Mourn the Losses, Celebrate the Victories

High City of the Northlands

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Stefan Dornkirk
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Title: Lord Dornkirk
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34th Searing, 123

The morning of the 34th dawned bright and beautiful and, without any explanation, lacking the mar of the Rift that had hovered over the center of the High City for a year. Reports had begun to come in starting in the late afternoon of the previous day, first from the Fort, and then from other outposts in the city. According to direct eye-witness accounts, the Mist Spawn had disintegrated near to the same time that the Rift had closed. Stefan knew that the closing of the Rift itself should not have caused the death of all the Spawn, but he also had no clue what on Ransera had closed the Rift.

With so little information all he could do was be grateful and take the positive events as good omens for the auspicious day. It would be a busy day for him and his family, and though the majority of what would take up that time would also be positive it would also be a lot.

Dienerin came up behind him where he stood facing his full-length mirror and held up a cravat and then a necktie. Stefan did not particularly care, Brenner had been the fashionable one, but he was making an effort today. It was going to be difficult not to think of his brother throughout the day and he had decided to just let the memories come so long as they didn't interfere with his duty. His manservant weighed in on the neck accessory decision, as did his wife in a quick glance up from her own toilette, and, as they agreed, he bowed to their greater wisdom.

As soon as he was fully attired he made his way, along with Delia and the Angevins to the same stage in the central square of the main Sky Island that he had made his mourning speech on soon after they'd first taken to the sky. It had been taken down, of course, but re-erected for this event. The atmosphere was different from what it had been on that day, but not wholly so. The Islands were festooned with ribbons and other decorations in colors that were somber but still celebratory. It was very Zaichaer and Stefan found he quite liked the effect, it felt like a little bit of home coming back.

Everyone on the Islands, it seemed, had turned out to hear what he had to say, additionally a good number of people they had rescued from the city and re-homed at either the Lodge (which was now being called the Lodge Village) or other safer towns far outside the worst of the danger. Commander Vonnegut, as well as several other high-ranking military persons from either the Riverland Forts or the factions of other generals had also chosen to attend. Acting General Reichart was also present, as well as several of his officers. Eitan had seen to it that a measure of the festive supplies in both food and drink had been sent on to be distributed to his men since he was, as of a few weeks ago, officially allied to the Islands.

With the adult members of his family standing, literally and figuratively, behind him, he stepped up to the podium. Speaking as clearly and calmly as he could into the device that would project his voice across the square he greeted the people and thanked them for their attendance, but more importantly for their unending hard work and dedication. He spoke of the losses they had all endured, assuring that what had been taken would never be forgotten, but then he moved on to hope, pointing out the many successes and victories the indomitable spirit of their nation and its people had brought about, that they all had brought about. Their sacrifices had paid for much, and their labors had borne fruits. The speech wasn't terribly long, but speaking for even fifteen minutes in a row felt like a lot, particularly when he believed what he was saying and felt the emotion of it no less than any other. In closing, he waved his arm to where the recently reclaimed flagship was just cresting out from behind one of the smaller Islands and said,

"This is a day to mourn what we have lost, but it is also a day to celebrate our victory in the face of what every other nation believed to be insurmountable odds. This day, the 34th, will be known this year, and every year after as our Searing Victory!"

As he spoke the last words a signal was given to the massive airship and it began firing off its battery of canons. Some were just for the sound of it, but some were loaded not with munition but with sprays of fireworks and other celebratory explosives that could easily be seen during the day. Flower petals and confetti showed down over the Islands as a cheer rose up from the crowd gathered as well as from the decks of the many ships hovering all around.

Over the next hour Stefan, Eitan, and the highest-ranking members of their military handed out official promotions, commissions and honors to the officers who had proven, and more than proven, themselves in the year since the disaster. Lieutenant Kämpfer was promoted to Army Captain Kämpfer, Stefan wanting to do him the honor himself even if Reichart was now their highest ranking Army officer. While Eitan promoted those he and his captains had chosen among the ZADC men, Stefan used his position to also claim one additional, specific officer to promote.

