The Wizard's Tower, Reversed [Rivin]

Wherein Sivan and Rivin explore the deep.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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34th of Ash, Year 123 of Steel
Sivan's Basement

Geb manifested a mouth and began to eat the floor. Sivan could to nought but laugh, and look to Rivin with a shrug.

"I encouraged him to speak in Common," he said, "the better to interact with people, but I didn't expect he would develop a flair for the dramatic."

"Om nom nom!" the earth elemental declared. He had been a mere sprite when Sivan first made a contract with him, but he and the other sprites had grown in power and complexity in Sivan's care. He hadn't heard of that happening before, but he couldn't be upset that their work together helped them evolve. When Geb's work was done, he got his big reveal. He dove for the hole in the floor, and Sivan followed, using the steps that had been crafted for that purpose.

Previously, Geb had learned to absorb the dirt and stone beneath his cottage and use it to make the garden more fertile, to reinforce the bones of the building, and to grow an attic, which became another floor, and that all repeated. Now, with new intelligence and new understanding of what might come in handy for his master, he fashioned entire rooms and only showed them to Sivan when they were complete.

Sivan had invited Rivin to come and explore with him given the man often slept in one of his basements. He also enjoyed the strange man's company.

They descended into what looked like a natural cave and Sivan's eyes went wide. It was lit by enormous mushrooms and other fungal blooms. There was standing water, or perhaps it was moving sluggishly. Zin would surely investigate.

"Zin helped," Geb allowed, his voice gravelly. "All helped. Co-la-bo-ra-tion."

"We aren't connected to the Warrens, are we, Geb?" The little gnome-looking elemental shook his head. Sivan oriented himself. "That's under Laurevere's house, but well below his basement. And..." Geb was nodding proudly.

"It was here. Made it stronger. Sivan tower won't squash. Laurevere house won't squash. Plenty of room. Earth room. Grow mushrooms. Grow aether stones. Sivan very happy. Yes?"

"Yes. Thank you, Geb." His wide-eyed gaze swung to Rivin, curious as to his reaction.
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Though Rivin considered Aurin to be a Magus, it had become apparent, over time, that Sivan was quite powerful in his own right. They were different kinds. Aurin the wild and dangerous type that one could never truly predict. Sivan was the steady, methodical kind that put down roots, nourishing the spaces they considered their own until the places became a part of them. He had watched the home, which, he had come to understand, had started as a one room cottage, grow both upwards and down, like a tree. The mental comparison fit very comfortably in Rivin's head. The idea that Sivan's home was a thing growing and alive, and also that the elf lived in a tree.

They had spoken of the intellectual enhancements, also growth, that effected Sivan's summoned spirits. It was not normal, even for Summoners who, unlike Rivin, had been educated properly in the runic art. Certainly none of his own brief contracts had involved a spirit changing in its capacities. This was why Sivan was a Magus, he did miraculous things that others could not.

Geb was so intentionally amusing, like a child could be, that it was difficult not to be amused by him. Each of Sivan's seemingly permanent contracted spirits had their own distinct personalities. Geb was not Rivin's favorite, as he had little understanding or tolerance for childishness or whimsy, but he treated all the spirits with respect so he hoped his preference for others was not obvious.

When they made their way down to observe the newest addition to the home the Lysanrin was as surprised as the elf. He did not gape but he did the slight start and then several slow blinks that were his equivalent.

Sivan's question was an excellent one and Rivin was immediately worried that he hadn't considered that they might be connected to the Warrens himself. Rivin supposed that he was not a Magus, not yet, if ever, so had not honed his instincts to plan for such eventualities. Knowing they were safe, as much as anyone ever was, he allowed himself to marvel.

"It is beautiful." He said simply, walking in a little circle, gently brushing his fingertips over a mushroom head before pulling his hand back suddenly.

