The mean machine

High City of the Northlands

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Dakkur Doelish
Posts: 100
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:56 pm
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Dakkur was not particularly an inspired person but he has however, an attentive person due to the work he had to do and it was through his work that whatever he had learned, observed or heard from he believes he needs would come into being. Since the cataclysmic event which made Zaichaer into such a mess he had realized a few things. One. There were dangers everywhere. Monsters. Looters. The environment. You name it. And worse still, one of the best tools at his disposal was somewhat ineffective for most of the time. Of course it would be much more difficult for some other summoner not familiar with his family's craft which had been developed over generations but that in no way diminishes the difficulties that he himself has to go through just to get things done. Two. It was too difficult to get around. Anywhere! The city was still in a mess. There was still rubble and ruins everywhere. With all those aforementioned dangers, who could actually clear it all up anyway? Sometimes, he wished he would have just left the city with everyone else who was actually smart enough to do so. Maybe Kalzasi, that should be a nice safe place. Or that other place he heard about. Solunarium? If the rumors were to be believed he definitely should have tried to get there but of course Dakkur was wise enough to know if it sounded too good to be true, it probably was and so risking a trip there based on undetermined information, however great it sounded, was going to be the worst of ideas.

But back to this new project. With Zaichaer in such a state, Dakkur had to take any job he could have gotten for his necessities- well his necessities to actually live for his day to day were all called for, easily, so it was more for his luxuries he had taken for granted for so long including his own personal projects. Some of these jobs had him going around and following whoever wanted his help, his skill and expertise; random as they were the jobs allowed him to see needs and fill em as he was a person who was not shy to admit was stuck in his own bubble, gladly and comfortably. On one such occasion moving a little bit deeper into the city than any sane person would, Dakkur had a chance to realize just how dangerous being hindered by the remnants of this once bustling city was. The solution too was not as elegant as he thought. Chop. Chop. Chop. Whack. Whack. Whack. The people he were with actually expected him to be able to contribute to the efforts, since he was obviously of Moratallen blood, but physical grunt work save for certain exceptions were not for him. Nonetheless it did give him some ideas and remembering how some other people did their work in the old expeditions he was a part of as well as a little more advice and guidance here and there, while it took him season he was able to mmap out a rough idea of what to do and how it would work.

Still not keen on anything physical however made Dakkur have to minimize the need for it as much as possible. With a combination of adding them to some of the jobs he was commissioned to do, bartering some extra services for the exact parts he needed made and trading some other favors for the materials he needed over the seasons, Dakkur finally accumulated enough material to complete this project once, twice over as the common knowledge for such projects were to always plan for failure. The hardest part of course were having the blades made to his exact specifications as people preferred to take such jobs for efforts in reclaiming the city to expedite their return to normalcy. Then there was the whole issue of linking all those blades together. It was not until Dakkur had a chance to observe the work of another group he followed on some other job deep into the city that he had planned to do the easiest, for him, but also very costly, to him, thing which was most obvious. A runeforged rope. But who needs that now when it was obvious, just not to him, that all he needed was a chain of small enough holes to hook and fasten all those blades to?
word count: 744
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