Northern Skies (Kala)

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Character Sheet: ... 461#p15461
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20th of Ash, 123, The Skyharbour

Axel steered the airship skillfully into the designated space at the port. “Zyth One. Zyth One.” He spoke into the lore stone relay. A protocol that all of them knew. Axel took out his firearm, checked it, and holstered it. The others in the cockpit area did the same.
“We won’t look suspicious, right? It isn’t exactly a safe passage from Gel’Grandal to here. There’s the threat of Zyths and the instability in Zaichaer.” Dino said.

Axel chuckled at Dino’s remark. “I mean….” He looked back at the crew members checking their rifle ammunition, “It’s a bit overkill, though. Good thing the 175th stayed somewhere near the Zyth border.” He then adjusted the lore stone relay to be tuned in to the 175th’s relay. “Spitfire, this is Stallion. We have landed. Over.”

After a few moments, Claudia’s voice crackled through the relay, “Roger that Stallion. No Zyth’s airship so far. We’ll be doing another round and head back to the rendezvous point. Over.”

Axel and Dino made their way outside of the airship. He could feel the stares from those in the port area. Axel had heard rumors of the Palace being involved in the kidnapping of some noble or influential person from Kalzasi. He dared not ask his father as he didn’t want to be further involved with matters of the Palace. After all, he’s just the ‘glorified courier’ of the Palace, as Claudia always teased him. Besides, being re-enlisted meant he needed to be more careful of his actions, especially regarding foreign dignitaries. He found the timing a bit too suspicious. Just as he met with Kala, a representative of House Leukos, he received approval for his business and not from any investors he had pitched his idea to but from the Palace itself. With the seal of the emperor, nevertheless. He rubbed his hands to keep them warm as he exited the airship. I began to regret the day I received the letter from the Palace. But, well, I needed the emperor’s backing to do what I needed anyway and not get tied down like that geezer. He thought to himself.

“Nothing beats that cold, fresh northern air, huh?” Dino chuckled as he blew warm air into his hands, breaking Axel’s thoughts.

Axel stopped, chuckled, and fished a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. “Yeah, nothing beats the northern cold.” He took out a cig, lit it, and offered the box to Dino.

A group of what Axel presumed to be soldiers approached them. “Makes you wonder how Zaichaer could be having a hard time against these guys,” he whispered in Kathalan.

It’s not like we’re having an easy time either against a bunch of pirates and tusk-faced with flying lizards and giant sticks.” He replied in Kathalan, referencing the Zyths and the Orks of Ecith.

One of the soldiers approached him while the others kept a safe distance. Axel raised his hand for a handshake. “I’m Axel Steinsaltz of the White Stallion Shipping Company. We have an appointment with Fraulein Kala Mizal of House Leukos.” He greeted.

The soldier looked at the airship. Axel noticed the concern in the soldier’s face. “Feel free to confirm our identity with Fraulein Mizal. We’ll be waiting here, within sight.” He added as he took out the pack of cigarettes and offered it to the soldiers.
Last edited by Axel Steinsaltz on Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 584
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Kala Leukos
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If the guards glanced askance at the ship flying Imperial colors, it was largely due to the fact that - as many of them were Synnekar Avialae - they saw the Kathar legions as enslaved cousins. Couple that with the death of a Shokaze, the kidnapping of a Shinsei and his husband, and other notable catastrophes and it was no wonder. But House Leukos sponsored them, and Lady Kala had been as good as her word. Even though Steinsaltz had gone with Imperial funding, she was glad to have a trade partner so far afield. She hadn't been Vice-Minister of Finance when they had met, but now she was and even though she was meant to focus on trade in Karnor, she had negotiated in Solunarium and was now only too happy to leverage her connection in Gel'Grandal.

As her name was attached to his licensure to make Kalzasi a port-of-call and he had requested her presence, word was sent immediately and it didn't take long before a portal opened at the Skyharbour and she walked out, attended by a young Avialae man who closed the portal behind them and followed along, bodyguard as well as doorman.

Her own wings were hidden under a fur-lined cloak; one wouldn't even know she had them thanks to its glamours. The soldier pointed her man out helpfully, and she thanked him before approaching the smoking Gelerian.

"Wilkommen in Kalzasi, Kapitän," she greeted, her Kathalan passable. "It is good to see you again."