"These are not poison, do you think?"
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Sivan knew the answer to the question before he answered, but he looked at the fungi in question anyway. There were fewer distinct spirits than one might imagine, the fungal colonies looking to the naked eye as clusters of many things as opposed to a mycelial network. They were like the bees: identifying more as a spirit of the hive than as individuated members.

"No," he responded slowly, "some of these are edible. Others are more functional for alchemical herbalism. Over the course of my apprenticeship under Master Jacun, I did try to teach them to recognize what was harmful. Of course, I always check as well." He smiled. "You can ask the spirits, too, if they would be... incompatible with yours... but a great deal of it requires learning on our part."

The "magus" could sense that Rivin wanted to ask him something more weighty, but he did not pressure him to do so. Instead, he stepped down to examine some of the standing water. Zin twirled about to gauge his response. Geb and others were poking about to ensure that everything was how they had planned it, and to see whether it had pleased their master. In a sense, he had become their father, teaching them, nurturing them, and helping them grow. Whatever he had done, it had moved beyond the contractual agreement into one of friendship or even family.

"If moles visit," he murmured to Geb, "that's all right. Just make sure they don't disturb the integrity of the... cave." The gnome bounced from foot to foot and nodded.

"Mole stew?" he asked excitedly.

"No, I don't think so..." Sivan laughed and petted the corporeal spirit. "Although ask me again if I get hungry in the winter."
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The Lysanrin always seemed to remember his own ability to summon only belatedly, as he did now. Seeking about through the sense of his rune he located a little earth spirit with the desired ability to asses plants for edibility and made a quick and dirty deal with it. The 'contract' was a wordless thing that involved trading a little aether and brief access to his own herb lore, however minor, to be explored by the creature.

The agreement made, the sprite began flitting, invisible to the un-rune-enhanced eye, from one fungus to another, giving him little flashes to indicate whether each one was able to be eaten by his kind, and, amusingly, whether they were worth eating, in its opinion.

Half of Rivin's mind only was occupied by the spirit, while the other half remained on Sivan and his group of spirits. Rivin often wondered if the elf could teach him the ability to connect with spirits in the way that allowed them to evolve over time. As he never made long-term contracts, it was more an academic question than one that might be applied, yet still, he was curious.

Absently he reached out to a cluster of mushrooms that he now knew to be safe and plucked one, biting into it delicately to find its flavor light, nutty, and quite pleasant. He handed the remaining bite to Sivan. Sharing food between them in this way was natural for Rivin. While a part of his mind would have realized that sharing food so directly, that is, biting something and then passing it on, might cause cross-contamination, the part of him that governed baser instincts like eating was unconcerned enough not to consult such higher functions.

"It is nice," He said, meaning the mushroom, "I think it would make a good addition to some meals if it continues to grow abundantly."

The elf moved away to investigate the new space further and to interact with his bonded spirits. Rivin watched him, the delicate flavor sitting on his tongue and mixing with his thoughts. He wanted to talk about his intention to seek out knowledge of his people, wanted to try and explain both the desire the drove him and his discomfort at the idea of being absent from his friend, but he did not know how.

"I have decided to try and learn what I can of my race." Speaking of the academic intention was the best he could do to start. "I do not imagine you are specifically knowledgeable about this subject but, if you are, or if you might be willing to aid me in my exploration, I would be grateful."
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While engaged, Sivan still managed to observe Rivin's deft compact. He nodded to himself; Sivan always took any opportunity to help, and over the course of their friendship, Rivin had wanted to know less and less about the art of summoning specifically. The elf didn't mind. He was glad for their quiet friendship.

"Salads," he agreed after tasting the raw mushroom. "Although more likely it will end up in soups and stews as the weather gets even colder." It had been a rough year; summer hadn't been warm at all, and here they were in Ash, the eclipse only partially solved, and true cold coming for them.

