Clockwork Collaborations [Sivan]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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Stardew Valley
78th Searing, 123

The runesmith who was also a Lord now, holding only the least of titles yet still, the steward of the valley that opened up before him, looked out over the land that was his and felt the swelling in his chest that he always did when returning the place that was now intrinsically his home. Torin didn't even live there, not really, but it was his and he belonged to it. He could feel it in the water, in the air, in the earth, had been able to since the moment he'd first, foolishly, climbed down the treacherously steep walls and laid his foot upon the ground almost a year ago now. The feeling was far more intense now, far more real than the inkling that had shivered up his spine and settled in heart and mind both that first day. Partly this was because, legally, it was his now, but much more so because of the rune now etched in all four elements on the right side of his chest.

Elementalism allowed him to connect to the valley in a way that wanted to pick up his consciousness whole from his body and whip it around on the unimaginably vast currents of air that rushed down from the high mountains through the green space that felt too large to be owned from the ground but was tiny in comparison to the Astralar Mountains. The river that flowed from the opening higher than he had been able to climb wanted to lift him away to tumble and crash with it down the waterfall into the lake that capped the northern end of the valley, it wanted to wash him down the river, rolling him over and under and around its bends until it disappeared back underground at the far southern tip. And the Earth, the ground of the valley itself wanted to embrace him, to pull him into its warmth and safety and keep him. It whispered of growing things, seeds hidden for when Glade came again (if it ever did), of the stones and minerals clutched deep in its belly, and of the mountains, growing ever upwards and down to heights and depths that, if he let his mind follow them, would surely drive him mad before he had more than glimpsed the edges of their vastness.

It had been more than two weeks since Kala and Kaus had given him the gift of his second rune and he was still overwhelmed by it more often than not. It was not a physical overwhelming, thankfully, after the initial threshold sickness, which had been as gentle as his first encounter with the sickness had been severe, but rather a mental one. His mind seemed to have been set up for Semblance since as far back as he could remember, maybe since he'd been born. Having studied more since taking the rune he knew that was likely why the threshold sickness had nearly cost him his life. Parts of him had been leaning into it for so long that when the walls that had kept him out had been removed he'd simply fallen in, head first, without any knowledge of how to get back to himself again. Thank the gods Kala, Aurin and Sivan had been there to care for him and guide him back enough that he'd been able to return.

Now, wrapped in his Cloak of Comfort so he did not feel the cold he stood, awaiting the arrival of his friend and now sometimes his lover, eyes closed, just trying to experience the valley without becoming overwhelmed by it. He had trained in the valley using the Aether Seed trees for Elementalism that he and Sivan had made and grown together before he'd been given the rune so at least he had known before arriving that day what to expect. Even the effects of the fruits had been a lot, and one of the first things he had tried to learn was now to control how much of Elementalism his senses took in. He thought of it like a valve; if he were to simply throw it open he would be washed away in an instant, but if he opened it by small degrees he could let himself experience the Elements in portions he was able to process.

A grin split his face as he felt Sivan arrive through a portal and then approach where Torin stood in the open outside the newly constructed Foundry. He had deliberately stopped the flow of aether into his Semblance so he could feel the elf arrive with Elementalism alone. Sivan's body was Air and Water, Earth and Fire, just as all living things were. It had been both a revelation to realize that life was formed of the Elements and also something he'd immediately realized he should already have known.

There was more of Earth in Sivan than there was in Torin, but it was close. Different people were made up of more or less of each Element, which was something he could only really 'feel' when he used Semblance and Elementalism together. Torin was more Fire, but everyone involved had known that before he'd gotten the new rune, but immediately after that he was Earth. Water and Air were lesser in him, but that did not mean he thought less of them. Aurin was Fire as he was, though somehow it was different in the fox-like man. Late at night Torin had wondered if he was attracted to Aurin and Sivan because they were the two sides of his own nature, but philosophy was not where the smith's talents lay so the thoughts had drifted as he did into sleep.

When Sivan was close enough to speak to easily Torin finally opened his eyes, reaching out with a tiny flow of air he wrapped it around the other man in a tiny little hug while they were still a few feet apart. It felt right but also a little silly so he made a bit of a face to imply that he knew he was a goofball before stepping closer and giving the elf a real hug.

"Hello, Sivan." The warmth in his voice showed his joy at the meeting as much as either of the hugs had.
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He and Sivan had discussed the elements, elementalism, and semblance, as well, how they overlapped, and all. The elf had learned the elements through his communion with spirits, though he had also now learned to play with them on their own terms after sampling elemental aether fruit. He had, after reflection, tried to explain how it felt different; Torin could sense how it was different with his own powerful senses, but experiential data was different from observational data.