While he had sent word ahead that he would be in Kalzasi soon, and she had replied that she would make time to see him, she wasn't certain what precise business brought him here. They didn't seem to be offloading cargo.

"Would you like to repair to my office to catch up?"
word count: 310
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Character Sheet: ... 461#p15461
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Dino took a long drag before a portal opened up not far from where they were standing. “Yo, is that the white-haired chick? Damn.” He said as he took another drag, “A stark contrast from your girl, huh?”

Axel scoffed as he took another drag, “You know she can hear us, right?” he lied.

Dino gave a quick look at his surroundings, “Ummmm, Claudia, I didn’t mean anything by that, yeah?” he whispered.

As Kala approached them, Axel threw his half-burnt cigarette to the ground and stomped on it. He smiled as he gave a slight nod, “Vielen Dank für die Begrüßung, Fräulein Mizal.” He greeted. “It’s good to see you again. It’s been quite a while, huh?”

He then looked at Dino and motioned at the airship, then turned back to Kala, “And as an apology for not being able to bring you to Reiger’s last time we met, I brought you something from there instead.” Axel said as he made his way to the airship. “I think it would be a good drink to enjoy with the cold Northern air, while catching up.” He chuckled.

Four crew members carried out a wooden crate and placed it on the ground nearby. Dino took a crowbar, pried the crate open, took out a small pouch from inside the crate, and handed it to Axel. Axel opened the small pouch, poured several coffee beans into his hand, and showed it to Kala. “A little something from my hometown.” He smiled as he motioned Kala to come closer.
word count: 265
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Kala Leukos
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"Ahh," she said appreciatively at the sight of the gift. Kala was too polite to remark upon his crewman's jibe, instead pretending she hadn't heard it. Semblance enhanced all her senses, but that allowed her to smell the complexity of the beans, see the thin layer of oil that had naturally come to their surface. Coffee was available here, but the connoisseurs spoke of all the various varietals, and how coffee could be as unique as tea, as wine, as other things.

"Thank you." She approached for the better look he offered. With a smile, she added, "It will go nicely with our discussion, I think. And if your crew has work to do in the meantime, perhaps they will join us for supper at the Cintamani Pavilion? We would eat in the courtyard, but I promise we have control of the climate therein." Her smile was warming even in the chill air of Ash.

Indric would portal them thither and hither again so Axel wouldn't have to waste time on a commute, and the coffee could easily be ground and brewed for them in the comfort of her office. Kanedama was handling things in her absence, so she could peruse the ship if he wanted her to see it, but even as her transition into full Avialae had made her shrug off cold weather, she remembered what it was like to be cold, and knew that Axel and his people were.

"Fine Gelerian coffee would make a good luxury item," she noted. Even if some would disdain it for its associations with a foreign power, others would be only too happy to pay extra for something others considered taboo. As for Kala, she didn't want to tank the Imperial economy; too many people would suffer. She only wanted to take the Kathar out of bondage. Only. Unfortunately for her, she also didn't want to get Axel in trouble for her clandestine actions. He seemed a good sort, and she didn't believe in collateral damage.

"Smells delicious."
word count: 343
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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“Yes, it will indeed,” Axel replied, bringing his nose closer to the beans. It was good that he got the beans with him, or he would end up empty-handed, which wouldn’t be a good impression. “They’ll be happy to join us for supper. Most of us came from further north from the capital, so we’re a bit used to cold weather, but I didn’t expect it to be this cold up here.” He chuckled as his gaze lingered a bit longer than he intended to. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Dino moving his body slightly to get his attention. “Ah, yes. Do you have someone in mind who would be a great guide to help my crew member procure samples of trade goods to be sold in the Gel’Grandal? We already had some things in mind and would like to be introduced to the merchants?”

Though he hated it, his mind had been conditioned to pick up on what was happening around him. One thing that stood out was Kathar walking around freely. A stark contrast from back home. Though he never wanted to participate in the political playground, he got a gut feeling that the Palace knew when he met with Kala the first time and gave him a leash in the form of the writ and approval from the Palace. Just like the Palace’s way of saying we own you. “It would have different flavor and aroma depending on where it was grown. However, the higher the altitude, the better it is for the coffee plants. As well as coffee beans from Kalzasi would be pretty popular with the coffee enthusiasts in the capital.

