Clockwork Collaborations [Sivan]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
Location: Kalzasi
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Turning around from where he'd lit the forge with a look that was almost equally proud he said,

"I'll always need you." So matter of fact, so sure without self deprecation intended that it sounded like a promise.

The laugh at the joke came from the young smith's flat belly but his eyes were a little wild as he imagined how quickly such a contest would become very, very bad. He was glad of the distraction from Sivan's pretend pout for, even when it was pretend, Torin had a tendency to want to promise the elf that he would move mountains or craft a new sun when he thought he wanted something.

He could afford to pay for highly skilled workers, if he wanted them, and, in the case of there being a craft that none of those who worked with or for him had that would be used regularly, he did want them.

"I'll make inquiries, though, if you wanted to, you could find someone. You'd have at least some idea of how good their work was."

And Sivan was at least slightly less likely to be taken in by the first sad story he heard of a family back home or a sick child at home. Beggars knew Torin on sight and it was only the fact that his Semblance was running most of the time and was able to tell when someone was lying to him that kept his purse from being constantly emptied into grubby hands. Child beggars were another matter, but there weren't that many of any age in the area of the city where the smith lived and worked.

"And you could pick someone you get along with, since I won't be much to them other than a boss." Torin would try to be at least a friend but the people he had gotten to work the farm land of the Valley treated him differently, and, people who met him now, or found out that he had a title now, also seemed different in small ways. It wasn't something he could describe, just something he felt.

He grinned at the little pantomime and nodded,

"We're going to get a reputation with the craftsman for being a pair of cheating wizards." Even as he said this he raised a hand dramatically and sent a gust of air wafting into the lit forge to bring the temperature up closer to where it would need to be to melt the copper that would become bronze for the little golem.

They, neither of them, were master Artificers, yet. They were learning as they went, reading as many books as could be found, and working their way carefully. The idea of creating something that had a life of its own, however small, in the case of the little insects they had made, or the little golem they were about to make, was still daunting. Even if one were to have a child that child could make all their own choices, reject their parents and run away if they wanted to, once they were old enough. But an Artificed creature had to follow the Words of its making, of its maker, even after that maker was long dead. Torin wouldn't attempt something with anywhere close to human (or elven) intelligence until he felt that he was a master, perhaps not until he went and sought the approval of his skill of a real master.

While they leaned over the desk and discussed if any changes needed to be made from the schema they had worked out for the full sized golems to work as a tiny one, Torin rested a hand on the back of Sivan's neck, gently working at the tension he found there. It was just easier to stand so close when they each had the middle arms tucked around the other.

After a few minutes Torin extricated himself and removed his magical cloak, and then his coat. Thus in his shirt sleeves he moved over to the brightly burning forge and donned the new, never before worn apron that he had made in spare moments over the last season, along with a new pair of gloves that he did not put on, yet. He listened and commented as they continued to discuss while he moved around the new space, getting used to it, letting his body become accustomed to where everything was so he could move effectively.

While the forge and kiln heated he fetched the copper ingots and the smaller tin ones, got out the mold he'd made of the little chest and back plates, the head piece, and interchangeable arms and legs. The thing would stand about two feet high, once completed, assuming it worked.
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To Sivan's mind, they worked well together already, and that would only improve with more time and experience with each other.

"I know they are... private people, but perhaps you ought to take me to Starfall and we can interview a couple of people. Unless you think we should bring outsiders into the valley." He didn't know how he felt about the word outsiders, but he didn't want to offend Torin's people, either.

In any case, they were soon noodling about with the idea, and soon enough, they separated so as to act as separate cogs in the same machine. Sivan paused for a moment to appreciate the play of muscles under skin on Torin's forearms, smiled softly to himself, and then procured one of Torin's dragonshards so he could start inscribing the proper pictography to form the golem's core. He had aether wells aplenty back at the Forge, both lures and shrouds, but the core would be all the more specialized.

