End of the Line

High City of the Northlands

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"Tuus Vastinius est melius..." The voice was a whisper on the wind. Midnight's Mother did not appear to Arcas in pomp and bombast, but like a memory that had been long since buried away. To see her there in her shining, silvery breastplate from which hung ribbons of black that might have been silk or shadow, was to feel that she had been present this entire time- Only now Her silvery nimbus, like a crown of barbed chain, shone and rotated over raven locks that wafted in the same breeze that carried Her inaugural whisper. From out this nimbus, tethers protruded in many directions, but the most prominent to those present were those that descended far down to the scene below, where they were linked to an æthereal collar at Franky's throat, a pair of manacles on either of his wrists and another that tightly encircled his Hobbie. As soon as the erstwhile entrepreneur became aware of the tethers, he would feel them tighten not at his neck but upon his soul- Muzzling not his mouth, but his very mind and forcing him into the state of silent subservience he had consummately engendered of late. All at once he was paralysed… perforce a passive observer to the wages of his recent sins as far above him the old foes reconnected.

"Ave, Arkas Princeps Lucis... Since we did part at Kaladon, hither have I dwelt... drawn to the surge of æther that did stir Our ancient pow'r e'en whiles We did languish in the fell prison into which thou didst cast Us." There was no enmity or accusation in this simple statement of fact known to them both.

"Mickle be the sources of nourishment I did hither find... the sweet nectar of Sacrifice doth abound in profusion in this land of hierarchical Domination that doth forge such taut and terrible Chains. Their initial Sacrifice woke whilom puissance within Me, and in this 'godless' land have I found many who worship at Mine altar some knowingly and others..." She glanced down to Franky and sighed, "...unwittingly."

Suddenly the harsh pull of Her chains would whip the incapacitated archdemon bodlily toward them and within seconds he was suspended by the ætherial manacles binding his wrists. A silent observer in his own mind, Franky would watch as the desert dominatrix turned to cast a faint smile toward her ancient archenemy.

"Ofttimes did this one invoke My name with wanton abandon and seek to empow'r himself by practising Mine art: Sacrifice most sacred." Her gaze fell upon Franky directly now, and she sneered.

"Link by link hast thou thyself forged the Chains that do bind thee unto My dominion. In thine effort to wield might enough to vie against Gods, thou hast nourished and strengthened one of Their number. Perforce do I claim a tithe from every Sacrifice that is made, for I am Sacrifice. But from one such as thee? One who doth o'erreach in seeking to claim what is Mine by right without according Me My due? I shall take no mere tribute... I shall bankrupt thee of every mote of might thou didst dare to gripe in My name." She would inspire a breath as Franky's essence was siphoned through the chains that bound him to Her nimbus.

"Thou wouldst claim the mantle of a king, but what knowest thou of Majesty?" The question was inevitably rhetorical, as She asserted the Dominion Franky had unknowingly granted and repeatedly reinforced with each invocation of Her undisputed domain.

“Fie!” Her gaze, now full of ire, turned to Hobbie as she twisted her wrist to tighten the chains rounding the animated shield until they cracked the creature in twain and drew forth the gem of chaos that brimmed with entropic energies.

“Lightbringer, I bid thee call upon the formidible force of thy fathomless Father to tame that fell artefact that we might employ it to undo the havoc this one sought to wreak. Zaichær is not his to Sacrifice. It hath been claimed by another and this…” She gestured with disgust to the warping breach as it brimmed toward another explosive event, “...this is redundant. We have seen this all before and lot long ago that grim Glade of yesteryear when first this cataclysm did ope the welkin and doom this realm that doth nourish Me so.” She turned to Franky, her chain receding from the inert, shattered shield that had served him in sundry forms, allowing the pieces to fall to the tattered earth below. With that, She reoriented him so that he could watch as they went about their work.

