The Stay

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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15th of Searing, Year 120

Taelian and Eleanor had decided to remain in Loras for the coming few days. Not that either of them was particularly happy about it -- but Taelian was good about optimizing his time. He didn't like to lounge around, wait and waste.

"I'm going beyond the walls. Don't really feel like cooping up in an inn all day. See you in a bit." The mage rose from his bed, supporting himself on his palms before he swung his feet over the edge and stepped towards his dresser. Throwing a few simple articles of clothing on -- most of them form-fitting and black -- he headed out of his Duedrop room, and quickly descended the wooden stairwell onto the common floor. Taelian didn't have a weapon with him or anything of that nature. Not even a pouch of farthings. He didn't have any official business, he just... wanted to enjoy himself a bit. And he would.

Stepping past the gate guard, who was likely suspicious of him considering the prior night's events, the mage began to venture east towards the valleys of Grimholdt. The coast of Chillwind Basin was fairly uninspiring and grey, so as typical as it was, he preferred the forests and hills. In this case, east of Loregard was largely flat farm-appropriate lands until it began to ascend near the mountain range that cut off Grimholdt from the rest of the Kingdom. That was where he wanted to go -- to practice in the mountains, to get a bird's eye view, and to give himself the time and solace to think to himself.

The day was nice, at least. It was still early summer, so while it was fairly warm it wasn't overbearingly hot. It was moderately sunny, but with enough clouds passing by to make the glare manageable. People were out in their fields, occasionally he often received a smile or a friendly face. He didn't go far, though. Taelian ended up in a small, seemingly abandoned part of the agrarian village he was passing through. All of the homes were beaten and unoccupied, and evidently nothing had really been touched for quite a while. Surrounding him was little but farms, fields and the beginning of a treeline to the immediate south, as a forest approached his steps.

But Taelian decided to stay in the abandoned village and investigate it. He was cementing himself as more than just a warrior following directives given to him -- but a hunter, a tracker. Someone who could acquire knowledge on their own and grant it to others. An investigator of sorts. The mage decided to challenge himself with an arbitrary and thoughtless idea: to uncover why the small hamlet he walked through had become abandoned, especially given that it was so close to the rest of the community.

He began to examine the shabby walls of one of the hay-roofed buildings before he heard a slight thudding in the distance. With the sun peeking out from behind a passing cloud, he stood and glanced, and immediately winced as the light struck his eye. Then, what he was seeing became more clear.

"Patrick?" he asked, holding his palm above his brows like a visor.
Last edited by Taelian on Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 569
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[indent=20]The Stay
Searing 15th, 120th AoS
The arrival as well as the reception they had been given was nothing short of phenomenal. Patrick's time in Loras had been a real blast, with something always to do to keep him busy. While he had addressed the matter of business first hand, he couldn't help but appreciate the time he spent here. Loras was just a place brimming with learning potential, and believe it or not Patrick found himself inclined to return here; when time could be afforded for it of course.

Thus he walked onward with his gear holstered but no bag on his bag, dressed in the same green sleeveless doublet with a harness over his torso. Holstered in that harness was specifically the gun he'd purchased among other things, with the steel broadsword tied to his left hip as he moved around. Milana's hospitality aside however Patrick had been set on something he'd seen before, the remains of what once was a village several clicks away from Loras. While he hardly had credible reason to actually go there, to deny himself the chance would've been a little too foolish.

Connor also wanted to come but Patrick felt it best he stayed back at the manor, especially since Lily was there and wouldn't know that he'd slipped away so quietly. So in other words Connor was the one keeping tabs on things, letting anybody who looked for Patrick know that he'd gone away for a bit; so that any matters the middle brother needed to attend would await his return. As sad as it probably sounded even in his head, Patrick much preferred to have been alone out here anyways.

Well... That's not entirely true. He would've loved to have Dominik or even their mother out here, as she would be the quickest one to determine how this place became abandoned. As a scholar and avid researcher it was one of the things she was great at, and given the notes Patrick had studied on several occasions; he was hopeful that he too could surmise what had happened here. Granted it was perfectly natural to discover empty villages, as well as ancient ruins from eras that had long passed. Yet the palpable danger in exploring them?

