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Posts: 36
Joined: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:49 am
Location: Atinaw
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

NPC: Khan

Age: 31
Race: Rathari Beastalt
Height: 4'2
Weight: 90 lbs

NPC Type: Companion NPC
Influence: 6
Relation to Magna: Friend

Blades - 60
Hunting - 50
Survival - 40
Running - 25
Climbing - 25
Stealth - 25
Spycraft - 25

Personality: Laidback and easygoing. Khan doesn't stress about much, especially not about things that are out of his control. Whatever happens, happens. That isn't to say that he's careless, no. Khan takes great care of himself and his belongings alike, but if something does go awry, there's no use crying about it. He values compassion and honesty and berates those that are dishonorable or pointlessly cruel.

Appearance: As a rathari Beastalt, he takes greatly after his animal half. In place of skin, he's normally covered in bright green scales with a brighter blue pattern atop his head. His eyelids are normally a vibrant yellow, complete with a fine black spiral line that curls toward his eyes. Lighter, more pastel-colored spots run down his back on either side of his spine with even spacing. Along his torso and legs, he even has broad, darker stripes that curl around to his underbelly. In times of stress or excitement, his green hue changes to a more bright yellow and dark red.he's normally dressed in medium-weight armor, however, which conceals the majority of his impressive array of colors. His left arm is missing, just an inch or two from the shoulder down.

History: Born and raised in the city of Hopsfel, Atinaw. He spent the majority of his childhood around the heat of the forge and slept to the sound of hammering metal. It wasn't the life he wanted, however. Nigh every day, he would explore beyond the walls and learn all about what nature had to offer. A run-in with a vicious beast drove him to pick up a sword and train hard so that he might fell whatever monster came after him next. When he came of age to leave the bloodless kin and join a kinship of his own, he was well versed in the lay of the land and had familiarized himself with a fair number of monsters. He didn't hate the forge, but his passion was in nature. So, he joined the 'Enwig' Kinship, a small hunting oriented kinship that brought meats and leathers to the smiths of Hopsfel.

His life was as it should have been; deploying beyond the walls on hunting trips with a small niche of professional hunters, being given exceptional gear and a wage to see the job through, and the comradery and companionship of being surrounded by like-minded monster slayers.there was one problem that his kinship faced, however, and that was a rival kinship named 'The Glendrav,' or 'snake-fang.' They too were hunters but used paralytic and deadly venom to fell their beasts as a signature of their kinship. Their hunts were for trophies and glory alone, and all their spoils recovered tainted meats that the smiths could not use. Eventually, that same rival kinship discovered Khan's preferred hunting grounds, and toes were stepped on.

The hides of the animals there made for strong bindings and straps that the smiths saw as exceptional quality, and was a source of significant profit for the Enwig, and the Glendrav nigh destroyed the hides in their brutal methods. So, the Enwig began heading out earlier in the day to make it before the Glendrav, but the snake-fangs eventually caught on and adjusted their hunting schedules in turn. The Enwig's persistence won over the Glendrav's tenacious pursuit of fresh hunting material, and they withdrew from the hunting grounds to pursue greater beasts. All was well with the Enwig, and their trade began to return to normal.

That was until their hunting party stumbled into a clever trap, an ambush set by bandits that used faux animal tracks to guide them. The entirety of the Enwig was captured and killed like dogs, save for Khan, who managed to escape in one piece, save his arm. He was left for dead, as the bandits believed he'd bleed out in the woods, or be taken by some monster. Instead, Khan bled all the way to a campsite complete with a horse that had been tied to a tree. With great difficulty and a light head, he tied the stump of his arm with the lead in a slip knot and set the horse to pull. Khan had to endure the squeeze of his torn stump, then tie the knot to lock it at that tightness. The bleeding had nearly completely stopped, save for a trickle now and then, but he would live. Using his teeth and claws, he bit through the lead, and mounted the horse. it would carry him back to hopsfel, where he would be safe. After that, he didn't know.

The road was long, and the searing sun was slowly killing him. Eventually, he passed out on the horses back and trusted it to take him the rest of the way. Instead of reaching hopsfel, he woke sat at a tree with a blanket draped over him. It was night, and a campfire had been lit by a Jastai woman who spoke only common. His sword rested in her hands. She gave him water and even fed him before claiming that the horse he'd stolen was hers. Fearing for his life, the honorable chameleon feigned ignorance and claimed to have found it without realizing it belonged to anyone, and she seemed to believe him. He'd lied, but had lived to see another day. before he could plan his long walk to Hopsfel, however, the Jastai offered to travel with him, and he accepted. Since then, he's found himself enjoying her company, and helping her learn the language of his people while sharing stories.

word count: 1011

Floor Gang

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