“Thou shalt tarry hither, thou high-sighted knave, and We shall consider thy doom after We have undone thine imperious exploits.” The Imperatrix would hover toward Arcas and the gem, as the demon drained into her through the veins of her chains, slowly feeling his power wane back toward that of the goblin he’d once been.
 ! Message from: Pharaoh
Note: Upon Arcas’ invocation of Varvara, Franky and Hobbie are instantly and wholly incapacitated. Their bodies are paralysed and their minds fixated helplessly upon the words of the goddess in whose Domains they trespassed and those of her divine comrade, Arcas. No magic: divine, demonic, ætheric or otherwise will be exploitable during this paralysis without being filtered through the Chains of Domination and explicitly approved by Varvara. He can utter no words nor is he mobile beyond simple eye movements and involuntary and semi-involuntary actions such as breathing.
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Franky could feel the growing intensity of the light that was shining down upon him and all of Zaichaer. A sneer grew on his face, already knowing who this must be, raising an arm to shield his dead, demon eyes as he turned to face the distant source. It was too intense, he could not see beyond the blinding light, but he could see that its touch was obliterating the corpses, and presumably the living bodies, of the monsters that had swarmed here.

It wasn't long until Franky felt the first of the manacles that grasped him.

He struggled and strained against the divine bindings that held his wrists, his throat, and Hobbie. His eyes went wide and wild, his bare semblance of strength in the face of the divine unable to make so much as a crack in the chains. He grimaced deeply as he felt them tighten, not just those around his physical self, but something deep inside him. He'd never noticed his own soul before, but now, now that it was being restricted and pained, he knew it to be there.

And soon, all movement stopped from the demon.

With a jerk, Franky was pulled toward the goddess, racing toward her at breakneck speeds, the chains physical and ephemeral by no means gentle. Upon arriving before her, Franky was heaving and panting from the pain. He tried to move, a hand for the sword, an arm for the shield, a hovering leg to find purchase, all inherent traits of a trained soldier. And not once did his body answer the call of the mind.

And so, he stopped. And Franky watched, listened, recognizing that he was in a position from which he could not escape with motions and movements and fighting. As she spoke, Franky took in each word, and as she sneered while chiding him, he mentally sneered back at her, even if his own face failed to respond accordingly.

His mind was whirling, as it always did when faced with challenge. Her tongue was strange but understandable, and Franky could only assume that she was a goddess like all the others that had entered his life. Which goddess though? He hadn't the slightest idea. But her words... she suggested that his acts had nourished and strengthened another. That could only be the one that he was bound to directly.

And she seemed to have claim to the same dominion that Franky himself had access to... An idea was starting to form, momentarily interrupted as Franky felt his essence being siphoned away. She thought him beneath her, not a true claimant to the domain of Sacrifice, the domain that had forged him into this very demon himself.

She thought herself as queen and he a mere peon.

Franky felt the pain flash through Hobbie as the shield was broken, and her darkness flowed back into the Archdemon, for they were one in the same, forged together towards the same goal. To answer to and to serve Him. He could feel his counterpart there, greatly weakened and pained, but alive, or at least alive in the way that demons live.

Franky could feel his energy reserves at their lowest, his eyes barely able to make out the gem that this Goddess and supposed Queen of Sacrifice had taken. He could do nothing, he could say nothing, and yet, the mind of this particular demon, of this particular man, of this particular goblin could never be stopped, not while he still had life, however damned, within him.

And so, his thoughts were screamed loud within his own head, and he could only assume that she would hear them. If not, it would matter not for there was nothing else to do but watch and wait. His mind hearkened back to when he ventured into the rift and the Aetherium beyond. To when he greeted the wife of the Dragon King, before standing before the King himself. He remembered seeing how Malgar, and many others seemingly the Lord of Suffering's equal stood before the King. To him, it seemed the difference in power between the King and those gods was just as vast as the gulf between Franky and this goddess now.

He wondered if the difference of her and Malgar might not be similar, and if the Lord of Suffering had been strengthened so, if he might not be willing to keep such a beneficial subject. It was a gamble, it was the longest of long shots, but it seemed that much of Franky's life had come down to rolling the dice on the worst of odds and coming out the other side, scathed but intact.

"I've overreached nothing. He whom I've strengthened and nourished, he who forged me within the domain you lay claim, he gave me the right to my power." His inner voice soured and sneered, "I am no unwitting worshiper of some no named god. I answer to Him, and him alone. Not you, certainly not the so called Lord of Light."

An inner chuckle, "That you both could have fixed everything here before and didn't... it isn't just me that strengthens the Lord of Suffering with my choices, actions, and inactions."