That's probably what excited Patrick the most when he wandered, passing through what once must've been the village commute area. The houses and buildings around were weathered and nearly in shambles, with nature on the verge of growing over everything in sight. Hell even the well had vines growing from within it, which he couldn't help but gaze down into it when he approached. "There has to be a reason why everyone left this place." He concurred as he looked around briefly, still curious as to what could've happened here so long ago. He couldn't help but pull out his journal next, the phial of ink and wooden pen pulled from his pockets also as he placed them on the well.

He started not too long after he got everything placed and setup, with half a mind noticing the wind's direction as he didn't wish for it to hinder his writing. When some of the pages were blown up however, he fidgeted quickly in hopes to prevent them from contacting the fresh ink. This in turn led him to bumping the broken wooden pail with his elbow, and therefore knocking it into the well as it created a few obnoxious thunks. "Oops! Shit..." Thud. Thud. And Thud. Well it looked like there was a bottom down there after all, though that also led him to wonder if anything else was down there now. Even then it wasn't a full guarantee that the well was completely dry, though that didn't stop Patrick from imagining there being something secret below.

Ridiculous as he felt that notion however, his stray thoughts and curiosity were to be put aside for now. A voice called his name from one of the abandoned farm houses behind him, and when he turned around to see who it was that knew him; well he couldn't help but grin at the sight of him. "Lian!" He sounded jovial when he called the name, like a friend would when he hadn't seen someone in a while. In fact it had been quite some time since they last saw one another, not since the camping trip to say the least; even then it felt like a longer length of time for Patrick.

"How's it goin'?" He inquired with a quick glance to his journal, more or less to check and see if it was safe to close now. While he would've loved to hash out all his thoughts and inquiry, the fact company was now present demanded his full attention instead. Thus he quickly shut the book and resealed the ink phial, placing all of his writing materials back in his pocket as he faced the Siltori. "You here to investigate this abandoned villa also?"
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Lian. Taelian immediately grinned at the name; Patrick had to be the only one who called him that, which in many ways made the moniker more special. "Hey!" he replied jovially in return, using Reverb to close the distance between himself and the other man. He immediately extended his arms and offered him a hug, and while doing so tried to think of a name to give the human. Then, he stumbled upon a brilliant one, and grinned as he prepared to voice it. "Trick," he named him. It had been a long time indeed. A lot had changed for Taelian, and he was certain that for the other man it was the same. But that was good; it was their time to catch up, to see how each of them had grown. Taelian could certainly speak Kokalath a bit better -- and in fact, he decided he would use it and show how far he had come. In response to Patrick's query, he replied in the other man's native tongue.

"It's going well! I'm hunting something for my, ah... let's call it my profession. We ended up here in Loras to do so -- but at the moment we're in limbo, a bit. And I got bored, so..."

He smiled awkwardly, and glanced at the closed journal and phial that the man held. He saw that he had almost made a mess, but didn't comment on that. Perhaps the two of them had relative clumsiness in common.

"I'm not here for the villa, no. Well... I wasn't at first, but I did get curious, mostly out of boredom. I'm not surprised to see you peeking around places like this, though -- I've always thought you have an adventurous spirit," he laughed. Have... had? There were still imperfections in his tongue, but he felt confident. Vibrant.

"I missed you," he added. Taelian seemed a bit solemn, almost -- as if not seeing the other man had something of an effect on him. The truth was, it had. Patrick had grown to be one of his only friends in all of Atinaw, maybe even the world as a whole. He had missed him -- and he had been wanting to see him for a while. But...

"I forgot the name of your inn," he admitted, with a small frown. "That was why I didn't come to see you. There are too many in Alfsos; I managed to get a map of all of them, but there were over a hundred. I didn't want to seem like a madman, visiting every inn in the city and asking around to see if there was a 'Patrick Barnell' running them. So I just hoped we would run into each other again -- perhaps next Glade, in that forest again. And... we did, though not where I expected," he lightly laughed.

Taelian switched to Common, feeling a bit exhausted by the other tongue -- it took him a lot of focus and thinking to chain the words together accurately, and he did not want to stress himself unnecessarily.

"How have you been?" he inquired. "And your brothers -- how about them? Also... why are you in Grimholdt?"
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[indent=20]The Stay
Searing 15th, 120th AoS
Patrick was especially enlightened when he seemed to receive a positive greeting in turn, rather surprise by the abrupt shift in Taelian's position when he closed in for a hug so suddenly. Even then Pat's brief moment of awe was short lived, as he had grown accustomed to the fact magic was a natural part of Taelian. In a way they were almost one and the same now, when you looked at the Siltori in a certain way at least. Before when they had met his threshold sickness hindered his abilities, now however he made it look almost as normal as breathing when they were together. In a way it kind of stirred envy in Patrick, for he still yearned to study and hopefully master control over Aether in turn.