Axel smiled at her comment on the aroma of the coffee, “Wait till it reacts to hot water. The aroma would be much more pleasant. Even the tasting notes would change as the temperature of the water cooled down.” He explained as he pulled his jacket. “Shall we continue the discussion in your office? It’s getting quite cold.” He chuckled. I wouldn’t want to pilot the older plane models this far North. I’d die of frostbite. He shivered at the thought.
word count: 372
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Kala Leukos
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"I do indeed," she confirmed, straightening after taking a closer whiff of the beans. "I will have someone come straightaway." That would be easier to accomplish from her office, in any case. They would certainly take Steinsaltz's stand-in to speak to the House Leukos factor, but also to other likely merchants - especially those who would not turn up their noses at Gelerian merchants.

Kala smiled and nodded; it was a good sign that the Captain knew something about his cargo. That boded well for him as a trader. When he was ready to leave, she bid farewell to any crew nearby, and had Indric open a portal back to her office. The room was large and warm and it was in the Palace of the First Wind; few Gelerians had ever been.

What was most interesting, however, was the strange figure beating against wardings maintained by a glowing circle of scrived pictographs on the floor.

"Oh," Kala murmured. "What strange timing. Kapitän, this is... or was... my assistant, Kanedama. Kanedama...?" She cocked her head, trying to catch his eyes. She was also attempting to semble whether he was still her assistant. "Indric, would you send word to M. Bryony to find Kapitän Steinsaltz's ship. Ah, for whom should she ask?"

Kala glanced at Steinsaltz, a brow raised gently in question. One might almost imagine she always had infernal abominations trapped in her office. Indric began to protest, but Kala smiled.

"We are safe, Indric. The wards will hold."

Unhappy, the young Avialae bodyguard nodded and waited for Steinsaltz's supplementary information.

Meanwhile, the creature within the circle of glyphs was a sight to see. When she had left her office, he had looked like an elf, the only extraordinary thing about him being the coupling of Dratori and Siltori blood. Now, he was still recognizable, but transformed. His eyes were the same deep blue, but shot through with yellow. His silver hair was less lustrous, and shot through with white and yellow. Two tightly curled black horns sprouted from his brow, and a pair of black, bat-like wings from between his shoulders. His lithe body had grown in height and length, but seemed painfully thin now, all whipcord muscle and bone. His fingers were now tipped with bone-white talons, and where his clothes had torn, there were white patterns against his tanned skin.

He no longer beat against the wards, making the invisible visible as it repulsed flesh and kinetic energy. Instead, he seemed ready to spring, either in attack or retreat, watching them like a predator who was suddenly, uncomfortably, prey.
word count: 439
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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No wonder everyone in the family was leeching off that geezer’s reputation and connection. I haven’t even fully used the perks of being the official courier of the Palace, too. It is good to have friends in high places. He thought to himself as he followed Kala through the portal. Warm air greeted them, and he was happy to escape the freezing winds.

“Reminds me of our first meeting….” Axel commented on the room. His gaze fell on the strange figure warded up in the office. He instinctively moved for his gun holstered underneath his jacket but stopped halfway and reached for his pack of cigarettes that was kept in the inside pocket of his jacket above his holstered firearm, “…….and I miss the cold air already.” He chuckled awkwardly as he took out the pack of cigarettes.

Even though he was wary of the abomination, curiosity got the better of him, and he took a step closer but kept a safe distance in case the wards malfunctioned. I know some people have weird taste regarding office decorations, but this is just absurd. He thought to himself as he observed the warded creature.

“Ah yes, you could ask for Herr Creuzberg. He would be at the ship.” Axel replied. It was something Axel never would’ve addressed Dino as, unless they were on official business from the Palace or the Ministry of War. As the Aviale guard left the room, Axel moved closer toward Kanedama. He turned toward Kala, “What happened? Is it something from the eclipse? Felt more like something else, though.” Even though he was a licensed practitioner of magic, he hadn’t been exploring the arcane arts as he was someone who trusted magitech rather than pure arcane arts. Never have I seen an abomination like that. Well, the shadow creatures were fascinating enough. He thought to himself as he observed the creature longer.
word count: 319
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Kala Leukos
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"Herr Creuzberg," she confirmed for Indric. When still he hesitated, she sighed and added, "Captain Steinsaltz is armed, as am I. You may send for Asallon if you wish."

