A Chance of Cold

[Hilana] Lykos begins to undertake a project that'll take some thought and consideration.

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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Hilana and Lia were engrossed in their work, and both of the Vastian sisters missed the telltale cues of something being off until the wards flickered and vanished. That made them both pause and look at each other, Lykos, and the Sentinels in the room. The shadow-attuned sister was presented with the image of what had happened when her back was turned, and that very much reminded Hilana of the voidspawn in Ecith. The creatures that had slipped into the shadows of her companions in order to attack them. But she knew there was no way for the void creatures to get---


Oh, faex.


Lia was of the Void. Maybe not intentionally, but... she wouldn't do something to... she had not been happy there, obviously and had been relieved to be out; so it didn't stand to reason that she would do anything to jeopardize that. The fact that she had not acted like anything was amiss suggested to the younger sister that whatever that was was without her knowledge. "Are you alright?" Hilana asked her elder sister.

"I am fine, Hilana. Why?" Lia blinked at her. "What is it?"

"The shadows said something came off of yours," she explained. Lia's head tilted, and she shook her head after a moment.

"I don't know what you mean," she looked at her hands, and back at the wild child. She was deeply concerned, however: she didn't want to cause a problem that might mean what freedoms she had earned and enjoyed so far out here would be ripped from her.

"Nothing for it," Hilana said finally. "This is possibly the most secure place in the Expanse." She went back to her Pictographs, focusing on the paths and vortices. This needed to be done right, what with the peculiar aetherwork that would be occurring in this room. The Vastiana also knew that if she went and jumped full tilt into something, she was like as not to get into the way. The Sentinels were surely far more aware and well-prepared for anything and everything, and she may as well continue what she was doing. Paths grew into Continuums, all of them directed towards the aetherite foci.

When the roar shook the room, Hilana felt the shadows coalesce into hers, making her own that much larger. "Well, we have company," she lowered her brush. "Do you think it will want some tea and baklava?" her tone was dry, and she saw the portal being formed. She would wait and see what came of it. Lia was quite tense, and Hilana's words did nothing to ease her or her nerves. She could only hope that she hadn't done something somehow that would get everyone, particularly those she cared about, injured.

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The citadel was alive with activity. It was invigorating, to be sure. Phocion had trained his whole life to handle major crises and yet, due to his mother's machinations, they were few and far between in Solunarium... at least crises that she hadn't catalysed to benefit their aims. This one was unexpected. Well, at least sort of.

"Attend me." As he stepped through the portal into the research room, Sentinel Phocion's voice spoke to the very souls of those gathered- His Emblem demanding undivided attention from all in earshot.

"The assessors prognosticated the eventuality that the Void might seek to reclaim Athalia. Though we knew not what form that might take, we believe this to be an opening salvo. Filia Vacui..." He turned his attention directly to Hilana's voidborn sister, "Whatever happens today may swing the pendulum away from you, but it will likely swing back until some sort of equilibrium is formed. This time it is to our benefit to aid you, and so resources will be duly allocated to that end. Next time? Well..." He shook his head, "The battle is already underway. Let's see our way through this event first, shall we? Lykos." He tilted his head toward the lupine frost warden.

"This is a splendid opportunity for you to practise your Craft writ larger than you were able to here in this room. There is a beastie outside and I need it impaired. Hampered. If it has blood, I want it somewhere just shy of frozen. Don't worry about killing something like that, you won't, but your divine magic might pierce through aught that hinders a mortal elementalist." As if this was a segue, he shifted his appropriately icy gaze to Hilana and Athalia.

"Vastii. Stay to the rear of the fray. The creature will be drawn to its sister in Darkness, but we'll have Magi close at hand to defend you. If things get too hot, we'll Traverse you both to a more remote location. We can't afford to place you anywhere near the cities, but you are desert people. It will, at least, give you a headstart if the citadel is overwhelmed." He turned his attention, next, to Finn.

"You and I will be situated behind the vanguard. If either or both of us can use our Marks to quell and control the creature, then victory is ours. That said, it will be a strange and an alien soul so it will doubtless take us time to comprehend its motivations enough to manipulate them. So, Lykos, your efforts will aid the Sentinels in buying us that much-needed time. Remember, if any Sentinel gives you an order it is to be obeyed to the letter as if it came directly from me. It's entirely possible that it did." He said, his eyes glowing with white hot brilliance for a split second.

