[Couronne] A Slave, Mercenary and Sister Walked into a Bar...(Closed)

The southern lands of the Entente, making up the decentralized realms of South Daravin. The Southern Marches are the bulk of the Empire.

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10th of Searing, 120 AoS

Khaori didn't understand why he had to tag along. The travel to Lyonesse was enough for him and if he had it his way, the fae would plant himself there like an oak tree until he had the desire to leave Daravin altogether. Etro promised it’d be a short trip and compared to most of his travels in the past, the man was not wrong. Still, the occasional stops to water the horses and short rests was unbearable. He was accustomed to so much more. Traveling with his mother in the past, the two always scheduled a picnic for the afternoon. Then at dawn, the camp would be set up and their entourage would rest until daybreak the next day. Admittedly, this routine sucked up a lot of time but it kept everyone alert at all times. Khaori was no mercenary, he does not have the will to serve others. In the short time he grew to like Etro, he learned that half-blood had the guts and courage to be one; a mercenary. As respectful as it sounds, lack of sleep does not make a great foot soldier and Khaori just had to let him know it too.

“You know...we hardly slept.” Khaori started off, pulling his horse closely to Etro’s own. The fae was constantly shifting on the saddle, hardly used to the feeling. The poor noble’s thighs burned from the rubbing of it against the seat jockey as he moved around constantly.“I felt rushed all the time too. I hardly ate this morning! And I know you didn't eat too.” He tried his best not to sound worried or concerned about Etro’s own health. The blonde somewhat grew on him, but Khaori did not think of him as a friend just yet. He did not want him to think of himself as one either.“We better find a tavern or something before anything else in this town. My throat is parched.” Khaori places his hand softly on his neck before rubbing it slowly against his chin. He didn’t even mention how hot he was feeling on such an unusual day. The clouds were dark, the sun hardly piercing through it, and there was no breeze. Khaori could only assume that time had stood still for no unprecedented reason.

The bare land would soon reveal some sort of life. A small town just less than a mile away came into view. It wasn't much to look at either in his opinion, most of it looked decrepit except a few tall and beautiful cathedral-like buildings that were beginning to make its surroundings look like an unwanted wart or boil.“The veir...what was his name? Zoro or something. Anyway, your client does not take good care of his people.” Khaori paused before a worn-out gate that appeared to be the entrance to the town. He halted just before the gate out of fear it would close and he would be locked inside forever.“If this man were to face his enemies in war, he would surely die. A lord that does not take care of his own will see only their backs turned against him.”

Khaori pressed his heels into the horse, shaking his head as they moved forward. Daravin and what makes it up deserved a revolt. Khaori sees enough to know that the people’s needs come last and that the upper class’s titles are just that. Nothing more than titles that are used to feel superior or better than the other person. That is why Auris would always have a place in his heart. Titles aren't meaningless and those that have it often deserved it. Like his father. Sure, the two did not talk much, that is a sacrifice his father had made to take care of their own—so that all are equal in their lands.

He someday wants to do the same. Take care of his people and provide for them the peace the fae have maintained for years since the sundering.
word count: 703
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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=77
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

[indent=20]A Slave, Mercenary and Sister Walked into a Bar...
Searing 3rd, Year 120
The journey to the client was an interesting one, especially since Etro was not traveling alone. His tagalong didn't seem quite use to the methods of travel from one city to another, which made him wonder how he ever survived being transported as a slave. It was amusing to see him react like a little child with every stop and rest they had to make along the way.

What made the long journey good for him, however, was that Khaori seemed to warm up to him, if only a little, which Etro would gladly take over hostility he was getting when they first met. Etro was used to the travel of land, moving from place to place especially when meeting clients for work.

Khaori wasn't used to this kind of thing, so it was only natural for the young man to complain. He brushed it off and continued on, knowing they were close to the destination. He listened to his concerns and simply nodded in acknowledgment. He knew this very well, but there was nothing that could be done until they reached the town.

The two rode on for what felt like forever, till in the distance he could see the town. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he was glad, one for the fact that they made here before nightfall, and secondly so that Khaori didn't whine as much, it was probably the only thing Etro wished he could change.

Khaori had mentioned the current state of the people here, to which Etro nodded as he was not all too surprised by it. Daravin was truly disparaging in how they treated those without power or prestige. It was disheartening to have such forlorn eyes gaze up at him as he rode past the peasantry of the town.

Once in town, they headed straight for the nearest tavern, if only to quench the thirst of the horses and Khaori. Etro was also certain his client would appear soon once word reached him that the mercenary he hired had arrived. Once inside, the blonde made his way to a table and took a seat, ordering a drink for himself and Khaori, water to be correct.

