Reaching for Farther Stars

Wherein Kala seeks Avatar's help to commune with extraplanar deities.

Formed by The Dragon King Eikaen in Glade of 123 as a gathering place for the Divine powers of Ransera to carve a path for the future of their world. Pantheon presents itself as a glorious palatial structure with one great chamber and countless rooms for resting and contemplation. The environs of Pantheon are malleable and subject to the whims of the gods who inhabit it.

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Kala Leukos
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From Cintamani Pavilion to Pantheon
40th of Ash, Year 123 of Steel

It was odd to her mind: she could shift herself from the material plane to Pantheon without a Rune or any divine magic taught to her by the Masked Queen or other; Indric, her Silver Wing, was a skilled traverser, and could not vault here even if she mapped the slipspace for him and poured it into his mind via Avialae bond and her sembling. But if she had learned anything in this process of apotheosis, it was that mortal understandings of the way of things were limited at best. Her understanding of magic had always seemed to intuit how the ancient Hytori mages hadn't separated things out into Cardinal Runes, how magic was just a matter of imposing one's will upon the aether, upon reality, and yet the divine reality of that was still such an ineffable concept that it was still trickling into her mind.

Kala warned all her bonded souls what she was attempting. Even Marda Ahtivan, with that slender, tenuous resonance between them, was informed. The Great Lady had kept faith with her since she had revealed her divinity to her in order to assure her support when she revealed her wings to the Kalzasern council.

None of them would panic when she was gone, when their bonds grew terribly quiet, stretched between planes. Of course, they would all worry; that was inevitable. She would worry about them, as well, and try to convince herself that she was merely looking out for her people as she had been trained to be as a noblewoman, not in some maternalistic, condescending way, even if she knew that eventually, her humanity would largely fall away.

From her bower in the courtyard gardens, Kala meditated, reached for that place Eikaen had created for her kind, and then she was in that place - out of space, out of time. Or, at least, space and time worked differently there. She was different there, as well. She was more herself, and more of what she would become. Here, she could see herself from the outside as well, as if consciousness and perception were spread through every atom of this existence. She remained in her posture of meditation, straight-backed and rising out of her crossed legs like some creature born of a lotus blossom on a bottomless reflecting pool.

She wondered if Talon would recognize her as Kala, or if Arcas would only recognize her as the goddess who wore the mantle of dead Nazam. But he had been a Draegir, and she was a Moritasi. Perhaps that was why she was a Dark Star, clothed as if in nebulae, haloed by changing patterns of stars, her third eye a black hole limned with a coruscating event horizon. A part of her was embarrassed, as if this were arrogance and presumption, but the rest of her was content - this was her destiny.

Attend, Avatar. I request your assistance.
word count: 509
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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The great presence chamber of Pantheon, once host to an audience with the Godking himself, was empty of other deities when Kala arrived. How austere it appeared in comparison to her first visit. She wouldn’t be able to pick out a detail that was different. The light was just as lustrous, the hall just as majestic, and yet it felt somehow dimmer… muted.

Atop the daïs, the stately, statuesque figure of Avatar was seated upon a humbler throne than that which Eikaen had sat, when he deigned to appear in the approximation of flesh at the summons of his proud son.

Avatar’s static pose was one of merciful grace, palms up and fingers splayed with soft, iris-less eyes somehow seeming to gaze upward, though there were no pupils to indicate as much. Slightly parted lips might have lent the illusion that this was a pose of prayer, as if in inertia, Avatar was communing… supplicating to their greater self.

At Kala’s invocation, the upturned chin tipped down to regard the goddess before them.

"Greetings, Goddess Kala, and welcome back to Pantheon." Soft, friendly eyes seemed to smile though metallic lips did not curl in complement.

"What service might I provide at this point in your fixed timeline? If it is within the powers outlined in my directive, it would be my pleasure to provide it."

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She rose with all the grace her dance training afforded her, although she wasn't absolutely certain she had a true form here. It was entirely possible she was merely an idea of herself, a concept, and the minds and senses of those in Pantheon could sense her in their own manner. Curious.

Kala smiled. Her right arm extended, right hand unfolding in an unconscious mudra. The Cardinal Rune of the Elements was writ there upon her wrist.

In my mortal life, I mastered the primary elements of the material plane. In order to master the others, I must travel to those planes to attune myself. Light, perforce, elides with my domain. Darkness, too, as I have become aware of what happens when certain stars collapse in upon themselves at the end of their lives. Strange metals exist in the hearts of stars, crafted in the furnace of stellar creation. Of them all, Wood seems the least of my worries, but life does exist among the stars, and I wish to be able to unite the elements into a cohesive whole, which elides with another of my domains. Aether, as well, is the essence of all, the Unity of all.

I do not ken the protocols, and I do not wish to give offense. If you could educate me in these matters, I would appreciate it. My thought was to send messages through you to seek passage. Arcas for Light, Shaeoth for Darkness, Aedrin for Wood. And there my knowledge fails me again. Perhaps Fyraea rules Metal as well as Fire? And Aether, I know not Who rules that lofty plane.

