Of Emblems and Patouda [Lykos, Finn]

In which Finn, Hilana, Lia, and Lykos seek to identify another piece of Lykos' past.

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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Finn made a point of being engaging while also being a critical observer. Hilana was his friend, but she would be the first to tell him that his duty to the Custodes trumped that. Lykos was his countryman, but he was sworn to the Divine Twins. They knew he would be duty-bound to report on their conversations, but Hilana, at least, knew Finn always had the best of intentions. Whether her sister and the Rathari-cum-Draegir knew, well, Finn couldn't only very carefully listen to his Symphony, lest the power of it deafen his mind.

Perhaps Phocion would allow Lykos and Hilana their trip to Kalzasi. Perhaps he would send Finn as well, as transportation, guide, guardian, and chaperone. He liked that. Finn had wanted to show Hilana his homeland, though he would have to Command her Symphony to stillness whenever Orkhan were nearby lest she commit murder.

"Slow and deliberate seems in tune with the nature of Winter," he opined when Lykos wondered where to start. "Perhaps learning yourself here in the desert where - well, the seasons exist, but not in such violence as Karnor. But if you are approved to travel north, perhaps some of the knots will untie themselves." Finn's smile was gregarious, hopeful.

The sisters had insights to share, and he nodded along, not adding too much there. He was curious to observe as much of the process of apotheosis as possible, both to better do his job and to better serve his empyrean lord. Time would tell whether the will of mortals would change a god or the god change the mortals' understanding of his domain. Any season could kill. Any season could offer much. If a new Winter was born, then perhaps that meant there would be a sea change, that the mortal souls would learn to understand its nature with new subtlety and sophistication.

Time would tell. He wondered if he had enough time to learn those lessons, but he brushed that thought aside as it always fluttered toward dangerous territory, wondering how long he had with his amatus, and who would take care of him when Finn was gone.

"That is a mark of Arcas," he said. "Yes." His face was amiable enough, but still. He did not appreciate curses aimed at his old friend, even though he understood where it came from. The Twins themselves had made peace with Arcas' new incarnation; religion, though, moved slower than the gods.

"Strange. Deus Aværys would not permit his mark upon me. But then... he permitted his ancient enemy to sojourn here, and you were already marked when you ascended if I understand correctly." His frown was thoughtful; he hadn't read in any of the reports whether Talon - Dæmon in Solunarium - had offered any insight into Lykos.
word count: 486
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Of Emblems and Patouda
Glade 72nd, 123rd Year, A.o.S.
The philosophical views of his companions were something that Lykos took to heart very quickly. Somewhere deep down he knew that he needed to wrap his head on these ideals, especially when the time came when he would carry out his duties—the duties of the Lord of Frost. It was something he needed to prepare himself for in the long run, and to do that, the lupine draegir needed to first understand the principles that would guide him on his path of Divinity.

It was all to the comfort of reassurance when he felt Hilana's hand squeeze his own, earning a warm smile out of him yet as he reflected on the concepts spoken in front of him. People did tend to have short memories when it came to their mortal lives, and though the cold would still bring dismay to those with bitter hearts; there was a point Lykos had to bear in mind in regards to the moniker he carried. Everything being his scope of control, beyond his perceptions of the world, all that they were simply relied on him remaining focused on the here and now.

He just needed to let go and move on from what he couldn't change or control. No point in dwelling on anything else in the meantime, only focus on the matters he could until everything else sorted itself out. "Probably not!" He admitted with a hearty chuckle in response to the rhetoric of spiders and scorpions, as the wolf could easily tell such creatures weren't on his typical dietary palette. "I'd no sooner believe it the opinion of a mad woman if I were being honest."

The remark came with a hint of jubilance to mark the humor of his tone, though, with the inspection of the contents of the book there came another clue. A link to the Emblem which rested on his left forearm, where the blade wreathed in flames glimmered softly across the skin. "It certainly does..." The audible disdain in Athalia's voice was quite clear to him, and though he didn't fully understand why just yet, Lykos had somewhat of an idea based on the teachings of Varvaerynism.