"If you have questions, ask them on the roof. Finn, portal." He commanded with a blithe wave of his black-gloved hand.
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The reception that Lana had given to the presence of the beast would've amused Lykos, were he not already set on edge from the thundering roar it gave off earlier. Within moments of the others arriving through the portal, however, he felt himself loosen if only by a little in the presence of those gathered. Phocion and Finn were the ones to have reached them in the research room, and it didn't take long at all for Lykos to feel compelled to hear what the Sentinel had to say.

Part of it felt akin to magic that tingled at the edges of the lupine demigod's mind, but regardless of whether the presence had been there or not, he was determined to heed every word the Sentinel had to express. It was just as he had feared. The Void had come to reclaim Athalia just like he suspected it would, and from the sound of it, a great big beast had been unleashed to do it. Immediately his eyes glanced at the sisterly pair near him, concern evident when he honed in back on whatever else Phocion needed to express.

Clearly, he had a plan to counter the creature, one that Lykos would be proud to play a part of, if only to ensure the safety of everyone here at the citadel. His purpose seemed rather straightforward in this endeavor, the creature seemed nigh unkillable at the moment, but what his peers needed now more than anything was a sample of it. Blood if possible, or something that came off the beast. Whatever the case he nodded diligently as he looked back to the crafting materials, quick to take out a couple of superior-grade aetherite shards from the stash provided for the research room.

One of them he pocketed into his pants but the other he took with both hands to focus on. "Vigil Phocion," the demigod finally chimed in once everything had been said, "it is likely that I can cleanse Athalia of the Void if all else fails. However, given that I'll be helping out on the frontlines, that'll put me at a position where I cannot protect her and Hilana both." A grim look of determination settled in his features as he focused on the aetherite shard intently, before the Negation rune on his left shoulder began to fizzle and crackle even more.

"They're both my pack now, and I trust you'll keep them safe. Even so..." He felt that painful jab into his core once more as he reached deep within himself, not quite able to put as much refinement into the aether as he wanted to, but still enough to instill a wealthy charge of magic into the dragonshard. Lykos groaned a bit as the rune still shimmered, though the crackling of aether lulled once he'd created the anchor on the aetherite. "I'm providing them with this boon before I go, the added protection should be malleable to any circumstances that come from your initial plan of action."

He expressed still with a minor pained expression, the dragonshard held out to Athalia for her or Lana to take. Once that was done he looked sternly back at Phocion once more, determined to embrace the nature of his Divinity before the great beast. "I'm ready, direct me." He assured them with a rising glow in the blue of his irides.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 588
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Finn nodded curtly to Hilana and her sister. There was no time to offer comfort or encouragement, but Hilana knew, at least, that he would not balk to protect her. Though it had been returned to him, he had already sacrificed an arm to keep her safe. He felt a thrill run through his left arm, and hoped that it would not fail him now. When he espied Lykos, he was once again frustrated by the tickle against his brain. He knew he should know him, but he did not. His symphony was familiar, but he could not say how. There was no time to mull over that, anyway. It had been reported to Phocion immediately after he met the man - again, or for the first time.

Though his brow glowed with Avaerys' crown, he didn't seek to inspire awe in those nearby. He was saving that for the Voidborn beast.

Feeling energized by crisis, he listened intently to his orders, nodded, and was prepared for Phocion's final order.

"Ita, Vigilia," he said even as he opened the portal. It was wide enough they could walk through side-by-side, although Finn remained a half-step behind and to the left, per protocol.

Oddly, perhaps, he felt no desire to dominate Phocion. Perhaps it was the complementary nature of their emblems, the partnership between their patrons. With his crown shining, he had wanted Athalia's power, Hilana's obedience, and even Lykos' power, which far exceeded his own. Perhaps his hungers were those of Deus Avaerys. Sometimes they seemed larger than he could contain.

But for now, he cast his gaze upon the Voidborn, and he wanted its power, its submission. His crown flared and he sought out its symphony, the better to twist it to his will. Surely, between Phocion and himself, aided by Lykos and the Custodes Deorum, few were the creatures that could resist.
word count: 335
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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When Phocion and his entourage came through the portal, Hilana didn’t need to be told twice. Both sisters set aside what they were doing in order to come forward, both of them offering a perfunctory bow of obeisance and greetings before otherwise staying quiet. Hilana’s hand found Athalia’s, however, and she squeezed it reassuringly. They’d get through it together. Lia had helped Hilana in the Void that she had gotten herself drawn into last season, and the younger Vastiana would never forget it. She would help her now, and if there was another such assault like this, Lykos’ plans of attempting to purify her would likely be moved up. The warning in the Sentinel’s words was not missed by either of the women.

