Bubble Baths And Decisions

Korv needs a favor from Hikami

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Koiteki
Location: Dahshida
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1438
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Korvaelis Dahshida

Savior of Udori Lake,

Your heroism has never gone unnoticed. I've watch you from afar and want to congratulate you on all your accomplishments. You have become the model citizen of Kalzasi and lead by example with every action that you take. I bet you’re wondering why you’ve received this letter. Unfortunately, I cannot give you any reward you for your work so far. In fact, I am embarrassed by the question I will soon ask of you. I cannot lie. This favor is probably beneath you. But I do not feel comfortable asking anyone other than the Savior…of Udori Lake.

You see, I fear for the safety of my family. I have two children and a husband. My son is immersing himself in our culture so soon I will worry less about him. However, my husband has no way of protecting himself in my absence. I fear for their safety while I’m gone. So to keep it short and simple, I ask that you teach my husband self-defense. He will need a sparring partner and someone to show him how to protect the family against threats. If you accept my invitation, please meet me at the Jade Crane Bathhouse tomorrow morning.


Soraken Akiba Dahshida

Korvaelis slipped the letter into a pretty envelope and then stamped it with his deceased husband’s seal. He thought the letter looked pretty important and official.

“Please show up.”

He was beginning to panic.

If word got out about what he had just done, Korvaelis was screwed. Using your dead husband’s name and rank? Sure, it was a bad idea, but for a good cause. At least that’s what he told himself. Every time a wave of guilt washed over him, Korvaelis fought it off with thoughts of his brother’s threats and the dangers society had imposed on him. That usually helped until his mind wondered to what his in-laws’ reaction to the letter if they got a hold of it.

Your safety, your capabilities, and your family matter more than that. He was definitely having an internal conflict.

“Remember, if someone asks about Akiba Dahshida…you send him my way. Correct?” If the tone of his voice wasn’t a dead giveaway to how anxious he was then the repetitiveness had to do the trick. Korvaelis knew he was bothering the poor woman at the front desk. He couldn’t help it.

“Yes…for the fiftieth time. If someone asks for Akiba Dahshida, we will escort him to the private bathing room. Then we will bring him tea like you asked. Is that all, m’lord?” The woman tried plastering a smile on her face. She valued the business more than something trivial like an annoying customer. “You should go relax in the meantime.”

“Yeah…you’re right.” He told her.

Korvaelis headed toward his private bathing room, closing the door behind him. Before slipping his robe off and putting his hair up. Slipping into the hot spring water, he leaned against a wall and then closed his eyes as he thought about what to say. If he asks why I’m here, I’ll tell him my husband can’t make it. If he rejects my offer, I’ll promise him something special. Korvaelis was beginning to relax as his thoughts drifted. Carefully planning out the meeting was starting to put him at ease.

14th of Frost, 123
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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龍 13th of Glade, Year123, A,o.S 龍

The day was early when the letter arrived, both Hikami and Yumeko looking at it with curious eyes. she had examined the letter intently before handing it to Hikami to read and he seemed to sigh after. "Is there no one else to handle this task, why must it be me?" he groaned, scratching the back of his head. He knew however that it was a request he couldn't refuse, as it came from a member of the Great House of Dahshida.

"How interesting that this comes from a dead man." Yumeko whispered as she folded the letter up and set it aside. Sitting down in the chair behind her desk, she seemed to be in contemplation before she spoke again. "Hebei." she spoke, a figure soon showing up from behind her as he bowed to the woman and the hero of Udori Lake. "My nephew will be going to the Jade Crane Bathhouse today, I am correct that you are familiar with the location yes?"

He nodded nervously as she nodded as well and continued. "I thought so. You will be accompanying him there today to meet someone. I want you to go ahead of him and scout the place out before my nephew arrives." she ordered to which the snake rathari nodded and vanished as quickly as he appeared. He sighed as he needed to go and ready himself for what may come of this meeting. The fact his aunt revealed that the man who wrote the letter was dead made him wonder.

Just what was he walking into?

Once there he found that the hostess of the bathhouse had been awaiting his arrival, waving him over as she politely greeted him and ushered him into a private changing room. Once derobed he found that the towels they had could not cover all of him which caused the hostess to blush a bit from his exposure. Waving her off he summoned a draconic tail to wrap around his waist to cover his extremities. With that out of the way, he followed her to where the supposed to meet the supposed writer of the letter.

When he saw the person, he couldn't help but burst into laughter as he recognized the man who awaited him. It was the man during the Black wedding, the one he was protecting along with Mino. "I wasn't expecting you to be behind the letter, but I guess this was better than what I expected." he mused as he came to stand in front of him. "Care to explain why you are using a dead high noble's name?"

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[Capricious Wind]
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Title: Koiteki
Location: Dahshida
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1438
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1444

Korvaelis Dahshida

He swore he could feel how beneficial the hot spring water was on his body. Korvaelis tilted his head back as he closed his eyes.What could go wrong? He was beginning to convince himself that this would work out perfectly. Korvaelis was sure that not too many people knew about Akiba Dahshida. Recalling his funeral, there weren’t too many outside of the family or those who swore fealty that knew about the middle child of the rather large family. The last name, however, was widespread. So despite it being wrong for him to use his name, Korvaelis just had a hunch that it would work.