But even then the thought of Taelian's magical prowess became quickly dismissed, as he came to give Patrick his own official nickname the two would likely share. Well... granted Lian was actually what Connor came up with, still it felt like it had a nice ring to it that Patrick could appreciate. So naturally when he was called "Trick" as a result, he couldn't help but beam a smile before laughing softly at the sound. "Trick huh? I like it, certainly feels appropriate." He admitted as there was a sense of introspection for a moment, leading Patrick to feel somewhat akin to the name in his own unique way. Yet when he came to learn what business brought Taelian out here, to Loras specifically, the bartender couldn't help but look upon the Siltori with vast intrigue.

It was probably a common reaction between them by now, as Patrick discovered that Taelian always had something interesting to learn. The same could be said for almost anyone else of course, but the two men at present had a foundation of trust built together. They'd grown to become friends overtime and, in turn, that allowed Patrick to think and interact with Taelian in a fond manner. Apparently he had grown bored while on the job however, something that the bartender himself didn't expect; but found quite relatable given how he felt back in Alfsos. "Well, boredom's as good of a reason as any to get out and do somethin'." He figured with a brief chuckle as he remained focused on his friend.

Patrick noticed that Lian was also speaking in Kokalath more, almost perfectly fluent too the further they conversed. There was the moment of an awkward smile being flashed, and in turn when Lian glanced at Pat's journals afterwards; the bartender chuckled with a shrug as he slipped everything back into his pockets. Lian explained that the abandoned villa didn't exactly demand his attention, but more or less became the object of his interest due to boredom. A fitting reason to come and explore this place, hell Patrick practically would've done the same; if he hadn't found reason to come here of his own volition prior. Looking into old historical sights like this, he couldn't help but wonder what treasure trove of stories could be found here. And if he never had such luck with finding any, well then he at least made one of his own when he began the search.

"Yeah, comes with the territory I'm afraid!" He admitted almost in a bashful manner. "Never know what you can find in the nooks and crannies of places like this." Patrick then followed up as a considerable justification, though of course the reason was in itself fixated interest at best. When he heard Taelian say that he missed him however, that brought out the bashful behavior as he started to blush a little. "Really?! Thanks! I've missed you too pal, least when I had every opportunity to stop and think at least." He remarked with another brief chuckle, hopeful that the statement didn't bother Taelian in any way. He wasn't sure why he worried so much about what the Siltori thought, then again it was probably because he cared about Taelian in a way.

They were friends after all and, therefore, any thoughts or opinions Lian had were important to Patrick. Therefore when he came to learn why Taelian hadn't visited, the bartender could only emit a soft laugh once more; before helping Taelian by reminding him of the business and location. "Sorry pal! Could'a probably wrote a letter, but then again it helps to know where you're sendin' it to." The outspoken thought was considerably redundant now that he thought about it, which he would've likely jested about further if he knew Taelian shared the same humor as well. "Still I'm sure it's fairly easier to remember, when you think about where the name comes from." That in itself was an interesting story to share, since he never really had many chances to tell it with other people.

"The inn's located in the Garwilt District of Alfsos, and it's called the Silver Lion Inn because of a story my father liked to tell when my brothers and I were just boys." He elaborated before continuing with the story. "See way back before the war, my father served as a knight within the Order of the Brave. A bunch of knights were sent out on a campaign across Atinaw, and during their patrols they got to deal with a bunch of local wildlife firsthand. Records of the Silver Lions date back to pre-Sunderin' of course, so you can imagine how surprised my father and his fellow knights were; when they only got a glimpse of a Silver Lion roaming the region east of Threndos." To this day Patrick didn't even know if they were still possibly there, but if he were a betting man then they would likely live within the mountain range somewhere. Given how far out from Threndos they were when Pat was told the story, it honestly made him want to explore the area to see if he'd spot one himself.

"So of course when he opened the Inn with my mother, he wanted to honor that memory by naming it after those creatures. Apparently they're quite the majestic sight to behold when you do see one." At that note Patrick couldn't help but add another soft laugh behind it, clearly enlightened by the fact he got to share it with Taelian. It was then the Siltori diverted back to Common once more, asking why Patrick had come to Grimholdt and about his brothers as well. "Huh? Oh! We've all been good, busy gettin' out on my own a bit more actually. Dominik's back in Alfsos likely pullin' his own hair out over the business, and Connor actually joined me on the trip up here; along with another friend of ours named Leliana."

