Siv and Desty Do Ecith [Destynrael]

Wherein Sivan and Destyn "do Ecith."

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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Sivan nodded, serious, though he tried not to look too serious lest that make Destyn uncomfortable. He smiled to be considered a part of Destyn's clan, but was also interested to hear more details about how Destyn thought. So often, he fluttered around things; it was rarer to have more grounded conversations.

Just as he was getting ready to respond, though, his Fae friend brought the cantankerous Laurevere into it. Sivan blinked, glanced at the highborn elf who was playing bodyguard for whatever reason, and then considered.

"He is... well, he is nobly born. I would assume that sex was a part of his education. They aren't shy about it, they Hytori. Nor are the Dratori. I'm just... shy about it." He flushed a bit, trying not to get flustered. "If you want to mate with him, though... I don't know if he would be... kind? Perhaps he would. He is supposed to be a gentleman."

Sivan wasn't sure how he felt about Destyn looking to Laurevere rather than to him, and he supposed he would have to examine that later.

"Well, I consider you my clan, as well," he said. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, just... I want you to know that you are loved and that can take... ah, other forms. If you want. If you don't... I will still be your clan. Honored to be your clan. I just don't want you to feel... like anything is missing." Of course, the clan of his birth would always be missing, but barring some miracle resurrection or perhaps seeing them in the afterlife, Sivan wanted to make Destyn happy. And certainly, the Fae was beautiful. Mostly, he appreciated that beauty as he appreciated a flower or a butterfly, but the depths of his feelings had also opened him to a more primal appreciation - not one that needed to be expressed, but it certainly could be.

"But if you decide yes, I will try to make it beautiful for you."
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Siv and Desty Do Ecith
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Destyn doggy-paddled over to a shallower stretch of stream where his feet touched the bottom, but he still ducked low in the water so only his eyes and above were showing as Sivan spoke. It seemed that Destyn was shy about this subject as well. Or perhaps Sivan's bashfulness was contagious. He looked at Laurevere as Sivan made his suppositions, then back to the closer elf as the topic turned back to the two of them. By and by, he stood up so his shoulders were above the waterline.

"I think, sometimes, of mating... I do not, you know, fantasise exactly... I just wonder. To my people mating was not done between those you are close with. It was special, but special like the first time you hear a story...

"I think that because you are very nice and we are close like clan, I have not before thought this way of you or Torin. I think that this is instinct. I have thought of Urs in this way... and of another elf I met here in Ecith and sometimes of Laurevere. None of them feel like clan kin and, you know, none of them are very nice to me."
He shrugged his bare shoulders.

"Also, probably, none of them want to mate with me, so I do not do more than just, you know... wonder." He bit his lip, eyes scanning Sivan's face as if for the first time.

"But now that you have brought this up, I am wondering, also, about you..." He paused at length, and then drew closer to Sivan- pressing his bare body flush against the elf's. "Have you, you know, imagined coupling with me before?"
Siv and Desty Do Ecith
word count: 378
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Laurevere, perhaps feeling eyes on his back, turned to catch Destyn looking. He gave the Fae an odd look, then looked beyond him to Sivan, who seemed perplexed. But after a moment, Destyn turned back and moved closer to Sivan - quite close indeed. His pale eyes slivered, and he thought his private thoughts.

Sivan listened, wondering if his fling with Urs had hurt Destyn's feelings, but as he prepared to reply, the Fae moved quite close and he lost his emotional equilibrium again. He shivered despite the heat of the air and the tepid water. His hands came up to Destyn's waist as if by instinct, though he didn't grope. His body stirred under the water.

"I, ah..." He tried to remember the responses he had that led tot he last one. "I am like you, I think. In that... I mostly just wondered. Until... I, ah... when Torin expressed interest, suddenly it made... um, sense. And I began to think of him like that almost immediately. Urs, um. He was drunk when we met, and threw himself at me and I didn't think of him like that... Though, later, when I knew him better, I did. And you..." He sucked in a breath. Destyn truly was a beautiful creature, and a dear one. He had such a pure, loving heart, and Sivan loved him for it and for a hundred other reasons.

