Fresh Eyes and Fresh Air [Closed]

In which Finn brings Hilana and Lykos to Kalzasi.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Ash 15, Year 123

[Closed - Finn, Lykos]

"Well, we're all ready to continue?" Hilana looked around the assembled group for affirmation. There was still the five of them, Lykos, Finn, Decius, Hilana, and Athalia, and with this dealt with... with restoratives, food, and drink having been consumed by those that needed it, Finn could make the portal to Kalzasi. There was no need to stay here any longer, and they could continue on with the rest of the trip. It wouldn't be a long one, and that was for the better, but they could at least get started. Hilana would rather do multiple short trips than a larger extended one, not with everything they needed to deal with at home. Arvaelyn wouldn't be happy if Hilana kept his Amatus from him for too long, not after the last time.

Decius could certainly head back - he didn't need to accompany them to Kalzasi, but he did want to keep an eye on Athalia for a bit longer. And once they landed in the jewel of Karnor, if all was well, he could head back to Solunarium and make his report. Finn could complete it when they returned later that evening, if all went well.

Hilana very much wanted to see Finn's world, his stomping grounds, and they also needed to have a look around the city too. They could find archives or something - either with regards to the plant that they could hopefully use to treat with Myshala, the one Decius had mentioned to Lykos... Or perhaps see if there might be some information or registry of those who had been granted the Emblem of Eminence. Those were the two avenues open to her that she could see so far in terms of figuring out who Lykos was, or at least, had been. There may well have been others that she wasn't seeing, but she could focus on what she had and run those trails until they proved out one way or another.

Success was never permanent, and failure was never final.
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Fresh Eyes and Fresh Air
Ash 15th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

He had no idea what to expect after the attempt to purify one so dear to him. Yet, now that it had been done, it felt like a massive weight had lifted from his shoulders. Lykos was all the more glad to have accomplished what had been done today, and the sheer exhaustion from after the fact felt all the more worth it to him.

Nevertheless, now that he'd upheld one promise he'd made to the family that'd taken him in, all that remained of their trip was to visit the Jewel of Karnor itself. Finn had told the lupine draegir some about their shared homeland some time ago, but even then, that did not change the tangible fact that Lykos grew... anxious.

Not because he didn't know what awaited him there, but because he didn't know what to expect the moment he'd lay his eyes on the city. Kalzasi. This was a place he could only imagine as his prior home, where whatever life he led before had ended once he'd gone to the crystal tree on Frostfang Isle.

So what did await him in the big city? While he somewhat dreaded the thought he also felt motivated, encouraged by the number of companions assembled with him here today. Finn knew of Kalzasi better than anyone so it stood to reason that they were in good hands, and while Decius had also traveled about, his was a company likely soon to end shortly after their arrival.

That is, if he deemed everything safe and sound after what took place with Athalia. Even now, there were feelings so deep and innate, feelings that the lupine draegir could not forget after practically touching her soul. Truthfully, it had created a whole world of perplexity for Lykos, one he could only think about as he reluctantly gave a nod in response to Hilana's question.

"Just a bit..." For once he didn't want to admit it, that the idea of going somewhere made him nervous. He had surpassed all his own expectations down at the Arx Rubrum Petram. He had proven himself to himself, among others there, and pushed to achieve things that were well beyond what a mortal could do. And yet for all of that, he still found some small apprehension in facing elements of his past. Where he might've once yearned for answers, time had allowed him to grow beyond that, leading him to feel the current predicament he was in now.

"Yeah," He finally echoed with a soft sigh, "yeah actually. I think I am ready." Finding solace in his companions the wolf stilled the trembles that quaked his hand, and looked out across the lake to where their alleged destination resided.

It was time for him to finally find home once again.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 500
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The viator smiled at Hilana, then Athalia and Lykos, and finally, once Decius nodded, Finn's eyes went a bit faraway as he reached out with his senses attuned to the slipspace, finding lines and strumming them like the strings of a harp, listening for the correct resonances that sang of home. He didn't know if Solunarium would ever feel quite the same. He had learned to love it, learned to embrace it, and wherever Arvælyn was, that was where he wanted to be.

Still and all, he understood Lykos' yearning. He felt it too. Even if Karnor was cold and chaotic compared to Solunarium, it was the fertile ground from which he had sprung.

"Ah," he exhaled when he found a connection to a well-remembered spot. He plucked the strings until the slipspace sang a chord for him, and then there was light, which irised open into a portal. Normally, he might say ladies first, or even demigods first, but he was still a Sentinel, even with his veil slung around his neck like a scarf. At Decius' second nod, he took point, stepping through the portal first to ensure he hadn't opened a path to danger, and then the other Sentinel would be rear guard.