Finally, Indric nodded and departed. The tall doors allowed for the Avialae to walk through without stooping. After the door closed, she turned back to Axel.

"No, not from the eclipse," she replied thoughtfully. "At least, I don't think so. I don't tend to semble people too deeply without permission. It is rude. But I set up the demon-trap in case he crossed a line, and now, I suppose, I needn't be polite. He has the Rune of Summoning, so I imagine he lost in some deal with an Infernal. It isn't a Rune I have myself, so my knowledge on the subject is largely theoretical. However, Master Asallon is a Summoner and he might know better what is going on here. Kanedama—if that is still who he truly is—still has the grace of Avenna upon him, so if the goddess hasn't given up on him, I suppose I shouldn't either."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here," he hissed from within the warding.

Kala glanced back at the twisted version of the elf she had known. Of course, she had sensed the infernal as well as the divine upon him, and perhaps she was too open-minded.

"Well, would you like to answer Kapitän Steinsaltz?"

"Colluding with the enemy?" he hissed. "I'll—"

"No, you won't." She paused. "Shall I make us some coffee, Kapitän?" This had always been an eventuality she had planned for; it just hadn't occurred to her that today might be the day. But she could keep her appointment with the Gelerian man and still clean house when it came to Kanedama.
word count: 312
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Axel looked at the Aviale guard, the creature, and then at his holstered gun. "But I'm not sure if my firearm would have any effect on that……." He muttered to himself before realizing he wasn't alone in the room, "….on your former assistant."

Axel listened closely to Kala's explanation. It's a good thing if it was something born out of the Eclipse. My firearm is useless against it. Rune of Summoning? I've heard of it but never seen a practitioner up close. No wonder you need to be licensed by the Imperial Academy. If something like this were roaming the streets, it would be dangerous. The shadow creatures were annoying enough. Axel wasn't a keen devotee or student of the arcane despite being a practitioner himself. He sometimes regarded the arcane as parlor tricks.

His ears perked up when the creature finally spoke. So, the creature hasn't lost himself completely.

Axel looked at Kala and then at the creature, "The enemy? Weren't you the one colluding with an enemy of the living?" he asked Kanedama. He waited for the creature's response as he locked eye contact with the creature. After a few moments, he broke eye contact and looked at Kala, "I apologize for my action if it seemed offensive." He bowed slightly at Kala.

He paused momentarily, wanting to get a sense of normalcy, "May I?" he gestured at his cigarette pack. "I would also appreciate the coffee, Fraulein Mizal." He then turned his attention back to the creature, observing it at a safe distance. Rune of summoning, huh? He thought to himself. "So, Kala, how have you been?" he asked.
word count: 281
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Kala Leukos
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Kala sembled a bit in a particular direction, then nodded to Steinsaltz.

"A slug from a projectile firearm would harm him," she assured him. "Not so much as it would were he a normal elf, but his body is not immortal." And she would know. Kanedama's shoulders hunched in a way that was decidedly un-elf-like, and merely glowered at Steinsaltz.

"I believe he meant to say that a Gelerian ought to be my enemy given that our Shinsei and his husband were detained in a Gelerian facility, but I can hardly hold every Imperial citizen responsible for the acts of their government. I have also afforded Zaichaer humanitarian aid and am working to resume normal trade between our city-states. Healthy trade will make governments less likely to go to war." She smiled beatifically. "Peace via greed."

At that, lambent eyes cut to her, and Kanedama began to murmur to himself in what must have been some infernal tongue. Her ear perked, and she considered whether it would be wise to learn such languages, the better not to be tricked by demons in future. But she smiled and nodded and took the coffee beans to the side bar. As good as her word, she had the means to brew them a cup. She set the water to heat and as she was grinding the beans, she nodded toward the sitting area.

"Please, make yourself at home. Ah, let's see. We last met in Glade of 122. In Ash of 122, I was made Vice-Minister of Finance. My area of focus is Karnor, so I haven't been able to reach out as I had intended, but I am glad to see you here. I have been keeping busy here in the Palace, as well as traveling when necessary. Just trying to make Kalzasi ever more viable in the larger scale of things."

She brought a tray over to the coffee table. The grinds were brewing in the Haqsian press, and would take a few minutes.

"And you... clearly, you have survived the Eclipse. But surely you have some adventurous tales to tell."
word count: 357
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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