Songs of My People (Part II) [Sivan]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Slave
Location: Kalzasi
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Nodding along Rivin repeated back the requested information,

"Intentions, Conditions, Consequences, I will make a note of each of these things, once we are dry. Also, it should say what we are each to gain out of the bargain, but, perhaps that is obvious so you did not say."

This seemed very likely as he said it but he was becoming distracted by the greater complexity of Sivan's muscular structure, as he moved higher. There were nerve clusters and ligaments to be careful of, and pinching the larger muscles between his hands and the major bones would also be significantly unpleasant.

He tilted his head, eyes fading a little into the pale blue of curiosity as the subject of embarrassment was broached.

"Why would I be made uncomfortable by this thing? If it was a bad lie the Magus might be angry with me, and I would feel fear, apprehension of the consequences but not humiliation." He seemed genuinely puzzled by this idea. That the only consequences in his formative years had been physical or emotional pain was quite obvious in his aura as wide open as it currently was. Social consequences, such as shame, were very difficult for him to understand.

"Anyway, the Magus knows I can not hide my aura from him, though he often hides it from others on my behalf. I could not lie to him unless I myself believed the lie."

Rivin often asked to have such removed before he went home so that Sivan would know it was him in the house if he was sensing with his own rune of Semblance. The fact that his aura would not show a lie if he believed it said all sorts of interesting things about the nature of magic and the sentient mind but Rivin was not thinking about any of that now.

When he was hooked he allowed himself to be pulled closer without a flicker of unease of even change in his aura, only scooting to accommodate the closeness and wrapping his hands around the highest point of Sivan's thigh, where it met his body and beginning a surprisingly gentle exploration.

"There are so many different parts here, connections, vessels for the blood to travel, both close to the skin and deep inside, it is a difficult place to work tension out of and one in which many males seem to keep a lot. It is perhaps good that sex often works the area clear of such or there might build up significant pain over time."

That Rivin himself did not have sex, at least not any kind that would require him to thrust with that area of his body, didn't occur to him, but he was young and enjoyed other activities that pushed his whole body to stretch and move.

"I thank you, again, for your assistance in this matter. The rune, Traversion, I want it very much but do not want to be beholden to a Magus without a contract to limit his hold over me. Even as I do trust him, it seems wiser, yes?"

Without stopping for an answer he changed topics back to their bodies,

"Are there any places where you are holding tension? My teachers are taking me through the most delicate areas in detail first, hands, feet, joints, but they did a basic tutorial of all the major muscle groupings before. My hands and arms are not fully used to doing this thing for long periods of time but I want to build that stamina so, if there are areas which require attention specifically I would like to start with those."
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"I suppose what you hope to gain might count as an intention, as well," he mused.

There were things the elf wanted to say, but he kept quiet, observing Rivin's reactions and learning more nuances about him. But even Rivin moved back and forth between the physical and the magical.

"You are my friend, Rivin. You are always welcome to my skills and my aid." He tried to say that as matter-of-factly as Rivin explained that part of his relationship with his Magus. "And, aye, 'twould be the wiser course to set boundaries even with a man you trust. They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you give a trustworthy man all of the power over you, he will inevitably come to abuse it—or so that train of logic follows."

Sivan gave a huff as he tried to think about his muscles with clinical distance. Finally, "Well, you've gone up one leg, so I suppose you ought to go back down the other. So they are equally relaxed, eh? And then, I suppose let your hands soak in the hot water so they don't tense up from the exertion."

Healer, heal thyself was another something they said, the anonymous They.

"Do you enjoy your training at the bathhouse?" he asked. "Your medical training must be helpful, knowing anatomy and the natural sciences." Certainly, Sivan had found various skills that had helped with his magical endeavors. Learning was like that, striking off in bold new directions, then learning how to tie everything together into a cohesive whole. Sometimes he supposed the Gods were like that, tent poles upon which the canvas of creation was strung. Altogether forming a pavilion under which life could safely shelter.
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Title: Slave
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The Lysanrin made a little humming sound of agreement when Sivan suggested he balance out the massage. Standing so the hot water sluiced down his torso he moved to the elf's other side and sank down to kneel in the water. In that position it lapped up at his chin but he didn't mind, so long as he could lift Sivan's other foot and begin again with his practice. Thus, when he nodded enthusiastically in response to Sivan's next question it cause a little splash and a ripple.

"I do. Very much, I knew about the body from my studies before coming to Kalzasi but knowing in your head and knowing with your hands are far different things I am learning. Knowing in my head has helped, my teachers are impressed with my knowledge of anatomy, but knowing how something feels is an experience entirely new to me."

His eyes slid closed as his fingers began to work in earning, rubbing between the slim, delicate bones of the upper foot,

"They have suggested I practice with my eyes closed whenever possible to better visualize what I am feeling and know in this new way."

There he knelt, bare as born, eyes closed, with no runes that would tell him of any dangers, vulnerable without any anxiety in his aura at all. Contentment poured off him as steam rose from the pool.

Three days later Rivin had had time to make an appointment with his Magus to discuss the exact phrasing of their contract and get it down on paper. The Lysanrin man had written it himself, once they had hammered out each part, in his exacting and precise hand. He had left it with Aurin over night for the Magus to examine just in case he thought of anything to add or subtract, but there had been no changes when he'd retrieved the document so, now, he was heading back to Sivan's home with it rolled neatly under one arm.

The walk was not awful, even in the cold weather, but Rivin found himself longing for a day, not far off now, when he would be able to vault directly to the door. He would likely not vault directly into the house, or, if he did, it would be into his own little space in one of the basements, because a part of him believed that appearing in a home would be rude somehow. He was allowed to come and go as he pleased, so he did not knock on the door, but he did call out a greeting when he entered. It was not something he always did, for often his mind was lost in itself or the things he was learning. When he wanted to connect with his friend or spend time with him he would greet thus when he entered, and if Sivan was at home and had time, they would.

"Sivan? Are you at home? I have brought for you the contract to examine, if you are not occupied otherwise?"
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Experience: 10 xp, not usable for magic.

Injuries: n/a

Loot: n/a

Note: A sufficient time will pass, and then Sivan can apply his scrivened enchantment upon Rivin, but it will require some participation from Aurin to finalize.
word count: 61
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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