Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Hundreds of miles Northeast of Solunarium proper at the Vasta River Delta sits the only other major settlement in the kingdom: The port city of Tertium- so named because it is the third settlement to occupy this location. Originally founded as Vastium Orientem (East Vastium), the city has been razed to the ground twice, after being conquered by foreign powers and rebuilt to serve as a port of trade and a tether to the world without. As the once reclusive Solunarian government is beginning to make diplomatic inroads with many nations abroad, Tertium’s star is on the rise and many of Solunarium’s less fortunate are flocking to the city in search of new opportunities to prosper.

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Name: Raithen

XP: 10 Points, may be used for Traversion
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Hilana

XP: 10 Points, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: Dance like nobody's watching! Even if they all are!

word count: 55
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