The blue man was somewhat right.

He heard the door of the private bathroom open and his eyes fluttered open. Oof. Was he this big at the wedding? Korvaelis looked up at the man in awe. The Savior looked different. Like, a lot different than he last remembered. Sadly he couldn’t figure out why that was the case since Korvaelis got a brief glimpse of him. Maybe it’s just my imagination. He did his best to shake the feeling. Korvaelis tried to give the Avialae a winning smile and he was ready to greet him.

Damn it.

The speech had come up with for this elaborate plan seemed to have fallen out of his head. The lord couldn’t remember anything after the man began laughing. Was he laughing at Korvaelis? He was beginning to feel so embarrassed. “What’s funny?” He managed to get out before the Avialae shocked him with his next sentence.

Damn it, damn it.

“I did–”

The woman at the front desk barged in. She carried a tray with the prettiest teapot, two cups to match it, and dried lavender petals. “Here you are!” She yelled as she placed the tray beside Korvaelis. She looked less irritated as she softly tapped his shoulder as her way of saying, see? Told you he’d come. Which would have been heartwarming if he wasn’t caught in a lie. But he nodded his head anyway and thanked her as she left the room.

Korvaelis didn’t answer Hikami right away. He did as he was told to do whenever he was hosting. Quietly, he poured hot water into the teacups and sprinkled the lavender petals into both cups. Then he picked up a teacup and slowly carried it to the Avialae. “Tea?”

“He’s not just some dead nobleman. Show some respect.” He muttered the last part. “That nobleman is my husband. Is there some rule that states that a widower can’t use his husband’s name?”

Korvaelis was irritated now. He wanted this all to go his way.

“And where are your manners? Who walks into a room and starts a conversation like that.”

14th of Frost, 123
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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龍 13th of Glade, Year123, A,o.S 龍

He couldnt help but laugh again as such things were just common for him. "You'll have to forgive my uncouth behavior my lord, I'm a country bumpkin so these fancy nuances are lost on me sometimes." he teased, chuckling.

Afterward, however he couldn't help but feel bad for the guy, but more so cause he may have offended him. With a sigh he took a seat next to the man, nodding in response to the offer of tea. "I'm not saying that there was anything wrong with it, but you could have just put your name on it. Deception isn't needed if you really need the help." he patted the man on the shoulder.

"So tell me, Why do you really want someone to teach you how to fight? The life of a warrior isn't an easy one." he knew this all too well, the many lives taken in combat, the anguish of losing those close to you. It was not a life for everyone, but he survived the Black Wedding, he could survive most things. He remembered seeing the man defend his child during the chaos so Hikami was certain the man showed potential.

"And what compensation am I looking at for teaching you? Are you even able to give me a stipend for my efforts?" He was concerned, but more so his intrigue was leading his words. He wondered what his drive was, besides protecting his family. Granted that in of itself was more than enough but he was curious nonetheless to see if it was more.

He would try and be as thorough as possible in this negotiation, as he didn't want to waste his time on a lost cause no matter how much he wanted to help the guy.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[Beats of Water Drops]
word count: 412
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Title: Koiteki
Location: Dahshida
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1438
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1444

Korvaelis Dahshida

"I am no native to this city either, but it’d be best to learn proper etiquette,” Korvaelis told him, missing the joke at first. “Oh… you were teasing.”

Korvaelis picked his cup up and leaned against the side of the pool. He didn’t mean to come off so strong when mentioning Akiba. He was mad at himself because the Savior of Lake Udori was right. He could’ve used his name and written a stronger letter to convince him. However, Korvaelis was somewhat insecure about his status and placement within the family. No one knew of his existence and he had no blood ties to the Dahshida.

“Would you have accepted my invitation?” Korvaelis stared deeply into his cup before taking a sip. “Tell me the truth. Would you have accepted the invitation of a man like myself?” He turned his body toward the Avialae and looked up at him.

Placing the cup down on the edge of the pool, Korvaelis raised his hand and began shaking his head. “I do not want to be a warrior. The city is safe in your hands and the many others that protect it. But I’ve realized for a while that I cannot protect myself or my family. Perhaps…marrying into a family full of them— warriors, I mean— has given me a false sense of comfort and protection.”

I am not worth protecting. Neither is anyone close to me. So I’ll have to do it. Korvaelis thought as the man had given him a question that helped motivate him even further. The Avialae might not see it that way, but the question helped him vividly think about the people he would be fighting for in the first place.

“I don’t think I can ever possess the strength that you have in your body,” Korvaelis flailed his arms and hands in the direction of Hikami as he referred to his body, “but I’d like to try and possess half of it.”


Shit. That IS a thing. Why didn’t he think about that before making such a bold move? Korvaelis wanted to kick himself.

“Well…what would you like? I can’t promise to pay you all at once. I’m trying to get my husband’s business going again and I just had a baby.” Korvaelis realized he was being too honest. So much to the point, he revealed too much. “I just had adopted a baby, I mean. You see? I have so much going on.” He giggled to hide his embarrassment.

14th of Frost, 123
word count: 470
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