Visiting the dangerous city

High City of the Northlands

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“Alright. I’ll listen and stay out of your way…” Ivar meant what he said. He was still in shock from what had just transpired.

Ivar hesitated for a moment, taking in the scene. Dreyfus suddenly reacted to the scent of blood that Ivar couldn’t pick out from all the other smells in the city. Ivar figured that there was more danger so he kept his mouth shut for the time being.

The sense of urgency in the air was palpable. As his savior made his way towards the mysterious tree, Ivar knew he couldn't lag behind. He took a deep breath, channeling the energy within him, and blinked to keep up, reappearing just a few steps behind the vampire each time.

The sudden transition, from one point to another, was always a jolt to his senses. But over time, Ivar had grown accustomed to the fleeting dizziness, shaking it off quickly. He tread carefully, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

The spiraled, delicate branches, with the blood-red fruit hanging tantalizingly, looked nothing short of otherworldly. This wasn't like anything he had ever encountered on any of his adventures. Then again, most of his adventures had happened in the sewers and no trees were likely to grow down there.

"So," Ivar began, his voice laced with uncertainty, "what is this tree? Are these... dragonshards?" The word slipped out almost instinctively, linking the tree's appearance to tales he had heard of shards that held mystical properties. Feeling bold, or perhaps just desperate to know more, Ivar pressed on, "Do you know how to harvest them?"

Ivar didn’t know how he could possible help, aside from maybe making a portal to a safe place. As far as he knew it was dangerous to harvest shards and that was why companies specialized in doing the job.
word count: 310
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: Mortal| Thoughts: You Fool! | Mood: Irritated, Focused

He moved closer to the irregular tree, picking one of the dragonshard fruits from it. It was strange to see it in such a form, but he knew that these would be easy to gather. Sure enough, he began to grab as many as he could, removing his shirt to turn it into a makeshift bag. He was sure what quality these stones were, but if he gathered enough he knew he come make something out of them or find someone who could, if any runesmiths still survive that is. When the shirt bag he had made couldn't hold anymore, he looked around to see if any of the stores were still accessible.

Running into a bakery, he found an old burlap sack and rushed back out to pick the trees clean of their dragonshard fruit. He grabbed as many as the bag would hold adding the ones he had placed within the confines of his shirt at first. All together he counted 18 shards, granted they couldn't be of any higher quality than minor at best, as he figured some of the stalagmites of the crimson magical gems were of higher quality. Unfortunately for the Vampyre, he didn't have the means to collect them properly....yet.

"That's what they seem to be, they give off the same aether flux as the regular veins all around. Unfortunately, I can't harvest the veins right now, but I will return when I can. For now, I will settle for these minor shards" he mentioned, gathering his hoard of shards and hoisting the bag over his shoulder. "Come we should keep moving." he motioned for Ivar to stay close as the path to the West End wasn't too far from their current position.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[Memory of the Lost]
Last edited by Dreyfus on Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 401

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?p=24709#p24709
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As Dreyfus plucked the dragonshard fruits from the tree, Ivar could not help but feel a sense of foreboding. He was apprehensive about handling dragonshards, especially ones as bizarre as these. The odd appearance and overwhelming energy seemingly emanating from them made him uneasy. Instead of meddling with the shards, he decided to keep a vigilant watch for any lurking dangers while Dreyfus did his work. Ivar was getting a bit jumpy and even small noises in the distance made him panic. He had to glance over at Dreyfus every so often to make sure he hadn’t run off without him.

When Dreyfus had gathered all he could carry and motioned for Ivar to stay close, he followed, still feeling a bit uneasy. The mere presence of naturally occurring dragonshards in the city felt so… odd. It was a clear sign that something was truly messed up if they hadn’t been snatched up yet. But this wasn’t his home and he didn’t know if he ever wanted to return. All he cared about was finding shelter.

“So,” Ivar called out, trying to mask the unease in his voice, “Is there any safe place to stay for the night? I don’t know how much more of this place I can stand. By the way, what are you planning on doing with all those shards? I suppose you could make a pretty penny but I figure you have other plans.”

His body ached from the constant tension, and his mind was riddled with doubt. He had come here with the intention of finding answers, seeking adventure, and maybe gaining some wealth along the way. But now, as the unfamiliarity of the surroundings gnawed at his senses, he questioned his own judgment. ‘Who in their right mind would come here?' he wondered internally. The nagging thought that he was in way over his head refused to leave him.
word count: 320
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: Mortal| Thoughts: Interesting! | Mood: Calm, Focused

He couldnt help his laugh, as it should have been evident that there was nowhere safe in this city. "I can bring you to the shore to get to a boat or bring you to the border of Kalzasi. Until these abominations are cleaned up, Zaichaer will never be safe." he noted, brushing rogue hair from his face.