Quite honestly he probably didn't need to share that with Taelian, but Patrick felt like he could trust the man with such information. He didn't plan to fully reveal the backstory behind Lily of course, as that would compromise all the Kinship's effort to keep her hidden. "The three of us were actually sent here on a business venture for my mother, since she wants to start sellin' tea as a beverage for the Inn." It was uncanny but in a sense perfect, because of all the academic students and scholars really. Most of them have little to no reason to drink alcohol, and cold water only catered to those who really needed such a drink. Tea on the other hand would bring in more business from a lot of people, since most of it was herbal and could likely be made in a variety of different flavors.

"We actually got here on the ninth of Searing! Just pretty much been enjoyin' Lady Milana's hospitality since we've arrived." He finished with a hearty grin still plastered on his expression, with his warm verdant honey colored eyes still engaged on Taelian. "So," he came to divert the subject once more, "find anythin' of interest here? Any clues as to why the people here possibly left?" When he asked this Patrick did so with a heavy lean against the well, curiosity brimming over as he wondered what the mage might've found.
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Moments into Taelian speaking, he felt that he had brought out a congenial beast within the other man; as words poured from the Siltori's regular reserved lips, Patrick's eyes glimmered and his expression twisted and distorted with curiosity, excitement and mutuality. The Ebon Knight almost felt embarrassed by the time he was done speaking -- and Patrick's answers were open, cordial and easy to reflect upon. Being cooped up with Eleanor in Loras, and dealing with the cold Lady Milana who appeared to dislike every aspect of his personality, it was a relief to find such a friend. And apparently one who had such a positive accord with him. As Patrick spoke, Taelian found himself smiling with his own eyes lightening and his cheeks being shifted by a smile from ear to ear.

Rather than being offended, he found Patrick's response to being missed... funny. Taelian had always enjoyed his sharp wit and seemingly natural humor, and Patrick painted an image of being confounded by whatever life had thrown at him. Taelian understood that well, considering everything that had been passing in his own life. Only a few days ago he'd had that wild expedition with Iridith of the Covenant. On the same note he became an official 'Member' of the Covenant, broadening his duties, responsibilities and commitment.

He continued to follow along, only lost in his thoughts for a moment. Patrick regaled him his own lesson in history, Taelian remembering the one he had offered the man when they had first met. Stories of Sil-Elaine, and of his race, and much of what they had endured. The human man displayed a similar level of passion as he had then, but directed in a different way. It wasn't clouded in anger and sorrow, but excitement and reverence for the stories that had preceded him, and the apparent majesty of the creature he described. It was fitting, then, that it had become the namesake of his business, a pillar of his life.

Taelian, again, found himself smiling throughout the story. He was impressed -- a Silver Lion sounded like something old Ald'norai chariots would be built around, and perhaps they were. He supposed Atinaw wasn't all just pine and oak trees, farms and average-scale mountains. There was a greater unexplored beauty to the land. He was reminded of the valleys by his home, on the border between Loregard and Alfsos, and the creatures within. He remembered that Patrick had the same sense of adventure as he did, the two natural companions of sorts. Reminded by this, the Ebon Knight began to feel a sense of melancholy overwhelm him as he remembered that he and the other man might part ways again. As much as he was meant to be strong and unwavering, he had grown an attachment for the other, one that grew the more they spoke. And while he wouldn't forget the name 'Silver Lion Inn' again, he wanted to ensure that he wouldn't just become a passing face in the man's life.

As the man finished speaking, Taelian moved in to hug him again. His fondness for him was enough for the Elf to forget that the words 'hospitality' and 'Milana' had been used in the same sentence.

"Patrick," he started, then paused. Taelian wasn't really good at wording himself. He was often shamefully shy and nervous where it counted, and revealing affection for others wasn't his strong suit. All of his friends... he had built his friendship with them on their time as a warrior together. Doing battle with them, side-by-side. That sort of trust was irreplaceable, but, he learned that there were other places from where affection could come.

Like genuine appreciation for another person. Patrick and he, they had that together. It was clear as day.

