At One's Own Risk [Solo]

In which Hilana visits a giant Hedera Ardenta for harvest.

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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Hilana Chenzira
Posts: 858
Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:14 pm
Location: Solunarium
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57 Ash, Year 123

[Closed - Solo]

As early as it was, they were making good time on Hayima'el. The two Vastii and the big piebald bull camel were secure under the Mask of Midnight's Mother, their presence hidden from onlookers, and Lia had all but gone to sleep in the well-padded wooden saddle under the colourful sunshade. She had had a lovely cup of hot tea earlier that had just about put her back to sleep, and mercifully, Hilana was quiet as she rode. She knew where she was going - she had spotted the giant Hedera Ardenta earlier in the season, and it was just a matter of waiting for it to bloom. And in a desert like this, where just about every dune looked like another if you weren't familiar, and you didn't know how to navigate in such a barren, empty expanse... you were like as not to get lost and almost certainly killed.

Hilana had the baskets and lined bags on Hayima'el ready for this harvest. This was going to be unpleasant if she was careless; she could not afford to be sloppy. Else she would would be paying dearly for it. She might have liked Raithen along for this trip; his wings and kinetics would have made this go much smoother, but Hilana was not afraid of hard work. Never had been, never would be. As it was, she had Elementalism, she had her gloves, and she was well-practiced with cutting into the monstrous succulent. Lia had just wanted to come for the ride, and to make sure that Hilana didn't injure herself with it.

The big camel ate the miles steadily, and Hilana adjusted their course with her feet. The reins were loosely draped over the front bar of the saddle, and her arms rested on it as she looked on. She didn't need a map for where they were, not here.

word count: 342
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