At the mention of his doom, part of Franky felt anticipation ahead of relief. Might he actually be released from the Suffering of this form, through death, or something more? That could actually be nice, the old, embittered man might finally find some rest from this world of gods, chaos, and strife of which he'd put himself in the middle.

But that moment passed, and that inner sneer grew to just a hint of an inner smile.

"Perhaps He might want a word on all this, in case it is not I, but you, that overreach."

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I agree. Zaichaer has suffered enough. I will not allow it to suffer the same cataclysm that this one had such a prominent role in.” Talon narrowed his eyes slightly as he recalled the role that Franky had played in his own imprisonment, in the lies that had pushed Zaichaer further toward war, and now the blame that he still sought to lay at his own feet.

He wishes to believe himself blameless in the role he played for his lot in life.” Talon accepted the gemstone that Varvara extracted from the now broken shield. He could feel its power coiling inside the crystalline structure. It was not a thing of Order but of Chaos but he would use its power to augment his own in undoing the devastation that had been unleashed. As he brushed a thumb over the warm surface of the chaos gem, he looked up and met Franky’s eyes. He could see that some sort of silent communication was passing between the demon and Varvara. Whatever the man said, Talon did not know. He could see the wisps of his emotions in his aura but little else. There was defiance. There was anger. There was fear. There was pain. He blinked and spoke softly.

Few are blameless.” Talon paid no further attention to Franky. As far as he was concerned, the demon was now subject to the judgement of the goddess whom he sought to usurp. He turned his eyes to the crackling rift and beheld a sight that was very familiar to him at this point in his life. He could see the raw purity of the Aetherium. He could see within it the endless possibilities tethered to his domains. His eyes ignited in the silver-white fire that he was known for. His nimbus began to shine brighter until the light was that of the morning dawn itself. From him sprung forth the very concepts of all he served as Lord and Avatar for.

Throughout Zaichaer and extending far beyond it, Hope found its way into the hearts of those seeking it. Cradled in the hands of the Hopebringer, those who turned their faces toward the light of his divinity found their souls stirring and turning away from despair. Those in search of inspiration, found it. Those in need of a blessed and tender memory, remembered it. Those in need of a quiet moment of peace, received it in the quiet reverie of their own contemplations. Hope sprang forth from him and through it, he gently urged all who basked in his light to strive higher for their truest potential. For that was the truest meaning of Hope, to behold devastation, to see the world as wretched, and to dare to dream for something greater.

The bitter chill of what had become a dark winter, abated. The glory of the Morninglord shone like the rising sun of the summer’s day. Hearth fires burned warmer. The bite of this long winter lost its teeth. The painful shadow of nightmares that plagued the traumatized minds of those who had suffered for so long, were banished. The bodies poisoned by the corruption of the dread mists, were purged of that corruption as their forms were bathed in his light. Those who knew not the face of their inner darkness, saw the truth of that darkness in full. For to stand in the Light was not to be without Shadow, but it was to recognize that the two were connected. It was to see that the world was forever tethered to those two primordial forces and see that where there was one, there would always be the other. It was to know that the murderer could show mercy, that the righteous could give in to temptation, that the path to redemption was never beyond reach and that the world was forever swaying between its brighter aspects and its darker truths. Talon’s Light shone.

Talon’s light shone pure. It purified.

Talon’s light shone beautifully. It was beautiful.

Talon’s light shone terrifically. It was terrifying.

Mother Naori.” Talon’s voice echoed with reverence, with power, with authority. “Mighty are Your lessons. Your children still have so much left to learn. Chaos is our birthright, the beautiful paint that You have given us to fill Your world with vibrancy. This beautiful chaos has been rendered. This lesson has been learned. Your will has been done. This Son of Avaelor begs our glorious Mother, let me do Justice to Your work.

Talon reached into the wellspring of chaos that blossomed in the thrumming crystal in his grasp. He raised it high, invoking his final domain and began channeling his power through it, sending a beam of prismatic power toward the rift.

My Father.” Talon’s voice echoed with reverence, with love…and with hurt. “Long have these mortals lovingly embraced the tyranny of Your order. Tightly have they clung to the auspices of Law. Zealously have they flung themselves into the halls unyielding hierarchy…

He paused. His jaw flexed and he cast his gaze downward.

