Au Ra Xaela

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A U - R A - X A E L A

Full Name: Au Ra Xaela
Race: Lysanrin
Sex: F
Age: 18
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120 lbs

Birthdate: Glade 25 106
Birthplace: Zaichaer

Profession: Artificer
Housing: Estate in Zaichaer
Partners: None

Titles: None
Factions: None

Fluencies: Common, Vallenor
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Au-Ra, or Aura for short, is a pure blooded Lysanrin. Pure as she is, she is still somewhat of mixed heritage. Her Ashborn mother and Stormborne father are the reason for her startlingly blue eyes that can shift towards white or black depending on her mood. Her skin is a smooth shade of alabaster that contrasts against her dyed brown shoulder-length hair. Aura’s black horns start at the sides of her head and curve forward.

Aura’s wardrobe is neatly split into three different aspects of her life. There’s the uniforms she wears to school which are appropriately well-tailored. Then there’s a pile of work clothes which she uses when smithing or artificing. They typically in good condition, but it doesn’t take long for them to get stained enough to get tossed & replaced. Lastly, there’s an empty section for her armor. She has a design in her head that she'd like to create - a sleek set of plate with a cavity in the chest to store a dragonshard - but she has yet to craft it. She generally sticks to red as far as colors are concerned and her go-to material for jewelry is gold.

Aura is defined by an inquisitive nature that is as relentless as it is methodical. She approaches her studies and work with the gaze of a scientist, engineer, and artificer rolled into one and often with combat applications on her mind. While she is a quick learner, her hard work is often confused for natural intellect. She is very much a ‘learn by doing’ kind of person which requires her to fail many times before she gets things right.

As a descendant of Lyrielle, Nefrim specifically, Aura has always had a knack for convincing people to do things they shouldn't. She is a natural at seducing people without having to actively try to do so. As a child this often manifested as people bending the rules 'just for her' or trying to seek her favor. As an adult, she finds herself being often stared at, though she often assumes it's because of her non-human heritage rather than her looks.

Aura is confident, to say the least. She is not one to shy away from challenges. She is also quick to stand up for herself and her family. Family is incredibly important to her and she would happily die to save any of her immediate relatives. Because she tends to be loyal, she is often very cautious about who she sides with. She doesn’t worship any gods, thinking it a waste of her time.

In line with the rest of her race, she does tend to prefer to be alone instead of in groups. She is a Lysanrin with the ability to Aether Siphon at quite an advanced level which turns out isn't the best ability to have when one spends a lot of time around mages. She hardly hides her abilities though. She's proud of her heritage and would rather make others upset than to pretend not to be herself.

When faced with issues, her go-to strategy is to tackle them bluntly and head-on. A pack of wolves in her path? Blast them down. A rival at school? Study hard and beat them. A design not working? Spend all night making tweaks until it does. She very much favors straight-forward and practical solutions.


The Xaela family history is one steeped in the history of Zaichaer. Aura’s family's roots go back many generations with each generation building upon the wealth and status of the last. The family tended to stay out of politics directly as they were discriminated against. So while Aura’s family wasn't anywhere near as rich as a noble, they were still very much better off than the common citizen.

Aether Siphoning runs strong in Aura’s bloodline, a gift that has manifested in all members of her immediate family. As the eldest of four siblings, Aura found herself in a position of quiet authority from a young age and the expectation was that she would be someone her brothers and sister could look towards.

Unfortunately, Aether Siphoning was both a gift and a curse. At least one person of every generation that Aura could recall had someone die because hunters got to them. Her father met that fate when Aura was 13. He’d gone away for business and that’d been the last they ever saw of him – supposedly the poison that killed him didn’t leave anything to send home. Aura’s mother and one of her brothers died in the catastrophe that struck Zaichaer.

(Searing, 119)
Aura develops her Aether Siphon ability. She spent a lot of time in the forest near Zaichaer practicing and becoming a force to be reckoned with.

(Glade, 121)
Aura becomes infatuated with the idea of becoming a smith. Her parents put her in an apprenticeship to have her learn the ropes, hoping that she comes to her senses and pursues something more profitable, such as runeforging.

(Searing, 122)

In the wake of disaster, responsibility fell upon young Aura’s shoulders like a mantle too heavy for one so young. She was thrust into adulthood, forced to balance the rigors of surviving in a crazy new environment with taking care of her remaining siblings. Once the opportunity arose to become a lawful citizen, she took it and began helping the Order which put to use her respectable Aether Siphoning ability. On top of that, her aptitude for artificing was recognized and she began learning under Minister Dornkirk.

The income she received from her work was enough to hire help with caring for her siblings. This allowed her to focus most of her time on helping rebuild Zaichaer through her natural magical ability as well as golem creation.

