[Loras] Business With The Terras

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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[indent=20]Business Between Barnells And Terras
Searing 9th, 120th AoS
They were approaching the gates to Loras now, their horses on a slow walk to the city with them still riding atop. Patrick occasionally glanced between Leliana and Carter, making sure that the two of them were still fine despite the journey. For the past nine days they had done nothing but ride, rest, and camp their way here, so that they would come meet formally with the head of the city here. All three of the horses were going to be treated with some nice grooming, and some well deserved respite after the journey. As they played the most important part of getting here safely, and they had more than earned the special treatment in the bartender's book.

But first they needed to get into Loras and, therefore, meet with the lady who ran the place. Patrick remembered the briefing his mother gave them, when she'd asked if he and Lily would go on this little venture to begin with. Milana Terras. There wasn't much on this woman that his mother knew, only that she was the acting Vassal of for her Kinship. That alone meant she had a very big role to play here, and that she would be an important person to meet with in terms of business. So when they closed in on the front gates and were greeted by the guards, Patrick brought his leg up to swing it over his horse; so he could carefully dismount the creature after their stop. After his feet hit the dirt road beneath them, Patrick briefly bent his knees to reduce the landing's impact felt in his lower legs.

Of course there was still a slight sting in the muscles of his feet and calves, but he ignored them as he approached the two men with hands opened to show he wasn't armed. Well, not directly anyways. They were obviously aware of the gear he wore, yet seeing Patrick showing no sign of aggression clearly alleviated any suspicions they might've had. "State your business!" One of them declared as he approached, keeping at least ten feet away as he greeted them with a nod.

"We're here on business with your Vassal, Lady Milana, she should be expectin' a visit from the Barnell's." As if on queue his name led the two of them to glance at one another, both eyeing each and every one of the three arrivals gathered there. Whether Lily had gotten off to join them or not, Connor didn't wait to hop off his horse and approach also. Standing next to Patrick he watched, curiously with a big grin, as the two guards seemed to mutter something briefly to one another.

"Think she's really expectin' us?" The younger sibling inquired lowly as he and Patrick both looked to Lily, more or less just to check and see where she'd moved to if she did at all.

"Ma ma wrote a letter ahead of time, so that way they'd know to expect us." Answered quietly in turn as they waited for the guards, who then turned as they appeared to look finished with discussing.

"The lady has been awaiting your arrival Barnell Kinship. You're welcome to enter the settlement of Loras, please head towards the Terras Manor to approach the Lady with your business." The guard that addressed them earlier prompted them, almost instructively, as they moved to allow entry to the three outside the gate.

"Thank you," Patrick responded in turn with a brief bow, "we'll head there right now." With a glance shot back to Connor and then to Lily, Patrick nodded for them to move forward as planned; relieved that they'd soon be immersed in civilization once more. While he loved the adventurous thrill of the wilderness, Patrick had grown eager to reconnect with a form of society once more. The people, the food and conversation, hell even the beds that would be available. All of which would come after their first priority, which would be the meeting with Lady Milana here soon.

Slowly but surely, with a hand on the reigns, Patrick shepherded his horse forward to follow; as the three entered through the gates to traverse the grounds of Loras.
word count: 763
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Compared to the journey she'd been on from Daravin to Álfsós, the trip to Loras was a breeze. Not only did it take them just over a week, but this time she was riding instead of walking. Although she needed some time for her rear end to quit hurting every morning as she crawled out of bed, it was a welcome change to trudging through the wilderness on her own two feet. The brothers had been good company during the ride and Lady proved herself to be a trustworthy mount.

Although she didn't particularly care for the other horses, often pinning her ears and nipping if they got too close, the animal treated her rider with patience and care. The black mare plodded up the well-traveled road towards the city gates, trailing a few lengths in front of the others on a slack rein. Her tail swished at the occasional pestering insect, and when a horsefly landed on her neck Leliana slapped the intruder immediately, crushing it under her glove before discarding it on the path.