"That being said, I plan to secure my family estate soon, so that should be safe enough while things are dealt with within the city." he continued, walking at an even pace before stopping at a ledge overlooking more of the city, out into the east end. "It never used to be like this. Zaichaer was never perfect, but it was home. Now it is a ruined place trying to crawl back from the brink. I dont plan to allow this city to fester on the edge."

He motioned for the man to continue to follow him. They would be on the path towards West End where most of the old money resided. A lot of mansions and defensible positions along the way. He knew the area well and could be better prepared for any attack. However, it seemed to be quiet now, at least he couldnt feel any disturbance in the flux around them. "Maybe when things go back to normal, if that ever happens, you can return and visit the city properly. If I am around I wouldn't be averse to showing around."

He chuckled, knowing full well that wouldn't happen. An experience like this can be scary, and he wouldn't blame the mortal if he never wanted to return.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[Memory of the Lost]
word count: 393

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?p=24709#p24709
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=4433

Ivar nodded slowly, taking in Dreyfus's words. The deep scars of history and personal experience etched in every syllable. "You have a deep love for this city, and it's evident in every word. The state of Zaichaer now might be disheartening, but with individuals like you guarding its legacy, there's hope."

Turning his gaze away from the city’s expanse, he sighed. "I had hoped to find a shortcut through this land, a quicker way back to my home. My overconfidence led me here, and for that, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused."

After a pause, he added, "Your offer to show me the city, should I return, is generous. Who knows? Maybe one day, when Zaichaer rises again, our paths might cross."

Deciding to try one last option, Ivar began to concentrate. His hands moved in a complex pattern, tracing symbols in the air. A shimmering circle formed in front of them, a portal, glowing and pulsating with a soft, azure light. He poured every ounce of his energy into it, attempting to connect to his homeland.

However, after a few intense moments, the portal flickered and waned, eventually dissipating completely. Ivar’s shoulders slumped in disappointment, his breaths coming out ragged from the exertion.

"It seems the fates have other plans for me," he murmured, frustration evident in his voice. "It looks like I'll be needing to take a boat or airship."

As they continued walking, Ivar saw another one of those vicious dog creatures lying on the side of the road. It looked to be dead which was a relief. Ivar’s steps grew hesitant as he neared the fallen creature. The mere sight of it was enough to freeze the bravest of men in their tracks. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, trying to piece together what sort of beast this was and how it fit into the myriad tales and legends he had heard during his travels.

It was a canine-like monstrosity, yet calling it merely a 'wolf' or 'dog' would be an injustice to its sheer terror. Each muscle in its body seemed to ripple with latent power, even in death, telling tales of a creature built for relentless pursuits and savage takedowns. Its skin bore the marks of countless battles, with patches that looked scorched, decayed, and ripped away. The sporadic tufts of matted, dark fur that clung to its form seemed like remnants of a once-glorious coat, perhaps singed away by the fiery landscape it inhabited.

And those teeth. Ivar felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead as he examined the rows of jagged, protruding fangs. They looked as if they could easily rip apart flesh and crush bones. He imagined the terror its prey must have felt, seeing that maw approaching, feeling the final, crushing bite. To think that he had been attacked by several of these made his stomach churn.

But what truly haunted Ivar were the creature's eyes. Deep, sunken, and with a malevolence that seemed to linger even in death. They were windows to a soul that had seen the worst of this apocalyptic world, had perhaps contributed to its chaos. The fiery glint spoke volumes of its predatory nature, of nights spent stalking prey and days defending its dominion. Those eyes were a testament to the beast's reign of terror, a reign that had, fortunately, come to an end.

As Ivar moved cautiously past the beast, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander, piecing together the life this creature might have led. Was it a lone predator, ruling its territory with an iron paw? Or was it part of a pack, hunting in unison, a symphony of death? How many had fallen prey to it? How many tales of missing travelers, lost children, or decimated livestock could be attributed to this very creature?

He did his best to push the creature from his mind. Hopefully he could forget all about it once he got on a ship…
word count: 677
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Visiting the dangerous city

Points awarded:
  • 10 for both participants {Can be used for magic}
  • Dreyfus - 9 minor Sanguinyte Dragonshards
  • N/A
  • Congrats, your thread has appeased the Frozen Dragon of Udori and has saved from being turned into a popsicle!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 100
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