The bard inhaled the brisk air after stepping through, and began to sing.

"Walk out into velvet
Nothing more to say
You're my favorite moment
You're my holiday.

But laced into his voice was his mesmeric influence, bidding people look away, not notice the portal nor those coming through it. He thought less of such manipulations now he was a Sentinel and used to the Umbrian Court.

When they were all through, he let the portal close and dissipate behind them, though he held onto the anchor point in case Decius should he decide to return to Solunarium post haste.

"Welcome to Kalzasi," he said, "the jewel of Karnor. This is the Plaza of Jeweled Arches." He pointed out, "The Velvet Cabaret. The Golden Peacock Theater. The Jade Crane Bathhouse." Then he pointed toward the islands floating around the mountain to the north. "The Cloudhaven District with the Avialæ palaces and such."
word count: 365
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Once Finn opened the portal, Decius' veil had come back up now that the business in the cavern on the island had finished. Wards had been dismantled except for those that would disintegrate with time to hide their presence and path from those that would come after, should those come sniffing around to investigate the place. No one needed to know what they had done here, and the Sentinel vastly preferred that their path should be shrouded, even from other Semblers who might be searching for an Echo when they discovered it.

Lia squeezed Lykos' hand, the shortest of the five of them pressing against his side in quiet gratitude. Hilana's potions had helped considerably, and while she was still feeling some residual exhaustion considering what had gone on, the magma bloom petals had given her that little something else. As Finn produced the portal, Hilana watched him with admiration. That never got old, truly, and the Mesminstrel's style was so harmonious. "Gratias," she beamed at him, stepping in after him as her skirts swished around under her cloak, shadows gathering around the plentiful fabric and making it look just that much fuller. Lia would follow with the Rathari, and Decius brought up the rear. He would stay with the assembled group until the time came to head back to the Citadel, though he activated his wards to discourage others from noticing him. He was perfectly content to fade into the background and observe.

"Oh, glories," Hilana peered around, her big eyes wide. She followed Finn's gestures, making a note of each place that he named. The Plaza of Jeweled Arches reminded her a bit of the Forum, which Vasilei had mentioned was similar when Hilana had questioned him seasons ago after finding out that Finn was from Kalzasi. "And you've been to all of them? And played in them, surely." She reckoned that Lady Kala, if she was in town, might well be up in the Cloudhaven District... but she would have to look around for her later. "Where is your favourite place to go?" She did hope that one day, too, he might take her to see the countryside where he had grown up. He had told her many stories when she'd taken him on lessons around the desert, and she loved the idea of seeing the village.

Lia looked on with interest, following the Magnatus' words as she looked around. It was certainly not Solunarium, and while there was sun... it wasn't like the Sceptre in the sky back at home. All the same, she was curious to see it, and she was certainly looking at the marketplace like the coins were burning a hole in the pouch. If she got some time to shop and browse, well... she wasn't going to say no.

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When it came down to alphas and their packs there was never usually a question in relation to the dynamic, the would be leader would not only seek to guide but also look after and protect those counted among his numbers. For Lykos this remained no different even if the concept might've remained entirely with question, for as functional of a pack as they might've been, the lupine demigod never really disputed whether or not he was a fitting alpha for those he accompanied. Rather he just simply did. Regardless of the caretaking roles that Hilana and Athalia adopted they had just as much of alpha mentality to their own behavior, and needless to say, Lykos was and always would be a guardian to the ones that helped him relearn who and what he was.

So when he felt Athalia lean into him graciously, there was never any apprehension nor question to the behavior. Rather instinctively did he actually hold her close to him, understanding the deep sentiments she shared now that her soul was no longer bound by another force. What the ritual itself might've done to her would only remain to be seen in the future still, but Lykos wasn't worried about that for now, since it seemed as though they were finally in the clear with her condition. Even now, the smell of the Void no longer plagued the older but shorter sibling, what the wolf did sleuth from her though was the warm sands and desert sun.

Therefore she truly belonged in her own element once more, free to make the choices she desired of her own volition, and no longer required to guard herself from the forces of darkness that lingered within the Void. "Laetus sum adiuvare." He expressed calmly over the weary state of mind he still possessed, while still ignoring the moderate stings as the incrementally lessened in his left arm.