I know that you are angry with them.” In the brief glimpse of Eikaen’s face that he had seen there in the halls of the Pantheon, he had seen grief, remorse, love and an unbridled fury that had made him quail at the sight of it. The leaders of Zaichaer had poisoned him, they had engineered the very mechanism that had been necessary to subdue him and ensure his imprisonment and torture.

They have been punished. Let me serve Justice. Let us move forward and heal.

Talon’s nimbus shone brighter. He spoke and his voice carried over the city.

Justice has come for Zaichaer.” The pure symbol of Justice burned hotly as Talon invoked every last ounce of his power, channeling the highest reaches of his divinity, channeling the power of the chaos gem and calling upon the Dragon King and Masked Queen, he cast judgement upon the City of Brass.

Zaichaer had suffered enough. Let the great rift be closed.

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Talon has invoked Archmagic. He is channeling all 3 of his divine domains to cast judgement upon Zaichaer in such a way as to close the great rift.

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As the Morninglord descended to tend to the immediate concern of the blooming chaos storm, Midnight’s Mother and Franky remained suspended high above the city. She levitated before him, not circling like a predator, but rather still and scrutinising.The chains that bound the draining demon seemed to protrude out of some shadowy, indistinct points above. The only one that seemed to end in this plane was the one that bound him directly to Her silvery nimbus that continued to drain his essence. It was through that conduit that She would answer his highsighted gripes and desperate invocations.

“Thou, who wouldst fain contend against the very Pantheon, dost now seek solace in th’embrace of a god? How quickly the imperiled heart doth shirk its quondam causes. Næ, corydon septentrionis, I am not so incautious as thee to tread unwitting and roughshod upon the Domains of others…” She regarded Arcas below and recalled the fate that had befallen Her when She had in sooth done as Franky now indicted and overreached into the realms of other gods. Her attention returned to the aspirant King of Goblins.

“The Princeps Doloris hath forsaken thee as thou hast forsaken Him…”

In Franky’s mind he would see his own hand, penning the words: Zaichaer has suffered enough, and I will be ending it, myself.” Even as he heard his own voice rhapsodising: “…along comes Malgar, wanting me to tempt you, seduce you, convince you to drink his precious Wine of Suffering. Fuck that stupid cup of his. As those sounds and images faded from his mind's eye and ear, Franky's body shifted to a diagonal position from which to view the undoing of his work. The ebbing demon would find himself bearing witness to the gleaming glory of Arcas below, as resplendent light from above bathed and fueled him- an approving embrace of his absent Father. She of the Scourge levitated beside Franky to observe the toil of Arcas: this passing strange bedfellow who had, after so many years, become a cautious ally.

“Power gifted in response to failure is no conditionless endowment, but a probationary yoke of servitude and one thou didst shirk. If ignorance be bliss, then allow me to serve the Master who hath cast thee aside by imparting the Suffering that is knowledge:

“Thine own anguish hath grown sweeter in His sight than the waning woes thou dost engender of others. As thou’rt my creature by thine own avowal: Hither, before the eye of Justice, shall I confer thy sentence.”
There was nothing in her tone nor Her expression that indicated She took any joy in this position.

“Lest thou concern thyself further with fears that I o’erstep, I shall exposit who my actions serve: For cruel Malgar perforce shalt thou suffer. For salient Arcas shall I deliver thee unto Justice and for majestic Aværys, shall I do so with poetical pageantry. For vengeful Shæoth shall I see thy fate hewn to the aggrieved. And, finally, for His Peerless Majesty and Her Enigmatic Eminence on high shall thy doom resume Order where thou didst profane Chaos by uplifting its natural nemesis: Redundancy."

“Firstly, I refuse the boon of thy Sacrifice. Feed thy whilom master and Suffer in the knowledge that those thou didst slay died truly and consummately in vain. Their blood soaketh the ground in tribute to naught but thine own spurious vainglory. The meaningless murders thou didst execute delivereth their souls not unto peace but unto æternal torture at the behest of the Princeps Doloris. May this knowledge torment thee and nourish him the more. And now…”

As the last vestiges of demonhood were bled from him, Franky would see the clouds shifting in the air before him.

