[open to all] the coronation of a king

kalzasi receives its new sovereign

The Jewel of the Northlands

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“Your father would be proud of you. I know he is.” Talon leaned down so that his mother could place the Star of Synnar around his neck. As soon as the crest of his House was around his neck, Talon felt a weight upon his shoulders. It was not an unwelcome one, merely one that was different than what he always expected. Today he was giving up everything that his family had raised him to become…so that he could set his sights on something greater than he had ever imagined possible. In many ways, it was a relief and as Sahfri placed a gentle kiss upon his brow, he could see that his mother knew his heart already.

I miss him.” There was a beat of silence between the two of them. He could both see and feel the ache that was in his mother’s heart with his father’s absence. “At least after today, you can retire from governing for a change.

His mother snorted. He smiled.

“I think I shall travel to Auris for a time. It was high time that I paid a visit to our family there.” The two of them were interrupted by the sound of another arriving.

“A sound plan, my daughter.” Talon bowed just as his mother dipped into a formal curtsey for Briathor IV. Talon straightened and met his grandfather’s stone grey gaze. He had been conversing with his maternal family more frequently as of late.

Grandfather.” His grandfather inclined his head.

“All will be as it should, my grandson. Trust. Today shall be a day of doors opened…” The sound of wingbeats drew the attention of those gathered. From their pavilion, Talon joined his mother and grandfather in looking to the arrival of the Imperial delegation. “...and some closed.”

Talon felt his heart pick up speed in his chest. His stomach felt as though it was tying itself into knots. His eyes did not even see the other delegates. His focus was riveted on one individual. He knew, down to his bones, he knew who the silver haired boy with the silver wings was. He could feel him. Like the needle of a compass, something within Talon was drawing him toward the boy.

“That is him.” Sahfri’s voice was guarded, careful, beside him. She asked no question, but his grandfather answered nevertheless.

“Yes.” Briathor joined Sahfri, the two of them flanking Talon.

The world felt as though it were slowed. Time progressed at a crawl. Talon took in every detail that he could make out from where he stood. A million questions, a thousand emotions, raced through him but his face remained blank. Frozen, perhaps, by the toll of having too much to process all at once. His only outward reaction was a tightening of his fist behind his back. It was only when he felt the summer warmth of Aoren’s mental presence wrap around him that he was able to breathe again. His husband did not need to ask what was wrong, he already knew.

“Your Highness?” A Dawnmartyr entered the shaded pavilion, bowing low. “The ceremony is to commence soon. Lady Ahtivin is asking that all of the Daizoku be seated.”

Just then, the musical bell chimes signaling the guests to find their seats sounded across the Skygarden. The staff and attendants of the Ruby Palace began taking their place. The procession of the Highlords of Kalzasi, wherein each of the reigning Daizoku would walk to the stage and take their place at the seats of their House as they spoke in unison both electing and swearing fealty to the Fourteenth Shokaze. Talon took a deep breath.

“All will be well.” Sahfri squeezed his hand before taking her leave of the pavilion, stopping shortly and turning to await her father. Talon looked to his grandfather. Briathor was not looking at him. The Daizoku of House Briathos, the Archmage of Kalzasi, one of a choice few who bore that distinct title, was staring out his great-grandson. The family resemblance between Briathor, Talon and even the boy would have been plain to any who looked upon them. The fact that all three bore the exceedingly rare silver wings was yet another marker that they shared the same blood. Briathor turned with a small smile.

“Tell me grandson…” Talon met his grandfather’s eyes. “...what was it you sought when you stood before the Avatar of the Dragon King’s will?”

Talon blinked. He had not shared that with his grandfather but somehow it did not surprise him that Briathor knew. Noone quite knew what powers were at the Archmage’s disposal. He knew the reason that had served as the premise for him seeking an audience with the Dragon King but it was not the real reason he had sought Eikaen. Talon’s jaw tightened but he relaxed.

A father’s love.” His grandfather nodded. He turned and with a bow to Talon, left with Sahfri.

Talon stood there for a few more moments. His eyes found the boy once more and then with a sigh, Talon left the pavilion to find his place among the other Highlords of Kalzasi.

The ceremony would begin soon.

word count: 896
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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The young lady Leukos was veiled in the manner of the mountain folk near Starfall, and her not-quite-Kalzasern garb marked her as different, but also helped to distract the eye with something mundane. What was hidden under the runeforged cloak were wings and, what's more, it helped her hide the nimbus that would give her away, even with Talon Novalys here present.