"I have imagined it... with you."

It felt like a confession; technically, it was a confession. It wasn't something terrible, of course, but if Destyn thought of him as family and that precluded things, he wouldn't bring it up again. Then again, there was a tremulous exhilaration to have him so close, nothing between them but a bit of water, with the subject broached finally.

"Mostly wondering, but sometimes... And sometimes in dreams."
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Siv and Desty Do Ecith
45 Glade 123


Destyn's body was quickly compliant to Sivan's touch. He didn't reach out to explore, but he did arch his back and shift his wings as hands found his waist.

"Was Torin your first time? He nice to you? Did he try to make it beautiful?" The Fae was at once brazen and trepidatious in different ways. Part of him shifted toward this new frontier with great ease as he made himself physically available, but another part was almost aggressively passive.

If he had thoughts or feelings about what happened with Urs, he seemed content to let them lie. In this position the subject felt a bit intrusive. He didn't want Sivan to feel as though he was focused upon those he'd spent more time pondering in these sorts of intimate scenarios. His wings fluttered ever so slightly at Sivan's admission, setting ripples out from their position toward the bank where Laurevere stood.

"This is very, um... this makes me feel good about myself that you have imagined us together. It makes it a little less scary because, even though it would be my first time, for you it is not our first time. I hope that I did a good job at it and that you were satisfied, but not so good a job at it that you will be disappointed in real life, though." It was not uncommon for Destyn to talk a lot, but there were clearly nerves at the heart of this particular expression of verbosity under this current set of circumstances.
Siv and Desty Do Ecith
word count: 354
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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"He was," he admitted. "H-he was. And he did."

Say what he would of his experience, Destyn seemed to know just what to do, moving with grace and what seemed like invitation. Aggressively passive he might be, still, he seemed to have made the decision to move forward. This was happening - here in an Ecithian river, idyllic, but with Laurevere looking on. That was new.

"You were... y-yourself," he managed. "Beautiful... sweet..." He huffed a laugh. "And surprisingly wild?" Emboldened, one hand moved up betwixt gossamer wings, the other moving down to cup him, hold him closer. After a moment, one hand returned to the small of his back, still holding him close, and the other came up to caress his face, to brush back wet hair.

"This place suits you: beautiful and wild." He moved in, lush lips parting as he their faces grew closer. "You couldn't disappoint me. And I will be nice, and try to make it beautiful for you..."

Laurevere was rather miffed that this was happening, but he was a gentleman and had agreed to guard them on their trip to Ecith. His ears were perked for signs of danger, but that didn't stop him from watching the show: two beautiful creatures moving against each other, a sculpture of flesh. He had seen the like in Sol'Valen, as well as sorry attempts at the same at the Velvet Cabaret. Such a shame that Hytori lad had starred in that blasphemous play and then, apparently, gone to the land of the desert elves. Such a waste. He might have written him into this script somehow...

Just kiss him, he wanted to say.

Sivan, given no signs contrary, locked lips with Destyn. His heart swelled, as did other things.
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Siv and Desty Do Ecith
45 Glade 123


Destyn seemed pleased... perhaps even relieved at the news that Torin had been Sivan's first. It meant that, odd though it felt, the experience might be good with someone from their little pod. It also felt strangely like something being passed to him from Torin. Apart from all of this, it also suggested that Sivan was not some long-seasoned expert in the carnal crafts, which made partnering with him less intimidating.

"Beautiful, sweet and surprisingly wild." Destyn pursed his lips and nodded approvingly, "This is me in a eggshell, I think." Sivan's comparison between this Fae and their present environs was rather loaded and, though Destyn thought to speak on this, his slightly parted lips were soon obstructed from forming words. He blinked, staring at the blur of Sivan's point blank visage for a moment, before closing his eyes and focusing on the feel of it all.