“I do hereby sentence thee to Lex Agni: The Law of the Lamb. Thou art as a lamb to the slaughter or the mercy of them thine exploits might have doomed.” As Her final judgement reverberated through the air, the form of the goddess seemed to fade with the echo of Her commandment.

By and by, the clouds parted to reveal a strange vista. It was like some hazy valley where the mist was clearing to reveal a portal to some city on another plane. But no… as it drew closer, it would prove to be no portal to a distant, extra-dimensional city. Rather it was a city on this plane, or at least a portion of one, that had risen to mount the firmament. As the sentries manning the watchtowers of the Zaichaeri Sky Islands took note of a strange phenomenon of a lone, goblinoid figure suspended from the open air in their direct path, the levitating berg would slow to a halt to assess. A whisper would pass on the wind that swept over the Sky Islands, subtle and seductive:

“Unto thee do We deliver one of the architects of thy misery, e’en as We do assuage it. Know the splendour of salvation, know the respite of revenge, and know that the resurrection of Zaichær shall not betide unaided.”
 ! Message from: Pharaoh
Note: Franky is, once more, a humble goblin bereft of demonic power. The chains of domination (invisible to all but Franky and other servants of Varvara) have drained him of nothing further than this, but he will remain bound in midair in his inert state until he is collected by agents of Zaichaer, at which point he will regain control of his voice and a severely weakened body.

As Rune is the principal author of the setting Franky attempted to destroy, I will leave the fate of Franky in his hands and, if Rune wills it, into the hands of the other active PCs occupying the imperiled setting. Rune, please note there was a request for “Power” for Franky’s birthday reward. Feel free to interpret that as you see fit.
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Franky's eyes were upon the goddess that had him bound, but he heard the mighty echoes of Talon's voice, felt the warmth of the world as light pushed away the cold and dark. It was impossible to ignore, seemingly a hallmark feature of the gods. A memory of his own was inspired by Talon's wellspring of Hope.

They sat together there, among the reeds along the banks of a lazy river. She wore a white dress, one he'd bought for her, the first use of his coin earned as a young officer. She had wrapped ribbons about her horns, and she glowed in the sunlight that was setting behind her. Her hand was upon his, and for the first time, Franky saw her smile without a hint of pain.

A whisper, "Together, forever."

And just as quickly as it had come, the memory was gone, and Franky was back to focusing upon his own situation and the Midnight Mother before him. And he listened, for there was nothing more to do. He felt, and knew the truth in her words as she spoke them. He knew. Franky thought he knew what was coming, punishment upon himself.

And he was beginning to prepare himself to accept that.

And then she spoke of those he'd sacrificed. His eyes went wide, wild, and he tried to buck against the chains with all he had, and to no avail.


No no no no.

Their sacrifice had to mean something. Had to amount to something stronger, something that could make it worthwhile. He'd chosen to ice his heart, to make the difficult decision, just as he had with her all those years before, so that it would amount to something more.

Eternal torture at the behest of the Princeps Doloris.

He felt his power being ripped from him, but there was no fight left in the man. As the last of it drained away, there was a brief respite of feeling mortal again. And the mortal man's head hung. He heard the words, knew that he was being given over to the authorities, a prisoner, lacking any power, lacking any will.

He didn't even bother to look up at the floating Sky Island that was there before him. All he could see was each and every moment where he'd slain his wife, his closest friends, his colleagues, those who looked up to him for protection, for love. He was rewatching all of it and the world around him was growing numb to the goblin.

He'd failed them.

And so he hung there limply and ashamed, awaiting and uncaring for what came next. What could they do now that would be worse than what he'd already done?

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As the energies within the crystal, supplemented by his own divine force and power, slowly worked toward closing the great rift in the skies above Zaichaer, Talon felt a hand upon his shoulder. He did not look away from the rift but he felt its reassuring presence there, warm and comforting. As the last vestiges of the crystal’s power and his own wove the fabric of the veil back together, the light around Talon faded. The crystal in his hands crumbled to dust and he felt himself grow immediately weary. Before he could fall from the skies however, he felt himself grasped within the mighty talons of a regal red dragon. Warmth flowed across his Bond and he felt his husband’s great presence wrap around his mind. He was far too weary to put up a fuss against the support that Aoren gave him. So he remained there in the great dragon’s grasp.

Well done, beloved. Perhaps the Zaichaer can even be bothered to feel gratitude.