It was delicate work; dragonshards could be volatile. Thankfully, he had experience with this. The process might be easier for Torin as his fine work with geomancy allowed him to alter the dragonshard without weakening the structure such that it got... angry. Geb was there, though, whispering to the dragonshard to keep it calm, and Exael would throw himself between Sivan and a dangerous magical reaction if he had to.

At regular intervals, Sivan rested his eyes and his hands, looking over the schema to keep it fresh in his mind, and looking over at Torin to see how the anatomy of the unborn golem was coming along. He smiled. It was a happy place to be, co-creating with his friend, warm, comfortable, and buffered from the considerations of the world outside.

"How is it going?" he called softly. Sometimes his words didn't register on Torin when the man was in the flow of his work, but that wouldn't matter. One of them would hopefully acknowledge their belly when the time came to eat.
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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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All of the farmers Torin had brought into the valley were outsiders, at least, from Starfall. They were all from the villages that surrounded and supported Kalzasi but the thought process behind choosing them was that Starfall took good care of all its people and there had been so many disasters and misfortunes around Kalzasi in the last several years that there were many displaced people with little prospect of good lives without help.

Providing that help felt like giving back to a community that had supported him with their custom, grown the food he ate and done countless other things that had, even unknowingly, allowed him to thrive.

"I picked the farm families from people who didn't have anywhere else to go, really. Between the tsunami, the war and the increase in bandit activity because of it, and then the Eclipse, well, there are lots of folk who lost all they had. I wanted to give those I could a chance to build, or rebuild a good life, where they could be safe and not be afraid of losing it all again. I dunno if there is a glassblower in such a circumstance, there aren't many outside of cities, but,"

He shrugged one large shoulder as he carefully fitted together the two halves of the largest mold for the golem,

"It'd be nice to feel like we were helping someone." Sometimes, through circumstance, a craftsman finished their education without having fully paid back what they owed for their apprenticeship. He would happily pay off such a debt to gain a skilled worker and he said so, adding,

"If none with debt or similar who need help can be found then I trust your judgment. Of course, we can go to Starfall, whenever you'd like."

The people in the smaller city were used to seeing him now, most knew his rank and treated him with respect in the manner of their people. They weren't submissive by nature and there was no kowtowing among them, which he appreciated, but there were nods from the men and the occasional quick bob of a curtsy. It might be a little embarrassing to have Sivan see it but Torin had to get over the change in his circumstance eventually, and sooner would be easier all around.

"They bow and such, to me there, sometimes." He made a face to show how he felt about that, but it was a silly face and he tried to laugh at himself after. "Not used to it yet, don't know how to be. How would you feel if people treated you like a lord in the streets?"

Sivan was also shy, not in exactly the same way as Torin but similar enough that they could commiserate and empathize with each other over it.

It was easy to let his hands do the work of fitting all the molds together while watching Sivan do the magical work. Torin knew it, they had worked it out together, but he had done it himself rarely enough that watching still felt instructional. As well as observing the physical part of the inscription he also attuned himself to the Shard, listening to it change under Sivan's gentle coaxing. He would 'hear' through his Semblance long before any disharmony between the shard and the Scrivening caused it to become dangerous. A part of him wondered what it would be like to have the elf gently coax him to do something difficult. He couldn't understand why the thought reawakened his arousal a little, but it did.

Clearing his throat, in chastisement to himself, he turned and placed the ingots in the thick clay containers that would hold them as they melted and used tongs to put them into the forge. He was not yet strong enough with Fire to be able to reach into coals so hot without being damaged, but he liked to think that someday he would be.

When all the metal was placed and beginning to fall soft he turned back and found Sivan taking a little break. The smith stepped up close behind his friend and took the elf's writing hand between both his, warmed by the forge. The strong fingers were surprisingly deft at working the tension from between tendons and out of muscles. When he got to the palm he worked his thumbs into it while nuzzling his face against the fingers, kissing them when they brushed his mouth.

"Metal is melting well," He answered, slowly, concentrating on what his hands were doing, "Molds are all together. I thought you might help me pour while I hold them, or you could hold them."