While she was a wallflower, her twin walked among the guests, speaking to those he knew. Marda Ahtivan sought her out, of course; there was a casual bond between them since she had revealed her wings to the council. But she also knew why Kala hid more than her wings, and did not show her undue attention, lest other eyes seek her out.

Her eyes were grown accustomed to tracking the patterns of commerce. While she spent some time at court, it was less than before her trip into Atoria now Sahfri wanted her wings a secret. Soon, it would be Karam Senue who opined on those wings. Thankfully, her mother's prediction had not come true: no scions of Great Houses were seeking to secure the ascendancy of their line with a winged Avialae bride.

Now her eyes were turned to the ebb and flow of political power before her. A crown for a Shokaze, a shift in the Kalzasern political landscape, and visitors from far and wide to witness it, to take the measure of friends, foes, and potential.

But her eyes focused upon the Imperial contingent. Swathed in dissembling and glamourie, she observed her Kathar cousins and considered the quest which Mother Naori had given her. Her heart burned as hot as any star's, and she wasn't sure whether she was gladdened or saddened not to find Ser Baudric among them.

Perhaps he was dead. She wondered again at that voice that had spoken into her mind when she had regarded the Gelerian Obelisk from as close as she dared; she wondered if whatever that was had joined this congregation as well.
word count: 342
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: The Dread Witch
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By the time Veriel wandered back to the pavilions, most of the other delegations seemed to have arrived. She spotted the Ecithian senators with the Ailos dawnmartyrs. She hadn’t had the chance to ask them whether they’ll be returning home soon. But before she could join them, an unfamiliar voice called out to her

Veriel turned only to be greeted by the handsome face of Rien Novalys. She had recognized the nobleman almost instantly despite the fact that they never really had any extended interaction - he had been popular, even amongst the common people. He was standing with the familiar figure of Hikami and an unfamiliar noble with mismatched eyes that spelled out trouble.

“Please, my lord, Laveriel is fine. Being called Wrath makes me sound like I have anger management issues,” she pointed out playfully as she approached him. At the Novalys’s invitation she raised an eyebrow and grinned. “I would be honored, my lord. Noble brawls seems like an entertaining watch.”

She turned to Hikami and smiled at the ice warrior. “It’s good to see you again, Hikami, Have you been-”

The sounds of heavy wing beats made her look up and pause. At first, she thought perhaps it was one of the noble houses. These newest arrivals were clearly avialae. But then she saw the uniforms, the sickening dark chains around their necks. Her stomach dropped. The Imperium was here. Even though the people began murmuring in surprise and confusion, no one stopped them. The crowd parted for them as they landed. No skyguards came to stop them, no alarm sounded. Nothing.

“The Imperials are invited?” Her voice was tight as she kept her eyes on them. If it wasn’t for the hush that fell over the crowd, perhaps her words would have been unheard entirely.

Never in her mind had she considered even the slightest possibility that the Imperium would be invited to the coronation. Yet, here they were, landing with ease in Kalzasi grounds. The smaller one in the group landed first, the helmet retracting, revealing a beautiful young woman with long dark hair. Her wings were artificial, but it was stunning nevertheless.

But then, the first Kathar landed. There was no mistaking it. A face she would never forget. Not in this life, not in the next. Still, she drank in every detail. Dark hair with darker eye. Straight-backed with an arrogance to his every move. Wings blacker than a moonless night. The chains around his neck with the odd stone that looked almost like a beating heart. The scar was new, but unsurprising.

The entire world stilled and fell away. The noises of celebration died down, replaced by a ringing in her ears. Her heart fluttered erratically, her chest tightening. Air refused to go into her lungs. It must be a dream. The siltori blinked slowly, half expecting the figure to disappear when she reopened her eyes. But no. He was still there, taking a seat and leaning back with no care in the world.

For the briefest moment, the elf searched desperately for the face of Knight-Marshal Neverfall, wondering if the orkhan was seeing what she was seeing. Still, it didn’t take long until her gaze was already drawn back to the avialae.

Nothing else mattered. The coronation. The knight-marshal. The king. Rien. They were all a blur. Only one single thing existed in her universe at that moment. A black hole that threatened to swallow her, yet she let it. Her gravity shifted and for a moment she started to move toward him.

