Thunder Road (Yeva)

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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At Yeva's comfortings, at her guidance, Norani would give small nods, and her crying, or holding back the crying, would ease. At being told that Yeva was here until sunset, she squeezed her dear friend tight against her. It wasn't fair. None of this was fair.

Why can't they just be together and happy, like before?

And when Yeva told Norani that she was strong enough for her quest, Norani believed her. Yeva never lied to her, Yeva knew her well. She nodded, sniffling as she eased further away from tears, her eyes bloodshot. At Yeva's apology, Norani shook her head, "No, no, do not apologize. You'd be here if you could. I know this with all my heart. You have nothing to apologize for."

As Yeva placed her hand on Norani's, the Orkhan's rolled over to embrace the elf's and Norani smiled. "Yes, we will make it back, both of us." She was sure of it. Just as she was sure that she would not hold back on account of what Yeva might think. And as Yeva leaned in close, her lips gently touching Norani's tusk, the Orkhan lass closed her eyes as her body shuddered.

She felt Yeva's hand over her heart, and she leaned forward into the burning touch. Her skin heated as kisses followed the lines of Norani's neck, and then her heart stopped.

'I love you.'

Norani realized in that moment, that as Yeva said those words for the first time, feeling her lips say them against her skin, that it was not the first time that Yeva felt it. And Norani had felt the love from her dear friend far earlier than the words came out. And yet still, her heart soared. Another kiss worked its way up Norani's neck, and a low sigh escaped through her tusks. Another followed, and Norani's hand left Yeva's, sliding along the elf's thigh.

Another kiss, and breathless Norani, "I love you too."

Another kiss, and the hand on Yeva's thigh found fingers gripping her firmly. One more, just below her ear, and Norani's lips parted in sigh, her other hand alighting upon Yeva's waist, sliding around to the low of her back, her Orkhan heart thundering in her chest. The hand on Yeva's back urged her closer, as Norani pressed her skin closer into Yeva's kisses, the hand on Yeva's thigh sliding beneath it, to bring Yeva closer still, into her lap, facing her was the urge, the desire. And for the first time since this reunion began, Norani was not thinking, was not worrying, was not fretting or fearing or crying.

Norani was opening her heart with her dearest friend and chasing the need that came with it.
word count: 473
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Yeva found herself listening to Norani's sighs, suspending her kisses above salty orc skin as the woman's strong hands moved impatiently, touching her back and then her thigh, squeezing, needing. Yeva exhaled, a hazy excitement urging her to twist further towards her friend, to explore these feelings together. The elf squirmed and Norani would feel the absence of heat at once, Yeva tucking hair behind her pointed ears quickly as she rolled onto her knees and sand shifted beside green legs. It was only a breath, before she sat back on her heels and observed the other. Norani's hair had gotten longer, her strength of her body cut deeper and prouder. The changes were slight, but they were there. What would have changed the next time they were reunited?

The orc's full lips were slightly parted, questioning why she had pulled away. Doubting? No, she wouldn't allow it. Yeva immediately touched the Orc's knee in reassurance, sliding her hand up to her thigh to feel the strength of the corded flesh and gave it a squeeze. Then she smiled, less coy than one might have expected, and climbed into the woman's lap, more comfortably than before, straddling her. Yeva thought her heart might burst out from her chest with how fast it was beating, and she wrapped both arms around Norani's neck, tilting her head and kissing the woman before she lost nerve. Inside her own mind, she was squealing at the unfolding events.

They were kissing!

They were kissing!

She was kissing a woman!

She was kissing an Orc!

Oh gods, what would her family think? What-

Yeva opened her mouth wider, remembering the words of love mutually shared.

She could still feel the shadow of Norani's hands on her, where they had been, and the anticipation of where they would be next. Yeva's tongue tentatively brushed Norani's bottom lip, seeking entrance to a deeper kiss, but it was her nerves that had her tilting her head back, exposing her throat as she panted a bit towards the sky, breathless, "Is this alright?" she asked, forgetting for a moment that Norani could not hear her. Was she asking for Norani, or for herself? She did not let go of her friend, bowing her face to look into the eyes of the other, "It's getting so hard to think," she admitted, a touch surprised. Her attention dropped again to Norani's lips, then to her neck, the chest binding she wore, to the lightness of her skin across dark green. The contrast excited her.

"Think clearly," she clarified, already falling in for more kisses.

Her fingertips ran down the alluring dip that rolled down the warrior's spine, relishing its deep curve and strength. Gooseflesh unveiled itself across Yeva's skin and she shuddered, despite the heat between them. Strike aflame, indeed.

word count: 506
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Norani watched as the windy specter of her beloved sat back on her haunches, watching her across a divide that felt absent as the air charged. She could feel Yeva's eyes on her, seeing her in a way she had not before, in a way that Norani had never felt before and she paused, lingering in it. Under her gaze, Norani felt beautiful and appreciated.

A hand on her knee brought her back. As it moved up her thigh, a quick sigh escaped Norani's lips. And as Yeva climbed into her lap, the Orkhan's nostrils flared. And once more, their lips met, and this time, they came with the full force of Norani's passion and need for partner. And in this moment, there was not a single thought in her mind. There was no worry for her family, of her mission, of her failures and shortcomings, no fear, nothing. For the first time, she was entirely at peace.

And she let herself be lost in the embrace, in the kiss, in the warmth growing between them.