Even feeling the loss of the members of his family more keenly than he had since he'd found their remains he could honestly say he couldn't have been prouder pinning the new rank insignia onto the uniform of Lieutenant Reiner Dornkirk. In addition to the promotion, Reiner was also receiving from Stefan's hand the Zaichaer Mark of Bravery for his actions in rescuing the men of the Schiller. The Minister did not embrace his cousin there on the platform, but he did shake his hand, heartily clap him on the shoulder and tell him that he had proven proud the name of Dornkirk.

While some of the general population stayed to watch the military ceremonies, particularly those with family or friends being honored, many of them wandered off to attend one of the memorial services being held or already beginning to gather at the various stations that would be providing food and drink to all throughout the day. Thanks to the efforts of both the Order, those Covens who had banded together with the Islands, and the trade connections that Stefan and his people had fostered, they had been able to provide many of the customary food that had been lacking since the disaster. There were carts frying sweet breads as well as sausages and other savories, there were piles of fruit and barrels of cold cider, while others held traditional Zaichaeri beers and ales. Great spits were set up to roast wild boar caught in the forests, women had been baking for days and no mouth would go hungry nor mug be left empty. There had been much deprivation and the celebration might seem extravagant but the people needed it. Everyone left alive in the country needed a respite from their labors and losses both, an outward expression of all they had accomplished.

Once the ceremony was completed Stefan, with Delia on his arm, moved among the newly promoted officers offering his congratulation and his thanks. Delia knew which ones had young families, and had been a wise voice in the choices of promotions for men who would need to income (once they were back in a position to need such). She kindly reminded those men that she would be expecting to see their children at the birthday party of the Dornkirk daughter that was to begin shortly in the garden of the Hall. Some of the men seemed embarrassed by the attention but all were quite pleased by the personal attention to detail Mrs. Dornkirk offered.

Soon enough it was indeed time to head back to the hall for the luncheon children's party and the two couples met back up to take a small airship over. Stefan made a mental note, one that he had made dozens, if not hundred of times before, to begin work on some sort of permanent transportation system between the Islands. The ships worked well enough but if the Islands were going to be a permanent feature of the city they needed to not rely on their being available airships just for people to get home or to work.

So much had been accomplished, but there was still so much to be done. Yet, today, for the first time, it felt like they were over the first hill. There would be others, endlessly, he knew, but the insurmountable mountain of struggle that had lain before them only one year ago was no longer something they were pushing to reach the summit of. Standing tall atop it they could look out and see a real future.
word count: 1543
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Eitan Angevin
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The disappearance of the rift was a good omen, as was the final death of so many monstrosities shambling along the ruined streets of the High City. The cleanup would not be joyous, but it would allow the people to reclaim more of the city, repair it, and reclaim ownership of it. But all that would have to wait for today was a holiday, a day to memorialize what was lost, what was saved, and how those things would affect the future of Zaichaer.

Eitan woke to sex. He often did; Lucrece enjoyed maternity, hadn't suffered unduly through pregnancy, and firmly believed children were the future of their city. But this morning, perhaps she was cognizant of the gravity of the past year, and the existential need to continue their bloodline inflamed her blood. And, of course, sexual attraction had been one of the factors that went into their pairing in the first place.

They parted with a kiss to prepare for the day. Dienerin seemed to have a preternatural sense for the exact moment when propriety would allow him into his master's presence. His dress was military, of course, albeit with clear markers of his position within the Order of Reconciliation, as well. In any event, the former garnered him love, the latter fear. If it were better to be feared than loved as a leader of men, he tried to walk the knife's edge of earning both. The military presence would be clear; the Order would mostly exist in the periphery where they would add to the feeling of security.

Stefan, it seemed, was developing a sense of theatricality. At least, he was learning to embrace it with the help of those with a natural flair for such things. The Searing Victory and its pyrotechnics drew gasps, cheers, and even tears. Symbols were important to people: airships, Dornkirks, all manner of symbols.

