Working the Trail [Lykos]

In which Hilana, Lykos, and Lia rendezvous with some strangers.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Hilana Chenzira
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33 Ash, Year 123

[Closed - Lykos]

Following their first foray, the trio had come back to Kalzasi. Hilana, at Lia’s behest, had not wanted to be super forthcoming and or very open about dates. They understood the concern, the urgency, and determination to get him back, but at the same time… Lia wanted time to digest these people and names and have Hilana ask Finn about them. She couldn’t very well ask Arvaelyn, who might also know... but the Crown Prince of the Umbrium had better things to do. And if anyone would know, Hilana was banking on Finn. With no real affirmations, the sisters had decided on caution. She knew she could ask and request an Assessor from the Custodes Deorum and they might well humour her there, if only so that Lykos didn’t fall into the wrong hands. Sure, it was Kalzasi and overtures were being made, plus there was the friendship of Arvaelyn, Finn, and Talon…

There were many players in a game that none of them really grasped. Lykos couldn’t confirm or deny anything. And as such, Hilana was not easily or readily willing to just turn him over and let them sort it out. She had a promise from Myshala, an ever-present blade against her throat in a way, about the debts that they owed the big wolf Rathari that they had gotten so close to. There had been another trip back, and that was to watch the place herself for a little while with her Mask while Lia stayed with Lykos. Only once Hilana had been satisfied with the High Hopes Tavern did she leave a message there with regards to the next meeting. Open, again - certainly not in that Tavern, not when it gave them every chance to set up and prepare.

Maybe it was paranoia. Maybe it wasn't. But the sisters genuinely cared for Lykos, and his well-being, his safety, was paramount. That came first. They very much wanted this to be right, for this to be real... but without veritable proof, which they'd promised to produce for this next meeting... Caution was necessary. Neither Lia nor Lana wanted to get Lykos' hopes up, only to see them cruelly dashed and the situation to spiral.

word count: 397
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Working the Trail
Ash 33rd, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

It felt stranger to be back each time they came to visit, at least for Lykos it had started to seem that way. Every venture here seemed to hold the promise of possibility, but also the likelihood of disappointment with any avenue they might pursue. While the last time had generated a rather unusual circumstance for them to meet here, Lykos understood very well the caution that the Vastiana sisters displayed this time around.

They were all still strangers to this place after all, and the pair took great pride in carrying out their roles as Lykos' watchful protectors. To a degree it always warmed the lupine dreagir's heart to see such care they invested in him, knowing that he would always in turn do the same for them also. They had all come a long way from that cave on the northern isle, and had steadily grown into an unusual but resourceful pack.

Family. Somehow that meant something to Lykos even with no memory of it. This was why the people they were meeting here today were hopefully going to change that, as the word Lana sent prior had been received with a return message upon her arrival as well. Truthfully, the cloak and dagger stuff wasn't his strongest forte, but as Lykos watched the buzzing activity of the tavern, he couldn't help but wonder why this place venerated such mixed feelings within him.

Part of him felt relaxed as he watched the locals eating, drinking, and enjoying company at the tables of the lobby. The bar was lined with patrons that kept the bartenders busy even at this time of day, and of course, the boxing ring stirred a general ruckus as betters cheered for their favorite pugilist. So why was it that Lykos felt anxiety as well, when just being here somehow created the opposite effect?

"Do you think... they'll come?" He inquired thoughtfully from the spot he sat at, the table the three sisters shared situated in the far corner of the lobby. Lykos had made sure to keep his wards completely in check, enough so that even the witchmarks of his Negation rune did not glimmer as they normally would. From his understanding of the last scope out, the ornery brunette woman had provided a means of an arrangement.

Lykos just wasn't sure who would be showing up to meet with them tonight.

word count: 427
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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