As Yeva nipped at Norani's lower lip, the Orkhan placed a firm hand on Yeva's smooth back, and pulled her closer, chest to chest. As the elf exposed her neck, Norani's lips planted on her throat, just below the curve of her jaw. And she slowly dragged her tusks across Yeva's skin, her lips teasing between them as she went. She could feel Yeva speaking but heard no words, and she smiled against the elf's sunkissed skin.

And once more, Yeva pulled back and Norani could feel her eyes upon her body. But it was different than before, it was more than an appreciation for her beauty. She felt... powerful, desired, she felt... seen. And a flame truly was struck. As they kissed once more, as Yeva's fingers trailed over Norani's muscles, the Orkhan's own sought out Yeva's curves and softer flesh.

The Orkhan lifted up on off her haunches, her hands pulling Yeva's legs to wrap around her waist. And then Norani placed a strong hand between Yeva's shoulder blades, the other curving around the elf's ample bottom. Then the Orkhan leaned forward, holding Yeva firmly against her, laying her down in the sand, her hair splaying out in the sand around her.

Norani pulled back to look hungrily at Yeva, a loving smile slowly growing around her tusks, before she leaned down to once more find Yeva's lips.
word count: 423
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Yeva's words were merely whispers on the wind, breathless mumbles of loose thoughts and increasing satisfaction. Every brush of skin against skin consumed logic, and when she tilted her head back and glimpsed the swirling clouds that she had once feared, Yeva smiled as her body came alive, electrified in the best ways, and wondered if these feelings rivaled the happiness of the heavens. Surely moments like these were sacred, divine in their own right.

Yeva folded herself around the warrior, thrumming with heat and energy. Norani was strong beneath her, and with a boldness that had only ever sparked in the secret curiosities of her mind when they laid together, or in the moments Norani returned from the jungle, dark green skin gleaming with sweat and a certain look in the orc's eye, Yeva finally indulged these explorations. It was a selfish inquiry, one unbothered with thoughts of what these touches might mean, or what would come next. Yeva had tired of living in the past and future. She craved the now.

She craved this.

Whatever this was, at least. She squirmed, surprised by her restlessness. Her body thrummed with the beat of her own heart and each pump of blood flushed her face and chest, the tips of her ear exposed when wild waves were pushed back to allow faint breezes to cool her skin. Beyond, the waves lapped noisily. Their positions changed and she gasped when she was scooped up and squeezed, laid back upon the sand, but her surprise soon melted into a giggling.

The embrace was broken briefly, Norani sitting back to admire her. What did the orc see, she wondered?

A perfect indentation of her body, made whole by each confirming handful? Did the wind and shifting sand grant a silhouette, or had she memorized Yeva so vividly in their times together, that she did not need to see in order to really know? Had they been lesser friends, the Seer might have felt shy and exposed. They were, after all, rather out in the open, but the others had long since wandered off to their own corners of the beach, she was shielded by the Astral Sea, and what could be more empowering than that woman parked between her thighs?

Yeva reached upwards, propping herself up with one elbow, while slender fingers reached to tap the woman's lip, right below the protruding tooth emerging above it.

Norani's tusks had grown significantly, nearly reaching her nose now, and scales had perked up along the outer rim of her body and limbs. They were emerald green, almost black, and Yeva admired their shine. She had caused this, she realized. Not by stress, or pain, but thrill. The very thought caused a carnal shift in her expression never before witnessed. It was a shame Norani could not truly see it now. Her golden eyes flashed, fingers trickling across the woman's chin and throat, to the collarbone she had once kissed. Now, it was a range of ridged greenery, the scales sharp and hard when she brushed against them tentatively.

The Seer took her time, the heat of her gaze falling to Norani's chest wrap, where the skin seemed to smooth once more. Interesting.

Yeva was silent, feeling the texture of the fabric as a blind man might, gently back and forth, exploring the softest areas first, dipping to the underside of the slope and snaking beneath its cloth barrier to feel what was beneath. Yeva continued her examination, her breath more shallow than before as she pawed at the skin. It felt as if something was being stolen from her by an unseen force as Norani consumed every thought and interest, leaving behind an absence within her that demanded to be filled. Her mind was a swirl of details for the woman above her. How she breathed, how she felt, the salt of her skin still on her lips, the earthy smell of her. She saw trust, she saw love. She had caused this too. If she never achieved anything else in life, if she never returned, to know she had been part of the creation of something so wonderful was enough.

"You're beautiful," she mumbled, wishing to be heard. Without a doubt, she knew the praise was a mutual one, despite her own ethereal condition, "I really do love you." So much. There was so much she wanted to say... and so much she wanted to do. Yeva sighed, entranced by the person before her.

When at last she felt satisfied at what she found and enjoying the signs of Norani's lust, Yeva continued, fingers trailing down the valley of her sternum, weaving across strong muscle, to the space between the naval and the slope of the woman's loin cloth, hung low on broad hips. She had an idea of what happened now. She had witnessed it plenty of times before by other Ecitheans, although she turned her head then and pretended not to. They had made noises. Norani had seen it too. Heard it. The air was thick, heavy and palpable. As her hand slowed, glimpsing dark coils of hair peeked above the attire and she exhaled a long, slow breath to control herself. Yeva returned to her spot in the sand, inviting and eager to share what might come next.

Happy and together, at least one last time.
word count: 926
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Loot: x1 Girlfriend
Injuries: None, probably.

Points: 10 points, may not be used for magic

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: Detection, Caregiving

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: An absolutely lovely thread and I hope the two may be reunited one day.


Loot: x1 Girlfriend
Injuries: None, probably.

Points: 10 points, may not be used for magic

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: Detection, Leadership

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Norani was absolutely physically present.

word count: 122
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