The jubilation was felt, he hoped, even in the far-flung populations of Zaichaeri citizens from the Dornkirk hunting lodge to the eastern front to the riverland forts. What resources they had to share, they shared. Without the Guild of Coin breathing down their necks, capitalism had largely given way to a sense of share and share alike camaraderie, and he hoped it was something they could carry forward into the future, even though he knew they would have to play some financial games when they returned more fully to the international stage. But for now they were one people and it was good.

An admiral now himself, he was pleased that one of his first official actions was to award others their due. Among them was his old friend Benedikt Reichart, who was pleasantly embarrassed to be made Warden of the East, his ZDC and ZADC ranks appropriately adjusted to fit. Vonnegut seemed to take her wardenship of the South in better stride, but she was a cold one, at least where he was concerned. That mattered little. She didn't need to like him to do her job, and he was content knowing she was watching his back against Dratori or Imperial incursions.

He was also quite pleased to allow Stefan the honor of honoring young Reiner. For his part, Eitan applauded a bit more than was absolutely necessary, he could be forgiven given it was his cousin-in-law whose bravery was so lauded. For what it was worth, Major Trier and others had been involved in the decision-making process; it was not merely a fiat made by Stefan or Eitan. They were all of them heroes to some degree. Everyone had done something heroic to survive and to help his brothers-in-arms survive.

After all the requisite and sincere glad-handing, Eitan and Lucrece joined the family for Amalia's party. It might ever be eclipsed by the city-wide celebration and memorial, but they would always mark its importance with each annual passage. Delia and Lucrece had ensured there would be children for Amalia to play with, and mothers to coo over young Brenner, as well. As beggars could not be choosers, there were families that would have been beneath their social notice invited as well. This varied cohort would be the vanguard even though now they were merely roly-poly drool factories. Eitan had invited Benedikt, wanting to properly show off his wife, son, and home to his old friend; later, over drinks, he might mention his inheritance of the Angevin estate, as well. More than to show off, he wanted to figure out how his good fortune, while earned, could be spread out to help friends as well as family.

Delia had invited Vonnegut for some reason. Lucrece told him that his wife and his sister had plans for a population boom that wanted buy-in from the likes of Vonnegut. He squinted dark eyes at her, but just promised he would give her as much boom as she could handle. She replied by saying his friend Benno was "cute." He snorted.

Eitan was careful to make his rounds, making acquaintance with any guest he didn't already know, and renewing conversation with those he did. Of course, he also checked in with Lucrece, with Stefan, and with Delia. His Dienerin always appeared when he needed to know something, but thankfully, nothing terrible interrupted the quiet festivities. He also introduced people where it seemed appropriate, Reichart to his extended family, and Reichart to Vonnegut. He didn't know that anything other than professional would spark there, but perhaps he would eventually want Reichart to tell him more about Vonnegut that he didn't already know. She was playing nice with them now, but he needed to know what made her tick, where her tells and leverage were. To keep them together, he showed them some of the innovations done to his orchard and gardens by the Kindred, and how such things would eventually be allowed to thrive in their domains, the better to keep the soldiers under there care, as well as the citizens, well fed.

With the both of them, he hoped to more closely align Order and military, as he had proven himself how one man could serve both masters and now master both.

When the ration of sugar that had been saved for a proper cake had run through the children's veins and parents began to depart with their partners and children, he had Reichart stay a while to dine with them. When even he and Reiner and the rest took their leave, it felt both strange and familiar to have the quiet of their house restored.

The ladies left them to their last drinks. Lucrece demanded another population boom in the morning before he went off to work. His answering smile was weary, but wicked. After refilling their tumblers, he came around behind the couch to take Stefan's shoulders in hand and begin to knead the ever-present tension in them.

