Our Revelries, ii.

Wherein Kaus & Co return to the Palatium in the wee hours of the morning.

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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"We can, yes," Kaus answered. And Kala added, "I believe that is a talent of the Re'hyæn elves, for neither the Hytori nor the Siltori can claim anything similar. Although, much of what I have heard is rumor only. You confirm it..."

"If you were bonded to me," Kaus continued, "some of you and Kala would cross. I am so closely entwined with her, it would take constant vigilance to keep you out of my thoughts, or keep her out of mine."

"I rather think it would take more to pull one of us in too many directions than your average Avialæ," Kala said, taking up the Leukos side of the conversation. "Bonds are, with some exceptions, matters of mutual agreement. The Kathar are enslaved via the magic of the Obelisk. A master manipulator, with or without the aid of Mesmer or Semblance, might incite a bond under false pretenses. But we bonded in the womb. We could hardly have been conscious enough to do so, but we did. We don't know life without each other, and so we are anchored in each other. We ground each other. So, it would take more to unbalance us."

She smiled after his kiss.

Kaus said, "You will see," after Raithen made his desire known. The twins sat up, crossing their legs underneath them. They were individuals, clearly related, but there were tics and traits that marked them as closer than siblings. They understood the world through each other as much as through their own experiences.

Kaus put his hand over Raithen's heart. Kala pulled Raithen's hand up to splay against her sternum. She put her hand over Kaus' and Raithen's. Kaus did the same once he had Raithen's hand against his heart. They brought their foreheads together with the dux's. Kala, whose fiery childhood temper had required quite a bit of meditation, began to sync her breath with Raithen's and then her heartbeat. Kaus did the same, following her lead.

It had been a gradual, easy thing with Ceran and Indric, but that had developed over time. This was the accelerated version. It must have looked comical if anyone could have seen, but eventually, behind closed eyes, a third eye seemed to open and a little bit of the twins poured into Raithen even as a little bit of him flowed into them. It was decidedly a thing. Though light, it was undeniable.

There was a touch of shock, some of it, understandably, from Raithen, for whom this was new. There was an answering shock from Kala, who felt as though she had taken far more than she had given of herself, though she was calm enough in the light trance that she knew she would figure it out later, that it was likely something to do with being a Firstborn, and a Moritasi.

The twins opened their eyes when Raithen spoke, everyone smiling as they leaned back to look at him, hands falling to laps, but holding onto hands. They maintained their calm, sharing it with him, anchoring him in the moment, assuring him with their sure knowledge that everything was fine. He was safe, appreciated, wanted. Kala remained calm, though Kaus' exhilaration kept her smiling.

Not holding anything back, Raithen could feel the sincerity of their feelings for him, and that echoed through everything they had ever said to him. Kaus didn't hide the flutter in his chest that Raithen inspired. He wasn't an idiot, but he was infatuated. Kala was too in her way, though it was markedly different from her twin's.
word count: 605
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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To an outside, they would have continued to look odd as Raithen stared between them with his mouth a little open, looking for all the world as if he'd never seen another person before. In a way, he hadn't.

This went on for quite sometime, with very little outward change. Inwardly, he was exploring, as cautiously as someone might touch a newborn animal who hasn't ever been near one, as though a feather touch might shatter it. He did not grow bolder, even as he began to settle out of his shock, continuing to explore as softly as if it was himself he feared breaking. When he spoke it was in pieces, mostly just "I..." and "You...", without anything else aloud. They could understand, and their gentle amusement didn't hurt him. He would have been laughing at himself under other circumstances, but as it was, he couldn't spare the attention for it.

When at last he was able to ground himself enough to feel the edges of Kaus' infatuation he did smile, and, for a moment, it was all he could do not to push into it. The dux knew himself though, and if he did that it would end in explorations that, while satisfactory, would not be what he was currently after.

It was so... new. The way the twins felt about sex was different from how he did, there was a little shyness that he had never experienced that was fascinating. It wasn't quite embarrassment and it felt good, a sort of trembling excitement and... There weren't words for it. If he let himself he would spend the whole night finding their equivalent of his own emotions so he could experience them in the different ways they did.

When he began to feel overwhelmed again, simply due to the amount of information available he pulled back a little, mentally, at least, murmuring,

"Holy Twins, you live like this? How do you get anything done?" He was laughing a little at himself but more in wonder. It felt like he was raw from sheer newness, like he had when he'd first started using either of his runes. A new part of him existed, except, this time, that part was also someone, someones, else.
word count: 389
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They were patient with him, and pleased that he couldn't hide the sincerity of his feelings for them either. There was a pang of sadness from Kaus that Raithen's feelings weren't of the same character as his own, but he processed it on the spot—rare for someone of his age, but he had always had an empathetic heart beating next to his own, helping him with thoughts and feelings. He didn't blame Raithen, and he was pleased with what Raithen did feel. He hoped the golden dux understood that even through such a light bond.

They laughed at the words he offered when he was finally coherent.

"You'll find, I think," Kaus said, "that you can get used to anything." That said, he looked to Kala, a sense of expectation thrumming through their bonds. She looked from Kaus to Raithen, pale eyebrows rising gently.

"I can release it now," she said slowly. "No bonding hangover, although, you might have strange dreams tonight. Bits and pieces of us being turned over in your subconscious mind."