As he stepped through the portal, he felt enveloped by the magic of the valley. There was the faint buzz of Aurin's wards, the resonance of tools crafted by Torin for his people, and the spirits of the place recognized him now, welcomed him as a brother, though he was always careful to steer their more deferential feelings toward Torin; he was the Lord of Stardew Valley.

He laughed at the gentle Air binding; he might have responded by casting Perxy to ruffle Torin's hair. When he had ambled close enough, he took Torin's face in his hands and kissed him soundly, then embraced him hard as if they didn't see each other regularly.

"H'lo, Tor," he said. "You haven't lost your mind to the wind yet, it seems." His smile was good-natured, though he had been worried at first. If Torin had gone on holiday with the elements as he had to the Aetherium, Sivan would have had to make a compact with some wild spirit more powerful than Perxy to fetch him back and help him anchor his mind back in his body.

The world was wide and complicated and the more one could sense it, the easier it was to get lost in its width and complexity. And that was just one reason why mentors preached caution.
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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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Torin knew the soft ruffling of his hair was not caused by the wind alone, because he could feel the what the wind was doing at least in the space surrounding himself. He still couldn't see the spirits unless they chose to manifest themselves, but in the little time he'd been able to spend around them since he'd been gifted his second rune he had been able to see their influence on the elements and that almost felt like being able to see them.

The kiss was warm and good and momentarily drove from the burly smith thoughts of how his valley felt through his new senses and the projects they would start that day from his mind.

"Mmm," He hummed his appreciation, tongue darting out to lick over his lips once they were no longer touching Sivan's as if to chase the taste.

"Missed you while I was at the Pavilion." They had seen each other since then but mostly in passing as they worked and he couldn't remember if he'd already said it or not. He laughed at the suggestion that he might lose himself, though they both had been worried about that very thing.

"No, Air hasn't convinced me to go off chasing it yet." This was assuredly a joke for, of all the elements, Torin oddly found himself most overwhelmed by what was considered by most the least dangerous of them. There was just so much and it... it was like the whole world was an ocean that he'd never known about before. The currents were constant and so much faster than the little breezes that reached down to ground level even hinted at. If he let himself stop to think about it, it terrified him. So, he didn't do that, and had been keeping his eyes at heights no greater than those of his friends faces more or less sense he'd gotten the rune.

In opposition to this fear, Fire drew him in as though there were no danger to it at all and he had repeatedly had to remind himself that he couldn't simply take hold of glowing metal from his forge or poke the embers into the right place with his bare hands. It was a bit like being a first-day apprentice again.

Reaching out and lacing his hand into Sivan's he turned them toward the newest building in the valley. His aura was bright with banked pride and a desire that was for making things. The structure, foundry and blacksmithy combined, was positioned so that the flow of the river could turn any or all of the large waterwheels attached to it. Each did something different, and, if all were employed at once the place was could become an assembly line for whatever molds that were fitted into it. The bellows were double bellied so they could provide a constant even flow of air at several levels to ensure the forges or smelter were kept to exact temperatures. It was, in Torin's opinion, a modern marvel and the idea that it belonged to him would have been inconceivable even a year before.

"What do you think? They finished a few days ago but I didn't want to worry Aurin by coming before we were all sure I wouldn't have another incident."

While his threshold sickness in general had been mild there had been one situation where, upon entering the main courtyard of Cintamani Pavilion and making the mistake of looking up at the sky he had collapsed into what could only be described as a panic attack and needed to be dragged back inside and kept away from windows for a full day and a night before he could fully calm himself.

"I know I probably should have had a house built first but I have a house already and I don't, didn't, have this. Come on, let's see the inside!"

Dragging his friend behind him he entered the new workspace as though it were a playground and they were the first children allowed to play there.
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"I missed you, too," he assured him. Enough of their thoughts were legible to each other these days that often fewer words were needed. Thus, he understood Torin's panic attack and, he supposed, now Torin could understand why he sought the name of the wind. Little Nut had grown, calling herself Nutuit now, but she was still only an air elemental. Perxy, too, had limits despite growing in power and complexity. But neither Nut nor Perxy, not even Nutuit were the name of the wind. Perhaps once it had been the name of some primal creature, greater than a dragon, lost when the Hytori broke the world or in any other of a number of global catastrophes. But Sounja was bound to the spirit of a forest. Perhaps there was an even greater, more primordial spirit of Forest, and one of Wind. Sivan would know their names if he could, though the knowing of them might break his mind.

But such things were left behind as Torin took his hand and led him into the foundry to show it off like a lad with a nameday present.