When they neared the gates the half-breed picked up her reins and slowed Lady to a halt, allowing Patrick to pass them up and greet the guards coming to intercept them. He and Connor both dismounted, but Lily waited and listened. Her mare cocked a hip patiently, shifting her weight to one side, one ear twisted toward the half-elf and the other pointed at the gathering in front of them.

One of the guards sized her up as they talked, eyes lingering on the large scar curving down and around her cheek, the sword on her back, her overall dire need for a proper bath. After some discussion it was decided that they were indeed expected, and without further ado they made their way inside. She nodded to the guards as she trailed behind Patrick and Connor, taking up the rear on her mount as they led theirs along, and the two men returned the gesture curtly.

She felt more comfortable in the saddle at the moment, feeling as if she had a good vantage point for anything that might be amiss. It was a new place--at least her for, so she was generally suspicious and on guard.

"You said your mother has never met this Milana woman before--I mean--Lady Milana? How does that work again? She's some sort of nobility?" Leliana had a lot to learn about the ins and outs of Atinaw politics, titleholders, and any positions of power held within.

Loras itself seemed to be an adequately sized settlement. People bustled about their business with purpose, but eyed the newcomers with obvious interest. They weren't so large that fresh faces went unnoticed, nor the streets so winding that it took very long for them to find the manor house.

It was a grand looking place compared to the houses and buildings of the rest of the town, though not so ostentatious to be pretetentitious. The front gates were open so they let themselves in, and Leliana finally dismounted as they found a spot to temporarily leave their horses. There was a lot of activity this afternoon it seemed--specifically a lot of children. As they entered the main hall they were greeted by quite a crowd of them.

"We might have come at a bad time..."
word count: 574
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The manor was a bustle with activity. The early afternoon sun blazed down upon the travelers as they made their way up to the entrance to the estates. What would be noted as they passed the main gates was several small gardens filled with an assortment of flowers. Smooth stone pathways lead from the manor out to each, clean of debris as much of the grounds were well maintained.

The door to the Manor itself was open, and as they crossed the threshold they would be greeted by a large staircase that lead up to a second floor. The entrance hall had tall ceilings, was open but had a startling lack of artwork of any kind. The furniture while of good quality was not extravagant, and the modest rugs that adorned the floors matched the drapes. Flowers in vases sat on pedestals and tables, and some comfortable looking sitting chairs and a table were pushed against the far right wall. Near the stairs was another door which opened into the main hall. Through it one could see a crowd of children, talking and sitting at long tables with pen and parchment in hand. Several adults stood around them, occasionally bending over to help while others simply walked around to monitor the children's progress.

"Welcome." A deep voice said to the side. From a side door near the area with the chairs a man had stepped out. He was well dressed in a suit of blue, his grey hair combed back and his mustache and short beard groomed to perfection. He approached the group with a confident stride, folding his hands behind his back as he stopped, "I take it you are Mr. Barnell," he said this while scanning Patrick up and down. His eyes passed over his two companions, "And your guests?"

He would pause here, offering them enough time to confirm their identity before bowing his head slightly, "I am Edwin, butler to the Terras Estates."

As he straightened he would sweep one arm out, indicating to the group to follow as he began walking, "Lady Milana has been expecting you. She has arranged for you to stay in our guest room Mr. Barnell." he glanced behind at the other two, "I will have separate rooms arranged, if the lady you travel with wishes it."

They approached a large set of double doors. Edwin stepped forward, opening them and motioning for the group to step inside. The room was something of an office or sitting room. Comfortable cushioned seats were what they saw first, a sofa and two arm chairs arranged around a small knee high table with flowers on top of it. Like the entrance before the furnishings were of good quality and well maintained, but they were not overly lavish. Each served a purpose, either function or a specific aesthetic.

Directly across from the door was a long desk of dark wood, behind which was another set of double doors which were closed. Sitting behind the desk was a woman in a high backed chair. Her hair was tied into a braid that fell over one shoulder, her bangs pulled back to reveal green eyes that were wringed by faint dark circles. Despite this the woman smiled, the expression tired but genuine.

