Tea Time for Two... Plus One?

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

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4th of Searing, 120th of Steel

The irony was that she had just started to settle into somewhat of a routine before being uprooted again. Not that the outlander was complaining. It had been decided that Patrick was going to a place called Grimholdt--roughly six days ride on horseback from here--to bring back new kinds of tea for the tavern. By default, being under Patrick's wing, she was going with him.

Leliana wondered if it also had something to do with the fact that they knew she'd been travelling for six months prior to stumbling on their doorstep. She'd understandably picked up a bit of know-how on the road. Although she wasn't familiar with the region itself, Patrick could make up for her shortcomings where she made up for his.

The half-breed had thought it over quite a lot the night before. She was uncertain about being on the road with him for the round trip, let alone completely at his whim as a guide in unfamiliar territory. Not that that hadn't already been the case here in Álfsós. He'd been nice enough to start showing her around, and to be honest hadn't been anything but incredibly kind to her. The same went for the whole family. Perhaps, she finally decided, she was being a little too cynical.

So that morning she carefully packed her things. She still had enough preserved foods from the last trip to take along and last herself almost the entire round trip, so that would save the inn some resources--however little that may be. Nevertheless Leliana wrapped the foods up and tucked them into her bag. Her tent and tarp were rolled tight and lashed to the bottom of the pack. Bedroll and blanket were packed in the bottom, then food, toiletries, cutlery, and a few other small tidbits.

In the future it would be a good idea to go to market and find some more gear. Now that she had a job, her own money, and--well--free time, she could start acquiring actual belongings. It was a weird thought. Smiling at the thought, Lily picked up her bag, full waterskin, sword, and stepped out into the hall. She still didn't have to have the weapon summoned at all times, but she chose to for the sake of appearances.

Leliana assumed it might look strange to be packing for a trip on the road and not be bringing a weapon along. Little did they know it didn't have to exist in the physical world to be present. As an extension of her own soul, it was always at the ready. The outlander locked her door and double checked it was secure for good measure before making her way downstairs. There were some patrons as usual, but this early in the morning it wasn't at all busy.

First they had to go pick up the horses. It had been a while since she'd actually ridden. Lily was no expert by any stretch or definition of the word. She could get on and not fall off; that was about as much as she could hope for. There was a bit of anticipation bubbling in her stomach--a mix of nerves and excitement. She always loved being around animals. There was something so reassuring about their honesty, and horses were no exception to the rule. It would be nice to get some practice in the saddle.
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He had just gotten back from his trip to the market earlier that morning, since most of the shops were just opening by the time he had arrived anyways. Patrick had wanted to make sure he had everything he needed, and even went so far as to grabbing a couple 'pick-me-ups' while he was at it. A few of the things he brought home were going to be left behind of course, as Patrick didn't wish to overload on gear for the journey ahead of them. Plus they were still going to need to rent horses after all, which he figured much of the trip will be spent riding them.

So while was finishing checking his inventory; Patrick took the liberty to sort out, and put away, what came along and what remained. Eventually he came to feel rather satisfied with what he packed, and in turn started to change into a different pair of clothes. He figured what with it being Searing he'd need to dress lighter, so that he would avoid chances of heatstroke during the ride. Pat proceeded to change into the sleeveless green doublet, as well as removing his shoes so that he could slip on the boots he'd bought also. Finally came the time to head out, only he still needed to adjust a few things before leaving.

The new sword on his hip felt weighty after a bit of adjustment, and he gave the pouch belt a tuck in a couple directions as a result. Snug as it'll ever be, and should certainly keep his pants from ever sagging down. While he had all the pockets he could need, thanks to the belt and body pack, Patrick still felt like there could've been more to bring along. Nevertheless he considered himself fit and ready for travel, therefore slipped the straps onto each shoulder before heading out. With a brief moment spent locking the door to his apartment, Patrick headed down the street in the direction towards the Inn.

When he arrived and entered he found that Leliana was already downstairs, probably waiting for him since he took a bit to finish prepping earlier. "Hey Lily," He greeted her fairly warmly with a modest grin, "looks like you're all set." Certainly almost the same as when he first saw her the other day, when she had arrived fresh into Alfsos and needed a place to bunker down. Patrick himself looked the part too of course, all decked up with his gear and new duds for the journey ahead of them. Over the green doublet he wore was a weapon harness, with the handle of a pepperbox flintlock pistol holstered in the slot of the front. The steel broadsword still hung at the left side of his waste, as the bag on his back looked packed with every essential he could need.