"We will grab a drink here, and if Zoro doesn't appear within a few moments we will go to meet him. In the meantime relax and drink." he noted, his sense tuning into the flux around him, trying his best to acclimate himself to flux of the town to feel more comfortable.

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
"Elios Speech"
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 525
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Reima closed her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her nose with one hand, "Yes sister Naila? What is it now?"

The woman who walked next to her was a tall half siltori. Fair-skinned with long dark hair, her eyes were like pulls of water under the moonlight, and despite the modest robes of the Omen she wore her figure could clearly be seen. This last fact was something that Naila herself was self-conscious of, and so she had adopted a slightly stooped walking posture and kept her hands close to her middle, clasped often around a holy symbol. The woman was intelligent, well-spoken and her voice was like the tinkling of bells in the wind. Today, however, those bells sounded more like nails on a chalkboard and Reima would have traded her eternal soul to shut the woman up.

They had arrived in a small town just a day ago. The request had been simple, or so she had thought while sitting in the Praetor's office back in Amoren. The Praetor had begun to hear odd rumors about this small town, especially about the Tribune and Sisters present here. They had begun to behave... oddly. They never left their temple, not even to teach or minister to the locals of this town. The Praetor wanted to know why, and so, of course, he had chosen his favorite cleaning lady to make the trip to investigate. Reima could almost hear his amused voice now.

Tribune Reima, for someone of your ability I am sure you will have no trouble. In fact, taken Sister Nila with you. She has said she wished to travel one day for The Omen, and I think this is a fated opportunity for you both.

Even thinking about their meeting made Reima grit her teeth in frustration. That was what lead her here, to this beaten down and dirty town off the edge of Couronne. That was why Reima found herself with perhaps the most frustrating Sister in all of the Omen.

"Tribune Reima?"

Blinking Reima realized she had not heard a word of what Naila had said. Glancing up the Fae saw that the woman was not looking at her, but instead was looking at a group of children who were crouched over what looked like a dead bird, taking turns poking it and kicking it toward one another. When she spoke her voice was soft, her eyes troubled, "Isn't there something we can do?"

Reima studied Naila, and then the children. Honestly, she shouldn't be so harsh on Naila. She was compassionate and caring, almost to a fault. That was actually where the frustration for Reima stemmed from. Ever since they had arrived Sister Naila had said nearly the same thing. Can we not help? Is there anything we can do? In some ways, Reima sympathized with the woman and her desire to help those in need, but right now...

Turning away Reima clasped her hands at her waist and started walking once more. She wore the formal attire of a Tribune, Grey and black robes with black slippers, and a veil with the eye of Ulen pushed back over her head. Her eyes faced forward as she said simply, "Come."

The rest of the walk was done in silence. Naila still looked around them at the people, but Reima kept her eyes focused on the destination, and the work ahead of them. When they arrived at the tavern Naila opened the door. The Tribune paused to touch the doorframe for a few seconds before continuing in, barely glancing at the people around before continuing straight toward the bar. The man behind it glanced down at her before looking at Naila, "Sister, what will you have?"

For a breath Reima closed her eyes, repressing a sigh as she waved a hand at Naila to answer. With some hesitation, she said, "We... we need a private room. Vier Zoron is expecting us."

"Private room?" the man grunted and shrugged, wiping his hands off with a dirty rag before thumbing over his shoulder, "We don't got anything like that, but you can use the storage area if you need privacy."

Naila looked down at Reima who nodded, pulling the veil over her features and making her way around the bar. As she passed the corner to pass behind toward the back Reima let her hand rest against the side of the wood paneling, focusing slightly as the air shimmered as she marked the spot and kept going.

Naila smiled at the barman and bowed her head slightly, "Yes, that will be fine thank you."

Another grunt was the only reply as they were lead into a back room where casks of ale and other goods were stored. It was a decent sized room, and the shelves were filled with food items, mugs and other necessities one needed for a tavern. The two were shown to a small table set in the very back with only one chair, which Reima took immediately. The barman eyed her oddly for a moment before nodding at Naila, "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Nothing, thank you. Please inform Vier Zoron when he arrives that were are here." the fae's voice wasn't harsh, but there was a slight edge to it that made the barman's eyebrow raise, but with a shrug he turned and left.

Reima crossed her legs, which could not quite reach the floor, and rested her hands in her lap. Naila stood to her left, hand resting on the back of the chair as she looked around the room curiously.

"I hope the Vier is ok with this." she said softly.

"If he wishes to discuss something with us privately he will have to be. Besides," Reima smiled as she took out a small figure of Nydden and let it rest on the table, "The first rule of these dealings is to always control the space." 4 more figures were pulled from her robes, which Reima handed to Naila, "Place these at the four corners." each figure seemed simple, but they hummed with power only Reima could feel.