His mind darted backward to when he used to spy on people... The woods were a favourite frolicking place for lovers of all stripes and, being a winged, woodland creature, he'd frequently run across partners in all manner of intimate scenarios. From the trees he would watch them, curious as to how it might feel. And now he was learning. He had been aroused before, but it felt different now that he was pressed skin-to-skin with another person whose body was as excited as his own.

When their lips parted he blinked at Sivan,

"Oh." He said and that single syllable sounded ponderous, indeed. His eyes darted to Laurevere and, finding him scowling even more than normal, he said:

"Do not be, you know, miffed, Mister Laurevere. You can come and help me learn, if you would, you know, like to?"
Siv and Desty Do Ecith
word count: 388
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Sivan certainly had several problematic mindsets. Perhaps eventually Destyn would help him work through some of them, or expect him to do his own emotional labor. In any case, the situation was entirely perfect for the elf. Destyn felt even better in his arms and against his lips than he had in his imagination. If Laurevere was watching, well, there was something oddly exciting about that as well. Destyn in an eggshell, but at least he didn't have to walk on eggshells around this topic anymore. Afraid of giving offense, he often kept things to himself. Old habits died hard.

The "oh" from his friend's lips sounded positive, so that was encouraging, but when he turned to follow that gaze over toward Laurevere, he did flush.

The older elf stared back at Destyn. His lips pursed momentarily in thought and then, as if he had been well and truly dared upon the playground, he began to unstrap his sword belt. At Laurevere's unexpected reaction, Sivan began to laugh in embarrassment, delight, and a number of other things he couldn't put his finger on. But he hid his face in more kisses with Destyn, more inches of his skin touched, and then they both paused to watch their taciturn bodyguard disrobe. The sight was certainly impressive, barring subjective reactions. Destyn already had him aroused, however, and this did nothing to diminish that.

Thankfully, Exael would keep a look out and so far, there hadn't been any dangers to speak of.

"And here I have a little experience and yet I'm the one blushing," he murmured softly to Destyn.

Laurevere pulled a pin out of his silvery hair and tossed it onto his clothes before striding purposefully toward them. It looked like they were in trouble.
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Siv and Desty Do Ecith
45 Glade 123


Destyn blinked, eyes saucer wide as Laurevere called is bluff that wasn't really a bluff and began to disrobe, before wading in to join them. He might have gaped slack-jawed at length, but soon Sivan was amidst an amused outburst, or so Destyn interpreted the uncomfortable laughter. He wasn't entirely sure why Sivan was laughing, but it didn't feel inappropriate to the moment, so he found he was laughing too, until Sivan turned his head and then he was kissing again. When Sivan broke the kiss to speak, Destyn tilted his head, bemusedly.

"You are, I think, supposed to blush? Mating makes one warm, I have read." He shrugged one shoulder and turned to glance over it as Laurevere drew close enough that the ripples he caused lapped against Destyn's skin. Before he could speak or do much else, the fae put both arms around the guard's neck, wrapped his legs around his waist and kissed the scowl away. Sivan didn't make him nervous, because Sivan was nice and explicitly liked him. It was not so with Laurevere, so Destyn was geniunely nervous to climb him like a monkey on a tree trunk, but he'd jumped in the water feet first and he would do the same here.

With that ice broken, he peeled one arm away from Laurevere's neck to reach behind him, groping to pull Sivan into the fold. What a fun trip to South Ecith this was turning out to be!
Siv and Desty Do Ecith
word count: 346
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Experience: 10 xp, available for magic.

Injuries: Possibly sore bits?

Loot: +1 Dragonfly attunement for Sivan
+1 Destyn v-card for Sivan and Laurevere
+1 Sexual awakening for Destyn

Note: Oh, my, my, my!
word count: 56
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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