Exploring the Market [Lykos]

In which Hilana, Lykos, and Lia visit the Plaza of Jeweled Arches

The Jewel of the Northlands

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25 Ash, Year 123

[Closed- Lykos]

Some days after their first trip had them ready for another one. Lykos' accent did match those of the Kalzasern natives, just as Arvaelyn Princeps had said, and that meant that they were on the right track. However, with a city as big as it was, well... Well, they'd figure it out. Armed with their cloaks and boots again after a good breakfast, they had set off to the northern city through the Traversion Ring now that the girl had familiarized herself with the place enough to get them there.

The only real plans they had were to sight-see, explore the place as much as they could, and see if anything, anything at all, jogged Lykos' memory. A taste, a scent, something. Lia didn't mind the opportunity to do some shopping as well - it did amuse her how Kalzasern fashion was becoming popular in Solunarium, though she was a bit askance about the severe Zaichaeri fashions also being so eye-catching, but it didn't hurt for her to have a look around and see what was in-style here. The colours, the cuts, the fabrics, the materials... because if she had a mind to open her own little tailoring and design shop, then importing such things, especially with their father's trading partners... It could work. She had her own style, and if she could merge that with the interests of the exotic, it could do well at home.

The three of them, with Lykos looming a full head over Hilana, who had a fair few inches on her elder sister, made for perhaps a funny picture as they headed for the Plaza of Jeweled Arches. Finn had mentioned it the last time, and since Lia wanted to go shopping, and the rest of them didn't have further ideas and plans just yet about delving into Lykos' origins, it was as good a place as any to start. It was bound to be a busy place like the Forum at home, well, something might just turn up.

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Exploring the Market
Ash 25th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

The last time they had came to the Jewel of Karnor, what Lykos had seen there had created a sense of awe and wonder. Truly. For no matter how much he would've considered Solunarium a home, second at the least, the return to the North had only somehow reinvigorated him with every visit he made.

That did not stop him from sensing the tribulations that permeated the air of the city though. As presentable as Kalzasi was to visitors and tourists, there was an air about it that Lykos had yet to discern. A feeling of something heavy that he hadn't quite determined yet, along with another indescribable omen that would only be an obstacle in their path. Their previous venture here had left him baffled to be sure, and having a taste of life in the North once more may have refreshed him.

But the sights, the sounds, and even the smells failed to do anything for him. He truly felt like a stranger in a strange land, a foreigner so far out of place that it almost wasn't home. Probably why he remained a bit vexed since that first visit to Kalzasi, needless to say, he did not give up hope that they would find something of his past here.

As they walked down the street of the Plaza he could only admire the sights going further down, appreciative of the smells that tickled his nostrils as seared meat and roasted veggies tantalized his nose. There was hardship and a sense of community that rested on the shoulders of every local that passed, and while the trio from the South marched onward, Lykos could only slow down a little to gaze around and take it all in once more.

Truthfully, he was feeling overwhelmed at this point. The sheer immensity of this newfound environment for him almost made him want to leave, surprisingly, to retreat back into the solitude of the citadel where he knew he was safe. But the sisterly pair with him had come this far in bringing him here, and he would not let all their effort be in vain on his behalf. "So what's on the shopping list for this visit, ladies?" He humbly inquired as he slowed his breath, and quelled the trembles that nearly rattled through his hands and fingers.

It did rather amuse him, actually, that the pair required more clothing here to keep warm. That was another issue that the lupine draegir pondered about, and how difficult it had made life here, or if Kalzasi remained as resilient as ever against the long winter. While he himself only needed the simple fur and leather vestments that allowed his arms to breathe, Lykos knew the change of climate would challenge the Vastiana sisters for a while yet.

At least until they acclimated to it a bit.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 560
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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It was clear that the northern air agreed with their Rathari, and the Vastian women took their time and let him enjoy it. There was no point in rushing, not right now. They had time, be it trips in the evening when Hilana was done with work and she didn't have lessons, or a day off to visit and explore. Permission had been arranged with the Sentinels to get clearance to go, and they would of course check back in upon return. Jaunts abroad, after all, were watched. They would know immediately regardless, though Hilana never understood all of the arcane intricacies that went into maintaining the security of their nation. She trusted them all the same.