The siltori didn’t hear the bells, didn’t notice the staff shuffling around to find their places. As one of the attendants hurried to slip through the shifting crowd, he pushed pass her with a bit too much strength. She stumbled, nearly crashing right into Rien.

The sudden movement broke her out of her daze.

“I- Forgive me, my lord,” Veriel apologized breathlessly, trying to straighten herself. But even as she spoke, the knight kept stealing glances at the Kathar.
Last edited by Laveriel on Sat Sep 02, 2023 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 706
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Maybe he shouldn’t look too affronted at the assumption that he would be up to no good. A hand placed at his chest, still leaning into the man that he’d stopped in the first place. A look of incredulity sent the supposed stranger’s way — a sort of Can you believe this? — before his attention was returned to the second son, brows raised. The feign of a spuuter of disbelief to precede his words, “I’m only ever on my best behavior, your highness.” And, yes, he had been on his best behavior thus far. There were plenty of purses still fat and no coins lifted. As if to confirm this, there was even the lift of his hands, a wiggle of his fingers. Paw pads at the tips of his fingers, the tips of claws where his nails would otherwise be. Yes, yes, on his very best behavior.

The twitch of his ears at the sound of someone else’s voice, the start of greeting toward Hikami — Hikami. Eyes widened then as he turned to face both the lady and Hikami in this new visage of his. No wonder the man had smelled familiar. Another testing sniff in the air before his head tipped to the side. “Goodness me, Hikami, you look very different.” Different, but not in a bad way, he might add. A sweep of the other’s figure before giving an appreciative hum. “Still have a rather heroic look to you, at least.” A bit of praise before his attention was drawn away to the arrival of the delegations.

And, to another utterance breathed by the woman that had made identifying Hikami possible. “Unfortunately so. It’s a rather momentous occasion, after all.” Mino ought to be more versed in politics. For now, he was a lot better at picking up on people and their reactions. Mixed and…not quite so happy to see some of the new arrivals. Or, in the lady’s case, transfixed. They were all — relatively — friendly here, right? He might have caught the edge of Wrath used to refer to the woman, but when had that ever stopped him, someone’s anger? He’d rather liked poking at Hikami’s nerves before he’d become a much more potent threat, and probably still would even now.

“Oh, my, someone there caught your eye? You look as though you’ve seen a long lost lover.”
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Oh, the fae had gotten plenty of odd requests. Had gotten many more to have her presence beside others as they stood, waiting for something or someone they meant to show up. Nnerka would never truly understand what it was that these people couldn’t face on their own, or why they were so pathetic that they had to pay for someone to keep them company, but she could understand a little of it this time. Still, it would have been a lot more comfortable if they had been a little more prepared.

“Did you really not think to bring a blanket or was that a lie?” She knew better than to think that the two goblins that had requested to use her as a means of getting a better view of the coronation were truthful in any way, shape, or form. A certain mischievousness to their tone that couldn’t have been disguised. She’d come to learn a lot in her line of work, but of course it would be her.

There was the grumble of protest — that they hadn’t lied — in the cover of her clothing. The cold was no place for a spider, but she’d spent enough time in Kalsazi to adjust. Little by little. To the point that the skin she had to bear in order for the goblins to be able to see was fine. Adorning her skin, hanging on to tendrils of her hair as they sat atop her chest as if she were carrying around tiny hatchlings the way her mothers had on occasion. For the special few that hadn’t fit on their backs.

Moving through the crowd to get a better vantage point wasn’t all that hard. Considering the spider fae had gotten a rather generous growth spurt in her last molting, pushing her over the nine foot threshold she had not expected to hit so soon. She’d thought that might come later in life. But — that was just good fortune. And eating right. Like, she was tempted to eat these two once this whole affair was over. “How unfortunate.”

Her attention shifted, though, with the rather showy arrivals of the delegates, brows raised not with any sort of impression, just: slight annoyance. There was a stirring of excitement from the goblins, who shuddered in the cold and burrowed further into the warmth of her chest. This would be a rather long coronation, wouldn’t it? She pushed forward in the crowd, ignoring any complaints that might surely be silenced once they’d gotten a look at their assailant.
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Title: The Iceborne
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龍 1st of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S 龍

A snarl permeated his facial features if only for a moment, as he was asked to dismiss his pact weapon. But given the delicate nature of the occasion and a forceful nudge from Yumeko, He sighed and dismissed the spear, icy wind, and glittering ice blowing in the man's face. It was at this moment a familiar face found its way in front of him, as Mino seemingly bumped into him. It had been some time since he had seen the feline male and he knew to always be on his guard around the cat. When questioned about his scent, the Iceborne thought to play a little game with the cat, however it wouldn't happen, as his identity had quickly been revealed.