It didn't matter who did what, they were growing to know some of how to anticipate each other in their work. They weren't a well oiled machine yet, but they were growing to know each other's workings.
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The elf had thought that the settlers were from the environs of Starfall given how secretive its people were, but when he had spoken to them, they had all been more focused on the present and the future than the past. He was happy enough with that, not truly wanting to regale them with stories for Dalquia and Sol'valen, which he would either have to embellish to make better than they were or disappoint them. Working for Master Jacen had helped him get over some of his reticence around other people, but he was still quite introverted if not with his few and favorite.

In any case, Aurin's weather wards, the valley's Gritaeri, and other efforts had kept the weather warm enough. Once the golem was complete, though, he would cast some glass panes so the villagers could cut out proper windows and seal them. They could have some glass for building until they had a glassblower of their own. Sivan assumed the right person would come along at the right time. Everything seemed to work out for Torin in that way.

A glassblower with so few families to supply would likely do a bit of gardening of their own, if not farming. And perhaps they would take to artistry as well as artisanry; that fit with his elven upbringing. People in Sol'Valen didn't truly want for things. They worked, but there was plenty, and the plenty was shared. So craftsman were often artists, as well, whether professionally or for their own enjoyment. Merchants were musicians, and such like.

One thread of his consciousness focused on his work. Another thread considered what alchemical formulae brought into the glass making process might make the result more resistant to heat exchange, more durable against storms but not impervious to a good kick if someone needed to escape a burning building. And yet another thread was distracted by an erotic thought from Torin at his forge. Perhaps that was what prompted his rest, and then Torin was massaging his hand with his own hands, tickling it with his lips.

It was often thus: work flowed into play flowed into sex flowed into joking. The only constant in life was change, but their changeable moods were comfortable.

Sivan grinned and rubbed at his forehead as he had seen humans do, deferential to some lord or person of affluence. "Begging your pardon, my Lord Kilvin..."

He laughed, then nodded. "I can help with the pour, or hold them, as you prefer."

But he stood up, not pulling his hand out of Torin's. He stepped close, and he kissed a particularly soft part of Torin's neck. The man was Fire and Metal, but parts of him were so soft and gentle... Sivan tried not to let that arouse him. There was work to be done.
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Torin Kilvin
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It was interesting, if sometimes embarrassing, how Torin's thoughts could slip into Sivan's stream of consciousness when they were working in close concert and vice versa. They had already learned to begin to control and direct their own thoughts more carefully when they were around each other, else they would begin self-perpetuating spirals. It wasn't so bad when the things swirling from one mind to the other until it was almost like there was a single consciousness floating between them was work related, sharing ideas like that could actually be very helpful and saved the time of having to talk out issues and new things aloud. When the two young lovers had caught themselves in a spiral of arousal, however, they had lost a day of work once, hours at other times. While those experiences were not ones that Torin would give up having had they had discussed it once they could think properly again and decided that it should be up to their conscious minds when it would happen so they could set aside time properly.

Between the world of setting up the valley and the time he'd lost in gaining Elementalism, and the fact that both of them were still a bit embarrassed about the sorts of things they came up with together when they lost control of their arousal for each other, they hadn't actually done it intentionally, yet.

Because he knew the dangers involved Torin quietly apologized into Sivan's thoughts, assuring his friend that he would control his mind better.

The smith did not roll his eyes when Sivan made his differential gesture, because it wasn't the sort of thing he did, but he was quite close to sticking his tongue out. The playfulness that children share wasn't something he'd been allowed, or had allowed himself, and it seemed much the same for Sivan. Sometimes, when they were comfortable and alone, it slipped out, mild, childlike teasing. Between that and their shared love for nature it made Torin want to play chase games through the forest of the valley as they explored it. Maybe they would.

The continued touch was nice. Despite the sexual nature of their relationship now it still felt innocent a lot of the time, even the sex felt like exploration with only good intention.

"Let's stay here tonight, in the valley. Once we're done we can pack up enough food from the stores and hike up to the hot springs. I want to walk the woods with you, see it through your eyes."

