Taking What's Due Ⅰ

Clearing out the Michaelis family Estate

High City of the Northlands

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


☬ 7th of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ☬
Company: Pyrrhus | Thoughts: Slaughter them | Mood: Mix of emotions

Dreyfus was never one to pass up a good hunt, oh how he enjoyed the chase. He was originally at the Michaelis Estate to relieve it of whatever wealth remained within its halls, but now he had a bigger prey. Anarchists had overrun the place, and his crimson orbs watched from a distance as he contemplated his approach. He could go in stealth like, making sure to avoid their detection and slaughter them systematically one by one. But then he remembered they were nothing more than mere rebels.

The estate was a well-defended piece of architecture that was for sure. Scouting the place out he learned the different shift changes, the strength of the forces there as well as their defenses. He analyzed them all for several hours. Soon it would be time, waiting for nightfall and the perfect cover. Like a shadow, Dreyfus made his way onto the manor grounds. Another good thing about them being anarchists is that he had no qualms about killing them all. As he moved further into the manor ground he could see that many of them were gathering out back, excited about something.

Leaping onto the roof of the manor he had a vantage point he could see what they were all gathering for. Increasing his vision with Veracity he could see that they had someone strung up. The man was large by normal standards and reminded him of the half-mortallen he had met some time ago. He could only assume that this was one of the scouts Victor had told him about. Beside the hulking man, two figures stood, one Dreyfus assumed to be the leader and another with a large sword.

Opening up his hearing with Veracity as well he could hear the leader of the group as he spoke. "Brothers and Sisters! Tonight we sacrifice another pig of the status quo, a filthy sympathizer of the old ways. We don't care for those trying to restore order around 'ere. Now time to spill some blood!" he roared, signaling for the executioner to begin. The crowd of rebels erupted into yells and cheers as the executioner raised the blade high above the large man's head.

What should have been the sound of a head rolling was instead the sound of a body convulsing. Dreyfus, having moved from his vantage point, was now on the ground gripping the executioner's body with Rhabdomancy, and upon further concentration, he caused severe eternal bleeding with Rupture. The anarchists stared in shock as the executioner collapsed, blood pouring from every office. "I have come to cleanse the land of your filth." the vampyre warned, lurking within the shadows of the manor.

"None of you will leave here alive, that I can assure you." he added, stepping into view from the shadows. Leaping onto the platform they had fashioned for the execution Dreyfus stood in his armor, his mask concealing most of his face, though his glowing crimson eyes piercing through them. He could see them all tense up, waiting for the moment to attack. It didn't take long for the one who was leading the execution to act, pulling out a pistol and aiming it at the prisoner's head. "You so much as blink wrong, and I'll blow 'is fuckin head off." he warned, but Dreyfus was unphased.

He simply slowed the flux around the man, to such a degree that it would feel as though time was standing still for him. Chuckling the vampyre walked over to the man and elongated one of his nails, and slowly stabbed it into his chest. With a quick retraction, he allowed the man's flux to resume its normal course. The rogue's body fell to the floor and Dreyfus turned his attention to the group of anarchists. "Come if you wish to die." he declared which spurred them into action.

Flesh-crafting blades from his forearms, Dreyfus lept into the horde and slaughtered them one by one, a mix of magic and bladed death filling the air. These were nothing but peons of course and the vampyre could make quick work of them. The last one that remained met its end as Dreyfus drained her of her blood, tossing her body off to the side as he went to talk to the captive male. With a flick of his wrist, he unlocked the shackles that bound the man.

Upon closer inspection he could see that they had worked him over rather well, the bare skin that was visible with bruises all over. He sat the man up and began working to heal the wounds of the captive. "Who....who are you?" he asked through a strained voice, a hand clutching onto Dreyfus as he was situated upright. "I am a friend, Victor sent me to find you." he admitted, continuing to work on him. The man laughed, sighing as he could feel his strength slowly returning with each wound the vampyre was healing.

"Well that's just great. That old man won't let me hear the end of it." he chuckled. Standing he looked around at the carnage Dreyfus had left. "At least he sent someone.....efficient." Dreyfus laughed as he began to head toward the main house. "You rest up, I shall clean up the rest of the vermin." he said, fashioning two curved swords of crystalized blood. As he entered the manor, he was greeted by a caster shell shot.

"I see you want my attention, now you have it." a voice came from up above. A figure jumped from up on the second floor and landed several feet away from Dreyfus. "I take it you came here for the big guy out there? Or are you here for something else?" he asked, but Dreyfus remained silent, only to lunge forward at the man and clash with his own weapons. A flurry of sparks erupted as both men fought. Dreyfus was delivering a torrent of slashes and swipes using his advantage of tapping into Adrenosis.

With his physical attributes enhanced, he was able to dominate the flow of the fight. In reality, he didn't have to fight the man, but he entertained the idea, for the mortal's ego. The two dance across the main foyer of the estate, slash after slash being countered or parried by both warriors, and the vampyre was more than willing to allow this rogue to think he was on equal footing for the most part. With one blade being used to defend and the other to attack he was going tit for tat with the man, and if he was being honest it was quite the learning experience for him.

He could see both the benefits and downsides to it, as he couldn't look at each blade as individual weapons, but more so as an extension of one another. When Dreyfus is done playing with his food he seizes the man with Rhabdomancy. With a single swing of his blade, Dreyfus cleaves his head off. It was cauterized so there was no blood. For a moment he stood there, waiting for more of them to come out and attack him. After some time he could feel the presence of someone within the flux and turned to see the large male hobbling inside.

"I killed most of them. The ones you killed earlier were all that remained." he noted, coming to fall on one knee. Dreyfus came to extend a hand to the man. Helping him up they exited the building, and Dreyfus brought him to the front of the estate, allowing him a moment to rest. "I am Pyrrhus, though I am sure you are aware of that." he chuckled. "I was supposed to be watching the anarchists in the area, and well I thought I could handle taking them on when they found me." he added.

Dreyfus looked at the man with an apraising eye before looking back t the estate. "Well as long as I bring you back alive that's all that matters. I have two others to find, for now, however let's see what we can take from here." he instructed, standing and venturing into the manor. The home was in fair condition for the most part, save for vandalism and broken furniture and such, but Dreyfus knew all old money homes held their fortune and valuables in vaults, sometimes beneath the homes themselves.

He would take what was needed, and then in the future, he would come back to strip the home for salvageable materials to use for repairs of Beomir Manor.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 1558

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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3831


Points: 8, may be used for Vitalis

Injuries/Ailments: None after feeding

Loot: 50gp of valuables that can be easily sold

Notes: If the remaining members of House Michaelis discover the theft they might be less then pleased.

Mod XP: None
word count: 71
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