"It is marvelous," he assured him when he was able to speak. For a long time he had merely been able to look—both with his eyes and his runic senses—gently cogitating upon what they might achieve here. "We can build great automata to aid in the orchards and fields, to guard against attack should war ever find the valley. Mists... eventually, we could add clockworks to the foundry itself, automate it so that it can be a partner in creating things, not just the place where you do it."

Someday, perhaps, it would be a place for masterworks of the world magics, as much an artificiery as a runeforge, alchemical laboratory as much as—perhaps a place for Lady Kala's necromantic wonders. She was, after all, attempting to match Garel of Atoria with his own grimoire. They called it necromancy, but she seemed more a healer than anything, life magic more than death. It would be Torin's valley of wonders.

Sivan grinned in anticipation.
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Torin Kilvin
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The gentle, if often excited, wordless communication that passed between the two blonds was something that Torin had begun to rely on in their work. At times he had to remind himself to speak his thoughts aloud, particularly when they were complex and Sivan was working on his own project.

There had been moments when Torin had been humming along in his own head and heard the elf continue the tune out loud, but there had also been times when he had turned around saying something like 'That's right, isn't it?' in reference to a long string of thought that the elf had not been listening to due to being busy. So, while it was both convenient and felt good to be partly in each other's heads he had to remind himself not to rely on it or assume the communications he'd intended had taken place.

That something similar existed with Aurin made sense. That it was so fundamentally different, somehow, confused Torin. The things his mind seemed to share with Sivan were typically work-related, and occasionally flirtatious or interested thoughts slipping in, often without his conscious intention behind them. With the redhead it felt more like animal instinct passing from one to the other and back so they were subconsciously synced up nearly all the time. This meant that he rarely had to explain runeforging or other magical concepts to Sivan but they could get tangled into mild embarrassment not quite knowing where the other was in terms of if the other wanted to be touching whereas, with Aurin, he always seemed to know what the man wanted to be doing to him but always had to explain his work or other complex topics. The dichotomy always reminded him that he needed both, wanted both and felt unbalanced when he was missing one or the other.

This was one of the many things about Semblance that he wanted to experiment with, to understand. Did it follow the nature of his relationships themselves, the connections that made them, or were his experiences with Sivan and Aurin not the same things they experienced from him? His study of magical theory opened him to all sorts of questions but he needed to understand more before he felt confident he could learn the answers.

Torin nodded along as the elf envisioned what was now possible for them with the new equipment. He never wanted to replace the farming families with a mechanical workforce but if he could ease their burdens and make it possible for them to grow far more than they would have been able to alone, that would be a marvel he was glad to provide. The idea of making the foundry into an automaton itself was as surprising as it was fascinating and he joined into the idea flowing between them, adding aloud only,

"So long as it wanted to be doing it." Being trapped in one place working away with any level of consciousness might be awful if it wasn't wanted.

He had saved the workstation he thought he might have been able to keep as a surprise for last, but as they rounded a corner into a new area he caught Sivan by the sleeve and met his eyes, saying,

"This one is just for you. I wouldn't know how to use it but I wanted you to be able to practice as much as you wanted."

The space was set up as a glassworks with its own access to waterwheels and heating elements that could be as precise as the ones in the forges. Sivan knew how to blow glass but if he wanted to practice he had to go to a glassworks in the city and pay for the time, if it could be spared by those who made their livings there. An alchemist's equipment was just as, or perhaps more, vital to his success than a runeforger's was, because some of the equipment, or the magic therein, was often pulled into the potion to be part of the final product.
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"Well, I mean... at first it wouldn't be sentient, but perhaps enough to keep your forge at the right temperature, to do heavy lifting if you create something quite large and cumbersome. But I suppose... if I get much better at artificing, I might make it sentient enough to be your partner. You would have to treat it with respect, of course, because it would be a living thing, but it would also be created with the desire to create. Its form would inform its purpose, you know? If it wanted to write poetry as well..." He shrugged and smiled, wondering what sort of poetry a sentient foundry might write.

Then Torin was showing him a glassworks and he stared in surprise.

"Well, this..." He looked around. "This. Huh."

Finally, he smiled bashfully at Torin. A part of him wanted to protest such extravagant generosity, but then he knew that Torin took pleasure in their shared work, even in working on entirely different things but still within each other's sphere. Here Sivan could improve his glassblowing skills and certainly they might be needed for runeforging projects as much as alchemical and artificery. Sivan knew it was an investment in their friendship and partnership, as much for Torin's benefit as his own. And, of course, they both enjoyed giving each other things. They were just becoming able to give each other more impressive things.