As a summary of what was going on and instructions were given out, they nodded in tandem. They were to act as bait, and with luck, it would be halted and captured before it could get that far. Lia’s throat was dry at Phocion’s words, and Hilana’s grip tightened on her. It would work out. She had faith in Phocion, Finn, and the Custodes Deorum, not to mention Lykos’ own considerable strength. He may have been having a bad day with Negation, but they would get it all figured out. One way or another. “Yes, Vigil. Deep desert is fine,” was all Hilana said with a nod. Athalia may not have been out in Atraxia from the time she went to Tertium as a child and then into the Void until they found themselves at the Citadel, but her sister was the best one to be with out here if it came to it.

Athalia took the dragonshard from Lykos, and squeezed his hand. “Gratias,” she told him with a small smile. “Be safe. Be smart. We will be fine, my trouble-making sister and I.” She sought to reassure him. Once this was over… then they could see about purification. If someone could accomplish it, it was Lykos. They had implicit trust in him and his abilities, foreigner or not, but what he had shown himself capable of so far was promising. Otherwise, well, he could surely install a ward on a necklace or even on Athalia directly to hide who and what she was. But it would be far more permanent if he could accomplish the purification. Hilana grabbed her rucksack, and handed out vials containing a pale purple liquid. Two each to those gathered - Lykos, Finn, Phocion, and Lia. She’d rather none of them were harmed by this monster, nor anyone at the Citadel, but with aether expenditures coming… Lia took up her cloak, passing Hilana her shawl, though the younger sister just tucked it in the straps of her rucksack.

With the portal made to the roof, she stepped through it with Lia, who bowed gravely to the Gods-touched Sentinels. Now they could get a proper look at it, and Hilana let out a low whistle. “That’s something,” she murmured, studying it. “What has it done so far?” She asked the shadows, greeting them and spreading her fingers for them to interlace with her own shadow.

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He took the vial from Hilana with a stern nod then, pausing before stepping through the portal, he glanced to Lykos, raising an eyebrow at his interest in 'cleansing Athalia of the Void'. In a placid tone that sounded less chiding than the wording might have implied, he answered:

"Likely? Næ. Possible? Aye. But that is a matter for another time and a place far from Atraxia's borders, for I will not suffer you or your 'pack' to invite further calamity unto this realm should you fail in this." He glanced briefly to Hilana for emphasis, then back to Lykos.

"As I said, they will be kept safe here or absconded into the desert. If the latter be the case, you may seek them out there." He turned back toward the portal, muttering: "If we survive." As he stepped through, to be assaulted by the din of the creature and the Sentinel vanguard assailing it. The Mark at his wrist began to glow silver-white as did his already pale eyes, the grace of Midnight's Mother seemed to blossom in answer to that of the Deus Imperator. The chainlike tendrils protruding from Phocion's arm, unseen to those who could not Semble to the level of Master, reached for Finn's Radiance like vines seeking sunlight.

He stalked to the edge of the plateau, and peered ahead toward the massive creature. When he spoke his voice was different. It wasn't louder, deeper or more robust. If pressed no one could have described the distinction in any useful way, but there was something that lent compelling import to his sentiments.

"Focus on the weaknesses. The hungry Void does not like to vomit up its conquests, and so the call of the vacuum still beckons it backward even as it is compelled forth. This is both a drain and a distraction to be exploited. Lykos, chill the beast. Do what you can to slow it down, whilst Finn and I commune and assess." It was clear that the vanguard far below, was straining- slowly being pushed back by the advance of the lumbering behemoth. He glanced sidelong to Finn,

"What say we get a closer look?" Finn would feel himself rising from the roof as Phocion did the same at his side. It didn't feel as though he was being lifted. There was no pressure being applied to any part of his form as he began to levitate. It was an odd sensation, out of his control, as he and Phocion, surrounded by a ball of Kinetic energy, hovered slowly toward the monstrous void demon.

As Finn used his Mesmer to serve as a conduit for his Emblem's power, Phocion used his Æther Sight and Sense. Along that thread of æther, he projected one of the tendrils protruding from his wrist toward the creature, invoking the power of Unmasking inherent to the Mark of Supremacy. It was clear that this was no creature born of the Void, for the Void did not create, but its origins were yet murky... nebulous. They would need time, and the subvigili were now in full retreat at the order of their instructors. Another complement of full Vigili was rushing forth from the citadel to relieve them, but the creature was advancing and the Emblem-bearers would need more time before their power might overtake a creature so mighty and enigmatic.