Athalia had remarkably schooled him on the tenets or history for that matter, but what he had learned certainly didn't paint other subjects in a better light. Orks and other deities were the only beings that were essentially enemies to the subjects of the Divine Twins, and yet, Lykos sensed no discourse from Finn other than what might've been considered on Athalia's behalf. Is it possible he's close to Arcas? It didn't remain out of the realm of possibility, if Lykos himself were a demigod then it wasn't outrageous to think another walked this earth.

"Before Ascension, huh?" The lupine draegir pondered when he looked from the subvigil down at his forearm. It was so difficult to grasp what he was like before, that even the idea of being mortal before seemed like an unusual take on his life prior. But it would've had to make sense that he earned this Emblem at such a time, unless, demigods were sometimes prone to exchanging them every once in a while. Still, it remained another clue to the puzzle he was gradually learning to piece together, and while he was only working with just a few pieces, more were surely bound to follow in the days to come.

"It's a strange feeling when I try to imagine being mortal. I've only known myself as a draegir, which I suppose is only half that when I do think about it..." He lowered his arm once more and peered away from the Emblem, sensing nothing else would come about concerning his prior life. "I've a feeling that if we do go north, as you say, then we're ought to find more there than here." Lykos admitted with a bit of curiosity in his tone, knowing that any residual trace of history on him likely remained in the North. But down here in this remote part of the world, there had been things Lykos needed to do firsthand.

Things that would indeed take the time necessary to assess himself a bit more, and realize just who he is currently rather than who he was before. Solunarium would undoubtedly benefit from it in the long run, but in turn, Lykos found benefit for himself in the end also. He was helping out friends who had grown important to him in the time he'd spend here, and in doing so, expound upon everything he learned of himself in the process. "Before that time comes though, I'll have a couple of more things to figure out." The wolf then side-eyed Lia first and then Lana, before the thought in his mind went and turned into inquiry.

"Question for you Subvigil, but what are your thoughts on cleansing magic? And while you're at it, I'd like to know your beliefs on the soul and what it is." The sisters might've been able to easily guess what he had subtly hinted toward, and even so, Lykos still wanted to know what his peers thought of these questions in their own concepts. With magic, there always remained a certainty within impossibility, as miracles and tragedies were both born from those with willful minds. But the idyllic beliefs of what composed a soul came with depths, and answers which layered meaning over the very terminology of the word.

And truthfully, Lykos wanted to understand every bit of it, through what these three individuals had to say about it.
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1026
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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"Oh, I'm mad now?" Hilana teased him, raising an eyebrow and making a face. "Fine. I was going to hold off on the scorpions until we took another trip around the village, but fine. I'll go and get some, and then we're having them tomorrow night for dinner." And she would, too. She was pretty sure she could go and find some and bring them back to cook.

For the moment, though, Hilana switched to the dialect from the far southern sands that they had grown up with. Finn had heard it before, when Hilana had brought him and Arvaelyn to the Frost Festival last season, and the words were close enough to normal Vastian for him to get it. But it was rapid-fire, and it was hushed. "He'll be coming back in a few days, Lia," Hilana told her. "Arcas. He's been in and out of here before without you knowing, I imagine. Tall, silver hair, winged. Usually has an even taller red-headed partner with him."

Athalia was at a loss for words, and couldn't get one in anyway with her little sister continuing. "I don't know what led to it, but whatever it is, the Founders are freed, and They made Their peace with him. If They didn't want him here, then They wouldn't allow him here, and neither would the Custodes Deorum. Let it go. He is a friend to Finn, and he has been kind to me. He's helped me out and taught me many things. I know it's hard, but you have to let it go." When her sister looked away, Hilana returned her attention to Finn and to Lykos.

Both sisters listened as the two transplants talked, and Lia picked up her patouda once again. She had much to learn, it seemed, because what Hilana had just said was so completely contradictory to what she knew and had grown up with. Hilana’s education had been completely different from theirs, with a lack of structure and formal teaching. But if anything… she seemed to have somehow come out ahead of all of it. Likely due to the company that she kept, but she seemed aware of things here that their people at large were not. So if that was the case…

word count: 406
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"I would hazard to guess that you might appreciate this time whenever you look back upon it, your memories restored," he said. "You don't have the, ah, distraction of your former life. When you have better come to terms with what it means to be drægir, and you retrieve your memories, it might be easier to integrate your past self with your current self, and glean what wisdom from your past you are able."

Finn had always been a glass-half-full sort of fellow.