"I know what you're going to say," he said, forestalling something they had already discussed before. "A more permanent infrastructure for transportation between islands. Once we clean up the streets, though, the populations up here might decline. Windworks folk will likely want to reclaim their homes on land, and then it will be more a matter of getting them... well, the Windworks and White Knight Hall might reclaim their places on land. In which case, you will have to figure out how to retrofit them so they can take off and land whenever necessary without damage. And I suppose the, ah... mushroom farms underneath will have to be shifted elsewhere. I read a blinding report today about saprotrophic fungi as a vector for cleaning up the streets... at least with regard to organic matter... in... for..."

His jaw cracked when a huge yawn overtook him. He huffed a laugh and came around the couch, kicking off his shoes and curling up on the couch with his head in Stefan's lap. It was entirely possible he would fall asleep there.

"What are we going to do when we both have multiple children having birthdays regularly throughout the year?"

It was a rhetorical question, of course. They would celebrate them all, glad to have survived and been given the opportunity to keep Zaichaer alive in body and spirit. Between their wives and their valets, all they would have to do was show up, which would seem easy enough save the busy schedules they both had.

That was what he dreamed of when Stefan's voice in his ears and Stefan's hand in his curls lulled him to slumber: countless moments of joy snatched and held tightly as the river of time sped them along. Progress, new generations, new glory for Zaichaer.

Old Angevins had been kings and queens, or so the history books said. Brenner Angevin and Amalia Dornkirk would rule a meritocracy, though, their authority earned by hard work and the goodwill of their peers.

Zaichaer über alles!
word count: 1517
Mind is a razor blade.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner, living as near as he did to the epicenter of power in contemporary Zaichaer, was among the first to hear the news of the colossal paradigm shift that had occurred the prior day. The full breadth of the news rolled out slowly... it was still coming, in truth, but the really massive news was impossible to miss, as a massive gash in the Zaichaeri sky was now absent. The implications couldn't have been more portentous.

Come morning he hadn't slept, but he wasn't tired. He was excited... galvanized by the prospects now arrayed before him and his Fatherland. He'd been looking forward to the ceremony already, albeit in a more muted way. It was to be a solemn affair, after all, but how could such be the case anymore? It was not, to his mind, disrespectful to those lost for them to feel jubilant. The dead were not forgotten. Far from it, it was in their memory that Reiner's excitement was forged. If all of Zaichaer died, there would be no one left to memorialize the heroes and loved ones of yesteryear. In this new era, the streamlined Zaichaer would survive and rebuild. Every brick laid, every building erected, every advancement innovated would be a monument to those who died hewn in defense of those who survived and those yet to be born.

PFC Dornkirk's heart was full, his chest puffed out with pride as he stood straight-backed behind his cousin. Despite his proximity to power, Stefan's Searing secret had been held close enough that he was utterly dumbfounded by the sight of the Searing Victory cresting over the ruined skyline and quaking the firmament with its artillery. Slack jawed, his glistening eyes gazed in awe as he was transported back to the last time he saw the Searing Victory. It felt like another lifetime, though it had only been a little over a year earlier at another commemorative event memorializing something old and comparatively insignificant to the young soldier.

He had already shed a reservoir of tears by the time it came time to receive his promotion. Despite his ardent efforts, he was wracked by muted sobs as he knelt to receive the honor delivered by Stefan. He hadn't gotten here on the path he'd dreamt, but this was a very literal realization of a very old fantasy. He was well and truly a Dornkirk. Accepted by what he deemed the main branch of the family, and ascending along with them.

When the proceedings concluded, he would step down from the platform with his family. They really were, weren't they? Now, as they shut the door firmly on Zaichaer's darkest hour, he could finally acknowledge that in earnest.

"Thank you so much, Stefan." He said, stepping in to wrap his arms around the man, initiating an embrace for the first time ever. If his cousin didn't recoil, then Eitan and their wives would be next to know his unburdened embrace. He resolved to congratulate Kuno before the childrens' party, but for this moment he would bask amongst his kin under the glory of the resurrected flagship on the day of Zaichaer's evolution.

word count: 552
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Points: 10 points each, not for magic

Injuries/Ailments: Public crying?

Loot: New Rank for Reiner

Notes: Hail Zaichaer!
word count: 49
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