When Naila was done she returned to her place at Reima's side, and there they waited, anticipating the Vier's arrival any minute.

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word count: 1201
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10th of Searing, 120 AoS

“Does this man not run this town? Why would he meet us here.”

The tavern was an excellent representation of the town’s mood. It was almost agonizingly sad as collectively both men and women were huddled in it over small tables and cheap booze. The fae could not help it but make eye contact with almost every single one of them—his pity almost mistaken for the kindness of some sort to a few. It was clear as day that the people we're going through some sort of pain yet he had no clue what it was. He did not want to find out either, knowing it's tiring to pick out the problems of the empire. There were so many.

“If I know these people as well as I think I do, ” Khaori took off his cloak, wearing an almost too revealing outfit, “he would want you to meet him. Men in certain positions do not like to be beckoned. They like to do the beckoning.”

Khaori took a seat next to his partner, crossing his legs and picking up the ale to take sips out of it before focusing on Etro. The man was obviously a broot who did things his own way. No one can attest the amount of strength the guy carries and that's most likely the upper hand he'll always have over others. Even himself. Etro seems to know that, there's no other explanation as to why he would rather wait on a veir. That’s absolute madness in his books. You don't wait on a veir, they wait on you, he thought as he began to tap the side of his mug. Especially in his own land.

Khaori was ready to say something else, however, two cloaked figures entering the tavern after they had caught his attention. The two took notice of no one, heading for the bar. He could not hear exactly what was said, he could only witness them being rushed to the back.

“What do you suppose is going on over there?” He said almost randomly, pointing behind the bar.“Mighty weird those two cloaked figures disappeared back there. What if they're poisoning the drinks.” One good push and the drink he sipped spiraled in the opposite direction. He did not believe his theory, fae cannot be poisoned anyway. Khaori just wanted to spook his friend.

Not too long after the group disappeared behind the bar, one paced out and headed for the door.

“Things are getting pretty strange…” Khaori’s eyes widened. It was not bad enough that the town itself was off-putting, the tavern they were resting at too had to prove his gut instinct right as well.“Hand me a dagger or something.” He tried his best to whisper, his hand sliding onto Etro’s lap under the table with the palm facing out.


The town was in absolute chaos. As each day passed, it was becoming harder and harder to cover up the mass deaths and attacks on the tribunes. It could've been looked at as an accident the first few times, many of the attacks were written off as self-inflicted. Nonetheless, the cases grew daily and that can no longer take place. Zoron waited in the comfort of his dated home for the arrival of his company. To continue saving face, he would invite tribunes to the city despite what was going on. If they asked about any previous tribunes, he would lie.

“Sir? There are sisters waiting for you at the tavern.” A servant notified him.

“And what about the mercenary?” He grumbled, shifting in his chair before getting up and finally heading out.

The tavern was not too far from his home, so he was capable of walking there. The veir’s presence was known immediately as he entered, people cowered and hid their face as they owed him money. He did not take notice of the newcomers at their table, limping to the back of the bar. He entered the room, giving his guests a creepy smile before speaking so highly of them.

“Sisters, it's a pleasure to see you. Uld has blessed this town once more.” He gave a stiff bow of his head.“But what are you two doing here? We have much more comfortable places for people of your status.”

word count: 752
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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=77
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

[indent=20]A Slave, Mercenary and Sister Walked into a Bar...
Searing 3rd, Year 120
Khaori's suspicions were spot on, in the sense that these figures were sisters of the faith of Daravin. Why were they here? Could it have been connected to the job he had been hired for? What purpose would two sisters prove to be in a situation like this?

This was all speculation of course. He wouldn't know what would unfold of this mission till things got underway of course. After some time, he stood and paid for their drinks and went to go to the door, only to see his employer making his way inside, and going straight to the back. That was all fine with him, he needed to do some research before speaking to the man anyway.

Walking outside, he found a few people huddled together, scared, and afraid as Zoro had been on the street. Walking up to one of them, he knelt down, reach out with his hand, only for them to shrink back from him. He wasn't surprised, these people were without hope, and were struggling to find it.

"I'm here about the sisters going missing, tell me, is there anything you may have seen or heard?" he didn't need to hear an answer, he could see it on their faces. It was fear, but not of what was causing the sisters to disappear, but the fear of talking about it. He had a sinking suspicion that something was off in this town.

He had to figure out what the hell was going on in this town. He decided to ask the man that brought him here. Walking back into the tavern he went straight to the back, informing the bar owner Zoro called him here to stop the sisters from disappearing. Opening the door, he stood in the doorway waiting for Zoro to detail the job and why the sisters where here.

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
"Elios Speech"
word count: 416

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