When Rein approached Hikami almost stumbled over himself, as he still wasnt used to nobles knowing his name, let alone who he was. Even with the circumstances, it was still foreign territory to him. He nodded and gave the noble a bow as respect to his station, and soon found himself chuckling at his words. "It is a force of habit your majesty. Fighting is in my blood." he would laugh as Rein called for another to join them, the woman from that Demontide conflict, Lady Laveriel to the betting pool on who would start a fight first.

Before she could finish her statement, however, the arrival of the Imperial delegation took everyone's attention. To see them arrive on artificial wings, the avialae in him couldn't help but be offended. The tension seemed to skyrocket and he felt the need to be closer to Talon now more than ever, just in case something were to happen. When Mino teased him on how he had been staring at Talon the Iceborne knelt down and took Mino by the collar. He held it for a moment, glaring at the rathari only to smile and bring him in close for a hug. "Is that your way of saying you want some attention?" he teased, standing back up, and placing a kiss on the top of the man's head.

Things seemed to be getting underway, and the quicker this coronation went without a hitch the better.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[A S S E M B L Y]
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⚔ 1st of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
► Show Spoiler

Returning to the north was a journey he had come to accustomed to now. He flew from Ecith back to the mainland with the help of his various runes of magic, mainly Vitalis & Kinetics, so making the trip from Zaichaer to Kalzasi was easy enough for him. He had been lurking within the venue for some time now, watching the many delegations arrive and settle, the people mingling amongst themselves. He was curious about how this was going to go. Granted he was doing his best to keep a low profile, but he noticed the occasional glance and stare as he moved.

Long blonde tresses swayed in the northern wind as he glided through the crowd. He was surprised that there wasn't any Zachaeri delegation here, which was probably for the best as there was no government to represent at the moment. Plucking another wine flute from a waiter's tray he found a nice spot to watch the proceedings. He didn't want to be too close but he was close enough to see clearly, not to mention with Veracity he was hearing many things that most would have missed, or seeing the subtle details of the dealings of others.

When he spotted the Imperium delegation something in him pressed him to move closer to them, to get within reach of their section. He found himself stopping half way as now would not be the best time to try and start something between them and Zaichaer. Instead he would wait, and bide his time. It didnt mean however he wouldnt be listening in on them from a safe distance for now.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 336

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As the Imperials arrived, a pair of ebony eyes squinted in annoyance above a thin line of pressed lips, the Knight-Marshal Neverfall looking on from the pavilion given to the Commonwealth. She turned on a heel and disappeared inside. Every member of the Senate delegation soon stepped out of the pavilion, casting curious and dark gazes across the crowd at their sworn enemies.

And Neverfall disappeared out the back of the pavilion while all eyes were on the Senators and their guards.

A few minutes passed until Talon would receive a very directed prayer to Arcas, from the Knight-Marshal herself. "My lord, we must speak urgently. It is about your son." An image of her location was sent through the prayer, she was sitting on a bench in a quite near courtyard, one that was bustling with children, men, and women all enjoying themselves in the festivities. The Knight-Marshal was being handed a flower by a small Avialae boy, and she smiled, accepting it, bringing it up to tuck into her ear. The boy flushed red and darted back off to his mother.


As Veriel was recovering from her daze, she would find a bead of light streaming directly into her left eye, from somewhere high above her. Any which way she turned, she would find that the beam remain locked on her eye. But if she closed her eye, if she took a moment to relax and focus, she would remember a long since unused facet of her training with the Ailos Dawnmartyr's.

With her eye closed, the light began to pulse, light and dark, short pulses and long. An ancient code that was used in the war with the Imperium, taught to every Dawnmartyr that fought there. The message was simple, direct, "We must meet. Danger imminent. Purchase Krab Kabob from the red headed vendor, tell him to keep the change."

The message was sent twice, then the beam disappeared. Veriel would know that this must be from Pathfinder Torchthief, it was the style of the Pathfinders. The vendor would likely direct Veriel to the location of the Pathfinder, either directly or by a circuitous means, depending on the likelihood of Veriel being followed.