Talon chuckled. Aoren brought them down to the ground and very tenderly set him upon the ground. Talon brushed a hand over Aoren’s foreleg before looking to where Franky was still suspended in the air. The whisper of Varvara’s judgement ghosted through the air. As her presence dissipated, Talon reached for his Kinetics in order to take hold of the defeated Hobgoblin. When he struggled, he felt Aoren thread his aether together with his own and with his bondmate’s strength, he caught Franky and lowered the man to the ground. When Franky was on the ground, Talon stared at him.

What will you do to him?

That was the question. Franky, one of the individuals partly responsible for his imprisonment, lay powerless before him. This so-called downtrodden tavernkeeper who had propelled himself to heights of terrible power, only to come crashing down for his hubris, had now lost everything. He looked to the Sky Islands of Zaichaer. This was truly the first time that he had laid eyes upon them. From what he understood, they were run by Stefan Dornkirk, the man whose genius was primarily responsible for the poison that had so debilitated him. Maybe he wanted to punish Franky further. Part of him burned with a sort of hatred for the man who had supplied his captors with materials and rest and who had smeared the reputation of his homeland so thoroughly. The rest of him?


He looked up into one of the volcanic eyes of Aoren’s draconic face. Aoren must have sensed more of his heart than he could sense for himself in that moment. The dragon nudged him gently with his snout and nodded to a portal that opened just beside them.

Let’s go home.

Talon cast one last look at Franky. His view was gently blocked by one of Aoren’s great wings. Talon turned and walked with his husband through the portal to elsewhere. He walked with his husband through the portal to home.

Justice had been done.

He realized then why ancient Arcas had always sought the path of mercy and hope over wrath and retribution.

Justice could be a terrible thing.

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The thing about justice, Lieutenant Konrad Kämpfer thought as he picked his way carefully through the mass of bodies that had, only moments before, inexplicably dropped dead as far as the eye could see, was that there wasn’t any such thing.

As a concept, a thought experiment, it was useful; indispensable, even, if you wanted to run a society. But in a life, a real life that happened messy and wet, justice never had shown its face. When people said it did, said they had ‘gotten justice’, all they meant was that things had gone their way. Everyone knew that tomorrow it was just as likely to go the way of the other guy, or the weather, or the hulking, twisted monster that might once have been someone you knew a while back.

Today, for whatever reason, the monsters had died. It wasn’t justice that had done it; no benevolent force had decided that Zaichaer had suffered enough. It was just life. If there was a kindly god out there who wanted to keep the poor folk of The Knob from suffering, they would have done so right away, as soon as the Mist-born horrors had sprouted their multiple heads and began eating children.

The monsters hadn’t ‘disappeared’ either, not like in Fae stories. No, they were very much still there, just not threatening to tear him or any of the men under his command limb from limb. Which, to be fair, he was deeply grateful for. Being a hero was great when you were in a tavern with a drink in one hand and a pretty girl on your knee; less so when you could literally die at any moment. Anything that lessened the chances that he wouldn’t come back was an excellent intersession in his books.

Glancing up at the sky, still swirling with the remnants of the Rift, he sent a prayer of thanks toward the direction he could best guess Solunarium was. It was strange, Kuno had gotten so used to the Rift being there that, now that it was gone, it felt wrong. Like one of the moons suddenly going missing from the sky. He would get used to the open sky again, though with the Islands floating around he supposed it wouldn’t ever be exactly the same. Nothing would.

He hadn’t expected to feel anything when he sent his silent appreciation to the Goddess he had chosen, or who had chosen him. So far Varvara had only shown herself by intervening in his life in moments when he needed it most and that was more than enough for him. Despite it being wholly unexpected, however, in that moment, he did feel something. A tugging of sorts, in his brain but also in his chest. Maybe he was just also dying and whatever had taken the monsters was only a tick slower in affecting humans. But, no, none of his dozen men seemed to be feeling anything and a part of him that he couldn’t imagine a name for knew where the sensation was coming from.