They could sleep in the housing he'd had built around the springs, or, better yet, out under the stars in the comfort of their cloaks and each other's arms. Live like wild animals for a night and a morning, eating with their hands, exploring where they wanted, nuzzling at each other when they got close.

One of Torin's senses, he couldn't even have said if it was a mundane one or a magical, informed him that the ingots were ready so he moved back toward the forge without releasing Sivan's hand. Pulling an extra apron from the wall he placed the loop over Sivan's head and tied it for him. It fit the elf's height and waist suspiciously well. Handing over a pair of gloves Torin took out two pairs of tongs, one to hold the molds and one to fetch the molten metals, handing the latter to the elf who needed more practice in pouring into molds. In some ways, Torin was more advanced in Artificing, and Sivan in others, because of what other training they had both had. The smith certainly knew more about the physical creation of the metal and leather used to make most Artificed creatures, but Sivan, who had apprenticed under a true master, knew the magic better.

When the molds were full and left cooling Torin didn't damp down the forge as it was providing a comfortable warmth, but did move away to the one pre-Scrivened work bench so they could sit and finish what would fuel and awaken the little creature. It needed a purpose. It could be given the same purpose as the larger ones would receive; to tend the fields and orchards of the valley, but it wouldn't be large enough to do any of the work that would really relieve any from the human occupants.

"Maybe, it could clean and maintain the foundry? Would that be too..." He didn't want to say 'menial' but it thought something like it.
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"I would like that," he said softly. "Perhaps I will shed my skin and go make the acquaintance of some of your wilder neighbors. I can sense Wolf and Bear in the valley, even managed to fix a little space where the climate remains friendly to Dragonfly. I ought to introduce myself to them, the better to prevent any problems with your people." He smiled.

It would be good to greet the spirits, too, greater and lesser. The greater ones often had more gravitas, more need for regular acknowledgement and respect if one was going to work with them. The lesser ones had a tendency to forget without a fair amount of repetition.

He didn't bother to let an errant thought slip from his mind into Torin's, of letting the temperature drop wherever they camped so that Torin would need to hold him close. Never mind he could conjure Fire now. That was not how these games were played when the golden boys played.

The elf let Torin pull him toward the forge, then rested his hands on Torin's broad shoulders while the master smith arrayed him in the proper attire for the work. It was intimate, but now they were working, so he didn't let things linger overlong, instead flexing his fingers within the gloves and taking the tongs so he could pour the molds. This was truly the extent of his blacksmithing abilities, and most of that was just dovetailed from his limited glassblowing skills. But when Torin was busy and he needed clockwork bits and bobs, it behooved him to help and minimize the time he required of the forgemaster.

When they were done and moved toward the work table, he removed his gloves and set them in their place, though he forgot to remove his leather apron. His work space was impeccable. It had to be. The more complicated his work became, the more stray factors could corrupt the results. But he finished off the core in due time. He held it up for Torin to semble as he responded.

"I am not a master myself," he reminded Torin. "I can connect core to aether well to overbody, making it... hm... complex enough for more intelligence than a toy. I will have to work on a voice box, but it will be able to speak if I'm clever about it. Have to work on senses, as well. I'm not quite masterful enough to fashion an overbody that has enough substance to hold a rune, but when I can, my golems will just semble their way around the world. Oh, but, ah... to answer your actual question, no. It won't truly be... hm, intelligent enough? Self-aware enough? To get bored, I mean. It will want to do menial chores because that will be part of its purpose."
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Torin's brows rose as he listened, not having even considered that there might be wild dangers to his people in the valley. Immediately he began kicking himself mentally because, of course, he should have. Just because it was beautiful and felt safe to a part of him deeper than his mind didn't mean that wild animals didn't view it as their home just as much as he did.

"That would be good." He said aloud, trying to invert his self chastisement so it didn't affect their day together. He could bring it up with Aurin the next time his master let him confess his mistakes. It had become a bit of a ritual between them, though it wasn't regular in the sense of having set aside dates or times. Aurin would sense when there were things weighing on him and he would admit them and they would take care of them. It helped, so much, in fact, that pushing away his thoughts knowing they would be dealt with actually worked.

