60th of Searing, Year 123 of Steel
Aurin's Cottage
Aurin's Cottage
and I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home.
and I've written pages upon pages
trying to rid you from my bones.
I am the heart that you call home.
and I've written pages upon pages
trying to rid you from my bones.
The place wasn't much to look at, but everything was finely crafted, spare, and spartan. That seemed appropriate given its owner, who was, as yet, not present. Rivin had let him in and Sivan had begun to prepare his things.
Preparing for this enchantment had required quite a bit of time given how much of Sivan's time was spent working, either at Kilvin's Forge or in his garden. But he hadn't dallied. He had made time to focus upon it, to ensure that he had the terms and consequences correct, that his enchantment was the most elegant solution. He had translated the desired contract between Aurin and Rivin into sigils and lines, a structure for various forms of aether to flow and merge and work together toward a magical whole. It was as complex in many ways as one of Torin's enchantments, and he supposed that, if it worked, it would be his masterwork.
Of course, he didn't say anything about it not working. Torin had looked over his schema and approved. It should work.
"Right, well," he hemmed and hawed, "I suppose we might as well begin. We don't need Aurin for the beginning, only for the ending. Are you warm enough? I need you to disrobe so I can draw the calligraphy upon your skin so we can see where the aether needs to go. I ah... I presume you aren't shy about being nude in front of Aurin? He didn't try to know things he wasn't supposed to, but he knew quite a bit that had shocked and worried him at first. Now it just occasionally made him bashful. He was still unused to being taken into people's confidence, their care.
"I will have Khal standing by to keep you comfortable in that regard. You aren't nervous, are you?"