It was the same place he’d sent his prayer and countless like it, the same place he envisioned when he burned offerings and took lives in Her name. Not stopping to question it, because he knew that doing so would be wrong on a level that even he wouldn’t get away with he turned abruptly down an alley on the side of what had once been quite a well-known pub. When the soldier closest to him looked his way he signaled for them to keep on as they were. Whatever he was being called to see he was quite sure, good or bad, that it wasn’t something to be shared. If his Lady of Chains had decided to call in all the times she had saved his life by taking it now, well, he owed it and if he was going to go, it was right that it would be paying the only debt he acknowledged.

What he found, when he reached the middle of the alleyway, was the hatchway door that led to the cellar of The Hobbled Gobbler. This might have been an excellent find (if not one worthy of a Goddess’ intervention) if there hadn’t been the body of a great bloody hobgoblin lying directly atop it. Wearily, Kuno approached, rifle with bayonet held out in front of him, defensive, in case this creature was not one of the dead Mistspawn. Even if he was, perhaps some of them were taking longer to die. When it didn’t make any moves that he could see from twenty feet away he moved in cautiously.

Up close he could see that the creature was breathing, only very shallowly, which made him think it was unconscious until he was close enough to see that the eyes were open. He didn’t jump physically when he saw that he was being stared at, but inside, he absolutely did.

“Ficken!” He swore under his breath as he realized two things. The first was that the Goblin was not only alive, but aware, and the second was that Kuno knew exactly who he was.

Having lived, and later worked, most of his life in The Knob and its surrounds Kuno had been aware of the owner of The Gobbler, as well as several other businesses that catered to the local population. Jumped up Gob had thought himself a real fancy gentleman; used his money to rouse the rabble and empower the non-human population that hung around the edges of the East End grubbing for what they could get from the hard-working human citizens.

Kuno sneered down at the parasite helplessly at his mercy and he knew, with the perfect clarity that comes so rarely into a mortal life, exactly what he was supposed to do. Pulling his bayonet back to his shoulder he brought it down, slamming it into the body as hard as he could, and not just once.

“Domina mea, sic immolo.”

Maybe he didn’t pronounce the words perfectly, but he’d read them in a script of a play about Divine Twins that he’d stolen as a child and She would understand. She would know, and that was all he needed.

Leaning in close so that Franky could see his eyes even though he couldn’t turn his head, blood from the wounds he’d already inflicted spurting blood onto his pale face he grinned, vicious and exultant, and added,

“Die, you filthy Gob bastard, get back to the hell you came from.” Before shoving his blade through the throat, upwards until the tip pushed out from the top of the skull.
word count: 1139
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Experience Points: 12 (May be used for magic)

Injuries/Ailments: Æther depletion, exhaustion.

Loot: Upon returning home, Talon found a box wrapped in symmetrically patterned paper. It was unmarked with no card attached to indicate from whom it came. Semblance would find no traps or deceptions, but would detect that the item within had been delivered directly from Pantheon and had crossed the hands of Avatar. Within the box, Talon would find a beautiful, clear transparent gem that sparkled in the light. He would know, at a glance, that this was the counterpart to the gem he'd exploited to close the Breach of Zaichaer, before it shattered in his grasp. This unmarked gift was a Gem of Order.


Experience Points: 12 (Non-magical)

Injuries/Ailments: Demotion from demonhood, the despair of dooming the immortal souls of his loved ones and death.

Loot: N/A

Notes: Requiesce in pace, Franky! And what a road it was, but in death there is opportunity. Depending what path you take, you may be offered a boon:

Option 1: If you choose to retire the character of Franky and accept a true death, in addition to whatever resources you transfer to your next character, I will also allow you to have one additional fully-mastered mundane skill. This is not an additional 100xp to be split up. All 100 of these bonus points must be assigned to a single skill, at which the character will innately excel.

Option 2: Perhaps the abject dejection of dooming dear souls to eternal suffering was so great as to cause Franky's soul to cleave to the mortal plane. If so, you may choose to pursue a ghostly existence for Franky, as laid out in the Undead rules. If Option 2 is selected, I will offer the opportunity of a curated quest via which Ghost Franky may find peace and/or other rewards by locating and releasing his sacrificed loved ones from thralldom to Malgar. Under this option, Franky would begin as a first-level ghost and need to build up his spectral skills and/or seek the aid of the living to achieve his mission.

Option 3: If neither of these options appeals to you, you're welcome to pitch me on something else. No additional rewards are promised for Option 3.

word count: 414
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