"You are Patrick Barnell I take it," Milana said, again staring at Patrick. She glanced briefly at Leliana and Connor before turning to the older man who still held the door, "Edwin would you please have Sarah bring us tea and refreshments? The golden dawn blend if it is still available."

"Of course my lady," Edwin bowed, closing the door behind him as he left.

Milana glanced at her desk, a series of ledgers and stacks of papers and old record books filling up most of the space. The smile slipped somewhat as she saw all of the work in front of her, but she quickly shook off the gloom as she capped her ink and set her quill and parchment aside.

"Please make yourself at home." Milana said motioning to the seating in front of them. She then looked back and waved over her shoulder. From the back corner of the study a man in black leathers broke away from the shadows. He was tall, broad shouldered with a somewhat rugged appearance. His beard was well trimmed but more of a scruff than a true beard and mustache. A long scar hooked from beneath the grey streak of his right temple, across the bridge of his nose to hook under his chin. He did not speak, but simply took hold of the handles on the high backed chair Milana sat in and wheeled her out from behind her desk.

"How was the trip here?" Milana asked as she was rolled to a stop in a space that was now obviously made for her among the seating, "I have had several reports of bandits on the roads coming from Alfos of late. Did you have any troubles?"

word count: 847
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[indent=20]Business Between Barnells And Terras
Searing 9th, 120th AoS
The two brothers led on straight down the main road, as they were able to visibly see much of the town's heart. Loras looked to be littered with many shop fronts, indicating that it was a town favoring trade from the outside more than anything. Given it's location it hardly came as a surprise to Patrick, while they may have had a few farms lingering around, there didn't look to be much else they could work with. Hunting, mining, and even fishing seemed like the lesser trade professions around here, due to the location of the town and the credible mountain range nearby. While the terrain likely posed quite a challenge to the community, the bartender had to admit that the town seemed to be handling itself rather well.

Still, the two brothers walked onward, passing by a three-story building, with a hanging sign labeling it as "The Duedrop Inn" over its door. "Aaah, I know where I'm gonna go later!" Connor remarked as they continued walking past it, heading down the street towards the large manor in the distance. "How much you wanna bet they'll have some delicious food there?"

"We can bet later, Milana's likely to serve us dinner after we settle in, which you don't want to be rude and attend with a full stomach." Patrick remarked in turn as he glanced from Connor to his horse, petting the girl by the neck as they continued forward. That was when Lily asked a question from atop her horse, which Patrick then looked back to notice with a bit of surprise in his eyes. Was she wary of this place? They weren't in any immediate danger as far as he knew, but then again, he'd also forgotten where Lily originally came from. She was used to having to watch her back all the time, so really he shouldn't have felt surprised that she'd be inclined to do the same even now.

"She's the acting Vassal of her Kinship, meaning that she currently represents the head of her family." Patrick explained as he looked back up to the manor, while Connor twisted around to walk backwards alongside his horse.

"It's like our father is the Vassal or Patree- Petri- I mean Patriarch, of our Kinship as well!" The cook pointed out after his little tongue-tied episode. "They're pretty much the ones that make decisions for the Kinship, or Finla if they're the head of a Clan as well."

"Basically what Connor's tryin' to say is that Kinships are like familial bonds, he and I are brothers within the Barnell Kinship through blood, but it's not limited just by blood ties alone. Bonds, in general, are what make Kinships stronger, so it's possible for an outsider to become a part of a Kinship if they're invited to join them and go through whatever rights or proceedings are necessary." While Patrick wasn't entirely well versed in that last part, he felt sure the principle remained as straightforward as he thought. "Anyways Milana isn't necessarily Finla, which is as close to nobility as you're askin'. Still, she's an important figure in Loras, and she could benefit from our business just as we could from hers."

That was why they had come here, after all, to discuss the business of tea at least. Albeit Patrick wondered from time to time if his mother had other motives or intentions in what she did. She was clever after all and, believe it or not, perceptively considerate when it came to any sort of matter present. "But wait, doesn't that mean Lily's Kinless? That's bad right?" Connor checked as they were nearing the manor now, the walls surrounding it almost at a full pass as Patrick answered in turn.