"I hope we can live together with the wild animals without either us or them being harmed." Nature, particularly a mostly closed environment like the valley was a delicate balance. The last thing he wanted was to unbalance it by removing the predators but he also didn't want any of the children to be attacked or carried off as a meal.

Torin took his cue from the elf, removing his gloves so he could have all the dexterity of his fingers but leaving the apron on. They would be removing the metal from the molds in a little while and then carefully filing away the extra bits. Metal shavings caught in clothing were not comfortable. One of the first ways he had used Air in his work had been to blow the metal and wood shavings, ashes and bits of leather that accumulated around his forge into neat little piles to be swept up later (also with Air), as he worked. Using Air in small, mundane, useful ways helped his mind find associations with it that weren't as terrifying as seeing it in the wild still was for him.

Torin watched his friend work, not saying much but nudging once in a while with his thoughts if he saw something that was a little off or if he wasn't sure about something. When Sivan began to speak he listened, with a little surprise. He'd never thought of giving an Artificed creature a rune before. Of course, it made sense. Someday they would be able to reawaken IX and Torin would be able to finally meet the sentient construct properly. It would be odd, since he felt he knew it already, but it wouldn't be fair to expect it to know him.

"Oh." Was all his initial answer to Sivan's answer to his question as he was still processing the other information but then he snapped himself back to the present and smiled.

"Well, if you're sure, then I think we should make ourselves a little helper. I'll go see how his body is coming along and begin the Scrivening for it." There was excitement in his movements as he began to pull open the first, and therefore coolest, mold. He didn't test the temperature first because he could feel it through his connection to Fire, feel the element draining reluctantly from the metal inside as it hardened. He might not ever burn his fingers again, unless he wasn't paying attention. So, he would probably burn his fingers again.

Taking the finished pieces to the bench he brought several files and worked off the edges till they were smooth and then took up a diamond stylus and started working the sigils into the metal. He had read that it was uncommon for more than one Artificer to do the Scrivening and other magical labor on a single construct because it wouldn't be synced properly but, so far, he and Sivan had never encountered that problem.
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Sivan sensed something a touch off, but Torin corrected himself and, rather than question that, Sivan let it go. They had developed a knack for such knowing, knowing when the other needed intervention or merely space to do the things that needed doing.

"If your people follow your lead and respect the natural order of things, then they can be incorporated into it in ways that are lost to city-dwellers," he averred. "With me able to communicate directly to the genius of the valley, as well as a couple of the spirits of the predators, you all ought to have it in the bag. Assuming they have the steel in their bones not to lose their heads if they see a wolf or a bear, and remember that even if they respect a peace, that doesn't necessarily mean they want people wandering into their dens or interfereing with their meals."

But he smiled. He wasn't chastising, but reminding the city boy about the natural order of things beyond walls of stone or palisades of wood, even.

"We shall," he promised, and while Torin returned to his work on the body of their joint creation, Sivan began to whisper into its blank mind the forms that would help it achieve at least the bare minimum of sentience. This creature wouldn't be complete today, but major strides would have been taken in its creation. The aether wells that would help bind Torin's work together, to support the overbody, were still back at the forge in Kalzasi. But they were maximizing their productivity all the same. Certainly, before Ash began, they would have a helper in the foundry. It would keep things tidy, knowing where things ought to go when the work of the day was done. With any luck, the next one would be able to help more with the actual processes of their creations. And when he could create a golem who could hold a Cardinal Rune of magic, he would be one step closer to unraveling the mystery of IX's dormant state, and he wanted that.

IX and Flower were two people he felt as though he had failed. Flower had made progress, but had eventually gone back into the Living Grave. But perhaps IX, at least, could be revived. He did miss his mechanical friend.
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Points: 10 each, may be used for Semblance or Artificing for either character, and Elementalism for Torin.

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: +1 Small sized Golem helper once the price for the materials costs has been paid and the correct time has passed.

Notes: Tiny Helper Incoming!

Mod XP: None

word count: 79
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