Though Phocion now levitated hundreds of yards from where the others still stood on the roof, Lykos would hear a simple command in his mind in that familiar, docile voice:

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The plan had been laid out for everyone present and their roles were determined, and now, it fell upon each key individual to play out their part in the end. Lykos understood the levity of his own role in all this, knowing full well that even with his greatest strength, he would not be able to destroy or even subdue the great beast on his own. Looking upon it now he couldn't help but feel jitters through his own hands, as the anticipation of what was to come nearly made him shudder with the urge to salivate a little. For what it was worth his emotions yearned to roil within him, but, the lupine demigod kept them on a tight reign as he watched the two Vigil's take to the skies next.

Phocion and Finn both had their part to play in all this, therefore all that remained was for Lykos to wait until he had been given the signal. As he watched the intrepid Voidsent barrel it's way along the Atraxian Expanse, the wolf couldn't help but wonder the extent of his own powers in this situation. Currently, he had been made aware of the fact his body had not completely healed, as the reactions with Negation magic earlier pointed out the obvious on that front. Yet, he wasn't being asked to utilize his runes for this daunting gambit, merely invoking his power to freeze the beast in place when and where he could.

He judged what that would take just from the size of the Voidsent, understanding that a mere ground assault wouldn't be enough. The Lord of Frost could've thrown his best cascade of ice at the damned thing, and it would've likely found some small resistance to the front in turn. No. What Lykos needed was a means of freezing this beast over completely, and if he intended to do that, then he needed to be ready to embrace the full might of his domain. Though still with another shudder to his lungs, Lykos took in as deep of a breath as he could, and gazed to the sky with his piercing blue eyes. I will not let any of you down. He encouraged himself with a promise as he glanced over to Hilana and Athalia, the faintest whisper in the wind all he needed to hear to prompt him into action.


The wolf pounced from atop the plateau and into the air, the skies above the citadel suddenly swirling with an overcast of clouds as he dropped down to the ground below. Much like how Phocion had utilized Kinetics to float both Vigils up above, the wolf unleashed a font of aether through his feet to slow his fall near the ground, before he felt the warmth of the sands cushion the pads beneath them. I'm going to put every ounce of my being into this attack, he assured them all mentally as he collected every bit of himself, and it's going to stop this thing in its tracks, like it or not. The lupine demigod reflected on the levity of faith his packmates held in him.

Every ounce of it. Every bit of stock he felt placed in him. All of that came rising to the surface when he rushed to pass the last of those retreating from the beast's approach. Then came the first drops of rainfall, as the cold front brewing over the citadel intensified within a minute. Finally, he stopped to elevate a knee just a foot from the ground, as every rune on his body suddenly glowered with intensity before he roared. The force of his stomp generated a short burst of energy once his foot pounded onto the sand, before the northern lights vividly flashed from where he stood in a brilliant radiance.

Outward from where he stood there flooded a massive cone of ice that would span farther out the more it traveled. The lupine demigod generated a layer that would first cover the entirety of the Voidsent's path overall, before another brilliant flash within the dancing lights send another cascading wave of ice over the next. Erratically but surely cones of sharp ice jutted upward from the ground in columns, as sharp sounds of glass echoed across his ears from the intense amount of power he channeled into the surge. The wolf was going completely all out with his Divine energy, causing his aura and Nimbus to manifest brilliantly from where he stood. What's more the desert started to experience a taste of Frost by its definition, as the cold front venerated from Lykos brought a mixture of both rain and hail from above.

Intentionally, the lupine demigod hoped that the rain itself would continue to freeze the beast upon contact, and while he layered more and more ice upon it, Lykos would buy Phocion and Finn the time they needed to achieve their goal.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 846
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For the newly styled Empyreal Lord, working hand in glove with Phocion seemed right in a way he could not presently articulate. Perhaps it was a reflection of the cooperation between their patron deities, but he didn't feel lesser for submitting to Phocion when the moonborn prince's will complemented his own hunger. They would overpower this voidborn monstrosity, proving the might and glory of Solunarium and the Divine Twins.

He flew at Phocion's side, trusting to his mastery of the aether. If they should be knocked from the skies, Finn could easily vault his superior to safety.

But as Phocion unleashed his divine dog and sent forth the chains of Varvara Dominatrix, Finn added the gravity of Avaerys' majesty to his mesmeric command.