"Technically because she's an outlander, but she's also got a visitor's pass after we hired her, so she's not violating any laws in her visit here. Eventually though if she wants true citizenship, then she'll either need to join a Kinship or start her own." Patrick answered in turn as he wondered what Lily would choose, even if he wanted to, extending the offer to join theirs wasn't really in his own right. Regardless that didn't mean she couldn't either, as Albert already grew a bit fond of her as an employee. "It's somethin' we'll talk more about when we get back home," He added as they came to a stop before the manor, "really there's probably a lot we've not touched base on for Lily at the moment."

"Definitely. Loads of learnin' for whenever we're back in Alfsos!" Connor remarked as he followed Patrick's lead, tying the horse to a post as Lily drew closer to dismount her's, doing the same the others did before the group headed towards the manor's entrance. "Bad time? I mean... I dunno... maybe it's a party?" The younger sibling remarked when Lily suggested now might've been a bad time, arguably Patrick couldn't help but agree that now appeared to be quite a busy time. Even then when they entered the threshold into the mansion, they were still greeted shortly after entering by a retainer; dressed in blue suede formal attire when they all met with him.

"G' day to you ser." Patrick greeted the man in turn as Connor stood behind the middle brother, his hands tucked into his pockets while Patrick himself stood slightly straighter than before. "Yes, I am. My younger brother Connor has accompanied, along with my friend here Leliana." He offered as he introduced each of them individually, a plain smile shot to each of them when he did so. In being introduced to the butler, Patrick gave a slight bow to show a modicum of respect, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Edwin." Admittedly the bartender was a little anxious now, even if he felt weary from the trip, the fact they were here now almost intimidated him a little. As the representing figure of his Kinship on this business venture, he knew it was highly important that he made a good impression on Lady Milana; as he did not wish to bring dishonor upon his family any time soon.

With the sweeping gesture to follow him Patrick and the others trailed along, letting Edwin lead the three of them towards their destination, as he explained the rooming situation to them. "I appreciate the hospitality, but if it's no trouble, please allow Lily to have the guest room. I'd be more than willin' to sleep wherever is necessary." He answered in turn with a warm smile shot to Leliana then, with a brief wink also as they continued to move along to a set of double doors. Once they were shown inside Patrick went ahead with the lead, entering the room by taking several steps within, and then stopping to offer the lady at the desk the same courtesy he gave Edwin. Yet Patrick remained bowed for a moment longer, with Connor joining him too momentarily before the both of them straightened to focus on the raven-haired woman.

She looked to be remarkably exhausted from where Patrick stood, with mildly dark rings lurking around the rims of her eyes. "Yes m' lady." The bartender answered in turn after she spoke, with a brief bit of elevation in his eyebrow when she asked for tea. They were going to start the meeting now then? Good. Patrick always liked to handle business before pleasure anyhow, and after resting from his journey, he definitely wanted the pleasure of exploring Loras afterward. At her invitation to sit among the lounge area, Patrick briefly looked past his shoulder to Connor and then Lily, slightly nodding as he moved to take a seat, finding a spot along the left side of the sofa, while Connor picked out one of the armchairs across from him. Whenever Lily found her spot to sit in, Patrick shot another encouraging grin to each one of them, and then focused on Milana herself as she was brought around by a burly scarred man.

"Thankfully we weren't held up by any," Patrick answered in turn when she asked about the trip, "I'd wager we'll have our hands full if we leave here with our first shipment of tea however. After we discuss the finer details of the trade agreement however." The bartender remarked with a short and hearty chuckle, somewhat relaxed on his side of the sofa as he remained cordial. "Our mother sends her regards, she even spoke highly of you before we set out." He remarked with his fingers tented together, his thumbs in a slow twiddling cycle around one another, as he waited to hear what the Vassal herself would say.

word count: 1552
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"

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