There was even a mining pickaxe strapped to one side of the bag, and holstered on the other side was the crossbow he'd also bought earlier. Overall he definitely felt heavier than usual, but evermore ready to handle anything now. The world beyond Alfsos walls may have been dangerous, but Patrick wasn't going to let fear keep him from being well prepared. "You ready?"

"WAIT!" An eager yet suave voice beckoned as feet trampled down the stairs, revealing the youngest of the Barnell brothers as he nearly hopped onto the main floor. "Don't forget about me!" Connor urged as he took a moment to catch his breath, with a heavy lean over his knees given to exaggerate on the attempt. He dressed himself up in a brown tunic of some kind, with belts and straps covering his torso and even his thighs. The youngest brother also had a travel pack of his own, stuffed with whatever essentials he thought necessary to bring along.

"Con?" Patrick's surprise was plainly noticeable when he looked at the cook. "You really plannin' on comin'?"

"Look I know we haven't talked about it yet, but I brought it up with mum and pa and they both agreed to let me tag along!" Connor explained as he walked up to Patrick and Leliana with a grin.

"Reluctantly." Dominik remarked from the bar as he decided to walk around, and eventually join the three of them for a moment. "Connor wouldn't stop beggin' to go with you two. So it wasn't like he was givin' them much a choice."

Patrick looked to the youngest sibling unamused. "Really?"

"C'mooooon Pat! You need a good lookin' guy to watch your back!"

"I have Lily and she can probably do a better job than you." Patrick retorted back with a cross of his arms, while Connor then brought his hands together to outright plea. Not to Patrick though, to Leliana with a sad frown and a few whimpers.

"Lily, tell Patrick here that I should come! Pretty please! With a cherry on top?!" Connor proceeded to request in, unremarkably, the cutest way he could muster. Patrick merely sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, almost inclined to shake his head as another response.

Off Topic
The Following Items are what Patrick has bought, everything is considerably purchased (However waiting for the Price List to be updated beforehand)

Strong Rations
Sword, Broad
Crossbow, Light
Crossbow Bolts (10)
Pepperbox, Flint-lock Pistol (One Shot)
Weapon Harness
Body Pack
Lamp, Common
Oil (1-Pint Flask)
Rope, Hemp (50 ft.)
Tent, four-person
Pick, Miner’s
Insect Repellent

Left At Home
Axe, Splitting
Fishing Pole
Climber’s Kit
Instrument Case
Sewing Needle

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Patrick [indent=54] Connor
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Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 993
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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She was sitting at a table not too far from the front doors when Patrick walked in. Her head turned at the sound of his voice and she smiled, rising from her chair to meet him. He looked quite different now, all kitted out and ready for the road. Leliana looked him up and down, eyebrows raised. She was so used to seeing him in bartending mode the last few days that this new version was like a different person. With a sword at his hip and a pistol on his chest, he looked formidable.

"I didn't know you were so proficient," she commented. "You have a small arsenal there." A bit of teasing at his expense. So far he had seemed like such an easygoing sort that she'd never even imagined him with a weapon in his hands. "It suits you," the outlander admitted as she lifted her own pack off the floor onto one shoulder. She was indeed ready to go, and started to make for the door with her companion when Connor's voice boomed from up the stairs.

Leliana jumped and turned, looking back and forth between the brothers as the youngest tried catching his breath and pleading his case. As the eldest joined their little gathering the halfling folded her arms and considered the situation quietly while they all spoke. When Connor turned his attentions to her she couldn't help the little grin that tugged at the corner of her mouth. He was around her age but acted so much younger--like a petulant child sometimes, in an endearing sort of way. She finally sighed and shrugged, holding her hands up in a placating manner.

"I don't see how a third person can be anything but beneficial," she reasoned to Patrick. "That's one more set of eyes on the road, one more person to split camp chores with, and--well--if it comes down to it one more person in a fight too." The caravan had showed her there could be definite safety in numbers. She raised her eyebrows at Connor. "I assume you won't be dead weight." It wasn't a question. He was going to do his part whether he wanted to or not. "If we can all agree that another set of helpful hands is a good idea, I suggest we get going."

Leliana adjusted her bag and stepped aside to make way for Connor, motioning toward the door in open invitation.