Would your divine directive allow you to aid me in this manner?

The young goddess was hopeful in this. She knew she could likely seek audience with Lord Talon in Kalzasi, and he would not balk at ferrying her to his bright realm. And yet, she hoped to unify these elements within herself before she revealed her mortal self. Perhaps that would be impossible. Perhaps his sembling eye would pierce through her when she set foot in that fabled place, and she would be unable to remain hidden as was her wont.

It didn't hurt to ask.
word count: 369
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"As it happens, I am able to aid you in this matter. Your scholarly ambitions are to be commended, Goddess Kala, but I feel I would be remiss if I did not correct your assumption that extraplanar travel is an obligatory prerequisite to attunement with these elements. While I grant that it is one efficient method via which to achieve these aims, it is not singular." Avatar's voice was so gentle and kind that one couldn't possibly perceive an iota of condescension or chastisement in their correction.

"On the matter of permissions and protocols, Goddess Kala, there are nuances that should be broached that may not be immediately apparent. Let us use, for example, Arcas Lightbringer as he is the first of the gods you yourself mentioned. While he is the uncontested Lord of Light, light comes in different forms. There is the metaphorical concept of Light, which he interprets to coincide with his domain of Justice. This is a powerful concept, but not an elemental force. When we are discussing the elemental force of Light, Arcas' stewardship is observed at the pleasure of hallowed Aedrin." Avatar paused, assessing Kala's face to confirm her comprehension.

"In the macro sense, all elements are part of Nature and, while they may overlap with the domains of other deities, they are all alike for the purposes of your attunement under the purview of Nature's Supreme Deity: Aedrin.

"With all of that being said, you neither require explicit permission to travel to the elemental planes nor do you need to visit them at all to acquire your desired attunements."
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Kala Leukos
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Even if Avatar had been condescending and chastising, Kala would not have ceased to listen hungrily. She had always had both a scholarly and an esoteric bent; to be allowed to ask questions about the nature of Creation from the mouthpiece of Eikaen Himself was an oppotunity not to be missed. If he wasn't careful, he would have her here more frequently, kneeling before the Throne and seeking whatever enlightenment was his to confer.

Ahh! Her head canted to the side as she listened, observed. This creature was beyond any artificed being, no matter how sentient.

Then I might as easily be Light's steward inasmuch as the stars are divine torches an I but have the Green King's blessing, she mused. But she didn't quarrel; she didn't want to claim a mantle that Arcas held. Then, prithee, tell me how I can attune to the other elements without such planar travel, and how I might best thank Lord Aedrin for His gifts? She didn't imagine Avatar was meant to be a divine postal service, but she supposed it would be an easy enough thing for him. He had to be empowered to contact all the children of the Dragon King and the Masked Queen should Their presence be required here, or commands given.

Eikaen had so much riding upon His shoulders, she was often amazed that Naori had spent so much time on her. For all Talon's desire to know his Holy Father, it seemed to her as though the Great God and Goddess had left them here to learn and to grow on their own, the better to rise to such wisdom and might. Or, to hear Kaus translate her thoughts back at her, "They gave the younger gods enough rope to hang themselves."

A faint smile touched her lips at the thought of her brother's sense of humor. Here, she could hear echoes of his conversation with Aværys, her own with Varvara. Everything was different here, and she hoped whatever wisdom she accrued would come back with her, back to where she was more mortal.
word count: 356
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"As Arcas claims the silver Light of Dawn, you are starlight’s steward, are you not?” Avatar cogitated at Kala’s query.

"As I have indicated, there are different kinds of Light that fall under different jurisdictions. If you would like to contend with Arcas and press a claim over a domain he deems to be his, my directive will allow for me to arbitrate such a mediation.” Avatar said, broaching a potentially contentious divine argument with massive implications as casually as if they were offering to arrange a dinner for two.

"To address your first question, pertaining to the intraplanar avenues toward elemental attunement: It would be most easily achieved by locating an area on this plane of existence where the element you seek to attune is particularly potent… preferably the dominant element of the region. If there are other elements present, it will require focus and energy to tune them out. It is for this reason that visiting an elemental plane may be preferable for some. There the predominance of the associated element is so prevalent as to require less effort on the part of the mage seeking to attune to it.” They tilted their head,

“As for your second query regarding expressions of gratitude to Aedrin, this request falls outside the terms of my directive. I was created to speak for Eikaen, not Aedrin. As Eikaen’s voice, I must take care not to speak on behalf of other gods who might fear the Authority of The King of All Creation usurping their agency over their own domains and their own wills. I was designed to take great care to avoid any such insinuations, and so I will be unable to fulfill your request.”

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The ascended Kala nodded thoughtfully. Starlight's steward.

"You are a poet, Avatar," she said quietly, "like my brother."

She did cogitate, a terse shake of her head, an indiciation that she did not seek a confrontation with Arcas. When he was finished, she took a moment, and then responded.