"I don't care about the villa. I'm just glad to see you, and... I want to ask, to make sure, that we don't go nearly a season without seeing each other again. Maybe we can spend time together in Grimholdt -- maybe you can come see me in Loregard after all of this. I don't know. Since we spoke last, I feel like I've lost more people important to my life. They keep dying, or disappearing, and..."

He frowned. "I don't want that to happen to you. I really like you, Trick," he teased. Taelian couldn't say the name without grinning. "You're a great guy. I like how much you care about your family -- being out there in the woods with you and them, it made me feel like I had a family of my own."

The mage felt ridiculous, mostly because he felt his emotions always came in bursts. It felt almost humiliating to go from a casual greeting to all of that -- but it was true.

"As for why the people left..." he smiled, "...they probably preemptively heard my speech just now - from the future - and gagged and died. All of them." Again, he laughed.
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[indent=20]The Stay
Searing 15th, 120th AoS
So far Taelian appeared to be enjoying the conversation, as even the antics of Patrick seemed to amuse the Siltori for a while. Honestly Patrick felt grateful for the fact he could stir such reactions from another person, as he had grown to feel comfortably relaxed when he was around Taelian; a fact that proved visible even now in the bartender's posture. Not many were told the story of the Silver Lion either, so to have shared that bit made their friendship feel just a bit more personal now.

But then things took an unexpected turn as Taelain suddenly shifted, closing the space between them once again to embrace the bartender. Honestly Patrick had expected it to be another brief hug, until Taelian uttered his name in a tone which felt less jovial than before. Of course Patrick had been reciprocative of the hug, being warm and welcome the entire time, but when he noticed the shift in tone; he barely even leaned back just to face Taelian. It wasn't that Taelian sounded worried or troubled, but there remained a hint of sincerity in how he said it. Normally that implied a delicate subject was on the verge of rising, and typically Patrick liked to be prepared for when such occasions arrived.

This was not one of those occasions of course. As the bartender tilted his head slightly he watched, the concern still prevalent in his eyes when Taelian started to speak once more. He revealed a level of depth that Patrick hadn't expected in all honesty, which put the bartender on the spot the further he listened to Taelian speak. Had he really felt so strongly towards Patrick? There had been a time where he questioned the moment before also, back when they were at camp during mid-Glade. This time however there wasn't no questioning it, just the mental effort to fully ascertain how strong these feelings really were.

Patrick knew after all the suffering and loss Taelian had gone through, from the stories he'd heard of Sil-Elaine after their first meeting. Therefore he knew Taelian wasn't just putting an act or front, if anything this felt like the total opposite of what the Siltori would be doing. Compared to the normal withdrawn and solitary nature he projected, this was a completely unexpected version of Taelian that Patrick never actually saw. He was so forthcoming and open, even if he came off a bit fussy over their sparse encounters together.

Really it brought another smile to Patrick's lips the further he listened, as he even had to refrain from chuckling a bit when he was called Trick once again. Then it happened briefly before he caught himself doing it, in a moment spent watching Taelian... no... more like admiring him for everything he had just heard. It was almost an innate response, kind of like when a muscle flexed in response to stimulus. In that moment when Taelian had started to joke about the abandoned villa, he would've found only a brief window of time to notice the motion. For when that moment happened Patrick leaned forward once more, pausing mere inches away from the Siltori's face before he realized what he was about to do.

"Oh... SHIT!" Was the initial thought response he had to the moment, as he didn't wait to correct the inclination with another hearty hug with Taelian. Right away the bartender's cool and collected demeanor seemed to diminish, as he then pretended not to be bothered by what he'd almost just done. "How can one guy be so fussy over one such friend." He remarked lowly with another soft chuckle afterwards, hopeful that the moment he'd wanted to sweep under the rug remained unnoticed. "You're a good friend Taelian, no matter how much time cruelly intervenes between us. But I don't see any reason why we can't spend more time together, if that's what this is really all about." He finished with a gradual pull away from the Siltori now, his expression almost calm and understanding when he looked at Taelian once more.