Kaus gave Raithen's hand a squeeze, then rose with his strange coltish grace. He stretched his limbs, mantled his wings, then shook some of the sand out of them. Much would slough off on the flight back to the city, but it was an instinct to keep his means of flight unencumbered. They didn't even needs the palms for shade anymore as the sun sank toward the western horizon.

His stomach was beginning to growl again. It was rare Kaus couldn't put a meal away; his body was given little opportunity to store energy the way he lived. He and Kala ate like birds—raptors. At least they had better table manners.

But Kala remained seated beside their temporary bondmate, wanting to ensure the entirety of the process was well done.
word count: 314
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Finally, his mind had settled into the changes, though there was still much, possibly infinite measures, to explore, it could wait. There was time, except, no, there wasn't.

Kala's gentle offer reminded him, suddenly, that this had only been an experiment, a kind gesture to allow him to know what it felt like to be one of his own kind. But, like heat, it wasn't meant to last beyond the setting of the sun. Kaus rose and moved a little away to stretch and shake out his limbs, a symbolic representation of what was about to happen inside them.

For a long moment Raithen couldn't speak, or, he might have, but knew better than to try. What might have come out of him would not have been gracious, not in the spirit of the gift he'd been given. It took him longer than was probably socially graceful to answer, but he did the best he could. At last,

"As you wish." He flashed a tiny smile and nod to Kala to show his consent but looked away immediately. His voice hadn't broken, and if it was a little rough he hoped it might be blamed on the long day they'd spent speaking. The only strong emotion he was used to feeling outside the constant pressure of the Mesmers of the city were those associated with battle. He badly wanted to be back in the city where all his ills would be instantly dulled but he had been trained to compartmentalize what he was feeling so he could function properly under extraordinary circumstances and he did so then. With luck, a hint of his tumult would be all either of the twins experienced, he certainly wasn't getting any wave of dread or loss from them, so he could hope.

Swallowing he took a slow breath through his nose and deep into his chest, letting his eyes wander the beauty of the sunset oasis to distract him. Like having an arrow pulled out; try and relax, breathe through it, and it'd be done.
word count: 357
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Kala Leukos
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(Un)fortunately for Raithen, they were well-versed in Avialæ bonds. As he tried to grit his teeth against the pain, he was suddenly awash with warmth from two souls or perhaps a twinned soul, that had allowed him to burrow in between them for warmth. It wasn't a warmth the sun or the Sceptre could match, but rather something somewhat ineffable.

Kala twined her limbs about him, and Kaus knelt back down to wrap his arms around the golden dux. The physical nearness of them heightened the feelings, and while the bonds were a slender thread compared to the river that flowed back and forth between the twins, the feelings were strong enough that Raithen couldn't deny that they came from without.

They were radically honest with their feelings, and it was quite difficult to lie to a bondmate. Kaus was infatuated, knew it was not reciprocated, but was content with what was requited. Kala was intrigued, wanted to know more. Both twins were attracted to him, and his body was the least of that. They wanted to take him home with them, firmly connect him with his Avialæ brethren among the Synnekar, but there was a faint melancholy that he would feel torn from his home if they did.

Kala stretched up to kiss him on the mouth, chaste, but only so as not to confuse the moment. Kaus squeezed his hand.

"We are content to keep the bond," she said seriously. "We can revisit before we return to Kalzasi, but even if we leave it then, it won't matter much until next we meet. Would you like that, Raithen?"

The both of them were stroking skin, hair, feathers, not keeping him from his feelings, but soothing the pains he didn't quite understand.
word count: 299
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Suddenly, the hardening Raithen had tried to place around himself was filled with warmth, not from the outside, but from the inside. They were still there, and they knew what he'd been feeling. It was new, but oddly familiar. As the twins reached out to comfort him inwardly they also did so outwardly and he couldn't help but wrap one arm around each and accept their intention along with their bodies.

It wasn't that Raithen wasn't infatuated, he was, but it was a theoretical thing. The *idea* of Kaus enchanted him, as the idea of Kala did. It might change in time to be attached to the individuals involved, and, in fact, it already was shifting minutely as they spent time together. But, if either or both of the twins had proven to have dispositions not suited to Raithen's own, his interest would not have waned. So much of the Soluniarian culture was of the mind; nothing was personal, even within oneself.

The kiss was accepted more than reciprocated, he wanted to feel her give it to him. When it was done he pressed his face between their two and steadied himself with another slow breath. If it shook a little, he tried not to be ashamed of it.

"I would." Solemnity sounded odd in his normally carefree voice.

They tangled together, three bodies, three sets of wings, three personalities, three souls, sharing the same space. It was comfort, it was connection and, somewhere growing, it was tentatively exciting.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon and the heat of the day cooled rapidly it felt better and better to be close. What would be, would be, but Raithen wanted it, more than ever. He would keep them, in this small, not secret but private way, so long as they would let him.
word count: 317
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Points: 20 each due to the double length of the thread
Either may use for magic

Injuries/Ailments: A bit of ongoing heartache for Raithen as a side effect to a new bond with those who will be far away soon.

Loot: A new bond between Kaus and Raithen, a new bond between Kala and Raithen

Notes: Surely there will be no unexpected consequences to these actions.

Mod XP: None
word count: 100
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