"My mother's people - the Dratori - used to say that the umami flavor from mushrooms is important to include. It ties us to the earth in a special way." It was a tangential detail, a memory, that he shared. His history with Dratori and Hytori was fraught; he had found closer ties here in this cosmopolitan city with humans, fae'ethalan, and Lysanrin. All the same, he knew Rivin had some Dratori blood, so it might be interesting to him. And as that led to talk of the Lysanrin people, Sivan brightened, nodding.

"I don't know much," he admitted. "The Hytori hate Lysanrin in general. Their racial memory is long and the Clockwork Age hasn't receded. The Dratori..." He spread his hands helplessly. "...didn't speak much of them. But I am always happy to spend a day in the Academy's archives, or... if your search takes you elsewhere."

In truth, Rivin would need Sivan if he wanted to seek records in Sol'Valen. A Hytori would have to vouch for him, and even then, he would be limited. Of course, he knew Rivin was quite the night stalker, but even that could get him in trouble. But he would jump at the chance to help. He felt like he hadn't done enough. He wanted to be useful to his friends.
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The Dratori were Rivin's people too, as much as they were Sivan's most likely. He hadn't really let himself think of them as 'his people'. It did not take much analysis to understand why; he had been raised by his mother who had told him as little as possible about his father with the exception of informing him of the Dratori rage, calling it the 'gift of your father's people'. His own experience with that half of his blood he had assumed to be only the rages that left holes in his memory and wounds on his body.

Now, he knew that his affinity for spirits, even before he'd received his rune, was also a gift of his father's heritage and he did not view it in the same awful light as he did his blackouts. Additionally, he thought as he looked over at Sivan, admiring the elf openly, his only friend was also Dratori and did not seem to feel as dismissively about it as Rivin had been taught to. That he might be asking said friend about entirely the wrong race to gain useful information occurred to him in a way that made him feel like an idiot.

He nodded as Sivan shared what he did know. Rivin had not know of the racial animosity specifically with the Hytori but it, like all the other forms of similar discrimination, made sense.

"I had not thought to seek out the histories of other races to learn of their feelings, their memories, of the Lysanrin, this is a very good idea. I thank you for it."

Reaching out he pulled a piece of a larger, golden mushroom and tasted it, a smokier, buttery flavor filled his mouth. Moving deeper into the cave so the two were standing close again he held out the little piece that remained, not toward Sivan's hand, but his mouth. Meeting their eyes he said,

"Your aid in the libraries, particularly with Hytori texts, I would appreciate greatly. But, also, perhaps you could show me some of the Dratori recipes you speak of? Just because I want to learn more of the Lysanrin does not mean I can not also become... closer," He paused, not sure why, his attention dipping briefly to the red of Sivan's mouth, "To the other parts of my blood as well. Yes?"
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The elf flushed slightly, unaware of the physical response to Rivin's admiration, unaware even of his emotional response to it. He was good with magic more than with people and feelings.

"Not only their feelings..." He paused. "I am certain there are records of how they went about resisting the Empire, eventually overthrowing it. They would need to know language and customs to that end. Even if it has largely been stamped out in practice, the language must still exist in writing or in lorestones."

The second mushroom was such a little piece, he assumed Rivin wanted him to take the whole thing. As such, his lips touched Rivin's fingers as if in a kiss as he took in the flavor of the golden mushroom. He just nodded, a bit wide-eyed, but not so much as to invite questions.

"Recipes, yes," he agreed after swallowing. "You have had some unawares, I think. But I could show you them. I know them better than Hytori cuisine, actually." He remembered the foods of Sol'Valen, but it had always been Dratori food growing up, even in Sol'Valen. I will tell you everything I know about the Dratori and Dalquor. I could even take you someday." But for now, he merely took Rivin by the hand and led him further into the cave, where Geb and several spirits were making noises that were various attempts at giggles and laughter from various sorts of vocal apparatus. That reminded him—he needed to check on IX's voice box to ensure the dormant Awoken wasn't trying to speak to him from its coma.