There was of course the instinctual behavior that was typical for Patrick, which was to also avoid direct eye contact even in such close proximity. In fact he'd been doing it the entire time, though now that he was closer it was fairly more obvious. No matter how directly he would look at someone, the very second their eyes might connect resulted in him looking away.
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As Taelian expressed how he felt, and amidst their hug, he had felt some sort of affection begin to swell between them. It was familiar to him, vaguely, but also alien -- it wasn't something that belonged in any of the narrow boxes or definitions that he normally understood. Patrick was his friend, and Riven was his lover -- the only man he loved the way he did, and likely the only man he ever would. Whatever Taelian had begun to feel, however vaguely and confusingly, Patrick evidently felt it too. As Taelian pulled away from their hug, Patrick followed him for a moment. Their faces drew nearer, and Taelian nearly froze as his eyes began to widen and his expression grew staggered and overwhelmed. His face was flushed and he felt... so odd. So lost, in the depths of his thoughts, in the reaction of his own body which appeared to betray his mind. But his mind wasn't made up, or even clear on how to interpret what just... almost happened.

Patrick pulled back and tried to shrug it all off. He said they could spend more time together if they wanted, and started to avoid eye contact. Taelian didn't know how to feel; he wondered if he pulled back because he knew of the mage's Arlaed. He didn't know if what the other man wanted could be interpreted romantically, or simply as an impulse, or as the offer of physical intimacy. But he stopped himself -- because for whatever reason, he was afraid, and felt hesitation.

Taelian didn't, though. He had always done what he wanted. With Renfier, he had ignored the man's actions and requests because he was not interested, not because he placed a fundamental value on intimacy itself. Siltori culture -- they often slept with people who weren't their Arlaed, for both pleasure and reproduction, even though their hearts belonged in one specific place. Of course, he was confused because he didn't know what Patrick wanted. He even asked a rhetorical question, of how one man could be fussy over one such friend -- he wondered if that meant he found it odd for someone to care about a friend so much. Maybe he thought Taelian was trying to be romantic with him, or... something.

He was still flushed. Still. The tables had turned, and his heart was thrumming, and his expression still appeared so shocked and alert. He hoped the other man didn't interpret that look wrongly; it wasn't meant to be one of offense. Just... uncertainty. He wasn't sure what he wanted, himself. He wasn't sure what was okay, or what was right, or -- anything.

"Someone can care a lot about a friend," he said, feeling an almost... twisting in his chest. His whole body felt odd -- tied in knots, and his head was pounding as much as his heart. "And can share a lot with them," Taelian added. He was still confused, but, he felt a swelling courage. Something told him that things would be alright. That this was normal, and behind the pretenses of mortal behavior it was the reasonable response. After all, some form of intimacy was the first thing both of their minds had gone to in reaction to whatever affections they were sharing for one another. It was guilt, doubt and fear that had tried to hold both of them back.

Taelian moved forward and took Patrick's hand. He rubbed along his knuckles with his fingertips, before interlocking their hands together, and sighing an exhale. He then leaned forward to embrace him again, his whole body feeling hot. But the knots were starting to untie, and he felt less paralyzed. The Siltori moved to kiss the other man on the lips, slowly and gently, offering him a single peck before bidding his mouth to open.
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[indent=20]The Stay
Searing 15th, 120th AoS
While the bartender would've given anything, literally anything, to deflect the situation into oblivion... luck remained against him on that front no matter how hard he wished it. No matter how hard he willed it. Why he suddenly felt the inclination to lean in, that went beyond his realm of comprehension in that particular moment. He debated with himself immensely now, questioning his motives and what could've caused such a stirring. Yet even amidst all his internal struggling the sheer fact of reality settled in, and Taelian had the look of someone who had been completely stunned by it.

Arguably Patrick wanted to just turn away and leave it, but the friend in him couldn't bear to do that to Taelian now. Not after all the thought and praise expressed earlier, and certainly not when it was unbecoming to react in such a way. No. As much as he wanted to pull back and run, Patrick watched pensive as he hoped that Taelian wouldn't react any worse. It was bad enough that shock seemed to overwhelm him initially, but the Siltori certainly looked either be embarrassed what with the light shades of red in his cheeks. Come to think of it, Patrick had also never seen Taelian flushed with that much color before. As pale of an elf as he was, seeing such a blooming color in his complexion led Patrick to wonder.

Rather fear the possibility of a delayed reaction, for the Siltori could've very easily lashed out if he wanted to. Yet that felt too out of character for Patrick, when he considered how inviting and affectionate as he was earlier. Right about now Patrick's own heart drummed heavily, loud enough to match the rhythmic pulses felt throughout his noggin. By now he guessed that to be the adrenaline ready to surge through his mind, as he'd withdrawn inside his own mind so quickly that he barely had time to process everything. He had leaned in unexpectedly that much he knew, yet he still failed to gauge what Taelian's thoughts really were.