As for cleansing magic, "I'm afraid I am not much of a mage. At least, not much of a scholar of magic. I am skilled with my runes, but cleansing seems as though it would be complicated, requiring a greater understanding of magic in general than I have. Combining disciplines, even. But useful."

The necromantic healers had certainly cleansed his wound of the void markers when his arm had been temporarily removed from his shoulder. He didn't bring it up, though, not wanting to upset Hilana, though he was mostly ambivalent about it anymore. While he blocked out the majority of the Command that blanketed Solunarium, he had allowed them to help him work through the trauma of his injury and move past it.

"The closest to cleansing I can manage is helping weed discordant melodies out of a person's symphony," he offered. As he considered his magic, he pulled a dagger out of the aether. The pulling was painless, but this would require he practice his meditations later so releasing the dagger back into the aether didn't overtax him. He practiced flipping it and catching it by the tip. It wasn't a nervous tic, exactly, but it quickly became unconscious. He wanted to be as comfortable with weapons as he was with instruments.

"The soul? Hm, I know a thousand songs about it, but I think, ultimately, it is a pattern of aether. Complex. Our flesh houses it. When we die, it returns to the Grimlord for sorting, either to be reborn for more experience, or sent to the realm of whichever Gods we revere. So, I suppose my soul is a golden coin in the hoard of Deus Aværys." He smiled.

"What do you think? About cleansing magic? About the soul?" He looked to the sisters, as well, curious about their responses as he was about the murmured words about Arcas' planned return to Solunarium.
word count: 426
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Of Emblems and Patouda
Glade 72nd, 123rd Year, A.o.S.
The playfulness in their banter was palpable as Lykos could only grin in response to Hilana's reaction, a quick nod with the word "yes," quipped in turn when she reposed the quip of being mad. Of course, her hearty way of sassing him with the threat of scorpions for dinner warranted a scoff of amusement, but nevertheless, Lykos could only chuckle at the end of it all.

He knew Lana to be serious enough to dare try it, and given his resilience against it, she wouldn't be against testing him to see if he'd cave and do it. Not that he imagined himself doing so. Scorpions were just... something that he never imagined being on his palette for dinner, even the thought of it nearly warranted a grimace, which he held at bay while he heeded the conversation that was carried out between the Vastiana sisters. Athalia remained a strong acolyte of the principles that were integral to her life, the historic teachings of Solunarian culture which the Lupine Draegir himself oft thought a little dogmatic.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from weighing opinions on the beliefs of his peers. What they believed in did not entirely matter to him, since he hadn't found reasons to feel contradictory to the matter as of yet. Once the elder sister had found silence to make peace with the situation, Finn was the one to weigh in next with the implication of Lykos' memories. To a degree, he could see the merit in having such clerical hindsight in the end, although, there did exist the open-ended questions that the wolf had only recently asked himself as of late.

Still, Lykos heeded the insights of the subvigil with lofty regard, if only because he would require such thoughtful consideration in the near future. The combination of magics would certainly be involved, as he was still somewhat limited even in his craft of Negation alone. There would be concepts he'd have to consider and explore, particularly when it came to the bit where Finn regarded his own skill as a Mesmer. Though not familiar with the intricacies of the Rune, he understood well enough that it influenced emotions through sound as a proxy. In a sense it was much like Semblance but the Mesmer had to essentially feel and interpret those sensations rather than visibly see them.

Something important to note in the long run, but not completely relevant as the other side of this philosophical inquiry. And naturally, Lykos failed to be disappointed with the answer he had received, as Finn had an eloquent way of describing the soul as a concept. In the end it was aether, rather, a complex makeup of aether that governed the mind and body. Lykos could understand this point of view fairly clearly, and it led him to ponder the depths and boundaries that exist within a soul. Mainly, he began to question the makeup of a soul itself and what that entailed, but naturally, he wondered the same as Finn in regards to what the sisters thought.

After all, their beliefs and perspective on the subject were just as equally important, given the disposition Lykos possessed with the pair of siblings.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 616
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Experience: 10 xp for use at your discretion

Injuries: N/A

Loot: N/A

Notes: Given its length and the fact that it's from Glade 123 while we're in Glade 124 with more pressing threads for this trio, I'm just closing it out so we can focus on more current plots.
word count: 76
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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