"Well, this will come in handy come full winter," he declared when he found the steaming thermal spring.

Geb gibbered in excitement, but when he began to make sense again, he confirmed what Sivan's senses were telling him. "Khal says not too hot. Zin says clean water. Geb knows many types of earth-rock-crystal dissolved in water. Good for you peoples. Better than bath in tower is bath in cave. Promise, promise, promise."

Sivan smiled at the little rock gnome. "It is wonderful, Geb. Thank you."

Then he grinned at Rivin and gave his hand a squeeze before releasing it. He began to strip away his clothes, but not just for the humidity rising from the water—that seemed to be venting upward through rents in the rock. Soon enough, he was skyclad below the ground, and carefully stepping into the water. Geb had been hard at work, and while much of this was natural, he had carved a safe, comfortable bathing space in what had been a natural flow of hot water. It was too hot to jump in, but he slowly lowered himself into it. He let out a sigh that became a moan as it came up to lap at his collarbones.

"Oh, yes..."
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The color only added to the elf's interest for Rivin his brain named the little vessels that carried blood to his pale face, suggesting any number of things, too many to leave the possibility for reasonable conclusion.

"That makes perfect sense. Do you think there are any who live now who remember? I am sure they would not wish to speak to me, but perhaps they would be willing to respond to correspondence. Particularly if I left my own racial specifics out of the inquiry."

Rivin himself was about as far removed from the history as it was possible to be, but personal experience was not a factor that could be ignored in the calculation of how a being might react. If someone who looked like the person who had tortured people you cared about appeared, emotions did not wait for proper explanations.

For instance, Sivan's mouth was very soft against his fingers and a part of his mind wondered what his tongue would feel like brushing the pads before he could pull the wayward thought back.

"I would be most grateful, as I always am, to you." It was a statement, but it was not as stoic as it would have been a year ago, there was warmth in it and he did not move further away. "If you decide to visit again your homeland, it would please me to accompany you, if it would not cause for there to be trouble."

Lysanrin eyes widened at the sight of the pools. They certainly looked inviting, and, as his friend beginning to disrobe did not make them less so. Following alone, he had shed his clothing in a moment and waited in just his skin to follow once Sivan had settled. It was Rivin's first encounter with a hot spring but he understood the concept and if the sprites said they were good for them, well, he trusted them more than he did most physical beings. It was a bit of a shock but the feeling of the cold, all of the cold, finally leeching out of his bones made his eyes close for a long moment as he settled down to his neck. They were quiet, comfortable together, for a little while before he opened his eyes again, watching the other man's body moving under the heat and mineral clouded water.

"I have been taking lessons from my mentor, learning to be better gathering information, being other people."

Sivan knew of the work he did.

"I lately asked if I could learn of touch and pleasure; how to give it, how to entice it. I am learning, but not very quickly, I do not think."

He had no idea how quickly it was normal to learn such a thing, but due to his Magus' busy schedule he did not get as much time with the particular kind of lesson that he felt he was progressing as much as he wished to.

"I was hoping that I might pay you for a little more of you time. For me to practice what I am learning. I need to know if the flirting works with my other faces and the touching seems also to come to me a little differently when I am someone else."

He did not yet know why it was the case, but it certainly seemed to be so, which meant he might need, if not three times as much practice, at least more than only one personality needed.
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"The Hytori don't live that long," he assured him, cupping the hot water in his hands and rubbing it over his face. "Not anymore. But they do have extensive collections of lorestones, firsthand accounts from people who survived the rebellion, and it's... a part of Hytori culture, really, to remember."

Even Sivan struggled sometimes not to have knee-jerk reactions to things Rivin said and did - not violent, but assuming the worst. Through the lens of racial animus, it seemed only natural that Rivin would stumble into a contract with a demon, though he had been an untaught slave. It was an ongoing effort.