"Shall we, gentlemen?"
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Patrick honestly couldn't help but reasonably grin at Leliana, since she teased him about his whole 'new look' and the arsenal at his disposal. In truth he barely knew how to use any of it, hell the pistol he had never touched until today anyways. Learning how to use it would be something done over the journey, since he'd have to also figure out how to collect dragonshards along the way as well. "Thanks," He finally said after a short chuckle, "Pa pa's taught us how to fight a little, but that was before the war with the Imperium."

It'd be strange to actually try and apply what little he knew in a real fight, especially since Patrick had never actively sought to conquer anything before. Far as he could tell all the other warriors and Vikingers of the clans were brutes, driven to fight and defeat the natural enemies found within Atinaw. Him on the other hand? He was too much of a scholar, a thinker more so than a fighter. So imagine how unusual, yet welcome, he felt with hearing that this new 'look' of his suited him. Coming from someone more experienced than he likely was, the sheer fact it felt like a compliment made him feel better considerably.

And then Connor entered the picture...

His begging and pleading mixed with Dom's overbearing scrutiny created an awkward situation, but overall Leliana seemed to find considerable reason why the youngest should join. An extra pair of eyes for the road, and an extra pair of hands for when making camp. The three brothers did share the same tent space for over a week last season, so it should've stood to reason that Connor knew enough to expect that by now. Which was why his puppy frown changed immediately, with a mouth-open grin shot to her when he listened to her speak. "Ha! I can pull my own weight!" Patrick could only chortle quietly as he looked between the three of them, suddenly wishful that the oldest could've also tagged along.

"Take care of yourselves, and of each other out there." Dominik reminded them with a soft grin, with an expectant look focused on Connor. "Come back safely all of you!"

"We will," Patrick remarked in turn before Leliana prompted them for departure, "keep an eye on things while we're gone." That much was a bit of a tease if anything, for Dominik would clearly have his hands full without them around.

"Yes!! I'm so ready for this, I'm extremely ready for this, are we ready?" The youngest sibling rambled with much obvious enthusiasm, as the three walked out into the street to head towards the market.

"First the horses, though if anybody's got unfinished business here; now's the time to get it done." Patrick clarified with a brief glance at Leliana, a faint smile spared to her even if he still avoided direct eye contact.

"Okay, good! Are we all gettin' our own horses? Or are we sharin' one?!" Suddenly Connor gasped at the thought of it. "Do I get to ride with Lily?! Or do you two love-"

"Shut. It." The middle brother visibly tensed with flushed cheeks as he interrupted the younger one, slightly annoyed already as he didn't want to think about... that. No definitely not that. Right now he just needed to focus on whether they'd rent three horses, or if they should actually proceed with just two... and worst case scenario; Connor would be his unfortunate passenger.
Last edited by Patrick on Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 613
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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After they left the Silver Lion and started to make their way down the street, Leliana spent a good deal of time looking around as they walked. It was going to take her a while to really familiarize herself with a city such as Álfsós. Its scale was something astonishing to her. Other than the day she arrived, the few times she'd gone out had been with Patrick so she wouldn't get lost. It was up to them to guide her to the market this morning, but she tried to make it a point to memorize the route this time.

"Don't be silly, we can't share a horse. Would you want to carry two people and their gear on your back for days at a time?" she commented absently. The outlander was so distracted by her observations that she only gathered half of what the two brothers were bickering about.

It wasn't long before they made it to the edge of the market and she was distracted once again. There was plenty of commotion as people shopped, shouted, haggled, carried goods around. There were a lot of brick-and-mortar businesses in the area but also plenty of stalls where people were selling their wares. A family selling bolts of fabric, a man selling pottery, a strong young couple giving a blacksmithing demonstration outside their shop.

One stand in particular caught her eye. An elderly gentleman sat under an awning next to a table covered with pelts, knives, bags, and different little baubles. Leliana detached herself from Patrick and Connor's company to make her way over and inspect his things. He greeted her in Kokalath but quickly registered the blank look on her face and tried the Common tongue instead.

"Outlander, aye?" She nodded and he rose to inspect her. He looked strong and healthy despite his obvious advanced age. He had a gray grizzled beard, weathered face and hands, but a barrel chest, straight back, and broad shoulders. "Seems to me yer' goin' somewhere." It wasn't a question. The pack and sword on her back didn't leave much to the imagination, so she nodded once more. He crossed his arms and scrutinized her once more. She tried not to pay too much attention to the staring and instead examined his selection of knives and daggers.

