memories and experiences. The wolf reached for the jar and popped the cork open, tilting it so that a single stone would roll out onto his palm once more. With the stone in his hand, he then placed the jar back down, and then gauged his sense of smell so that it'd be laced with aether. He could smell traces of his beloved everywhere in the room, but the scent of pewter soon accompanied it when he crossed the room to the other desk. Next to the map table, in fact, there was the side table which had other utensils on it; along with the device Telion had asked him to find.

"Found it," he said through another window, "will be out shortly." He heard her laugh finally from the room, his lips turned into a smile when he naturally closed the portal once more. It had become a bit too much of a habit to do that lately, regardless, it made his life easier when he needed to use it. Looking back at the empty stone in his other hand though, Rickter shifted his gaze back to the desk itself, before moving to take a seat in front of it and focusing. He wondered what sort of memory he wanted to channel into this one, or perhaps, what sort of message he wanted to leave behind; should Telion actually find it in her collection later.

It was honestly an innocent surprise for her, something that he felt would reflect where they'd been, and where they were hopefully building toward in the future. Rickter took a moment before he laced another trace of aether into it, activating the stone as he held it before him with a soft grin. He thought long and hard for a moment, about where to begin, until finally, he felt like he'd found the appropriate way of starting the recording. "Hello, love." There was endearing affection in his tone when he said those words, the expression of love strong in his eyes even when he looked at the stone.

"I just wanted to leave this here, in case you ever find it later. Felt it was best to share what's been on my mind ever since we've brought back home Patrick's family members." He left that thought to settle for a moment, debating on what he really, truly, had to say that he hadn't found the courage to admit in person. "I am... so proud of you. You've worked hard every day, and toiled tirelessly after everything that's happened. You've been nothing short of an inspiration for me, an example as to the kind of man..." He stopped there for a second, debating on the direction he intended to go with that statement. "The kind of father I want to be for those boys."

Even now he could hear them playing in the gardens, leading him to smile wider when he heard one of them throw something in the grass. "I know it's been a question of when between us but... I promise you this. I'm going to marry you. Once I get things squared away and, well, the world isn't trying to end in one way or another." He mused with a thoughtful glance to the window, minding the fact the Eclipse was still carrying on as he spoke. "But there will be a time when everything is right. When I approach the Queen Regent herself, once I've sorted out all my other affairs first."

He knew that would be something of an obstacle right now, given his history prior to becoming a Demigod... as well as the mess he created during the Onishio attack. The wolf had much to make reparations for, before he could even dare approach the Iron Queen. But he wanted to if he ever wanted permission, her blessing even, to propose to the other two he also loved so dearly. "Well, one step at a time, love." He remarked with both a somber yet hopeful smirk.

"What are you even doing?" The wolf quietly chuckled to avoid interjecting the message, his ears still receptive as the stone itself likely failed to pick up her words.

"Time to go now, Shinzo. Know that you and the others... are always in my heart." He finished as the memory stone glimmered between his fingers, the aether channeled within imprinted with his memory as he lowered his hand to rest on the desk. He looked to the box next and then faintly chuckled, placing the stone inside it before he moved to a stand once more. In leaving the memory inside he left the office area as it were, returning to his beloved's side in the garden, so that he might resume spending time with his future wife and their children together.

"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
word count: 1884
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Posts: 408
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Title: Forge your Legend


Points: 8
Loot: None
Injuries: None

Comments: A sweet (if not ironic) final memento before he disappears.

word count: 32
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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