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SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Aether Siphon 58/100Journeyman
Artificing 50/100Journeyman
Bodybuilding 25/100Apprentice
Clockwork 50/100 Journeyman
Engineering 50/100 Journeyman
Flight 50/100Journeyman
Gadgeteering 25/100Apprentice
Mathematics 9/100Novice
Persuasion 50/100Journeyman
Physics 25/100Apprentice
Seduction 50/100Journeyman
Smithing 52/100Journeyman
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Cash Out from Ivar+446-0446
Aether Siphon+0-50 Aether Siphon 396
Artificing+0-50 Artificing 346
Clockwork+0-50 Clockwork 296
Engineering+0-50 Engineering246
Flight+0-50 Flight196
Physics+0-25 Physics171
Teaching+0-50 Teaching121
Mathematics+0-9 Mathematics112
Gadgeteering+0-25 Gadgeteering87
Smithing+0-25 Smithing62
Seduction+0-50 Seduction12
To Pound Metal+8-20 Bodybuilding0
To Strike Metal pt. 1+8-5 Bodybuilding -3 Smithing0
To Strike Metal pt. 2+8-8 Smithing0
To Armor Metal Pt. 1+8-8 Smithing0
To Armor Metal Pt. 2+8-8 Smithing0
The ball of aether+8-08
The bolt of aether+8-016
Not so peaceful+8-024
Rest Day+8-032
Beaming pt. 1+4 +4Aether Siphon-4 Aether Siphon36
Beaming pt. 2+4 +4Aether Siphon-4 Aether Siphon40
Horned Flight+8-056
Persuasion+0-50 Persasion6
What needs to be done+8-014
To enlist some help+8-022
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Amaterasu Haifen


Name: Amaterasu Haifen
Race: Neptori
DoB: Glade 25 104
PoB: A remote Neptori village in the crystal sea
Title: Bodyguard
Elementalism: 50
Traversion: 50
Blades (Katana): 50
Acrobatics: 25
Bodybuilding: 25
Detection: 25
Running: 25
Additional Info:
Amat is a Neptori who grew up in a remote village underneath the crystal sea. There was a massive storm one day when he was young and he happened to be where he oughtn't have been. Aura’s father, Sin, was mid-journey on a business trip when he spotted Amat’s body floating on some debris. After being rescued, Amaterasu took a while to recover his memories. During his recovery, he decided he quite enjoyed Sin’s company and realized he had a lot to learn about the world.

Amat ended up sticking with Sin even after recovering his memories and acted as a servant to him, as repayment for saving his life. Sin didn’t treat him poorly and even allowed him to live in his home and get the same education as his children. Still, he wasn’t treated like a child. He was always an employee, a servant, and eventually a bodyguard. Amat didn’t mind, especially since the pay was good and he was doing more with his life than he ever would have done as a simple villager.

Amat became a mage on his travels with Sin, ultimately taking on both Elementalism and Traversion as they assisted him in both protecting his employer and helping him travel. His use of these magics pre-disaster was never used within city limits and only within the confines of his job, although he did obtain the appropriate licensing.

Then came Sin’s assassination. Amat felt wracked with guilt over his failure to protect him, even though there was little he could do about poison. He had the option to start a new life, but he decided the best thing he could do was to devote himself to protecting the rest of Sin’s family. It was only because of Amat’s efforts that Aura and two of her siblings survived the disaster that struck Zaichaer. His full time job is currently protecting Aura and doing his best to keep her out of trouble.

Last edited by Aura on Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:50 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 379
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1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

Greater Illumite x1 Special Properties Here
This greater illumite crystal is capable of expelling the full potency of its stored aetheric potential. In this blinding burst of light, all manner of Dread Mist corruption up to Category 1 will be dispelled in an area of up to 100 sq. ft. Additionally, the burst will dispel any of the following effects up to Journeyman level tier magic: illusions, disease (natural and unnatural), aetheric corruption, mind altering effects (i.e. Mesmer), and will either repel or destroy lesser undead (i.e. mindless wraiths, shambling skeletons etc.). Expelling the crystal's aether in this manner depletes the crystal for a total of 72 hours.


An estate in the Luxium. Details WIP until cash out is finalized

1. Cash out from Ivar +2154 gold
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M A G I C & B L O O D L I N E

Descendant of Lyrielle tu Kovash Elmari Link

Nefim's Lineage (Seduction)

Nefim, the beast. It is unclear if Nefim was Lyrielle's first child, or only the first to be noted in recorded history. He was born in the age of dreams and was abandoned shortly after his first birthday. Nefim lived in the wildest part of the Boundless Empire, in a land that was known to house creatures that could challenge adult dragons in sheer strength. There he grew up, and as time went on he adapted to the land and became something less human. Those who met him described him as more animal than man, with a ferocious temper and monstrous strength that let him tear out the throat of an adolescent dragon with his teeth.

The decedents of Nefim possess a powerful presence, an indescribable aura which presses down on those around them unless consciously restrained. This ability is tied to any social skill, with the skill it is linked to slightly altering the affect of the aura. If linked to intimidation the character feels more threatening, but if tied to negotiation or persuasion they may feel more trustworthy or charismatic. With zero points in Intimidation the passive aura gives a sense of immediate danger akin to novice level intimidation, with each rank in the skill giving the effective power one rank higher than normal.
Last edited by Aura on Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:26 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 250
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T H R E A D - L I S T

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