"I can tell yer' not prepared well enough." That was enough to make her look at him.

"What do you mean?" He motioned to the waterskin hanging off her shoulder and the sword.

"First, ye' should never go with less than two skins. Ye' know the adage? Three minutes with'na air, three hours with'na shelter, three days no water, three weeks any food. I always carry extra water." He grabbed an empty waterskin hanging from a hook near her head and handed it to her, as well as a long dagger in a scabbard. "I made these ma'self. They'll serve ye' well, I can guarantee. A dagger is always good to have in a pinch."

She was struck silent for a moment, taken aback by his sudden appraisal and advice. "I--well--I--"

"Do ye' have an axe?"


"I have none, or I'd sell ye' one. I suggest a small one to split wood and kindlin' in camp. Good tool, an axe. Those blacksmiths down the street make good'uns."

"Uh--thank you," Leliana got out clumsily. "How much do I owe you?"

"300 farthings."

"Wait, what? You're the one that pushed these on me." He nodded sagely, arms crossed once more.

"The advice was free though." His eyes twinkled and she raised her eyebrows at him.

"250," she finally retorted.



"275." He didn't bat an eye, but she could tell he was amused.

Leliana grimaced and fished some farthings out of the coin pouch on her belt. He grinned as she handed them over, and watched her add the new accouterments to her person. When she'd finished he held his hand out, and after a brief pause her lips twitched and she obliged him with a handshake.

"You're an aggressive old man."

"Aye, but a helpful one too."

"I'll give you that."

"Be careful out there lass. You've a good fire in yer' belly."

He winked at her and she shook her head with a smile before turning to rejoin Patrick and Connor. They'd wandered a little bit ahead and hadn't abandoned her, thankfully. When she caught up to them the half-breed furrowed her brows.

"That was an incredibly strange ordeal. Let's hurry up and find some horses before someone makes me buy something else." A little sheepishly though, she did indeed stop to pick up a hatchet on their way past the blacksmith like the man had recommended. Of course she couldn't say no when they suggested a utilitarian knife as well.
Last edited by Leliana on Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:42 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 835
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A bit of music to go with the scene transition
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As they walked out to head into the streets of the capital, Leliana felt the need to remark upon the fact that nobody should be sharing a horse. In essence what she said rang pretty true, considering the whole lot of them would be carrying quite a bit. Weighing down a poor horse definitely didn't sound like a pleasant thing to do, but then again Patrick also shuddered to consider the expenses necessary to cover three. Regardless Connor bought into her rhetoric, feeling the need to tease her with a bit of his own. "Okay, so what if we rented three; but you shared one with either me or Patrick? The extra horse can just carry all our stuff while-"

"Con!" Patrick interrupted yet again as they all walked down the district.

"Alright! Alright!... Had to try at least." The younger siblings reasoning led the older one to groan a sigh, as they all walked onward towards the market first. It didn't take long for the three of them to reach it, yet alone break apart within it for several long minutes. Almost right away Patrick noticed that the two weren't with him anymore, and the first one he spotted just so happened to be Lily; who was browsing a stall just a stroll down a couple lanes. So where did that leave Connor?

"Hey! Pat! Come check this out!" Really? The bartender rolled his eyes as he sought out the source of Connor's voice, eventually able to deter him from the cluster of people gathered at another stall.

"What's up? We should really be movin' right now." He checked with his hands planted at his hips, while Connor waved for him to come closer.

"Come here!" He urged as some of the other locals broke away from the stall, granting a bit of room for others like Pat to join in when he approached. Then it hit him. The stall was a food stall, and right now they were serving pan seared food on sticks. Breakfast items mostly, as the day had just started for most businesses. Connor quickly bought two kebabs of sausage and bacon, handing one over for Patrick to try out after purchasing them. "Here! Try it!"

Patrick looked at the kebab suspiciously before taking a bite out off of it, cautiously chewing the hot piece of sausage he ripped from it. "It's good innit?!" Connor cheered almost enthusiastically, enjoying his own kebab rather eagerly. Patrick couldn't help but shake his head with a smile then, as he nodded for Connor to follow him once more. "Seriously though, I think I can make these on my own sometime!" He promoted as he walked alongside his big brother. "Can't be too hard after all! Just sizzle up some bacon and sausage, maybe do a lil' egg for extra flavor, and them bam! Breakfast kebabs!"