 ! Message from: Aegis

Talon - Pursuing this plot hook is optional. If Talon chooses to pursue this during the Coronation, do so in your next reply, and we can set up a short 1x1 thread that takes place inside of the Coronation. If Talon chooses to pursue this after the Coronation, we will set it up once this thread is finished.

Laveriel - Pursuing this plot hook is optional. If Laveriel chooses to pursue this during the Coronation, do so in your next reply, and we can set up a short 1x1 thread that takes place inside of the Coronation. If Laveriel chooses to pursue this after the Coronation, we will set it up once this thread is finished.

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Arvælyn wrinkled his nose at Finn's critique. Not because he found it distasteful, but because it made him doubt himself and, worse, his realm. Finn was Kalzasern by birth and rearing... or at least Kalzasern-adjacent. Arry thought to reach out through the bond of their blood to question his mother on the matter, but then he thought better of it. This visit was no cavalier affair into which he was blustering. It had been planned by the diplomatic corps of the Umbrian government, which happened to be under his mother's administration. If wearing a crown to a coronation was a faux pas in Kalzasi, it would be a calculated statement. He contemplated the matter, before speaking on it.

"I think it would be in poor taste to wear Kalzasi's crown to Karam Senue's coronation... but I am not wearing his crown and I am not his subject. I am a foreign prince wearing an alien diadem. If he objects to foreign sovereignty at his coronation, then 'tis a boon that we should learn it at the outset that we might prepare accordingly..." He might have made bolder japes on the matter if he hadn't grown accustomed to Solunarian scrutiny. Still, he felt inclined to lean over and place a kiss upon the pale cheek of his amatus, lest he misinterpret his abundance of caution for chastisement.

He would gladly take Finn's arm, but would pause at the question of the hour. Was he prepared to return to their erstwhile home? It was strange to look back on those days with his new, fiery eyes. There was much that he cherished... His time with Aurin, and later with Finn chief amongst the treasured times. But now that he had agency... power on a level that had felt like fantasy before... he recognised far more keenly that he had been woefully misused. There was so much shame wrapped up in his time in Kalzasi. Solunarium might have dismissed it as a soft, Northern sensibility, but he had been raised in the North. However loaded it may have all been, he nodded.

"Yes. Let's." The Solunarian Princeps Draconum smiled. It wasn't even forced despite of his reservations, because he was so pleased and impressed with the ætheric ministrations of his amatus in creating the portal through which they stepped, arm-in-arm. His proud smile would promptly fade into the neutrality expected of a Solunarian royal. Even if part of him was beaming and part of him was terrified, he was still an actor who recognised his role.

Breathing the cool air of Kalzasi felt passing strange... especially as he thoughtlessly exhaled that same air with a complement of black smoke, born of his furnace-burning heart.

"What a queer mélange this is..." He mused, as he scanned the setting for faces he recognised and Symphonies that weren't shielded from his Craft.
word count: 491
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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"I tease," he promised, reciprocating the kiss to a golden cheek. And it would be obvious now that his brow gleamed with a circlet of divine light. With that halo and his dragon prince on his arm, walking through the portal came with no trepidation. In Kalzasi he had been a weak, effete artist, subject to the whims of anyone with more money, more influence. In Solunarium, all his skills had been honed, even his art deemed invaluable - a gift to be shared rather than a commodity to broker. Though he wasn't wearing his Sentinel blacks, he felt as though he were similarly armored.

Finn didn't anticipate a battle, but he was now trained to adapt to any situation, any peril.

As the portal closed behind Arvaelyn's honor guard, Finn sent a thrum of awe through the surrounding symphonies. Let them associate such feelings with Solunarium's Umbrian crown prince.

"It seems so..." the silver-tongued bard struggled to find the word. When last he had been here, he had been a different person. He recognized the ebbs and flows of power now, but compared to Solunarium, this did seem, "a queer mélange." He could only agree with Arvaelyn's assessment.

But he smiled. Already, he was familiar with the Kalzasern court. In preparation for this journey, he had been prepared by Cithaera to support Arvaelyn and act the Solunarian diplomat in his own right. He represented them now, as well, as a Sentinel, an honored Magnatus, and the chosen of Avaerys.

"We could steal their thunder and elope in the middle of the coronation," he jibed impishly. Then, "I see Gelerians and Kalzaserns so far. Do you have a preference in your hunting ground, sire?"
word count: 306
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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