"Thank you," he said simply, stepping up to kiss Torin's cheek. "We will do great things here."

It was a promise.
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Torin Kilvin
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The smith's returning smile was bashful in return, but it was also proud and pleased and more confident than it had been a year gone. He wanted to give his friends access to similar things to what he was giving himself and likely wouldn't have been comfortable 'gifting' himself such a work space if he wasn't sure that it would also benefit others.

The foundry was quite large, the size of a small warehouse, and perched as it was on the edge of the riverbank the front entrance was at ground level but there was lower floor half the size of the main one that could be used to work on or maintain the water wheels and other large moving parts that were, at least partially, tucked down below. The ceilings were high to draw heat and smoke, natural or magical, away from the workers creating it. The walls were created in large panels that could be slid back or opened outwards to allow full natural light and fresh air to flow through the whole building.

The actual foundry, meant for the manufacturing of large pieces was in the center and took up fully half the building, with several types of forges surrounding it and using the same heat source. Opposite the foundry, on the wall that faced away from the river, near the main entrance was the Artificery, made up of multiple work desks, one of which was already Scrivened for work by Torin himself. In the tour he had stopped by one of the unmarked work spaces and explained that it was for Sivan to Scriven to his own tastes and that they should discuss marking the others for specific types of work that might need specialized set ups. The Runeforge was off to one side of the forges, taking up another quarter of the space, while on the opposite side was the glass works, but also,

"This," Torin turned, indicating a space that was almost entirely empty, "is for your alchemy. You've made do with the tiny space in Kalzasi but I've seen alchemists with huge spaces. Master Jacun's was at least this size, and I don't know all what you need but I figured, with the glass works maybe you could make a lot of what you need and we can bring in whatever else. I had them install a drench, in case you need water fast if something dangerous gets on you, and there is a place to hook up your to a few smaller waterwheels if you need their power for heat or... stirring? Or whatever."

He shrugged one shoulder, aware that he liked Sivan having a magic that Torin was really quite awful at, not only because it meant they could help each other but also because it gave his elven lover a little mystic that he found enticing.

"The metal bits I'd like to make for you if they can't be cast, if they can be cast we can make molds and you can make whatever you need yourself."

Torin was happy, even eager to help but he also knew that he liked setting up his own work spaces himself, usually without input from anyone else because he knew how he worked best and what was needed. He was going to make new tools for this space since he intended to leave his current ones in his forge in the city, and it seemed as though it would be very pleasant, the two of them working together to set up their work spaces. Even if they didn't need help, or speak much, just moving through the foundry together, sharing the physical space while their minds were on their own needs would be nice.
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Sivan's sembling was second-nature now, and his senses were wide open as he explored the foundry with Torin. His aura was also open to Torin's sembling, so the brawny human could sense each little discovery and flicker of emotion as he became aware of some new detail or layer. The man might even have sensed the momentary distraction of thinking he ought to pull Torin under the drench, drench him, and then make love to him there as if baptizing the room.

But they were birds of a feather when it came to magical creation, and so such thoughts were swiftly subsumed by plans to scrive this workstation with such and such sigils, altered for... oh, and that would be the perfect place for...

And his mind fluttered about like Dragonfly. His eyes went strange like Dragonfly, as well. He found that the eyes of that creature were open to astonishing nuance of color, which blended well with his own keen elven eyesight and the power of his sembling rune.

"I would happily leave all the metalwork to you or... I suppose you shall need more apprentices. Or we shall. A senior one to mind whichever forge you aren't at. Hm... perhaps there's even a young glassblower in Starfall who might be willing to settle in the valley, see to the glass needs of the people... 'Twould be a shame if we couldn't provide for your people with such abundance at our fingertips."

His fingertips found Torin's hand, and then he claimed it in both of his.

"Even Master Jacun might be jealous of such facilities," he admitted. The man had often groused about the deficiencies of his workshop, though Sivan rather thought that was habit more than true feeling.
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Torin did notice when a little flow of aether altered elven eyes to dragonfly ones, though, he imagined it was a little more complex than simply adjusting the eyes. Surely the minds of elf and inspect were different enough that interpreting information from the eyes required...adjustment? It was something to think about one day that wasn't so full already, or perhaps he would eventually ask Sivan about it. A part of him sort of cringed at the idea of a part of himself changing into something so alien but he was in no way bothered by Sivan doing so.

"I thought, if you wanted, you might bind a few spirits in to aid here and there." Having a wind spirit to aid with cooling or heating not inside the forges themselves might be useful, as well as water and earth and... The possibilities were endless, even if,

Pulling a little strand of his own aether he pushed fire into the coals that were prepared and waiting inside the smaller of the casting furnaces so it glowed to life.