"Helluva name for them too." Patrick complimented with a brief glance towards him, with another glance behind them to make sure Lily caught up after them.

"Oooooo! Lily!" Connor immediately flagged her down when he noticed Pat's brief glance, thus slowed to meet up with her so that he could present what was left of his kebab to her. "You have to try this! Literally the best damn kebabs I've ever tasted."

"You haven't even tasted that many." Patrick remarked as they were approaching one of the local stables within the city. "Wait here, I'll go see if I can't set up the rental service or not."

While Patrick went off to do that, Connor looked around to see what all horses they had. "Oh wow! You don't think I'll actually have to ride one of these do ya? Come to think of it... I don't think I ever have ridden a horse before..." The youngest sibling confided to Lily as he approached one, still with his kebab in hand if Lily never accepted it nor gave it back to him.

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Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 731
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"A kebab?" she asked skeptically, taking the offering with some obvious uncertainty from the younger Barnell. "It's just meat on a stick? Did you actually pay money for this?" That last part was just a joke at his expense, but really--she did think it was an overly simple thing for someone to actually sell. Leliana sniffed experimentally before taking a bite. "Yep. Meat on a stick." She had to admit though, it was good. Everything was seasoned well and cooked properly. "This has to be easy to make. What is it, just sausage and bacon? It's good, but it needs something else. Maybe mushrooms too?"

She ended up handing it back to him after one more small bite as they neared the livery. When Patrick left them to check on rentals she and Connor wasted no time investigating and visiting the horses. There was a small barn with an office, but several of the animals were in paddocks by the street munching on hay or watching people go by. Leliana gave the younger Barnell a quizzical look as he let a gelding sniff his empty hand.

"You wanted to ride with us to Loras but you've never been on a horse before?" She looked over the animals curiously before spotting a leggy black mare hanging out in the back. "I don't have a lot of experience myself, but I've ridden before. I enjoy being around them. I can't say I'd be much of a teacher though. Has your brother ridden much?" The outlander approached the fence and stretched out a hand. The mare's ears perked up as she clucked her tongue softly, and after a moment it plodded up for a sniff.

"Her name is Lady," a voice said from behind and she turned to see an older stable hand approach.

"She's beautiful."

"Aye, but she can be a real wretch sometimes. She doesn't like the other horses and she's bit a few people."

"A biter?" The mare was carefully wiggling her lips against the half-breed's gloved palm, testing it with her whiskers at tongue.

"Only if she doesn't like you." Leliana scratched the mare's muzzle gently, which received a loud puff of air from her nostrils in reply. "You say you've never ridden before, young man?" the hand asked Connor.

"Not that I can recall."

"I can give you some quick pointers, but the best way to learn sometimes is to just do it. A lot of these horses are well-trained and very forgiving of novice riders. The most important things I can say is don't yank on their mouths or kick them to death. They're good animals, but they're not dead heads. Soft hands are always best. Ask for things quietly. No jerky movements. A little bit of leg at a time. I can show you once everyone is tacked up--when you figure out whether you're ready to go or not. Just holler, the name's Viktor."

Before heading off to continue his work he left them each with an apple. A decent bribe to win over most horses. While Connor searched for an animal to feed Leliana turned back to the charcoal mare. She took a bite out of the apple then spit it into her hand to offer a smaller piece as a test. Lady grabbed it with her lips without hesitation, leaving a smear of slobber on her glove in the wake of her eager tongue. Leliana smiled and offered the rest which was immediately crunched, chewed, and thoroughly devoured.
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Lily's skepticism at first was rewarded with a few lofty chuckles, as though the youngest sibling saw her considerable apprehension as a challenge. The fact she questioned the kebab, and whether he paid for it, brought him to briefly laugh aloud as he shot a grin to the woman. "Well yeah, I'd like to keep my hands anyways!" The youngest brother jested in regards to the tease, curious as he watched Lily sniff at the meat beforehand before taking a small bite. As expected her suspicions were proven true, as it really was simply just seasonably cooked meat on a stick. But of course after she had tasted it, Connor's enthusiasm with the kebab spiked erratically. "I mean, yeah, obviously that's all that's on there though."

