Ailos, the Island of Light [Location]

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Ailos, the Island of Light


The Island of Light has always been a special place in the hearts of the Ecithian people. It began as an early settlement for the Orkhan and the home of the daughter of Ysadrin, Ysadre, earning the moniker the Island of Light for the sun always seemed to shine a bit brighter there. It has always been small, largely junglelands and a mountain range to the south, with the villages focusing on hunting and fishing.

Following the Sundering and the Graveplague, the Island of Light became home and stronghold of the Dawnmartyrs. In the modern age, the island was a religious destination for followers of Arcas, as well as those who honored Ysadre of old. They lived a peaceful life, free from the reach of Primals like their brethren to the south. Their local flora and fauna were "normal sized" as foreigners were oft to say, and the people were content and comfortable.

However, the Imperium invaded and devastated the island. And even though the Imperial army was wiped out, Ailos bore scars deep. Since 107, they have been rebuilding. The jungles have slowly been regrowing from where they were burned and cut down. The farmers are working to remove the salt and poisons spilled into the land and water. And the Dawnmartyrs have been rebuilding the island, stronger than before, absolute in their belief that the Imperium will attack once again.

The people of Ailos are hardened, jaded, most of the families shattered and broken, the vast majority of the Dawnmartyrs slain and scattered to the winds. The people of Ecith send craftsmen, Seers, resources and supplies to help the small island sovereignty, but it seems that as long as the Emperor's shadow looms, they will not know peace nor hope again.

Citadel of Light
Dawn Peak
The Cave of Light

Timeline and History

Official Time Line

Official Timeline

(Only specific years will be included in this timeline where they are available)

Age of Wonders

Age of Wonders (Year -10220 to -2220, roughly)

The earliest records of settlement upon Ailos indicate the first Orkhan lived there during the Age of Wonders. Many believe the first settlers were those that were displaced by the civil war in Sol'valen that crashed upon Ecithian shores. However, more archaeological research is needed. The initial settlements were little more than small fishing and hunting villages and were largely isolated from the main continent.

Age of Conquest

Age of Conquest (Year -2220 to -1220)

As the world began to grow, and trade spread internationally, the Orkhan of Ecith became united, the first time they considered themselves a nation made up of kingdoms. Ailos was no exception, and all the villages of the island were united under the first Godqueen, Ysadre, a demigod daughter of Ysadrin. Ailos was left untouched during the Clockwork Empire's failed invasion of Ecith.

Age of Clockwork

Age of Clockwork (Year -1220 to -400)

Ailos enjoyed peace under Ysadre's rule while the rest of Ecith waged war against the Clockwork Empire.

Age of Sundering

Age of Sundering (Year -400 to 0)

The Sundering was unleashed upon the world. Vast swaths of Ecith were devastated, with the main areas protected by the Triumvirate. Ysadre stood atop the highest peak of Ailos, called upon the Sunlight of her mother, and cast a burning shield around the island. This provided a vast amount of protection for the residents there, but in doing so, Ysadre was destroyed. In her place, the peak had changed into one of the largest Illumite Dragonstones known to exist, casting its light in the darkness around Ailos from the day forward.

Following the devastation, Ecith went through multiple governmental changes, and this time of turmoil and change allowed the Cult of Mending to gain a foothold in their culture. So thoroughly ingrained, that once their plot was revealed, it seemed Ecith was bound to rip itself apart. However, the first of the Dawnmartyrs arrived upon Ailos' shores, drawn to the light of Dawn Peak in the 200th year (-200) of Sundering. Over many generations, the Dawnmartyrs slowly grew and began purging the Cult of Mending from the Ecithian lands. In the 393rd year (-7) of Sundering, the Graveplague struck the world and the War of Souls began.

And the armies of Ecith carried the banners of the Dawnmartyrs against the undead scourge.

After the Cult of Mending was defeated and the Graveplague finished, the Dawnmartyrs, greatly weakened, returned to Ecith. The people of Ailos chose to give the island to the Dawnmartyrs and had the blessing of the newborn government of the time, becoming an independent state.

Age of Steel

Age of Steel (0-Current)

During the first hundred years of the Age of Steel, Ailos and Ecith prospered as they rebuilt after the Sundering and the War of Souls. Ailos constructed the Citadel of Light to honor the hero of the Dawnmartyrs, Arcas, both a temple and a fortress within the mountains on the southern coast. The Dawnmartyrs lived peacefully among the natives of Ailos, building friendships and families with them, creating a culture built around the teachings of Arcas and Ecith alike.

However, in the 102nd year (+102) of Steel, the Galerien Imperium conducted a surprise attack upon Ecith and Ailos. None of the Seers of Ecith were able to see this coming for a reason that is still unknown to this day. The attack began as a massive naval invasion, bombarding all of the coastal cities and villages of the mainland, and setting up a blockade around Ailos. For three long years, the Imperium bombarded the island, burned the jungles, and drove the civilians and Dawnmartyrs deeper into the island. Soon, the Dawnmartyrs only had control of the Citadel of Light.

Preparing to make their last stand, the Grand Marshal of the Dawnmartyrs, wielding Novuril for the first time, fought with his people for days in the ruins of the the Citadel. But eventually, he was cut down by the Kathar, Irdan. And a desperate choice was made by the new officer in charge, Knight-Marshal Neverfall. A ploy was devised from the depths of the catacombs that the survivors of Ailos were hidden among.

A large group of Dawnmartyrs rushed out of the catacombs, fighting with determined, but reckless abandon, carving a path north through the island, catching a ride with a small flight of green dragons, carrying a large stone arc covered in the strongest of antimagic and detection runes. They were pursued by many of the naval ships, chasing them north.

With this small distraction, the civilians and vast majority of the surviving Dawnmartyrs managed to sneak out to a larger flight of green dragons and flew south to the mainland to join the armies of Ecith, though many were shot down during the escape. With these two distractions in play, Laveriel and Novuril were sent with a small contingent meant for stealth along the eastern coast of Ecith and then north into Ailizane. Knight Marshal Neverfall remained behind with a small contingent. This day would be forever known as the Fall of Ailos.

However, the ploy worked.

The distraction group with the ark was slaughtered and the ark revealed to be empty. The Imperial forces then chose to go after the group that went south, chasing the armies of Ecith overland. The Flight of Novuril was a success and the remaining Imperial forces at Ailos were dispatched by Neverfall and her soldiers, with the war finally ending in 107.

Since the end of the war, the Dawnmartyrs have been scattered to the winds and hunted. Those that remained in Ecith returned to Ailos to begin collecting the dead and rebuilding their beloved island.

word count: 1428

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