"We can pen a request to one of the lorekeepers in Silfanore." Their language was exacting and it would help to have a native speaker like Sivan write it. Even a Len'Myren was better to Hytori eyes than an unknown scholar of unknown provenance. "And, of course, if I return..." He smiled, wondering whether it would be better to bring Rivin in wearing glamours or if they would be discovered and frowned upon. Silfanore was not Kalzasi.

The heat of the pool felt nice. His stretched his toes against the rough stone at his feet, feeling little pops as the cold released its grips on them. Sivan nodded along, glad that Rivin's Magus was doing right by him the same way he did by Torin. His eyes widened a bit as the Lysanrin told of more intimate instructions. That Magus seemed competent in all things. While the elf was confident in the pleasure he and Torin derived together, he knew Torin got things from his fox-faced man that Sivan didn't know how to give.

When it was turned directly upon him, though, he blinked a few times. He was already flushed and perspiring from the heat.

"I, ah... that is... I don't know that my, um... skills would necessitate... um, payment?" He quickly went over his limited experiences there. Sexual things had all sprung up - pun intended - organically from friendships. He supposed he had that with Rivin, though the clinical way he spoke about such things felt at odds with how he had experienced it before.

"Is it... do you want to try those things on me...? On me specifically? Would you derive pleasure from them or...? I don't want to feel like a chore."
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Rivin waited to make sure the water was not too salted to irritate him but then he slide down to dunk his whole head into the water. Coming back up he rubbed at his face a bit and then began grooming the base of his horns through his hair. They itched sometimes, though they did not seem to be growing any further, for which he was grateful, Their initial piercing when he'd been a young child had been awful and any time they went through a growth it had been both painful and constantly itchy.

The minerals, whatever they were, seemed to soothe his skin all over, but particularly around his horns. The endless cold was not doing good things for either, so he settled down as he listened to Sivan's good advice.

"That would be of great help to me. Simply writing a query in the correct language, I imagine, will be immediately beneficial to my intention."

He was more than happy to pay Sivan for his services and, as he never knew which ones were intended professionally and which personally, and he knew Sivan's personality seemed to lend itself to not asking for payment, he tended to just leave money places whenever he was unsure and not let it become a thing between them.

As though they were sharing thoughts the Lysanrin added,

"I do not think it would be wise for me to visit personally, unless Aurin Kavafis, or Torin Kilvin were willing to craft me the highest level of disguise. Even though my intention is to do no harm, there might be those who took harm from only seeing me and reacting to harm in violence is the most natural way."

Not the best way, often times, but sentient creatures were only slightly more likely to make better choices than animals.

Due to the heat, Rivin did not notice any change in the elf's coloring, simply sitting and looking at his eyes, waiting for an answer expectantly. He would accept without complaint if his request was rejected. He himself had difficulty being touched at times. He shook his head at the idea that Sivan would be required to make use of any 'skills', but the elf continued so he did not say so. The rest of the speech confused him briefly, but as he caught up he too would have colored had his face not already held a gentle purple.

"I... I had only meant to practice what I was learning and, if you were willing, ask you to tell me if it was pleasurable. You do not have to do anything to me at all, but, if you wish to, that would be..."

Trailing off he looked away from the pretty elf and down to his hands, which were just below the water's surface working on cleaning each other. After a moment he cleared his throat and tried again,

"I would very much like to try the things I am learning on you. I would not want our friendship to be changed by it however, I was not intending to initiate a courtship with you. I do not know how to do that or if it is something I am able to do. I would like to attempt to give to you pleasure and for you to tell me when I am doing that. Or, maybe I will know, some people express it outwardly more than others I have noticed. If this would upset you, or Torin Kilvin, I will not ask again."

Looking up again, so Sivan could see him, there was a little hope on his face, there was also a little movement further down in the water, but Rivin did not know if his body would allow him to enter into a reciprocal relationship and he would rather begin simply and see how it reacted than promise things that he could not control.
word count: 663
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