Then came the suggestion of mushrooms, an ingredient that would've certainly added a bit more variety on the stick. "Oooh! Good call! instead of just egg and meat, maybe a little bit of mushroom, onion, and even pepper can be added on also!" Clearly Connor was fully invested in the idea, even going so far as to mentally planning it out on the stick; while he finished eating the last few bits of meat left. By the time they arrived at the livery, he would've found some place to dispose of the wooden pick; before continuing the conversation that picked up with Lily once there.

Patrick had moved further back in to meet with the owner of the lot, to more or less discuss the rental business with their mares. Meanwhile Connor was all the more mesmerized by the horses available, letting one sniff his hand as he watched it with wide eyes. "I mean... it beats sittin' around cookin' food at the Inn all day!" He initially responded to Lily when she inquired that he wanted to come along, yet never actually rode a horse before in his life. "Nah, neither one of us actually. Pretty sure Dominik hasn't either come to think of it! Man, they are beautiful though..." While they were approached with one of the stable hands, Patrick finished his discussion with the owner inside his office. Which led him to come out and rejoin the other two, hearing the last of what Connor was being told about riding horses.

"Not that I can recall." He answered almost bashfully, yet still with a smug grin on his face.

""I can give you some quick pointers, but the best way to learn sometimes is to just do it. A lot of these horses are well-trained and very forgiving of novice riders. The most important things I can say is don't yank on their mouths or kick them to death. They're good animals, but they're not dead heads. Soft hands are always best. Ask for things quietly. No jerky movements. A little bit of leg at a time. I can show you once everyone is tacked up--when you figure out whether you're ready to go or not. Just holler, the name's Viktor."" He finished before nodding a brief farewell and returning to his work.

"Awe yeah, not only are we gonna be pros at ridin' horses, but the stable hand's willin' to help us out before we head off. Whattya say big brother? Should we get a bit of practice in before ridin' off into the sunset together?!" Connor's jovial inquiry was complimented with one of his 'victory poses' he likes to make every now and then. Honestly it brought out a brief laughter from Patrick when he saw it happen, and led the older sibling to shake his head at the younger one.

"You're weird sometimes, you know that right?" He checked with Connor in between laughs, who merely shrugged as he started to look around more.

"I'm a hero in this quest I dunno what you're talkin about!" He then shot another smug grin towards Leliana, with the word "wink" muttered as he actually shot a wink at her. Patrick merely rolled his eyes as he too started to browse their selection, as he too wanted to find a horse that'd be reasonably easy to ride later. He stopped when he saw the pile of apples in a bucket, apt to take just one as he walked along to find his 'destined horse' in this quest; as Connor so aptly put it earlier.

"See you found your special someone already!" He called out to Lily as he'd noticed she quickly warmed up to a horse, curious as to whether or not she was going to rent that one specifically. "What's your secret? There a trick to it?" He then inquired as he passed a light brown horse, with a strands of milk flowing down her neck as she watched him inquisitively. Patrick wondered if there actually was some secret to it, or that perhaps he just needed to meet the right horse. Maybe he already did for all he knew, but he wanted to be sure before making a choice on anything.

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Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 9:19 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=553
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=577

"You men are going to be a handful on this trip, I can already tell," she teased when Patrick returned. Leliana was mostly joking. Out of the two brothers present Patrick was the most level-headed. Connor on the other hand was like a whirlwind of energy, at least from what she knew of him so far. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She just might have to knock him unconscious at some point later on down the road.

"Is he always like this?" she asked Patrick as she approached him beside the fence to assist his search. Connor was momentarily distracted by another horse, eagerly feeding it treats and making friends. Leliana had picked up a second portion of fruit as well and held it out in her hand for Patrick to mimic.

"I just hold my palm out flat so they can eat it if they're so inclined. Keeps your fingers safe from any accidental biting. Luckily from what I understand horses aren't usually bloodthirsty animals." That last bit was a joke to which she grinned, then looked over her shoulder at the black mare waiting by the fence, ears perked her direction. "I like her. I think I'll ask them if I can take her with us. Is that good with you?"

He was, after all, the person in charge of their little expedition. She wouldn't be picky if there were other horses he preferred to take with them. It wasn't her call, and more importantly it wasn't her money.

"Is it true that none of you have ridden before?" Leliana was by no means an expert, but she'd been in the saddle a few times over the years. The moments were few and far between, but she was comfortable enough to straddle on down the road. "I can't say how much help I'll be with dolling out wisdom on the ways of mounted travel."
word count: 335

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