He felt ready to back off now, to ease away and consider apologizing in the process. Yet even with the shock still prevalent it looked as though he found small composure, at least enough to respond in turn to the statement Patrick made earlier. Someone can care a lot about a friend and can share a lot with them? While he could understand the philosophy of the first half, the latter part of that statement brought only more confusion to Patrick now. Was there an implication there? Was Patrick reading too heavily into something? Where he would've feigned a sense of revolt before, he failed to even consider that an option with Taelian. He couldn't do that to his friend, not when it risked damaging all the common ground they've found together.

Yet he also couldn't find it in himself to go through with it either, not when he was aware of the fact Taelian had a lover also. He didn't even have those kind of feelings for Taelian, at least as far as he was aware there weren't any. Had loneliness driven him to lean in then? Had the affections between them instill something in them? He wanted to make it a point that they shouldn't, but somehow when he opened his mouth no words came out. He just remained there, frozen as he still searched for that damnable reason; to justify what the fuck actually made him do that. While it was clear in Atinorin culture that gender held no absolute influence in a person's status, Patrick still faced the question as to why he felt inclined to lean in. To even attempt a kiss with Taelian.

It was perfectly fine when one looked at the context really, the only lingering issue was the moral sense of code Patrick possessed. Yet... Taelian took him by his hands, his rough thumbs pressing against the peaks of Patrick's own knuckles. As a result Patrick bit his lower lip and tensed a little, the rigidness of his figure obvious as something else stirred. The tightness in his muscles were accompanied with a sense of... anxiety? No... No it was something else. Something that Patrick hadn't quite experienced when it came to the idea of intimacy, particularly due to the fact he'd never actually experienced it... with a man. Or Elf... You're typical male? That felt more appropriate.

For all it was worth Taelian was the first ever, male, person who Patrick allowed to get so close. And now... As Taelain drew in closer and closer, Patrick felt the need to hold his breath as they were almost mere centimeters away. He knew now, he knew what it was that he felt. The feeling that sent his stomach into a whirl as he remained rigid, yet even then nothing could stop the shiver that crept up his spine. It was anticipation. The moment the skin of their lips made contact, it felt as though Patrick needed to breath all over again. Long drawn pants were all that came out of his mouth, as his eyes closed hard from the sensation erupting through his brain. Astonished as he was in that moment the feeling was short lived, as he could no longer quell the urges that were tugging him forward.

Patrick actually found himself wanting to ignore all his thoughts, all his reasoning, and for once not even give a shit about what he thought; much less what others thought. It was clear to him now, Taelian was open to explore these affections; so why wasn't he willing to do the same? Better question; why did he feel like he shouldn't? These were questions he really wanted to think on, but the thoughts were already a distant ship on the horizon. Right now Patrick held no reservations in giving in, letting his curiosity lead him into the secondary kiss that followed right after. To him it felt longer and more even more inviting, as he pressed his lips hard into Taelian's with heavily drawn out breaths. It was also suddenly hotter out now, much hotter than how it felt a few minutes ago.

While he would've loved to talk about things, this wasn't something he felt could simply be discussed. Not with how innate his urges became, for Patrick couldn't help but grope at the lightly colored locks on Taelian's skull. It was obvious what started to drive him forward now, what urges were beginning to take root within his body. Even now the Siltori would begin to feel something press into him, while the bartender himself tried to avoid gripping his hair too roughly.
word count: 1189
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3278#p3278

XP: 8

Magic Experience: Transposition for Taelian.

Injuries/Ailments: Maybe next time.

Awarded Lores:
  • Investigation: Cause and effect
  • Investigation: Determining the reason for a departure
  • Investigation: Examining remote areas
  • Seduction: Displaying intimate desires for a friend
  • Seduction: Pressing through another's doubts
  • Rhetoric: Making a good nickname

  • Investigation: Cause and Effect
  • Investigation: Examining Remote Areas
  • Rhetoric: The Varying Levels of Appreciation With A Friend
  • Etiquette: Refraining From Making Any Untoward Advances
  • Seduction: Giving Into A Lingering Temptation
  • Seduction: Curiosity Leads To Heated Moments

Loot: Empty-handed.

That was cute. I will say though that I hated the nickname 'Trick' at first, but the second time Taelian said it was adorable.I liked the dynamic of the awkward unsure Taelian and the confident, casual Patrick. I hope to see more in the future, and hopefully learn what happened to the village!

word count: 257

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