There was no doubt that the Void's essence likely corrupted his left arm a little, after relying on Osmose to transfer the energy back to where it truly belonged. Better than storing it or even unleashing it unto the world, where it would only further harm or corrupt the environment in turn... Either way, Hilana's concoctions had dealt with the majority of the pain overall, so the only thing that remained was for his arm to heal naturally. As a Demigod that seemed more than likely to occur, so long as he didn't repeatedly continue to expose the limb to more corruptive forces.

Still, with Finn and Decius on point the way forward was now officially clear, and with the portal made before them it was finally time. An overwhelming sense of nostalgia suddenly washed over him, although, Lykos could hardly figure out where it came from nor why he experienced it. But when he stepped through with the sisters at his side, the group soon crossed through the threshold with a song emitted into the air. As brief as it were Finn still had an art to craft Lykos couldn't help but appreciate, even when he felt the presence of aether rippling out to Mesmer those in the immediate vicinity. There was just something about the tune he sang to influence those around him, something that pulled deeper within once Lykos heard those few lyrics sang aloud.

Enthralled as he was there was nothing that could've prepared him for what came next. As the arrival into the Plaza brought him to a complete standstill, while his eyes widened to observe the sights all around. The sheer size of it all. The buzzing activity of locals and peddlers within the streets. The dialects of those that spoke his own native tongue. All of these things just assailed Lykos all at once, and for a moment, he had almost forgotten what it felt like to actually breathe. "Hōseki de kazara reta āchi no hiroba..."

The muttered words slipped from his tongue in recognition of the name, and yet even so, they were a mere ghost to the real meaning he searched intently for. Nothing. Not a single emotion struck him at the core as he'd hoped, although, it had been perhaps due to the relevant shock of immensity found before him. The wolf could not say... Not yet anyway. Kalzasi. Home to the Avialae and a bunch of other races, as seen evident from the diversity found among the streets. Something about this cold part of the North felt as though it should've been home, his home no less, and yet all Lykos could determine was that there lingered an innate sadness within the air.

Hard times from the endless winter that plagued the world, undoubtedly, but even during the struggles found in these times; the people endured and remained banded together. A hope lingered here and that much he could perceive, but to Lykos, there was no denying that he felt like a fish completely out of water. "Erm, sorry..." He briefly remarked once he realized how caught up in the moment he'd been. Curious as he was he wanted to know more about the locale itself, and with the questions Hilana asked, all that remained was for the wolf to listen so that he could discern more.

Somewhere... there had to be something that would kickstart his forgone memory.

word count: 925
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Finn just smiled for the thanks; he was a people pleaser. After spinning a veil of song and command, he took in his charges. Hilana's sister seemed tired, but interested. Hilana herself had already spent many hours grilling him about Kalzasi so he could only imagine she had a sheaf of notes with a possible itinerary in her pocket. Lykos seemed strangely connected, which perhaps wasn't so strange after all.

His smile ghosted a bit when he heard the Synskrit.

"Well, I never played the bathhouse," he admitted, "although sometimes they do have someone playing soothing strains upon a lute or flute or similar. The song I just sang a bit of, well, sang that at the Velvet Cabaret just because velvet is in the lyrics. Sort of inspired them, really. And yes, the Peacock... it doesn't always feature music, but some of their shows require it. That's where Arvælyn played Deus Aværys in the passion play..."

Though nobody looked at them thanks to his magical efforts, he was looking everywhere.

"And there are too many favorites. It sort of depends on what you are looking for. I did enjoy busking in this neighborhood, though. People feel a little fancy, but they aren't as snobbish as..." he nodded toward the floating islands. He grinned and shrugged. "Dæmon's brother has a tavern nearby. Beer. Music. Dancing. Some gambling, too. He saved me from a drunken lord who didn't like that luck was with me that evening." He winced at the memory, although it was the first time he met Talon Novalys face to face.

He blinked, glanced at Lykos.

"Does that sound familiar, perhaps...?" He felt his mind grasping at tendrils of memory that slithered away even as he sought them. "The High Hopes. I remember flirting with a girl there... trying to decide on a duet to sing. I think her father was glaring at me from the bar... huh."

No, it was gone.

"Well, you can find just about everything in this neighborhood. Tattoos, tea, armor, clockwork... Dæmon's forge. I don't know how much time he spends there anymore, though. He did not become Shokaze, but he is still Daizoku of a Great House. Your friends who visited the Custodes Deorum, they are from a Hatakomon family. Not quite so august as the Seven, but, you know... far, far above me." He grinned. "I did play at one of their parties. Their Cintamani Pavilion is in Adira's Promenade, not flying up in Cloudhaven."
word count: 428
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Neither of the women recognized the Kalzasern words that Lykos uttered, and they were left wondering if he understood them either, what with his mumbled apology. As it was, Lia squeezed his hand reassuringly. "It's quite alright. Somewhere, deep inside, knows that this was your home before," she soothed him, looking around and otherwise listening to Finn. Her gaze was attentive, nodding along at each of the places he spoke of. Hilana wouldn't have minded grabbing onto Finn, but she knew better. Arvaelyn would have her guts for garters when they got back, and Hilana preferred them right where they were at this present moment.