And if it would not, it would at least feel the thrill of fear as it opposed divine and mortal powers, human and elven; it would be defeated but the Custodes Deorum and the good people of Solunarium wouldn't even known there had been a danger in the desert. Their protectors would keep them safe.

"YIELD." This time, his aetheric emanations entwined with Phocion's chains, adding a golden Avaeryn glow. His voice reverberated along the arid wind, buffeting the creature, faint echoes of it - sonically and magically - audible to his brethren at arms.

If it came to it, he would wield steel to defend Phocion and the others, but with all their divers and potent magics, he thought the voidborn more likely to flee before their combined might. The human Sentinel felt even more sure that repeated attacks would be brutally rebuffed - the Assessors would be delving the dark creature's aura for the secrets of its existence.

Blue eyes narrowed upon Lykos, whose inhuman speed made him the point of Phocion's spear.
word count: 319
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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That was heard and duly noted. Prince Phocion's word was law, and Hilana knew that in time, they would have to find somewhere else for Lykos to do what they figured he could do. She half-thought that the Sentinels might want to watch and observe so that they could make their notes later, but considering this creature... well, it might be a hell of a risk. If they had to go elsewhere, they had to go elsewhere. They could find somewhere relatively safe and figure it out. But that was a problem for another day.

Hilana and Athalia went where they were directed, understanding that Athalia was going to be bait. The shadows were deeply nervous, if only because the wrongness of the Void that was gathering here. Lia wrapped her cloak around her as they could feel the cold from here, what Lykos was already doing in the distance. "Lava?" Hilana glanced at her sister. She was Arche to fire, after all. Lava might help slow it down or damage it enough to weaken it, and at least keep it from getting where they didn't want it to be - near the town or the Citadel. That would have been the easiest for Lia, and they could more or less deal with the end results later.

"No, not with the cold that he's producing. That helps nothing," Lia shook her head. "The ice... when the ice and the lava touch, it will turn to steam, to vapour, without ever liquefying as the steam tries to escape the lava. That only counteracts further. We need to work together. We'll follow his lead and act in support. We'll need water, Hilana, and a lot of it." The younger sister nodded, moving along the rampart to look on. "Water and air, as cold as we can make it. Be mindful, of course, of the two above," she nodded to Sentinels Phocion and Finn. She steeled herself, taking a deep breath, and lifted her palms upwards, putting her considerable aether to use. She didn't know if the fellow denizen of the Void would be drawn to her use of aether, but they were going to find out.

Hilana's hands remained at her sides, though palm up, as she touched her pink fingers to her thumb, extending the remaining three fingers of her hand, recalling the meditative hand sign for water and focus. With her right hand, she formed one of the meditative hand signs that represented the element of air, her index finger folded down against her palm, her thumb covering it, while the outer three fingers were extended and together. She took a breath, and reached out to the spirits. Geysers of water began to erupt and strike at the creature, coating it and covering it with the liquid while the very wind stirred at their call to help lend to the colder temperatures of the northern demigod who was already channelling.

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Now that more seasoned Sentinels had relieved the subvigili, they were quick to take the wordless cue to support Lykos. Elementalists surged forward to complement his Divine Craft with their own Arcane, amplifying the potency of the cold consequences that were assailing the invader.

The singularly focused voidspawn groaned against this obstacle to its already challenging task of pulling away from the vacuum it knew as home. Massive joints creaked as they struggled against the icy impediments, and its great steps slowed to nearly a halt.

“I see them, now…” Phocion intoned, “The ties that bind.” With crystal clarity he could now regard the chains that connected this creature to the Void. They were slack, permissive, but connected to something behind the demon… some Voidsource, to be sure. Clenching his teeth, Phocion tightened the chains and strengthened the Void’s influence over him.

“The Void devours…” He reminded the entity that the same rules that brought it to Atraxia applied to it as well as its intended quarry. “You work against your own aims by removing yourself, a greater being, from the Vacuum’s embrace. Can you not feel it pulling at you?” Phocion tugged the tethers for emphasis and any forward momentum ceased in the beast, as it slowly fought against its own freezing viscera to crane its neck to look backward with bemused ambivalence that was only amplified by Finn’s Empyreal command.

As they hovered nigh before it, Assessors below ordered the elementalists to withdraw their energies slowly, as they sensed the confusion now halting the creature as aptly as their Craft. They were better off reserving their æther stores in case circumstances shifted back toward aggressive advancement. For now it appeared the creature was considering retreat, which was a splendid opportunity for the assessors to ply their Craft upon the entity… and upon Lykos at the zenith of his divinity.
word count: 314
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