"Clothes," Lia answered before Hilana could. "I want to see what people are producing and wearing, to see the patterns and materials and fabric." Hilana just grinned and shrugged in agreement. Lia had spoken, and there wasn't a whole lot that her sister had asked for, so that was the first step of their agenda. They could start with that. And it would probably progress to looking at jewelry and other such things; there was a ball to attend later in the season, and Hilana would not be shocked if Lia chose to twist and tweak their attire until the eleventh hour before they went. She'd seen that happen before with the other Athalia, and had had to stand there while her elder sisters picked and fussed and prodded, silently hating every bit of it and resolving to mess things around later, but that wasn't a stunt that she was going to perform now.

"Are you hungry?" Hilana wanted to know, glancing at Lykos as they moved past some carts of food. She was certainly amenable to getting them some street fare, and she also didn't want the big man to get a growling stomach. Not on her watch. Lia's common was more accented than Hilana's, which was more noticeable in this environment, while Lia adjusted her cloak and checked over a silken hanfu with embroidered icewing phoenixes on it in the window of the shop that they were passing by. This could take a bit...

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Exploring the Market
Ash 25th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

As Lykos walked with the pair of them almost with a soft smile rested in his lips, his uneasiness with the overwhelming reality of the situation alleviated just a little. It made it easier to hide the underlying apprehension he'd felt indisposed with earlier, but all the more, the lupine draegir couldn't help but enjoy the present moment before him.

The Vastiana sisters who were both important people to him, were both spending time touring his very homeland with him. Were it not so surreal he would've appreciated the irony of the situation a bit more, since he could not even be bothered to provide them such an actual tour. This was his homeland and he was learning more about it just as they were, which probably grounded him all the more when he chuckled lightly to Athalia's quick-witted answer.

Clothes. Inspiration and materials for the return home. Lykos should've guessed now that he'd fulfilled that monumental task as promised, and regardless of her beliefs, she still found freedom in choosing for herself what the Void denied her. "I should've figured." To think he'd refined his scrivening just for the cleansing ritual itself, but even after, he'd still find other clever ways to apply his knowledge with other crafts. Athalia's tailoring somehow suddenly seemed like another avenue he could help her pursue.

Admittedly he didn't think on it before when he'd slowed his pace, but now that the question had been asked, Lykos did feel a bit peckish from smelling the food nearby. And there did seem some rather delectable meals being cooked throughout the vendor stalls, after all his nose never did fail at picking up delicious cuisine. "You know what, yeah actually, I could go for a bite to eat!" The thought of it actually brought out a bit more enthusiasm within his tone, as the idea of eating also venerated a comfort he could use right about now.

"Did we all want to grab a bite? Or should one of us accompany Lia into the shop nearby?" The wolf mused light-heartedly as he diverted his gaze from the younger sister to the older.
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 451
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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"I will be fine," Lia chuckled, waving at them. "Just don't go too far." Not that they'd have to, there were enough carts with food for them to select from, and if anything, Hilana and Lykos could sample different ones at a time while Lia did her shopping. Hilana had yet to find a place that she wanted to look at, but then again, her tastes and desires were different from her sister's. Same family, same love of Elementalism, same care and commitment to their friend and finding his family... but beyond that, the two of them were quite different.

"See you in a bit," Hilana was cheerful. She had her Featherlight satchel ready for whatever purchases of fabric or outfits that Athalia wanted. Or if Lykos found something that interested him, too. He had an allowance considering the efforts he had put into play in Solunarium, and even if he hadn't, the Vastiana would have happily gotten him whatever it was that he needed or wanted. The elder sister headed into the shop, and Hilana eyed the carts. "So, what are we sampling first?" she grinned up at him.

There were plenty of options, and something she was realizing was that seafood was a rather prominent staple in the Kalzasern diet. Shrimp skewers - big ones, too, the skewers over a foot long and packed with the grilled, sauced shrimps that looked pretty plump, all things considered, another vendor had some sort of round battered balls and Hilana was rather certain it was octopus in those, from what she had talked about with Finn. There had been a lot of questioning about Kalzasi food because she had been determined on more than one occasion to make some for him, or at least, do her best to try. She'd made some for Lykos, too, but this was almost certainly bound to be more authentic than what she had made. "Shrimp, octopus, I think that one might be pork or chicken," she indicated a third stall a bit further up the street. They wouldn't go far. Sample food, Lia shopped, move to the next stop, try something else, and keep on looking.

It wasn't like she could jump up on an arch and ask the wind to carry her voice to all and sundry, asking if anyone knew the Lord of Frost... but Hilana wouldn't put that option to rest just yet...

word count: 424
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