He was not wrong. Hilana did have a folder with pages of notes about Kalzasi that she had heard from Finn, Lady Kala, Talon, Aoren, and Vasilei. And while she did have a loose idea of what she wanted to do and see, she also wanted to give Finn some time to take the lead and show them what he felt was a good introduction. She hadn't been sure how well Lykos and Lia were going to be feeling after that intricate ritual - she wasn't sure if they would be feeling up to continue to Kalzasi, and if they did, how long they would manage on the foray into the cold chill of the north. The Vastiana had to remind herself frequently and often that just because she was good to go non-stop for the day, others did not need nor want to carry on that way, and that was something she had to pay attention to and watch them and take her cues from her companions. And further... she also hadn't had her soul pulled out of her body, purified of what had been seeping into it for nearly ten years, and put back together. Nor had she actually done that to someone. And in truth, she wouldn't have had the first idea about where the heck to even start with that.

She was, however, absolutely pleased to know that Lady Kala's home was down on the ground. She was perfectly fine staying down here, she just wanted to see her friend again and see how she was doing. How the hibiscus tree was growing. To hear what all she had been up to and what she had seen since she had left the desert. Now she had a location, and on another trip, or another day, she could go looking to go find her. Another day.

At Finn's words of the High Hopes, Hilana looked from the Empyreal Lord to the Demigod, and back, wondering. "Do we want to go that way and see what comes of it?" They could stick to this district for now, if nothing else came up - if he had liked busking here, then this was a good enough place to start. If everything could be found here, then perhaps some sort of muscle memory, some sort of unconscious cue might present itself, even after all that Myshala claimed from him in their bargain.

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Lykos' head perked with intent curiosity when he listened to Finn's responses with Lana's inquiries, the lack of connection only leaving him with a moment of a raised eyebrow. When he thought more about it the feelings of strangeness he gripped at seemed tangible to discern, as he lacked the obvious notion of grasping at any possible memory of what those names meant. He half expected a sense of familiarity with them, but even then, there wasn't the secondary afterthought he considered possible.

Muscle memory must not have been able to work with everything it seems... Regardless of the lack of familiarity, he couldn't help but amusingly behold the insight in store. According to Finn, the snobbish locals dwelt higher in the mountainside, and for a moment, the wolf could only imagine who that all entailed. When it came down to a moment of inquiry, of course, Lykos looked upon Finn attentively but also with contemplation in mind.

"I honestly wish it did." He admitted with a vague sense of waned yearning, having already lingered on that moment the moment they reached the plaza's square. The snippet of memory that Finn shared could only garner a gentle grin, as the wolf could imagine being that type of bard. One good with the ladies undoubtedly, given his knack for speechcraft and his other talents. Needless to say, the insights his other packmates also had kept him reasonable and grounded at the same time, since even traits from his previous life still somehow seemed to keep slipping through.

It was an odd thing being able to comprehend the intent of his native tongue, or at least, guess the intent of it from what he understood about its principle. Synksrit somehow flows off his tongue with better articulation geared toward his usage of the Common Tongue. Such was also why he likely spoke with a heavier accent akin to what the Northern locals carried here. Somehow, even at the prospect of checking out a popular venue, one even he might've once frequented, did nothing if stir a bit of palpable excitement where his tail would've been. The lupine draegir knew better now more than ever than to expect anything more than just the experience itself, therefore, it only stood to reason that he look upon the opportunity with the same sense of pragmatism.

"I certainly don't see the harm in it. The smell from within is already a little bit fascinating." Of course the smell throughout the entire air was fascinating, there was that undeniable crisp alpine moisture in the air but there was more. Food stalls throughout the streets filled the spaces near venues with inviting scents, and between discerning the dispersing layers of smells that his nose could sift, the smells of the food cooking within this High Hopes implied they had beef, poultry, and even seafood cooking within their tavern.

Thus the wolf would allow for Finn to take the lead and show them in, invested in whatever other snippets of memories or stories he'd have to share. Of course, Lykos remained attentive to Lana and Lia once they were inside, but as expected, nothing would stir up any sense of familiarity once his presence graced the threshold of the tavern's doors.

word count: 566
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Notes: Thanks, and let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 46
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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