"I do not seek conflict with my divine family at this time," she assured him, "but I will bear in mind that you may act as the Dragon King's arbiter if it will prevent violence on a cosmic scale. I appreciate your clarifications; I do not seek to push you beyond the limits the All-Father has set upon you." Though his existence was not entirely new to her, she had found the material plane all too time-consuming. His purpose wasn't her education in all things divine, but if he would at least field her questions, she might also learn what was hers to know for the asking and what the greater Gods expected her to find out on her own.

The nascent goddess had many questions, but she schooled her errant mind to single-pointed focus. She had come here to unify her elemental powers, to better understand how through some quirk of her domain, she seemed to have a different understanding of them than others.

"So, might the Pantheon itself be a proper place to attune to elemental aether?" she posited. Already, she was planning other points of interest: the permanently frozen northern wastes in Frost when darkness ruled the sky; the ancient forests in the taiga, which would be en route the pole; mines for metal; perhaps Re'hyæx for starlight.

But for aether, this seemed a likely place, else she might have to venture back to Atoria and ask her friend Nessena for a ride out into the Aetherial Sea. That would be an adventure in itself, but of course, she was here in the Pantheon now.
word count: 325
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Avatar tilted their head, as if mildly bemused at being lauded for their verbiage.

“I am Avatar. I am Neutrality.” They replied, though whether it was a correction or a cap to conclude their response declining Kala’s request was as ambiguous as Avatar themselves.

“Cosmic violence or mild irritation: Whatever the potential outcome, my directive allows me to mediate on jurisdictional disputes between deities. Pantheon was created as a place for divine forces to congregate, collaborate and commune. Conflict is inevitable in a pantheon so large and diverse as ours. The King of All Creation would aid in the mitigation of discord insofar as his own directives permit.”

Avatar tilted their head in the opposing direction pausing for a beat before replying:

“In point of fact, Pantheon would be a cogent place to engage in the attunement of Aether though, for clarity’s sake, I must exposit that Pantheon falls under the category of extraplanar attunement.” As Kala pondered other options, Avatar didn’t seem to notice that these musings were unvoiced and responded as if they were directed at them.

“Consider the cold as an obstacle to attuning to darkness… the very air as an obstacle to metal. Re’hyax, if you are able to reach it, is imbued with alien elements unfamiliar to your reckoning, which would significantly impact your ability to focus on attuning to its light. I might recommend a closer star: Perhaps the sun, as a more remedial alternative.”
word count: 269
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Avatar's manner was strange to her, as was his manner of thinking. But he was polite, and she understood etiquette. She could work with this. She was working with this. He was responding to her thoughts, which were mere patterns of aether, and offering some guidance.

For a moment, Kala was elated - Aether had seemed like it would be the most difficult element to isolate. Her brow furrowed, though, as she wasn't aware of extraplanar attunement or whether that meant an attunement here present would avail her or not when she returned to her material plane.

"The cold never bothers me anyway," she averred. "Not since the Necromancer gave me my wings." She was largely immune to the cold anymore, like all those of her race who exhibited wings. There was a secret to it, but she hadn't sussed it out yet, largely because much of Garel's grimoire was in draconic script, which was still quite opaque to her. But if he elaborated and assisted her in attuning with Aether here, then she at least had an idea about Light.

She imagined for a moment arraying herself in full plate mail and meditating in a lightless cave, whether she could focus on the metal that encased her, whether she could open her eyes and, seeing only darkness, see Darkness.

Then her thoughts caught on another matter: "Is this the sort of attunement that one can derive on the material plane? For example, attuning to water while swimming in the middle of the sea, which one would have to release in the arid desert lest the lack of Water drain the mage? Pardon, I was educated as a mortal and learning the ways of the divine is proving a challenge."
word count: 293
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Avatar regarded Kala blankly as she extrapolated on her relationship to cold and her reasoning for a lack of concern. They looked as though they might have returned to their torpour, but when she concluded her thought, they sprung back to motion, saying:

"Irritation is not the only form of distraction, and the temperature was meant only as a single example of many that may prove diverting during an attunement attempt. All the same, I wish you good fortune in your aspirations to advance your understanding of the Aetherium." Avatar encouraged.

Whatever thoughts swam through her mind as she mused did not seem to warrant a reply in Avatar's reckoning, so only when she posed further questions did they speak again.

"Few are the places in the mortal plane where aether is truly the dominant element. Aether is, by nature, a product of the Aetherium, which is set apart from the world of mortal reckoning. I would not recommend remaining attuned to Aether when leaving Pantheon, as the results could be disastrous for you and the environs to which you return. We are beginning to skirt the limits of my purpose, Goddess Kala. I wonder whether you might not be better served by seeking guidance on the practise of magic from one whose frame of reference correlates more directly to your own. Might I recommend Arcas Lightbringer? The wisdom I was fashioned to impart pertains more directly to affairs of direct Divinity and correspondence between Divine figures and interpreting the will of The King of All Creation. If you would like me to summon Arcas or another of your compeers, I will do so. I am Avatar. I am Connection."
word count: 297
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