"I can help things along too." His smile was helplessly, guilelessly proud, a child with a new technique to show off.

The room was actually fairly chilled, or would have been had they not both still been wearing their cloaks. The gifts had been intended for comfort, as their name implied but Torin hadn't imagined, when he'd made them, that their first test would be more than three-quarters of a year of endless Frost. They were holding up well but the smith still longed for the day he could doff all his clothing and go swimming in the Valley lake for the first time. Hopefully, Sivan would be there with him and...

Briefly, both their minds dipped into fantasies of drenched dalliance but they could be saved for another time, or, at least later.

"I might hire a glassblower, since neither of us could take one on as an apprentice, certainly there would be plenty of work until all the houses have proper glass windows and such. The manor will need them too...whenever I get to that."

He made a face that said he was half ashamed that he had skipped entirely what most new lords would have considered their first priority and half embarrassed that he would have to own a grand house at all.

"If the glassblower wants to stay in the Valley and do something else when they don't have this type of work I'll get them a house built first."

His grin was back when he found his hand wrapped in Sivan's two clever ones, and if it was a little abashed at the edges it was a pleasant sort.

"You should have a space here too, if you want one. Your house is lovely, and I don't expect you to move. I suppose if we work till we're too tired to want to go back to the city at night there'll be plenty of room in the manor to share but if you ever want a place here that is just yours, to explore the spirits or just to be for a while, outside the city, please tell me."

Secretly he intended to build a cabin for himself to run off to when he needed time on his own, a currency that he was finding himself to own less and less of as he grew richer in others. He'd picked out a spot, a clearing in the forest nearer to the lake and the hot springs but still secluded. He would take Sivan when he'd managed to get it built, and Aurin, but probably not anyone else unless Destyn decided to visit the Valley.

Leaning closer he kissed his partner, in so many things, nosing at his face a little before pulling them both back over to the Artificing area. Pulling a schematic out from one of the drawers he unrolled it on the surface and used little weights to pin it down. It was one they had worked on together previously, of a Harvest Golem. The name was a bit of a shortening, as the constructs would be able to do any of the work to bring a crop from clearing and plowing right through harvesting and settling the ground to wait out the off season. It sounded good though, so Torin had scrawled it at the top of the paper, which contained both of their handwriting and drawings. The handwriting was easy to tell apart but they were both still learning Artificing and mostly did so with each other, so the drawing style for their schematics was surprisingly similar.

"I thought, if you wanted, we could make a miniature prototype, we should be able to use the desk that is already Scrivened and I brought all the materials a few days ago while the workers were still finishing up. I made some quick molds. We can do proper ones once we decide on exactly how large the real ones should be."
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"I have met several spirits in the valley who are curious enough about us to be easily cajoled into working with us," he assured Torin. Sivan supposed he would have to help his elemental friends learn what Torin needed, the better to marshal less intelligent elementals to aid him. He knew it was possible; he had already trained his friends to help him with alchemical endeavors, and would likely do the same when he began working on more artificery projects.

When Fire answered Torin's call, Sivan smiled as though he were proud of him, as if he had any hand in the development of this new power.

"You don't even need me any more," he teased, lower lip pushing out slightly in a pout, but it didn't last. He laughed quietly. Khal might get jealous, but only until Torin began to play with him; he was certain of that. The little fire elemental was quick to anger, but quick to forgive as well. It was in his nature. "Just don't get into a game of who-can-make-the-biggest-fire with Khalcifer. Nobody will win."

The elf nodded, glancing back at Torin as they discussed glass. "A talented and skilled glassblower fresh from their apprenticeship, I think. This is a place for new beginnings. But one who won't mind me tinkering, as well. Some artisans don't appreciate a dilletante. But I wouldn't mind the practice... making window pane after window pane. And if my skill isn't up to it, I can cheat until it is." He waggled his fingers in a mummer's farce of a magical gesture. But glass was merely sand brought to a high temperature. Between Geb and Khal, he could iron out any problems. Nut could pull air bubbles out, and Zin could help cool things at the correct rate to prevent shattering.

They might have kissed longer—Sivan certainly wouldn't have minded—but Torin distracted him with schematics, and his attention instantly turned toward that.

"Aye, the desk you have set up is certainly up to the task," he agreed. "The others... we can figure out what exactly to do with those. I might actually ask Master Jacun about prime setup for alchemical purposes, and I would start small with the artificing glyphs. I'm not a master of the craft. Yet!"

As they looked over the schematic, his hand rested upon Torin's back, then slid down to tuck in the top of his trousers.
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